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Analysis of the cornea donor data: an eye bank study

Year 2016, , 30 - 35, 04.03.2016


Objectives. To analyse 1.5-year data of our newly established eye bank and to evaluate the factors affecting donor quality. Methods. Our bank’s donor cornea data between July 2013 and November 2014 were retrospectively analysed. The effects of donor age, sex, and time from death to harvesting on the findings of specular microscopy were assessed. Results. A total of 139 corneas retrieved from 70 donors. The mean age of donors was 34.2±14.6 (5-64) years. The mean time from death to harvesting was 6.7±2.9 (1-13) hours; the mean time from collection to transplantation was 5.2±2.8 (1-14) days. Age had a significant negative correlation with mean endothelial cell count (ECC), a significant positive correlation between mean cell area (MCA) and standard deviation (SD). Time from death to harvesting had a significant negative correlation with cell count and 6A; it had a significant positive correlation with SD, the coefficient of variation, and MCA. Conclusion. According to the results of the present study, ECC, MCA, and SD levels were greater in younger donors. Endothelial morphology was altered as the time from death to harvesting was prolonged; however, the alteration in cell morphology was not severe enough to alter transplantation success with the corneas being harvested within the first 13 hours.


  • Thuret G, Chiquet C, Bernal F, Acquart S, Romanet JP, Mouillon M, et al. Prospective, randomized clinical and endothelial evaluation of 2 storage times for corneal donor tissue in organ culture at 31 degrees C. Arch Ophthalmol. 2003 Apr;121(4):442-50.
  • Human organ and tissue transplantation. Report by the Secretariat. Executive Board, EB112/5; 112th Session, May 2003 Access date; 2013 Sep 09.
  • Oliva MS, Schottman T, Gulati M. Turning the tide of corneal blindness. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):423-7.
  • Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglik Bakanligi. Ankara: c201 2013Yılı Guncel Bekleme Listesi Hasta Istatistikleri. Access date: 2013 Sep 22.
  • Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglik Bakanligi. Ankara: c2013 Organ ve Doku Dagitimi Istatistikleri. Access date: 2013 Sep 09.
  • Demirsoy N, Yilmaz A. Kornea transplantasyonunun tip, etik ve hukuk acisindan onemi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmology. 2012;21:171-83.
  • European Eye Bank Association Directory. Minimum Medical Standards. Revision 1, 2013. Access date: 2015 Dec 18.
  • Eye Bank Association of America. Medical Standards. Washington, DC: EBAA; 2012.
  • Eye Bank Association of America Medical Advisory Board. Medical standards. Washington, DC: Eye Bank Association of America; November 2008.
  • Rao SK, Ranjan Sen P, Fogla R, Gangadharan S, Padmanabhan P, Badrinath SS. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Indianeyes. Cornea. 2000 Nov;19(6):820-3.
  • Abib FC, Barreto J. Behavior of corneal endothelial densityover a lifetime. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2001 Oct;27(10):1574-8.
  • Reinhart WJ. Eye banking methods and standards. In Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ. Cornea. Fundamentals of cornea and external diseases. St. Louis: Mosby; 1997. P. 485-491.
