Research Article
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Year 2022, , 589 - 597, 04.09.2022



  • 1. Picu A, Petcu L, Stefan S, Mitu M, Lixandru D, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, et al. Markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in Romanian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Molecules 2017;22:714.
  • 2. Rehman K, Akash MSH. Mechanism of generation of oxidative stress and pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus: how are they interlinked? J Cell Biochem 2017;118:3577-85.
  • 3. Almogbel E, Rasheed N. Protein mediated oxidative stress in patients with diabetes and its associated neuropathy: correlation with protein carbonylation and disease activity markers. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11:BC21-BC25.
  • 4. Mishra S, Mishra BB. Study of lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide end product, and trace element status in type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without complications. Int J Appl Basic Med Res 2017;7:88-93.
  • 5. Edwards JL, Vincent AM, Cheng HT, Feldman EL. Diabetic neuropathy: mechanisms to management. Pharmacol Ther 2008;120:1-34.
  • 6. Comini MA. Measurement and meaning of cellular thiol: disulfide redox status. Free Radic Res 2016;50:246-71.
  • 7. Matteucci E, Giampietro O. Thiol signaling network with an eye to diabetes. Molecules 2010;15:8890-903.
  • 8. Jankovic A, Korac A, Srdic-Galic B, Buzadzic B, Otasevic V, Stancic A, et al. Differences in the redox status of human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues--relationships to obesity and metabolic risk. Metabolism 2014;63:661-71.
  • 9. Ates I, Kaplan M, Inan B, Alisik M, Erel O, Yilmaz N, et al. How does thiol/disulfide homeostasis change in prediabetic patients? Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2015;110:166-71.
  • 10. Brings S, Fleming T, Freichel M, Muckenthaler MU, Herzig S, Nawroth PP. Dicarbonyls and advanced glycation end-products in the development of diabetic complications and targets for intervention. Int J Mol Sci 2017;18:984.
  • 11. Bansal S, Chawla D, Siddarth M, Banerjee BD, Madhu SV, Tripathi AK. A study on serum advanced glycation end products and its association with oxidative stress and paraoxonase activity in type 2 diabetic patients with vascular complications. Clin Biochem 2013;46:109-14.
  • 12. Cakatay U. Protein oxidation parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with good and poor glycaemic control. Diabetes Metab 2005;31:551-7.
  • 13. Levine RL, Garland D, Oliver CN, Amici A, Climent I, Lenz AG, et al. Determination of carbonyl content in oxidatively modified proteins. Methods Enzymol 1990;186:464-78.
  • 14. Gawron-Skarbek A, Prymont-Przyminska A, Sobczak A, Guligowska A, Kostka T, Nowak D, et al. A comparison of native and non-urate Total Antioxidant Capacity of fasting plasma and saliva among middle-aged and older subjects. Redox Rep 2018;23:57-62.
  • 15. Ates I, Kaplan M, Yuksel M, Mese D, Alisik M, Erel O, et al. Determination of thiol/disulphide homeostasis in type 1 diabetes mellitus and the factors associated with thiol oxidation. Endocrine 2016;51:47-51.
  • 16. Ergin M, Aydin C, Yurt EF, Cakir B, Erel O. The variation of disulfides in the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2020;128:77-81.
  • 17. Feldman EL, Stevens MJ, Thomas PK, Brown MB, Canal N, Greene DA. A practical two-step quantitative clinical and electrophysiological assessment for the diagnosis and staging of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes Care 1994;17:1281-9.
  • 18. England JD, Gronseth GS, Franklin G, Miller RG, Asbury AK, Carter GT, et al. Distal symmetric polyneuropathy: a definition for clinical research: report of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Neurology 2005;64:199-207.
  • 19. Friedewald WT, Levy RI, Fredrickson DS. Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clin Chem 1972;18:499-502.
  • 20. Ustundag Y, Huysal K, Kahvecioglu S, Demirci H, Yavuz S, Sambel M, et al. Establishing reference values and evaluation of an in-house ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) colorimetric assay in microplates. Eur Res J 2016;2:126-31.
  • 21. Witko-Sarsat V, Friedlander M, Nguyen Khoa T, Capeillere-Blandin C, Nguyen AT, Canteloup S, et al. Advanced oxidation protein products as novel mediators of inflammation and monocyte activation in chronic renal failure. J Immunol 1998;161:2524-32.
  • 22. Erel O, Neselioglu S. A novel and automated assay for thiol/disulphide homeostasis. Clin Biochem 2014;47:326-32.
  • 23. Abraham A, Barnett C, Katzberg HD, Lovblom LE, Perkins BA, Bril V. Nerve function varies with hemoglobin A1c in controls and type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complications. 2018;32:424-8.
  • 24. Jaiswal M, Divers J, Dabelea D, Isom S, Bell RA, Martin CL, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors for diabetic peripheral neuropathy in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care 2017;40:1226-32.
  • 25. Khawaja N, Abu-Shennar J, Saleh M, Dahbour SS, Khader YS, Ajlouni KM. The prevalence and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; the case of Jordan. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2018;10:8.
  • 26. Wiggin TD, Sullivan KA, Pop-Busui R, Amato A, Sima AA, Feldman EL. Elevated triglycerides correlate with progression of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes 2009;58:1634-40.
  • 27. Ozler S, Oztas E, Erel O, Guler BG, Ergin M, Uygur D, et al. Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus and maternal obesity on cord blood dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2017;36:8-15.
  • 28. Chakraborty A, Chowdhury S, Bhattacharyya M. Effect of metformin on oxidative stress, nitrosative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in type 2 diabetes patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2011;93:56-62.
  • 29. Singh VP, Bali A, Singh N, Jaggi AS. Advanced glycation end products and diabetic complications. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 2014;18:1-14.
  • 30. Cristani M, Speciale A, Saija A, Gangemi S, Minciullo PL, Cimino F. Circulating advanced oxidation protein products as oxidative stress biomarkers and progression mediators in pathological conditions related to inflammation and immune dysregulation. Curr Med Chem 2016;23:3862-82.
  • 31. Dordevic G, Duric S, Apostolskit S, Dordevic V, Zivkovic M. [Total antioxidant blood capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and distal symmetrical polyneuropathy]. Vojnosanit Pregl 2008;65:663-9. [Article in Serbian]
  • 32. Guclu M, Ali A, Eroglu DU, Büyükuysal SO, Cander S, Ocak N. Serum levels of sRAGE are associated with body measurements, but not glycemic parameters in patients with prediabetes. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2016;14:33-9.

