Research Article
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Year 2023, , 1005 - 1014, 04.09.2023



  • 1. Barnes L, Eveson JW, Reichart P, Sidransky D. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours: Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Lyon: IARC Press; 2005.
  • 2. Spiro RH. Salivary neoplasms: overview of a 35-year experience with 2,807 patients. Head Neck Surg 1986;8:177-84.
  • 3. Seifert G, Sobin LH. Histological Typing of Salivary Gland Tumours. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991.
  • 4. Bussu F, Parrilla C, Rizzo D, Almadori G, Paludetti G, Galli J. Clinical approach and treatment of benign and malignant parotid masses, personal experience. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2011;31:135-43.
  • 5. De Vincentiis M, Magliulo G, Soldo P, Manciocco V, Pagliuca G, Del Gaizo R, et al. Extended parotidectomy. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2005;25:169-73.
  • 6. Deschler DG, Kozin ED, Kanumuri V, Devore E, Shapiro C, Koen N, et al. Single-surgeon parotidectomy outcomes in an academic center experience during a 15-year period. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol 2020;5:1096-103.
  • 7. Sood S, McGurk M, Vaz F. Management of salivary gland tumours: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines. J Laryngol Otol 2016;130(S2):S142-9.
  • 8. Patel SG, Shah JP. TNM staging of cancers of the head and neck: striving for uniformity among diversity. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:242-58.
  • 9. Amit M, Binenbaum Y, Sharma K, Ramer N, Ramer I, Agbetoba A, et al. Analysis of failure in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck. An international collaborative study. Head Neck 2014;36:998-1004.
  • 10. Upton DC, McNamar JP, Connor NP, Harari PM, Hartig GK. Parotidectomy: ten-year review of 237 cases at a single institution. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007;136:788-92.
  • 11. Maddox PT, Paydarfar JA, Davies L. Parotidectomy: a 17-year institutional experience at a rural academic medical center. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2012;121:100-3.
  • 12. Lin CC, Tsai MH, Huang CC, Hua CH, Tseng HC Huang ST. Parotid tumors: a 10-year experience. Am J Otolaryngol 2008;29:94-100.
  • 13. Dunn EJ, Kent T, Hines J, Cohn I Jr. Parotid neoplasms: a report of 250 cases and review of the literature. Ann Surg 1976;184:500-6.
  • 14. Cruz A, Magalhães H, Pereira FF, Dinis J, Vieira C. A 10-year review of primary major salivary gland cancers. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1055.
  • 15. Guntinas-Lichius O, Klussmann JP, Wittekindt C. Parotidectomy. In: Flint PW, Haughey BH, Lund VJ, et al., eds. Cummings Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015: pp. 1308-16.
  • 16. Marchese-Ragona R, Marioni G. Neck dissection in parotid gland cancer. In: Ferlito A, Silver CE, Rinaldo A, eds. Neck Dissection- Clinical Application and Recent Advances. 1st ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2016: pp.153-63.
  • 17. Venkatesh S, Srinivas T, Hariprasad S. Parotid gland tumors: 2-year prospective clinicopathological study. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:103-9.
  • 18. Zhao K, Qi DY, Wang LM. Functional superficial parotidectomy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994;52:1038-41.
  • 19. Al Salamah SM, Khalid K, Khan IA, Gul R. Outcome of surgery for parotid tumours: 5-year experience of a general surgical unit in a teaching hospital. ANZ J Surg 2005;75:948-52.
  • 20. O'Brien CJ. Current management of benign parotid tumors--the role of limited superficial parotidectomy. Head Neck 2003;25:946-52.
  • 21. Ellingson TW, Cohen JI, Andersen P. The impact of malignant disease on facial nerve function after parotidectomy. Laryngoscope 2003;113:1299-303.
  • 22. Byrd S, Morris LGT. Neck dissection for salivary gland malignancies. Oper Tech Otolayngol Head Neck Surg 2018;29:157-161.
  • 23. Lim CM, Gilbert MR, Johnson JT, Kim S. Clinical significance of intraparotid lymph node metastasis in primary parotid cancer. Head Neck 2014;36:1634-7.
  • 24. Shah J, Patel SG, Singh B. Jatin Shah’s Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2007.
  • 25. Ruohoalho J, Mäkitie AA, Aro K, Atula T, Haapaniemi A, Keski-Säntti H, et al. Complications after surgery for benign parotid gland neoplasms: a prospective cohort study. Head Neck 2017;39:170-6.
  • 26. Bron LP, O'Brien CJ. Facial nerve function after parotidectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997;123:1091-6.
  • 27. Pasick LJ, Tong JY, Benito DA, Thakkar P, Goodman JF, Joshi AS. Surgical management and outcomes of accessory parotid gland neoplasms: a systematic review. Am J Otolaryngol 2020;41:102610.
  • 28. Mimica X, McGill M, Hay A, Zanoni DK, Shah JP, Wong RJ, et al. Sex disparities in salivary malignancies: does female sex impact oncological outcome? Oral Oncol 2019;94:86-92.
  • 29. National Cancer Institute. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 30. American Cancer Society. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 31. Yamazaki K, Ohta H, Shodo R, Matsuyama H, Takahashi S. Clinicopathological features of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. J Laryngol Otol 2014;128:91-5.
  • 32. National Organization for Rare Disorders. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 33. Nascimento AG, Amaral LP, Prado LA, Kligerman J, Silveira TR. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: a clinicopathologic study of 46 cases. Head Neck Surg 1986;8:409-17.
  • 34. Lambiel S, Dulguerov N, Courvoisier DS, Dulguerov P. Minor parotidectomy Ccmplications: a systematic review. Laryngoscope 2021;131:571-9.
  • 35. Terzis JK, Noah ME. Analysis of 100 cases of free-muscle transplantation for facial paralysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:200-7.
  • 36. Witt RL. Facial nerve monitoring in parotid surgery: the standard of care? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;119:468-70.
  • 37. Mattox DE, von der Heydt G. Clinical and electrophysiologic analysis of gustatory sweating after parotidectomy. Am J Surg 1995:170:591-6.
  • 38. Gillespie MB, Cantrell RW. Parotidectomy complications. Laryngoscope 2002;112:839-46.
  • 39. Cheng SS, Singh A, Chen EY, Cheney ML. Hematoma after parotidectomy: a systematic review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004;131:514-20.
  • 40. Chan JY, Chen PT, Chang SY, Lin HJ. Seroma after parotidectomy: analysis of 237 cases. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2009;38:211-4.

