Bu çalışma, inek ve düvelerden aşıını izleyen ilk ve ikinci
östrüs dönemlerinde toplanan kan ve süt örneklerindeki progesteron hor-
ınonu düzeylerini ölçerek erken gebelik tanısı sağlamak ve karşılaştırmalı
olarak daha yüksek oranda gebelik tanısı şanslarını araştırmak amacıyla
Çalışmada materyal olarak İsviçre esrneri ırıkından, 2 - ll yaşlı, 40
iııek ve 10 düve kullanıldı.
Doğal aşıroları izleyen 21., 38. ve 45. günlerde ineklerden kan ve süt,
düvelerden ise sadece kan örnekleri alındı. Kanlar 2000 rpm de, sütler ise
5000 rpm de 20 dakika santrfüj edilerek, serumları çıkartıldı ve özel assay
tüplerine aktarılarak, laboratuvar işlemlerine kadar derin dondurucuda
(- 20C0
) saklan dı.
Progesteron hormenu ölçümleri radyoimmunoassay (RIA) yöntemi
ile yapıldı ve çalışmada ~: 125 1 Direct Progesteron Analiz Kiti, IMM 1024,
Immuchem Corp.» ile <
The aim of this study was to investigate the pregnancy diagnosis
rates by blood and milk serum progesterone assays at the first
and second estrous periods after the natural servings in cows and heifers.
Fourty Swedish red cows and 10 heifers, between 2- ll years old,
were used as materials.
Blood and milk samples w ere collecteld from cows in addi tion to
blood samples taken from heifers on the days of 21, 38 and 45 days after
serving. Blood and milk samples were centrifugated for 20 minutes at the
2000 and 5000 rpm respectively and were kept in at- 20 until the determination
of progesterone by radioimmunoassay method.
For the progesterone assays, «125I Direct progesterone kits, IMM 1024,
Immuchem Comp.» and «gamma counter, mini assay type, 6 - 20» wer2
used. The figures higher than 2.30 ng/ml for plasma and 1.94 ng/ml for
milık serum both the cows and heifers were evaluated as pregnant. Radioimmunoassay
results were controlled by rectal examination on the
60 th day after the servings.
At the end of the study the correct diagnosis rates were 84.45 % and
100.00 % for pregnant and non pregnant animals.
The progesterone values for the blood samples ta'ken at the 21 st,
38 th and 45 th days were not different statistically. A correlatlon at 5%
level was found between the blood and milk samples in cows and heifers.
As a conclusion, the high rate of correct pregnancy diagnosis can be
obtained satisfactorily in cows and heifers by the assays of the blood and
milk samples collecte'Cl at the 21 st day of serving.
Other ID | JA74HZ37YP |
Journal Section | Makale |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 1987 |
Published in Issue | Year 1987 Volume: 3 Issue: 1 |