The investigation of thiol-disulfide homeostasis in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Year 2022, , 589 - 597, 04.09.2022


Objectives: Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of chronic diabetic complications. Hyperglycemia induced oxidative stress is prominent for the development of diabetic polyneuropathy (PNP). Thiol disulfide homeostasis plays a vital role in antioxidant defense. In this study, we aimed to investigate thiol-disulfide homeostasis, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and advanced oxidant protein products (AOPP) in patients with PNP.

Eighty patients with T2DM and 19 healthy controls were included in the study. PNP was assessed by using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument and Electroneuromyography. TAC, AOPP, and total thiols, native thiols and disulfide levels of thiol-disulfide homeostasis parameters were studied with serum samples. The results were compared in patients with/without PNP and control group.

Serum HbA1c (9.5 ± 2.0% vs 8.0 ± 1.8%; p = 0.019) and triglyceride levels (204.4 ± 77.0 vs 151.7 ± 58.5 mg/dL, p = 0.014) were significantly higher and serum total thiol levels (540.4 ± 9.9 vs 566.7 ± 2.6 μmol/L, p = 0.038) were significantly lower in patients with PNP. Serum TAC, AOPP, native thiol, and disulfide levels were comparable among patients with/ without PNP. Serum CRP, AOPP, total thiol, and native thiol levels were found to be higher in patients with type 2 DM (p = 0.001, p = 0.002, p = 0.02 and p = 0.03; respectively) compared to the control group. No correlation was observed between serum thiol-disulfide homeostasis parameters and serum glucose and HbA1c levels.