  • Grabska-Liberek I, Szaflik J, Brix-Warzecha M. The importance of various factors relating to the morphological quality of corneas used for PKP by the Warsaw Eye Bank from 1996 to 2002. Ann Transplant. 2003;8(2):26-31.
  • Wilson RF, Roper-Hall MJ: Effect of age on the endothelial cell count in the normal eye. Br J Ophthalmol. 1982 Aug;66(8):513-5.
  • Kozer L, Manav G, Sezen F, Akova Y. Yasa bagli kornea endotel degisimleri. T Oft Gaz. 1987;17:213-16.
  • Yunliang S, Yuqiang H, Ying-Peng L, Ming-Zhi Z, Lam DS, Rao SK. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in healthy Chinese eyes. Cornea. 2007 Feb;26(2):130-2.
  • Linke SJ, Eddy M, Bednarz J, Fricke O, Wulff B, Schroder A, et al. Thirty years of cornea cultivation: long term experience in a single eye bank. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Sep;91(6):571-8.
  • McDermott ML, Atluri HKS: Kornea Endoteli. Yanoff M, Duker JS (Eds.). BavdekT (Çeviri editörü). Oftalmoloji. İkinci baskı. İstanbul Hayat Yayıncılık 2007; 422-30.
  • Patel HY, Brookes NH, Moffatt L, SherwinT, Ormonde S, Clover GM et al. The New Zealand National Eye Bank study 1991–2003: a review of the source and management of corneal tissue. Cornea. 2005 Jul;24(5):576-82.
  • Eye Bank Association of America. MedicalStandards. Washington, DC: EBAA; 2006.
  • Kartal B, Kandemir B, Akmaz B, Kugu S, Ozertuurk Y, Set T, et al. Kartal Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi kornea bankasi donorlerine ait spekuler mikroskopi verileri. Turk J Ophthalmol. 2014;44:190-5.
  • Matsuda M, Yee RW, Glasser DB, Geroski DH, Edelhauser HF. Specular microscopic evaluation of donor corneal endothelium. Arch Ophthalmol. 1986 Feb;104(2):259-62.
  • Mohammad-Salih PA. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Malay eyes. Med J Malaysia. 2011 Oct;66(4):300-3.
  • Padilla MD, Sibayan SA, Gonzales CS. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Filipino eyes. Cornea. 2004 Mar;23(2):129-35.
  • Hashemian MN, Moghimi S, Fard MA, Fallah MR, Mansouri MR. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Iranian eyes. BMC Ophthalmol. 2006 Mar 6;6:9.
  • Sopapornamorn N, Lekskul M, Panichkul S. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in Phramongkutklao Hospital. Clin Ophthalmol. 2008 Mar;2(1):147-51.
  • Anderson J, Ehlers N. The influence of donor age and postmortem time on corneal graft survival and thickness when employing banked donor materil. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 1988 Jun;66(3):313-7.
  • Pels E, Beele H, Claerhout I. Eye bank issues: II.Preservation techniques: warm versus cold storage. Int Ophthalmol. 2008 Jun;28(3):155-63.
  • Kryczka T, Szaflik J, Midelfart A. Influence of donorage, post-mortem time and cold storage on metabolic profile of human cornea. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Feb;91(1):83-7.
  • Resit M, Balık U. Turkiye’de viral hepatitlerin epidemiyolojisi.(Bir meta analiz). In: Kılıcturgay K, ed. Viral Hepatit’98. Ankara: Viral Hepatitle Savasim Dernegi, 1998:10-39.
  • Kocazeybek B, Cakan H, Sansoy N, Kucukates E, Ozdemir F. Kornea transplantasyonunda donor serolojisinin degerlendirilmesi. Klimik Derg. 2000;13(3):101-3.
Year 2016, , 30 - 35, 04.03.2016



