Research Article
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Year 2019, , 928 - 938, 04.11.2019



  • [1] Petersdorf RG, Beeson PB. Fever of unexplained origin: report on 100 cases. Medicine (Baltimore) 1961;40:1-30.
  • [2] Tolia J, Smith LG. Fever of unknown origin: historical and physical clues to making the diagnosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:917-36.
  • [3] Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin: focused diagnostic approach based on clinical clues from the history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:1137-87.
  • [4] Mulders-Manders CM, Simon A, Bleeker-Rovers CP. Rheumatologic diseases as the cause of fever of unknown origin. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2016;30:789-801.
  • [5] Larson EB, Featherstone HJ, Petersdorf RG. Fever of undetermined origin: diagnosis and follow-up of 105 cases, 1970-1980. Medicine (Baltimore) 1982;61:269-92.
  • [6] de Kleijn EM, van Lier HJ, van der Meer JW. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). II. Diagnostic procedures in a prospective multicenter study of 167 patients. The Netherlands FUO Study Group. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997;76:401-14.
  • [7] Gaeta GB, Fusco FM, Nardiello S. Fever of unknown origin: a systematic review of the literature for 1995-2004. Nucl Med Commun 2006;27:205-11.
  • [8] Vanderschueren S, Knockaert D. Tackling fever and inflammation of unknown origin: the do's and don'ts. Acta Clin Belg 2014;69:412-17.
  • [9] Mourad O, Palda V, Detsky AS. A comprehensive evidence-based approach to fever of unknown origin. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:545-51.
  • [10] Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin: clinical overview of classic and current concepts. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:867-915.
  • [11] Takeda R, Mizooka M, Kobayashi T, Kishikawa N, Yokobayashi K, Kanno K, et al. Key diagnostic features of fever of unknown origin: medical history and physical findings. J Gen Fam Med 2017;18:131-34.
  • [12] Cunha BA, Lortholary O, Cunha CB. Fever of unknown origin: a clinical approach. Am J Med 2015;128:1138.e1-1138.e15.
  • [13] De Kleijn EMHA, Vandenbroucke JP, Van Der Meer JWM, and The Netherlands FUO Study Group. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). I. A prospective multicenter study of 167 patients with FUO, using fixed epidemiologic entry criteria. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997;76:392-400.
  • [14] Bleeker-Rovers CP, Vos FJ, de Kleijn EM, Mudde AH, Dofferhoff TS, Richter C, et al. A prospective multicenter study on fever of unknown origin. the yield of a structured diagnostic protocol. Medicine (Baltimore) 2007;86:26-38.
  • [15] Iikuni Y, Okada J, Kondo H, Kashiwazaki S. Current fever of unknown origin 1982-1992. Intern Med 1994;33:67-73.
  • [16] Cruz Peña LA, Rodríguez Silva H, Pérez Caballero D. Fiebre de origen desconocido: Revisión de 105 pacientes. Rev Cubana Med 1995;34:1-10.
  • [17] Knockaert DC, Vanneste LJ, Vanneste SB, Bobbaers HJ. Fever of unknown origin in the 1980s. An update of the diagnostic spectrum. Arch Intern Med 1992;152:51-5.
  • [18] Durack DT, Street AC. Fever of unknown origin-reexamined and redefined. Curr Clin Top Infect Dis 1991;11:35-51.
  • [19] Marr KA. Actitud ante la fiebre y la sospecha de infección en el huésped inmunodeprimido. En: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editores. Cecil y Goldman. Tratado de Medicina Interna. 24a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2013.p.1778-84.
  • [20] Hirschmann JV. Fever of unknown origin in adults. Clin Infect Dis 1997;24:291-302.
  • [21] Hot A, Schmulewitz L, Viard JP, Lortholary O. Fever of unknown origin in HIV/AIDS patients. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2007;21:1013-32.
  • [22] Knox TA, Wanke C. Gastrointestinal manifestations of HIV and AIDS. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editors. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016. p. 2302-5.
  • [23] Arnow PM, Flaherty JP. Fever of unknown origin. Lancet 1997;350:575-80.
  • [24] Cunha BA, Dieguez B, Varantsova A. Lessons learned from splenic infarcts with fever of unknown origin (FUO): culture-negative endocarditis (CNE) or malignancy? Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018;37:995-9.
  • [25] Cunha BA, Apostolopoulou A, Gian J. Fever of unknown origin (FUO) due to miliary BCG: The diagnostic importance of morning temperature spikes and highly elevated ferritin levels. Heart Lung 2017;46:205-7.
  • [26] Ellner JJ. Tuberculosis. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editors. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016.p.2030-9.
  • [27] Burzo ML, Antonelli M, Pecorini G, Favuzzi AMR, Landolfi R, Flex A. Fever of unknown origin and splenomegaly. A case report of blood culture negative endocarditis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017;96:1-3.
  • [28] Sheon RP, Van Ommen RA. Fever of obscure origin: diagnosis and treatment based on a series of sixty cases. Am J Med 1963;34:486-99.
  • [29] Abba A, Khalil M. Clinical approach to lymphadenopathy. Ann Nigerian Med 2012;6:11-7.
  • [30] Sinclair S, Beckman E, Ellman L. Biopsy of enlarged superficial lymph nodes. JAMA 1974;228:602-3.
  • [31] Watts RA. How to investigate multisystem disease. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2014;28:831-43.
  • [32] Bofinger JJ, Schlossberg D. Fever of unknown origin caused by tuberculosis. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2007;21:947-62.
  • [33] Kim JH, Kim ES, Jun K-I, Jung Hg, Bang JH, Choe PG, et al. Delayed diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis presenting as fever of unknown origin in an intermediate-burden country. BMC Infect Dis.2018;18:426.
  • [34] Knockaert DC. Diagnostic strategy for fever of unknown origin in the ultrasonography and computed tomography era. Acta Clin Belg 1992;47:100-16.
  • [35] Knockaert DC, Vanneste LJ, Bobbaers HJ. Recurrent or episodic fever of unknown origin. Review of 45 cases and survey of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore) 1993;72:184-96.

