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Year 2005, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 101 - 108, 01.03.2005


  • Akaydın Y. ve Kabak, M. (2004). Evcil domuz yavrulannda (SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS) hemal üğüml ri morfolojisi. 3. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi, uş das Ayd
  • Aşt ı, R.N., Kurtdede, N. ve Ergün, L. (1993). Kangal kö- pekterinin perifer kan T-Ienfositleri üzerinde şı ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg. , 40 (4),563-576.
  • Aştı R.N., Alabay, B., Kurtdede, N., Altunay, H. ve Ergün, L. (1996). Farklı hayvan türlerinin perifer kan lökositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 43 (2),129-133.
  • Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and laneseo, L. (1980). Cytochemieal study of thymocytes and T Iymphocytes , Br J Haematol,44, 577·582.
  • Blindar, V.N., Lebedeva, N.B., Zubrikhina , G.N., and Soloveva, E.A. (1993). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase-a eytochemieal marker of the T-helpers . Klin. Lab. Diagn., 6, 38-40.
  • Bradbury, P. and Gordon, K.C. (1990). Conneetive tissues and stains, In "The Theory and Praetiee of Histologieal Techniques", Eds. by JD Baneroft and A Slewens, 119- 142, ard edilion, The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Cecearelli, P., Gargiulo, A.M., Fagioli, O. And Pedini, V. (1986). Cytochemical identification of Iymphoeytes and other mononuclear eells in ovne and bovine hemal nodes. Comp.lmmun. Mierobiol. Infect. Dis., 9 (4), 297-302.
  • Cerutti, P., Marcaccini, A. and Guerrero, F. (1998). A seanning and immunohistochemical study in bovine haemal node. Anat. Histol Embryol. 27, 387-392.
  • Cerutti, P. and Guerrero, F. (2001). Identifieation of positive cells to interleukin-4 in bovine haemal nodes, Anat. Histol. Embryol., 30(4), 219.
  • Constantineseu, G.M., Brown, E.M. and MeLure, R.C. (1988). Aeeesory parotid Iymph and hemal nodes in the temporal fossa in three oxen. The Corneli Veterinarian, 78 (2),147-154.
  • Culling, C.F.A., Allison, R.T. and Barr, W.T. (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique , Butterworths and Co Ltd, London.
  • Çelik, 1. , Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. (1991). Insan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi, S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg.,7(4), 497-503.
  • Dixon, R.J. and Moriarty, K.M. (1983). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase activity is not a specifie marker for ovine T Iymphocytes. Vet.lmmunol. ImmunopathoL., 4 (4), 505-512.
  • Eren, Ü., Aştı, R.N., Kurtdede, N., Sandıkçı, M. ve Sur, E. (1999). Inek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Seienees, 23 (1): 193· 201.
  • Ezeasor, D.M. and Singh, A. (1988). Histology of the capnne hemai node. Acla Anat. 133, 16-23.
  • Ez...... D.N . s.v>. A. ond smo. D.E. (1989). E<ytrOPhagOCY106II in the capme hernaI node. Acta AnaL. 134, 341-345-
  • Ezeasa, D.M. and A (1990). t.bphoiogicai i&- atures CA vesseb in c:apme hemai nodes. American JOUmıIL CA Velemary Aasean::tı. 51 (7) 1139-1143.
  • GargiI.*l, AM.• CeCCareII. P. and Pedınl V, (1987}. An:- hıCec:::Ln ot sheıep haem8l nodea. Aeseart:h in Vetemal'y soence. ... 280-286.
  • Hoggy, K.E.. 8ums. G.F. ond _ . .G~ (1971). peetWT'W\8tKLn ot B. T and NlAI~es by es'I8f8M cytoctıemıstıy scand. J. Haemaıol 18,431-448.
  • K.a;ikawa. O.• Koyama, H., Yashikawa. T.• TStbaki. S. and Sai1o. H. (1983). use of alpha-naphthyf acetale eseoee stal'Wlg Lo ıd8nlıfy T ~9S in caltle, Am. J. Vet. Aes. . 44(8), 1549-1552.
  • D.M.• Hottman. H.T.• Ferrarri, M. and Kıri.ei, H,G. (1978). The demonsttatıonof ac.:i aeecaıe eeterese aetMtY ın hı.men LJSeh.*LeSS as a T<ef lT\, QıI tmrrıı.n:ıl ıs 112·123.