  • Thuret G, Chiquet C, Bernal F, Acquart S, Romanet JP, Mouillon M, et al. Prospective, randomized clinical and endothelial evaluation of 2 storage times for corneal donor tissue in organ culture at 31 degrees C. Arch Ophthalmol. 2003 Apr;121(4):442-50.
  • Human organ and tissue transplantation. Report by the Secretariat. Executive Board, EB112/5; 112th Session, May 2003 Access date; 2013 Sep 09.
  • Oliva MS, Schottman T, Gulati M. Turning the tide of corneal blindness. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep-Oct;60(5):423-7.
  • Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglik Bakanligi. Ankara: c201 2013Yılı Guncel Bekleme Listesi Hasta Istatistikleri. Access date: 2013 Sep 22.
  • Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Saglik Bakanligi. Ankara: c2013 Organ ve Doku Dagitimi Istatistikleri. Access date: 2013 Sep 09.
  • Demirsoy N, Yilmaz A. Kornea transplantasyonunun tip, etik ve hukuk acisindan onemi. Turkiye Klinikleri J Ophthalmology. 2012;21:171-83.
  • European Eye Bank Association Directory. Minimum Medical Standards. Revision 1, 2013. Access date: 2015 Dec 18.
  • Eye Bank Association of America. Medical Standards. Washington, DC: EBAA; 2012.
  • Eye Bank Association of America Medical Advisory Board. Medical standards. Washington, DC: Eye Bank Association of America; November 2008.
  • Rao SK, Ranjan Sen P, Fogla R, Gangadharan S, Padmanabhan P, Badrinath SS. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Indianeyes. Cornea. 2000 Nov;19(6):820-3.
  • Abib FC, Barreto J. Behavior of corneal endothelial densityover a lifetime. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2001 Oct;27(10):1574-8.
  • Reinhart WJ. Eye banking methods and standards. In Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ. Cornea. Fundamentals of cornea and external diseases. St. Louis: Mosby; 1997. P. 485-491.
  • Grabska-Liberek I, Szaflik J, Brix-Warzecha M. The importance of various factors relating to the morphological quality of corneas used for PKP by the Warsaw Eye Bank from 1996 to 2002. Ann Transplant. 2003;8(2):26-31.
  • Wilson RF, Roper-Hall MJ: Effect of age on the endothelial cell count in the normal eye. Br J Ophthalmol. 1982 Aug;66(8):513-5.
  • Kozer L, Manav G, Sezen F, Akova Y. Yasa bagli kornea endotel degisimleri. T Oft Gaz. 1987;17:213-16.
  • Yunliang S, Yuqiang H, Ying-Peng L, Ming-Zhi Z, Lam DS, Rao SK. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in healthy Chinese eyes. Cornea. 2007 Feb;26(2):130-2.
  • Linke SJ, Eddy M, Bednarz J, Fricke O, Wulff B, Schroder A, et al. Thirty years of cornea cultivation: long term experience in a single eye bank. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Sep;91(6):571-8.
  • McDermott ML, Atluri HKS: Kornea Endoteli. Yanoff M, Duker JS (Eds.). BavdekT (Çeviri editörü). Oftalmoloji. İkinci baskı. İstanbul Hayat Yayıncılık 2007; 422-30.
  • Patel HY, Brookes NH, Moffatt L, SherwinT, Ormonde S, Clover GM et al. The New Zealand National Eye Bank study 1991–2003: a review of the source and management of corneal tissue. Cornea. 2005 Jul;24(5):576-82.
  • Eye Bank Association of America. MedicalStandards. Washington, DC: EBAA; 2006.
  • Kartal B, Kandemir B, Akmaz B, Kugu S, Ozertuurk Y, Set T, et al. Kartal Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi kornea bankasi donorlerine ait spekuler mikroskopi verileri. Turk J Ophthalmol. 2014;44:190-5.
  • Matsuda M, Yee RW, Glasser DB, Geroski DH, Edelhauser HF. Specular microscopic evaluation of donor corneal endothelium. Arch Ophthalmol. 1986 Feb;104(2):259-62.
  • Mohammad-Salih PA. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Malay eyes. Med J Malaysia. 2011 Oct;66(4):300-3.
  • Padilla MD, Sibayan SA, Gonzales CS. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Filipino eyes. Cornea. 2004 Mar;23(2):129-35.
  • Hashemian MN, Moghimi S, Fard MA, Fallah MR, Mansouri MR. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Iranian eyes. BMC Ophthalmol. 2006 Mar 6;6:9.
  • Sopapornamorn N, Lekskul M, Panichkul S. Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in Phramongkutklao Hospital. Clin Ophthalmol. 2008 Mar;2(1):147-51.
  • Anderson J, Ehlers N. The influence of donor age and postmortem time on corneal graft survival and thickness when employing banked donor materil. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 1988 Jun;66(3):313-7.
  • Pels E, Beele H, Claerhout I. Eye bank issues: II.Preservation techniques: warm versus cold storage. Int Ophthalmol. 2008 Jun;28(3):155-63.
  • Kryczka T, Szaflik J, Midelfart A. Influence of donorage, post-mortem time and cold storage on metabolic profile of human cornea. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013 Feb;91(1):83-7.
  • Resit M, Balık U. Turkiye’de viral hepatitlerin epidemiyolojisi.(Bir meta analiz). In: Kılıcturgay K, ed. Viral Hepatit’98. Ankara: Viral Hepatitle Savasim Dernegi, 1998:10-39.
  • Kocazeybek B, Cakan H, Sansoy N, Kucukates E, Ozdemir F. Kornea transplantasyonunda donor serolojisinin degerlendirilmesi. Klimik Derg. 2000;13(3):101-3.
There are 31 citations in total.


Journal Section Original Articles

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Publication Date March 4, 2016
Submission Date August 4, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016


AMA Tufekci AB, Cevik SG, Parmak N, Duman R, Cevik MT, Kazanci B, Aslanci ME, Yucel E. Analysis of the cornea donor data: an eye bank study. Eur Res J. March 2016;2(1):30-35. doi:10.18621/eurj.2016.2.1.30

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