Our study reveals that oxidative stress markers such as serum TAC, AOPP, and disulfide levels are closely related to the existence of diabetes. No significant difference was noted among patients with and without diabetic PNP.


  • 1. Picu A, Petcu L, Stefan S, Mitu M, Lixandru D, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, et al. Markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in Romanian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Molecules 2017;22:714.
  • 2. Rehman K, Akash MSH. Mechanism of generation of oxidative stress and pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus: how are they interlinked? J Cell Biochem 2017;118:3577-85.
  • 3. Almogbel E, Rasheed N. Protein mediated oxidative stress in patients with diabetes and its associated neuropathy: correlation with protein carbonylation and disease activity markers. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11:BC21-BC25.
  • 4. Mishra S, Mishra BB. Study of lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide end product, and trace element status in type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without complications. Int J Appl Basic Med Res 2017;7:88-93.
  • 5. Edwards JL, Vincent AM, Cheng HT, Feldman EL. Diabetic neuropathy: mechanisms to management. Pharmacol Ther 2008;120:1-34.
  • 6. Comini MA. Measurement and meaning of cellular thiol: disulfide redox status. Free Radic Res 2016;50:246-71.
  • 7. Matteucci E, Giampietro O. Thiol signaling network with an eye to diabetes. Molecules 2010;15:8890-903.
  • 8. Jankovic A, Korac A, Srdic-Galic B, Buzadzic B, Otasevic V, Stancic A, et al. Differences in the redox status of human visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues--relationships to obesity and metabolic risk. Metabolism 2014;63:661-71.
  • 9. Ates I, Kaplan M, Inan B, Alisik M, Erel O, Yilmaz N, et al. How does thiol/disulfide homeostasis change in prediabetic patients? Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2015;110:166-71.
  • 10. Brings S, Fleming T, Freichel M, Muckenthaler MU, Herzig S, Nawroth PP. Dicarbonyls and advanced glycation end-products in the development of diabetic complications and targets for intervention. Int J Mol Sci 2017;18:984.
  • 11. Bansal S, Chawla D, Siddarth M, Banerjee BD, Madhu SV, Tripathi AK. A study on serum advanced glycation end products and its association with oxidative stress and paraoxonase activity in type 2 diabetic patients with vascular complications. Clin Biochem 2013;46:109-14.
  • 12. Cakatay U. Protein oxidation parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with good and poor glycaemic control. Diabetes Metab 2005;31:551-7.
  • 13. Levine RL, Garland D, Oliver CN, Amici A, Climent I, Lenz AG, et al. Determination of carbonyl content in oxidatively modified proteins. Methods Enzymol 1990;186:464-78.
  • 14. Gawron-Skarbek A, Prymont-Przyminska A, Sobczak A, Guligowska A, Kostka T, Nowak D, et al. A comparison of native and non-urate Total Antioxidant Capacity of fasting plasma and saliva among middle-aged and older subjects. Redox Rep 2018;23:57-62.
  • 15. Ates I, Kaplan M, Yuksel M, Mese D, Alisik M, Erel O, et al. Determination of thiol/disulphide homeostasis in type 1 diabetes mellitus and the factors associated with thiol oxidation. Endocrine 2016;51:47-51.
  • 16. Ergin M, Aydin C, Yurt EF, Cakir B, Erel O. The variation of disulfides in the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2020;128:77-81.
  • 17. Feldman EL, Stevens MJ, Thomas PK, Brown MB, Canal N, Greene DA. A practical two-step quantitative clinical and electrophysiological assessment for the diagnosis and staging of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes Care 1994;17:1281-9.
  • 18. England JD, Gronseth GS, Franklin G, Miller RG, Asbury AK, Carter GT, et al. Distal symmetric polyneuropathy: a definition for clinical research: report of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Neurology 2005;64:199-207.