  • KnowIes, D.M. and HOCk. S. (1978). ıssue lOıCaıiz.abon cıt T~es by the l"Gloctıet ııical deı ,O ıstı alioi ol acid a-napf'ıöıyl acetate ~orase,lIıb tnvesl.. 39(1 ). 70-76-
  • _ DM .... _ . J.P. (1980). H<men """"""" and kOrtJCaL lhymOcytes are to !he presençe ol abserıce ol c:ytochen demoı lStJabIEı aCId a -naphthyl ae:ecate es'Ierase (ANAE) oIClMry. J. lmrn.noL , 125(6),2823-2825.
  • Konı..+t.. T. (1981). Pratık Fızyokıp. A.O. Vet. Fak. Yayın. 378, AU Basımevi, Ankara. Kur1dede, N.• Aştı R.N.• Ergün, L ve ErgCın E. (2000). Ankafa keçılemin bronş-i1işkiIi ıMrald dokusu (BAl1) ÜZ&- ve elektron mikroskobik çaıışmala A.U.Veı.Fak.Oerg. , 47 (1), 51·58.
  • U, e .Y.. Yam, LT. and Crosby, W.H. (1972). HisIOCtıemiCaL ch8 raclerizalion of cel1ular and lıuctural eemools of human spleerı, J. Hislochem. CyIochem.. 20(12), 1049-1 058.
  • Maı1ı. NK. San, 5 .5. and Sharma. S.N. (1990). HisLOeherrICaJ studıes on chicken bklod les, Vet. Res. Commun•• 14,207·210.
  • MUeIer. J.• Bn.ndet, Re G.• BUer1Q. H.• KeIer. H.U_ Hess, MW. and Coaıef H. (1975), NOlıspesl"ıc acid esterase ac· lMtY: a cn1enon 101ditl8fef'ItIalJOn of T and B .ı mouse nodes. E.... J. 1tm'U'CLL,5, 27~27 Pangaiis, GA. Wabnın S.R. and H. (1978).
  • ytoc:tıemicaıl frıCIr9S in funan noıı ıeop'asllC t:b:ıd and tOrtSAar B anel T ~es. Am. J. Pathol. 69, 314-318. 108
  • Prutti. A.K.. R.KP. and Sadana, J.R (1987). Adet napt'ıö1yt -=etate eısIerase eCtMIY ın ~ra1 bklod ~es and mOnOCYt8I of ct.::kens. J. Vet Med. A.. 34. 390-392.
  • AanIQ, A. (1978). NOrHPeSııfiC esaerase ac:ırvıry in tunan ..CIn. 1r'ıYıuwıl1ııYruq:ıeıhoL 10.47-58. sir9\ A. (1959). on the iliooecopic scn.ıcture cıt haemaI nodes cıt tıı.ıtaIO CaIVeS. 8nW'ı Vetematy Jot.mal. 115, 271-273.
  • Stewens. A and Bancroft. J .D. (1990). Prol:eins and nUCIeiC -=dı. in -The Theory and practıce ol HI$IClk)gıitaI Tec:hEds. by JO 8ancıoft and A Sttl'W8M, 177-2 13. 3td E<itMwı The 8ath Press. Avon.
  • T_. A.(1999). Ozel ....oıo;.......... Thorp, B.H.• Seneque, S., StaUle, K and ~on. W.G. {1991). CharM:tenzalion and c:istti:lubon cıt ~esu>- sets in iheep hemaI nodes. DeVekıPmentaI and com- _Umulology.15,393-400.
  • Wınoqu6sl. G. (1954). The bOYiLe hemai nodes. Acta Anat , 22. 108-112. WıMI J.e.. SaIe. G.E.. Deeg. H.J. and Stoıb R (1961).. NOnSPeSiIıC add esae.-ase adLYtY as a rnarQr tor CarW1e T· ... "'"' _ . 9(8). 85-870.
  • Yang. T.J.•Jantzen.PA and WAams, L F. (1979). Acid c - rıaphıhyf ac:em!e eısierase: p'ecel'lce of aaıvcy in bovile and tıuııan T· and B .. Irnrruıoklgy,38, 85-93 ,
  • Yoon. Y.S•• lee. J.s.. lee. H.S. and Km. J.S. (1989). t.bphoiogicai stucie:s on !he hemal node and node in the Korean native goıd The Korearı Journal of Analomy. 22 (2), 261-278.