Surgical, histopathological, and clinical outcomes of parotid gland neoplasms: a 10-year tertiary single-center experience

Year 2023, , 1005 - 1014, 04.09.2023


Objectives: This study aims to contribute to the literature by presenting an overview of a 10-year experience by retrospectively examining the cases with a parotid mass from a tertiary referral center

Methods: Two hundred fourteen patients were diagnosed with a parotid mass in the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of HSU Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital between January 2009 and January 2019. Sociodemographic characteristics, diagnostic methods, surgical operations and complications, pathology results, and long-term follow-up results were retrospectively analyzed over the patients' files. SPSS Version 21.0 computer for data analysis.

Results: Of 214 parotidectomies, 140 (75%) were male, 74 (35%) were female, mean age was 55 ±14 years (15-85 years). The most common diagnoses were 87 (40.7%) pleomorphic adenomas and 48 (22.4%) Wharton tumors. The most prevalent malignant tumors were reported as 18 (8.1%) mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The main type of surgery was superficial parotidectomy, performed in 192 (90%) patients. Facial paralysis was observed in 11 (5.1%) patients as the main postoperative complication.

Conclusions: Considering the histopathological diagnosis of parotid tumors, the stage and grade of the tumor, surgery is generally preferred for treatment. More males are affected than women, especially in the middle ages.