Diagnostic utility of clinical and epidemiologic features in fever of unknown origin

Year 2019, , 928 - 938, 04.11.2019


To assess the diagnostic utility of clinical features in the major
diagnostic categories of Fever of unknown origin (FUO).

Methods: One hundred and thirty-three
patients meeting the classic criteria of FUO were included in the study. A
structured diagnostic protocol was used in all cases. Sensitivity, specificity,
positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPVs), and likelihood ratios
of positive and negative tests (LR+ and LR-) were estimated with 95% confidence
intervals (95% CIs) for all clinical findings.

Results: Clinical and
epidemiologic features with best diagnostic utility indexes for the three major
diagnostic categories were: weight loss of 15 pounds or more (sensitivity,
68.4%, 95% CI:
52.33-84.52), pallor of the skin and mucous membranes
(sensitivity, 65.7%, 95% CI:
49.39-82.19), prior medical history
of cancer (PPV, 63.6%, 95% CI:
30.66-96.61; LR+, 4.38, 95% CI: 1.36-14.09),
lymphadenopathy (LR+, 2.2, 95% CI:
1.11-4.74), for neoplasms;
arthritis (PPV, 72%, 95% CI:
51.84-93.61), prior family history
of collagen diseases (PPV, 100%, 95% CI: 91.67-100.00), neurologic disorder (LR+,
5.1, 95% CI:
1.37-19.68), myalgia (LR+, 4.1, 95%
1.45-11.88) and skin lesions (LR+, 3.0, 95% CI: 1.51-6.22) for noninfectious
inflammatory diseases;
  weight loss of 15
pounds or more (sensitivity, 50%, 95% CI:
27.91-72.09), epidemiological
history of previous tuberculosis or tuberculosis exposure (LR+, 9.0, 95% CI:
1.76-46.77), and jaundice (LR+, 2.73, 95% CI: 0.7-10.63) for infections.

Conclusions: We identified clinical data
emerging from the anamnesis and physical examination that may help to guide the
diagnostic process in FUO.