  • Yoon, Y.S.. lee, J.S.• lee, H.S.• lee. 1.5 .• Km. D.J. and Km.J.S. (1990). Ullrastructural stı..d9S on the hemal rooe and the node in Lhe Korean nalive goal. Korean Sodetyof 8ectron MiCr06COPY. 20 (1), 77-89.
  • Yoon. Y.S., Sh!n, JW . and lee, J.S. (1999a). Utlrastructure ol hemaI node and hernotymph node in the Korean na ive goal. Korean Journal of Velerinary Research, 39 (5), 855- 864.
  • Yoon, Y.S., Shın, J.W. and l ee, J ,$. (1999b). Age-relaled mOrPhOk)giCaI studıes on hemal node and node in the Korean M live goal. Jcunal of V&- 1efinaıy Resean::h. 39 (S), 865-877.
  • YOn:ık.M.• Aştı, RN .• Kuıtdede N.• A(»aOı)IU, z.. AIlı.ınay H. (1998). and eiectron ıı io oeoopic StUıCIeS on alphanaphthyl acetate esıerase acııvty of ıhe tbxl T· ~es in Van c8l, Anat HiSIOL Enbyaı. 27(5). 289- 292-
  • zıc::ca. A. lepmi. A.. cadori. A . Franzı" AT.• Fenarn, Mand Grossi. e.E. (198 1). L.JIIraStn.Jdı. Iocabarnı CA aı:::etate 8cid erase ın tunan Tm ~es. Am. J. Pathoi_ 105(1 ),40-46.

A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep

Year 2005, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 101 - 108, 01.03.2005


  • Akaydın Y. ve Kabak, M. (2004). Evcil domuz yavrulannda (SUS SCROFA DOMESTICUS) hemal üğüml ri morfolojisi. 3. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi, uş das Ayd
  • Aşt ı, R.N., Kurtdede, N. ve Ergün, L. (1993). Kangal kö- pekterinin perifer kan T-Ienfositleri üzerinde şı ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg. , 40 (4),563-576.
  • Aştı R.N., Alabay, B., Kurtdede, N., Altunay, H. ve Ergün, L. (1996). Farklı hayvan türlerinin perifer kan lökositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., 43 (2),129-133.
  • Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and laneseo, L. (1980). Cytochemieal study of thymocytes and T Iymphocytes , Br J Haematol,44, 577·582.
  • Blindar, V.N., Lebedeva, N.B., Zubrikhina , G.N., and Soloveva, E.A. (1993). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase-a eytochemieal marker of the T-helpers . Klin. Lab. Diagn., 6, 38-40.
  • Bradbury, P. and Gordon, K.C. (1990). Conneetive tissues and stains, In "The Theory and Praetiee of Histologieal Techniques", Eds. by JD Baneroft and A Slewens, 119- 142, ard edilion, The Bath Press, Avon.
  • Cecearelli, P., Gargiulo, A.M., Fagioli, O. And Pedini, V. (1986). Cytochemical identification of Iymphoeytes and other mononuclear eells in ovne and bovine hemal nodes. Comp.lmmun. Mierobiol. Infect. Dis., 9 (4), 297-302.
  • Cerutti, P., Marcaccini, A. and Guerrero, F. (1998). A seanning and immunohistochemical study in bovine haemal node. Anat. Histol Embryol. 27, 387-392.
  • Cerutti, P. and Guerrero, F. (2001). Identifieation of positive cells to interleukin-4 in bovine haemal nodes, Anat. Histol. Embryol., 30(4), 219.
  • Constantineseu, G.M., Brown, E.M. and MeLure, R.C. (1988). Aeeesory parotid Iymph and hemal nodes in the temporal fossa in three oxen. The Corneli Veterinarian, 78 (2),147-154.
  • Culling, C.F.A., Allison, R.T. and Barr, W.T. (1985). Cellular Pathology Technique , Butterworths and Co Ltd, London.
  • Çelik, 1. , Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. (1991). Insan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi, S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg.,7(4), 497-503.
  • Dixon, R.J. and Moriarty, K.M. (1983). Alpha-naphthyl aeetate esterase activity is not a specifie marker for ovine T Iymphocytes. Vet.lmmunol. ImmunopathoL., 4 (4), 505-512.