  • 19. Friedewald WT, Levy RI, Fredrickson DS. Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clin Chem 1972;18:499-502.
  • 20. Ustundag Y, Huysal K, Kahvecioglu S, Demirci H, Yavuz S, Sambel M, et al. Establishing reference values and evaluation of an in-house ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) colorimetric assay in microplates. Eur Res J 2016;2:126-31.
  • 21. Witko-Sarsat V, Friedlander M, Nguyen Khoa T, Capeillere-Blandin C, Nguyen AT, Canteloup S, et al. Advanced oxidation protein products as novel mediators of inflammation and monocyte activation in chronic renal failure. J Immunol 1998;161:2524-32.
  • 22. Erel O, Neselioglu S. A novel and automated assay for thiol/disulphide homeostasis. Clin Biochem 2014;47:326-32.
  • 23. Abraham A, Barnett C, Katzberg HD, Lovblom LE, Perkins BA, Bril V. Nerve function varies with hemoglobin A1c in controls and type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Complications. 2018;32:424-8.
  • 24. Jaiswal M, Divers J, Dabelea D, Isom S, Bell RA, Martin CL, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors for diabetic peripheral neuropathy in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Diabetes Care 2017;40:1226-32.
  • 25. Khawaja N, Abu-Shennar J, Saleh M, Dahbour SS, Khader YS, Ajlouni KM. The prevalence and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; the case of Jordan. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2018;10:8.
  • 26. Wiggin TD, Sullivan KA, Pop-Busui R, Amato A, Sima AA, Feldman EL. Elevated triglycerides correlate with progression of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes 2009;58:1634-40.
  • 27. Ozler S, Oztas E, Erel O, Guler BG, Ergin M, Uygur D, et al. Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus and maternal obesity on cord blood dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2017;36:8-15.
  • 28. Chakraborty A, Chowdhury S, Bhattacharyya M. Effect of metformin on oxidative stress, nitrosative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in type 2 diabetes patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2011;93:56-62.
  • 29. Singh VP, Bali A, Singh N, Jaggi AS. Advanced glycation end products and diabetic complications. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 2014;18:1-14.
  • 30. Cristani M, Speciale A, Saija A, Gangemi S, Minciullo PL, Cimino F. Circulating advanced oxidation protein products as oxidative stress biomarkers and progression mediators in pathological conditions related to inflammation and immune dysregulation. Curr Med Chem 2016;23:3862-82.
  • 31. Dordevic G, Duric S, Apostolskit S, Dordevic V, Zivkovic M. [Total antioxidant blood capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and distal symmetrical polyneuropathy]. Vojnosanit Pregl 2008;65:663-9. [Article in Serbian]
  • 32. Guclu M, Ali A, Eroglu DU, Büyükuysal SO, Cander S, Ocak N. Serum levels of sRAGE are associated with body measurements, but not glycemic parameters in patients with prediabetes. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2016;14:33-9.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Endocrinology
Journal Section Original Articles

Derya Üstün Eroğlu 0000-0002-4232-1000

Sinem Kıyıcı 0000-0003-4934-7761

Yasemin Üstündağ 0000-0003-2415-0372

Deniz Sığırlı 0000-0002-4006-3263

Nilüfer Büyükkoyuncu Pekel 0000-0003-3749-2144

Nizameddin Koca 0000-0003-1457-4366

Gamze Emlek This is me 0000-0002-7748-4002

Özcan Erel 0000-0002-2996-3236

Publication Date September 4, 2022
Submission Date November 24, 2021
Acceptance Date February 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


AMA Üstün Eroğlu D, Kıyıcı S, Üstündağ Y, Sığırlı D, Pekel NB, Koca N, Emlek G, Erel Ö. The investigation of thiol-disulfide homeostasis in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Eur Res J. September 2022;8(5):589-597. doi:10.18621/eurj.1026514

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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