  • 1. Barnes L, Eveson JW, Reichart P, Sidransky D. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours: Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Lyon: IARC Press; 2005.
  • 2. Spiro RH. Salivary neoplasms: overview of a 35-year experience with 2,807 patients. Head Neck Surg 1986;8:177-84.
  • 3. Seifert G, Sobin LH. Histological Typing of Salivary Gland Tumours. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991.
  • 4. Bussu F, Parrilla C, Rizzo D, Almadori G, Paludetti G, Galli J. Clinical approach and treatment of benign and malignant parotid masses, personal experience. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2011;31:135-43.
  • 5. De Vincentiis M, Magliulo G, Soldo P, Manciocco V, Pagliuca G, Del Gaizo R, et al. Extended parotidectomy. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2005;25:169-73.
  • 6. Deschler DG, Kozin ED, Kanumuri V, Devore E, Shapiro C, Koen N, et al. Single-surgeon parotidectomy outcomes in an academic center experience during a 15-year period. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol 2020;5:1096-103.
  • 7. Sood S, McGurk M, Vaz F. Management of salivary gland tumours: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines. J Laryngol Otol 2016;130(S2):S142-9.
  • 8. Patel SG, Shah JP. TNM staging of cancers of the head and neck: striving for uniformity among diversity. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:242-58.
  • 9. Amit M, Binenbaum Y, Sharma K, Ramer N, Ramer I, Agbetoba A, et al. Analysis of failure in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck. An international collaborative study. Head Neck 2014;36:998-1004.
  • 10. Upton DC, McNamar JP, Connor NP, Harari PM, Hartig GK. Parotidectomy: ten-year review of 237 cases at a single institution. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2007;136:788-92.
  • 11. Maddox PT, Paydarfar JA, Davies L. Parotidectomy: a 17-year institutional experience at a rural academic medical center. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2012;121:100-3.
  • 12. Lin CC, Tsai MH, Huang CC, Hua CH, Tseng HC Huang ST. Parotid tumors: a 10-year experience. Am J Otolaryngol 2008;29:94-100.
  • 13. Dunn EJ, Kent T, Hines J, Cohn I Jr. Parotid neoplasms: a report of 250 cases and review of the literature. Ann Surg 1976;184:500-6.
  • 14. Cruz A, Magalhães H, Pereira FF, Dinis J, Vieira C. A 10-year review of primary major salivary gland cancers. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1055.
  • 15. Guntinas-Lichius O, Klussmann JP, Wittekindt C. Parotidectomy. In: Flint PW, Haughey BH, Lund VJ, et al., eds. Cummings Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015: pp. 1308-16.
  • 16. Marchese-Ragona R, Marioni G. Neck dissection in parotid gland cancer. In: Ferlito A, Silver CE, Rinaldo A, eds. Neck Dissection- Clinical Application and Recent Advances. 1st ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2016: pp.153-63.
  • 17. Venkatesh S, Srinivas T, Hariprasad S. Parotid gland tumors: 2-year prospective clinicopathological study. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2019;9:103-9.
  • 18. Zhao K, Qi DY, Wang LM. Functional superficial parotidectomy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994;52:1038-41.
  • 19. Al Salamah SM, Khalid K, Khan IA, Gul R. Outcome of surgery for parotid tumours: 5-year experience of a general surgical unit in a teaching hospital. ANZ J Surg 2005;75:948-52.
  • 20. O'Brien CJ. Current management of benign parotid tumors--the role of limited superficial parotidectomy. Head Neck 2003;25:946-52.
  • 21. Ellingson TW, Cohen JI, Andersen P. The impact of malignant disease on facial nerve function after parotidectomy. Laryngoscope 2003;113:1299-303.
  • 22. Byrd S, Morris LGT. Neck dissection for salivary gland malignancies. Oper Tech Otolayngol Head Neck Surg 2018;29:157-161.
  • 23. Lim CM, Gilbert MR, Johnson JT, Kim S. Clinical significance of intraparotid lymph node metastasis in primary parotid cancer. Head Neck 2014;36:1634-7.
  • 24. Shah J, Patel SG, Singh B. Jatin Shah’s Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2007.
  • 25. Ruohoalho J, Mäkitie AA, Aro K, Atula T, Haapaniemi A, Keski-Säntti H, et al. Complications after surgery for benign parotid gland neoplasms: a prospective cohort study. Head Neck 2017;39:170-6.
  • 26. Bron LP, O'Brien CJ. Facial nerve function after parotidectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997;123:1091-6.
  • 27. Pasick LJ, Tong JY, Benito DA, Thakkar P, Goodman JF, Joshi AS. Surgical management and outcomes of accessory parotid gland neoplasms: a systematic review. Am J Otolaryngol 2020;41:102610.
  • 28. Mimica X, McGill M, Hay A, Zanoni DK, Shah JP, Wong RJ, et al. Sex disparities in salivary malignancies: does female sex impact oncological outcome? Oral Oncol 2019;94:86-92.
  • 29. National Cancer Institute. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 30. American Cancer Society. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 31. Yamazaki K, Ohta H, Shodo R, Matsuyama H, Takahashi S. Clinicopathological features of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. J Laryngol Otol 2014;128:91-5.
  • 32. National Organization for Rare Disorders. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Accessed April 19, 2023, from
  • 33. Nascimento AG, Amaral LP, Prado LA, Kligerman J, Silveira TR. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary glands: a clinicopathologic study of 46 cases. Head Neck Surg 1986;8:409-17.
  • 34. Lambiel S, Dulguerov N, Courvoisier DS, Dulguerov P. Minor parotidectomy Ccmplications: a systematic review. Laryngoscope 2021;131:571-9.
  • 35. Terzis JK, Noah ME. Analysis of 100 cases of free-muscle transplantation for facial paralysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000;105:200-7.
  • 36. Witt RL. Facial nerve monitoring in parotid surgery: the standard of care? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;119:468-70.
  • 37. Mattox DE, von der Heydt G. Clinical and electrophysiologic analysis of gustatory sweating after parotidectomy. Am J Surg 1995:170:591-6.
  • 38. Gillespie MB, Cantrell RW. Parotidectomy complications. Laryngoscope 2002;112:839-46.
  • 39. Cheng SS, Singh A, Chen EY, Cheney ML. Hematoma after parotidectomy: a systematic review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004;131:514-20.
  • 40. Chan JY, Chen PT, Chang SY, Lin HJ. Seroma after parotidectomy: analysis of 237 cases. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2009;38:211-4.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Otorhinolaryngology
Journal Section Original Articles

Aynur Aliyeva 0000-0001-9398-4261

Ozlem Yagız Agayarov 0000-0002-8455-4400

Gökçe Aksoy Yıldırım 0000-0002-4330-0164

Togay Muderris 0000-0003-4014-8176

Abdullah Dalgıc 0000-0002-6958-4169

Early Pub Date August 8, 2023
Publication Date September 4, 2023
Submission Date April 22, 2023
Acceptance Date May 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Aliyeva A, Yagız Agayarov O, Aksoy Yıldırım G, Muderris T, Dalgıc A. Surgical, histopathological, and clinical outcomes of parotid gland neoplasms: a 10-year tertiary single-center experience. Eur Res J. September 2023;9(5):1005-1014. doi:10.18621/eurj.1286422

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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