  • Eren, Ü., Aştı, R.N., Kurtdede, N., Sandıkçı, M. ve Sur, E. (1999). Inek uterusunda mast hücrelerinin histolojik ve histokimyasal özellikleri ve mast hücre heterojenitesi. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Seienees, 23 (1): 193· 201.
  • Ezeasor, D.M. and Singh, A. (1988). Histology of the capnne hemai node. Acla Anat. 133, 16-23.
  • Ez...... D.N . s.v>. A. ond smo. D.E. (1989). E<ytrOPhagOCY106II in the capme hernaI node. Acta AnaL. 134, 341-345-
  • Ezeasa, D.M. and A (1990). t.bphoiogicai i&- atures CA vesseb in c:apme hemai nodes. American JOUmıIL CA Velemary Aasean::tı. 51 (7) 1139-1143.
  • GargiI.*l, AM.• CeCCareII. P. and Pedınl V, (1987}. An:- hıCec:::Ln ot sheıep haem8l nodea. Aeseart:h in Vetemal'y soence. ... 280-286.
  • Hoggy, K.E.. 8ums. G.F. ond _ . .G~ (1971). peetWT'W\8tKLn ot B. T and NlAI~es by es'I8f8M cytoctıemıstıy scand. J. Haemaıol 18,431-448.
  • K.a;ikawa. O.• Koyama, H., Yashikawa. T.• TStbaki. S. and Sai1o. H. (1983). use of alpha-naphthyf acetale eseoee stal'Wlg Lo ıd8nlıfy T ~9S in caltle, Am. J. Vet. Aes. . 44(8), 1549-1552.
  • D.M.• Hottman. H.T.• Ferrarri, M. and Kıri.ei, H,G. (1978). The demonsttatıonof ac.:i aeecaıe eeterese aetMtY ın hı.men LJSeh.*LeSS as a T<ef lT\, QıI tmrrıı.n:ıl ıs 112·123.
  • KnowIes, D.M. and HOCk. S. (1978). ıssue lOıCaıiz.abon cıt T~es by the l"Gloctıet ııical deı ,O ıstı alioi ol acid a-napf'ıöıyl acetate ~orase,lIıb tnvesl.. 39(1 ). 70-76-
  • _ DM .... _ . J.P. (1980). H<men """"""" and kOrtJCaL lhymOcytes are to !he presençe ol abserıce ol c:ytochen demoı lStJabIEı aCId a -naphthyl ae:ecate es'Ierase (ANAE) oIClMry. J. lmrn.noL , 125(6),2823-2825.
  • Konı..+t.. T. (1981). Pratık Fızyokıp. A.O. Vet. Fak. Yayın. 378, AU Basımevi, Ankara. Kur1dede, N.• Aştı R.N.• Ergün, L ve ErgCın E. (2000). Ankafa keçılemin bronş-i1işkiIi ıMrald dokusu (BAl1) ÜZ&- ve elektron mikroskobik çaıışmala A.U.Veı.Fak.Oerg. , 47 (1), 51·58.
  • U, e .Y.. Yam, LT. and Crosby, W.H. (1972). HisIOCtıemiCaL ch8 raclerizalion of cel1ular and lıuctural eemools of human spleerı, J. Hislochem. CyIochem.. 20(12), 1049-1 058.
  • Maı1ı. NK. San, 5 .5. and Sharma. S.N. (1990). HisLOeherrICaJ studıes on chicken bklod les, Vet. Res. Commun•• 14,207·210.
  • MUeIer. J.• Bn.ndet, Re G.• BUer1Q. H.• KeIer. H.U_ Hess, MW. and Coaıef H. (1975), NOlıspesl"ıc acid esterase ac· lMtY: a cn1enon 101ditl8fef'ItIalJOn of T and B .ı mouse nodes. E.... J. 1tm'U'CLL,5, 27~27 Pangaiis, GA. Wabnın S.R. and H. (1978).
  • ytoc:tıemicaıl frıCIr9S in funan noıı ıeop'asllC t:b:ıd and tOrtSAar B anel T ~es. Am. J. Pathol. 69, 314-318. 108
  • Prutti. A.K.. R.KP. and Sadana, J.R (1987). Adet napt'ıö1yt -=etate eısIerase eCtMIY ın ~ra1 bklod ~es and mOnOCYt8I of ct.::kens. J. Vet Med. A.. 34. 390-392.