  • [1] Petersdorf RG, Beeson PB. Fever of unexplained origin: report on 100 cases. Medicine (Baltimore) 1961;40:1-30.
  • [2] Tolia J, Smith LG. Fever of unknown origin: historical and physical clues to making the diagnosis. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:917-36.
  • [3] Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin: focused diagnostic approach based on clinical clues from the history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:1137-87.
  • [4] Mulders-Manders CM, Simon A, Bleeker-Rovers CP. Rheumatologic diseases as the cause of fever of unknown origin. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2016;30:789-801.
  • [5] Larson EB, Featherstone HJ, Petersdorf RG. Fever of undetermined origin: diagnosis and follow-up of 105 cases, 1970-1980. Medicine (Baltimore) 1982;61:269-92.
  • [6] de Kleijn EM, van Lier HJ, van der Meer JW. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). II. Diagnostic procedures in a prospective multicenter study of 167 patients. The Netherlands FUO Study Group. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997;76:401-14.
  • [7] Gaeta GB, Fusco FM, Nardiello S. Fever of unknown origin: a systematic review of the literature for 1995-2004. Nucl Med Commun 2006;27:205-11.
  • [8] Vanderschueren S, Knockaert D. Tackling fever and inflammation of unknown origin: the do's and don'ts. Acta Clin Belg 2014;69:412-17.
  • [9] Mourad O, Palda V, Detsky AS. A comprehensive evidence-based approach to fever of unknown origin. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:545-51.
  • [10] Cunha BA. Fever of unknown origin: clinical overview of classic and current concepts. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2007;21:867-915.
  • [11] Takeda R, Mizooka M, Kobayashi T, Kishikawa N, Yokobayashi K, Kanno K, et al. Key diagnostic features of fever of unknown origin: medical history and physical findings. J Gen Fam Med 2017;18:131-34.
  • [12] Cunha BA, Lortholary O, Cunha CB. Fever of unknown origin: a clinical approach. Am J Med 2015;128:1138.e1-1138.e15.
  • [13] De Kleijn EMHA, Vandenbroucke JP, Van Der Meer JWM, and The Netherlands FUO Study Group. Fever of unknown origin (FUO). I. A prospective multicenter study of 167 patients with FUO, using fixed epidemiologic entry criteria. Medicine (Baltimore) 1997;76:392-400.
  • [14] Bleeker-Rovers CP, Vos FJ, de Kleijn EM, Mudde AH, Dofferhoff TS, Richter C, et al. A prospective multicenter study on fever of unknown origin. the yield of a structured diagnostic protocol. Medicine (Baltimore) 2007;86:26-38.
  • [15] Iikuni Y, Okada J, Kondo H, Kashiwazaki S. Current fever of unknown origin 1982-1992. Intern Med 1994;33:67-73.
  • [16] Cruz Peña LA, Rodríguez Silva H, Pérez Caballero D. Fiebre de origen desconocido: Revisión de 105 pacientes. Rev Cubana Med 1995;34:1-10.
  • [17] Knockaert DC, Vanneste LJ, Vanneste SB, Bobbaers HJ. Fever of unknown origin in the 1980s. An update of the diagnostic spectrum. Arch Intern Med 1992;152:51-5.
  • [18] Durack DT, Street AC. Fever of unknown origin-reexamined and redefined. Curr Clin Top Infect Dis 1991;11:35-51.
  • [19] Marr KA. Actitud ante la fiebre y la sospecha de infección en el huésped inmunodeprimido. En: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editores. Cecil y Goldman. Tratado de Medicina Interna. 24a ed. Barcelona: Elsevier; 2013.p.1778-84.
  • [20] Hirschmann JV. Fever of unknown origin in adults. Clin Infect Dis 1997;24:291-302.
  • [21] Hot A, Schmulewitz L, Viard JP, Lortholary O. Fever of unknown origin in HIV/AIDS patients. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2007;21:1013-32.
  • [22] Knox TA, Wanke C. Gastrointestinal manifestations of HIV and AIDS. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editors. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016. p. 2302-5.
  • [23] Arnow PM, Flaherty JP. Fever of unknown origin. Lancet 1997;350:575-80.
  • [24] Cunha BA, Dieguez B, Varantsova A. Lessons learned from splenic infarcts with fever of unknown origin (FUO): culture-negative endocarditis (CNE) or malignancy? Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018;37:995-9.
  • [25] Cunha BA, Apostolopoulou A, Gian J. Fever of unknown origin (FUO) due to miliary BCG: The diagnostic importance of morning temperature spikes and highly elevated ferritin levels. Heart Lung 2017;46:205-7.
  • [26] Ellner JJ. Tuberculosis. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, editors. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016.p.2030-9.
  • [27] Burzo ML, Antonelli M, Pecorini G, Favuzzi AMR, Landolfi R, Flex A. Fever of unknown origin and splenomegaly. A case report of blood culture negative endocarditis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017;96:1-3.
  • [28] Sheon RP, Van Ommen RA. Fever of obscure origin: diagnosis and treatment based on a series of sixty cases. Am J Med 1963;34:486-99.
  • [29] Abba A, Khalil M. Clinical approach to lymphadenopathy. Ann Nigerian Med 2012;6:11-7.
  • [30] Sinclair S, Beckman E, Ellman L. Biopsy of enlarged superficial lymph nodes. JAMA 1974;228:602-3.
  • [31] Watts RA. How to investigate multisystem disease. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2014;28:831-43.
  • [32] Bofinger JJ, Schlossberg D. Fever of unknown origin caused by tuberculosis. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2007;21:947-62.
  • [33] Kim JH, Kim ES, Jun K-I, Jung Hg, Bang JH, Choe PG, et al. Delayed diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis presenting as fever of unknown origin in an intermediate-burden country. BMC Infect Dis.2018;18:426.
  • [34] Knockaert DC. Diagnostic strategy for fever of unknown origin in the ultrasonography and computed tomography era. Acta Clin Belg 1992;47:100-16.
  • [35] Knockaert DC, Vanneste LJ, Bobbaers HJ. Recurrent or episodic fever of unknown origin. Review of 45 cases and survey of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore) 1993;72:184-96.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Infectious Diseases, ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section Original Articles

Victor Roca Campañá 0000-0002-8346-6521

Rosa Eugenia Jiménez Paneque This is me 0000-0001-9647-3061

Héctor Manuel Rodríguez Silva This is me 0000-0002-3648-2609

Publication Date November 4, 2019
Submission Date July 7, 2018
Acceptance Date July 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


AMA Campañá VR, Paneque REJ, Silva HMR. Diagnostic utility of clinical and epidemiologic features in fever of unknown origin. Eur Res J. November 2019;5(6):928-938. doi:10.18621/eurj.441463

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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