  • AanIQ, A. (1978). NOrHPeSııfiC esaerase ac:ırvıry in tunan ..CIn. 1r'ıYıuwıl1ııYruq:ıeıhoL 10.47-58. sir9\ A. (1959). on the iliooecopic scn.ıcture cıt haemaI nodes cıt tıı.ıtaIO CaIVeS. 8nW'ı Vetematy Jot.mal. 115, 271-273.
  • Stewens. A and Bancroft. J .D. (1990). Prol:eins and nUCIeiC -=dı. in -The Theory and practıce ol HI$IClk)gıitaI Tec:hEds. by JO 8ancıoft and A Sttl'W8M, 177-2 13. 3td E<itMwı The 8ath Press. Avon.
  • T_. A.(1999). Ozel ....oıo;.......... Thorp, B.H.• Seneque, S., StaUle, K and ~on. W.G. {1991). CharM:tenzalion and c:istti:lubon cıt ~esu>- sets in iheep hemaI nodes. DeVekıPmentaI and com- _Umulology.15,393-400.
  • Wınoqu6sl. G. (1954). The bOYiLe hemai nodes. Acta Anat , 22. 108-112. WıMI J.e.. SaIe. G.E.. Deeg. H.J. and Stoıb R (1961).. NOnSPeSiIıC add esae.-ase adLYtY as a rnarQr tor CarW1e T· ... "'"' _ . 9(8). 85-870.
  • Yang. T.J.•Jantzen.PA and WAams, L F. (1979). Acid c - rıaphıhyf ac:em!e eısierase: p'ecel'lce of aaıvcy in bovile and tıuııan T· and B .. Irnrruıoklgy,38, 85-93 ,
  • Yoon. Y.S•• lee. J.s.. lee. H.S. and Km. J.S. (1989). t.bphoiogicai stucie:s on !he hemal node and node in the Korean native goıd The Korearı Journal of Analomy. 22 (2), 261-278.
  • Yoon, Y.S.. lee, J.S.• lee, H.S.• lee. 1.5 .• Km. D.J. and Km.J.S. (1990). Ullrastructural stı..d9S on the hemal rooe and the node in Lhe Korean nalive goal. Korean Sodetyof 8ectron MiCr06COPY. 20 (1), 77-89.
  • Yoon. Y.S., Sh!n, JW . and lee, J.S. (1999a). Utlrastructure ol hemaI node and hernotymph node in the Korean na ive goal. Korean Journal of Velerinary Research, 39 (5), 855- 864.
  • Yoon, Y.S., Shın, J.W. and l ee, J ,$. (1999b). Age-relaled mOrPhOk)giCaI studıes on hemal node and node in the Korean M live goal. Jcunal of V&- 1efinaıy Resean::h. 39 (S), 865-877.
  • YOn:ık.M.• Aştı, RN .• Kuıtdede N.• A(»aOı)IU, z.. AIlı.ınay H. (1998). and eiectron ıı io oeoopic StUıCIeS on alphanaphthyl acetate esıerase acııvty of ıhe tbxl T· ~es in Van c8l, Anat HiSIOL Enbyaı. 27(5). 289- 292-
  • zıc::ca. A. lepmi. A.. cadori. A . Franzı" AT.• Fenarn, Mand Grossi. e.E. (198 1). L.JIIraStn.Jdı. Iocabarnı CA aı:::etate 8cid erase ın tunan Tm ~es. Am. J. Pathoi_ 105(1 ),40-46.
There are 40 citations in total.


Other ID JA72DJ54AJ
Journal Section Research

Emrah Sur This is me

Mehmet Faruk Aydın This is me

İllhami Çelik This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Sur, E., Aydın, M. F., & Çelik, İ. (2005). A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(1), 101-108.
AMA Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. March 2005;21(1):101-108.
Chicago Sur, Emrah, Mehmet Faruk Aydın, and İllhami Çelik. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21, no. 1 (March 2005): 101-8.
EndNote Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ (March 1, 2005) A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21 1 101–108.
IEEE E. Sur, M. F. Aydın, and İ. Çelik, “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 101–108, 2005.
ISNAD Sur, Emrah et al. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 21/1 (March 2005), 101-108.
JAMA Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2005;21:101–108.
MLA Sur, Emrah et al. “A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1, 2005, pp. 101-8.
Vancouver Sur E, Aydın MF, Çelik İ. A Light Microscopic Investigation on the Histology and Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE)-Positive Lymphocyte Localization in the Hemal Nodes of Akkaraman Sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2005;21(1):101-8.