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Case Report
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West syndrome and autism: a case report

Year 2015, , 154 - 156, 04.11.2015


West syndrome is an epileptic encephalopathy accounting for one-fourth of epilepsies occurring in the first year of life and is highly associated with cognitive impairment. Autism spectrum disorders refer to a group of developmental disorders that are characterized by a wide range of impairments in social and communicative abilities, stereo-typed behaviors, and restricted range of interests with an onset of initial symptoms present before three years of age. In children with West syndrome, autism symptoms arise frequently. The present case, who is a 7-year-old boy followed with the diagnosis of West syndrome and autism, is presented to emphasize this association.


  • Aicardi J. Infantile spasms and related syndromes. In: Aicardi J (ed). Epilepsy in Children. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. 2004; pp. 14-38.
  • Baran ZT. Myoclonus, myoclonic seizures, and infantile spasms. In: Swaiman KF, AshwalS, Ferriero DM, (eds). Pediatric Neurology, Principles and Practice. 4 th ed. Missouri: Mosby Company, 2006; pp. 1063-78.
  • Hrachovy RA, Frost JD. Infantile epileptic encephalopathy with hypsarrytmia (infantile spasms/West syndrome). J Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Nov-Dec;20(6):408-25.
  • Guzzetta F. Cognitive and behavioral outcome in West Syndrome. Epilepsia. 2006;47(Suppl 2):49-52.
  • Rapin I, Tuchman RF. Autism: definition, neurobiology, screening, diagnosis. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2008 Oct;55(5):1129-46.
  • Volkmar FR, State M, Clin A. Autism and autism spectrum disorder: diagnostic issues for the coming decade. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;50(1-2):108-15.
  • Tuchman R, Cuccaro M, Alessandri M. Autism and epilepsy: historical perspective. Brain Dev. 2010 Oct;32(9):709-18.
  • Amiet C, Gourfinkel-An I, Bouzamondo A, Tordjman S, Baulac M, Lechat P, et al. Epilepsy in autism is associated with intellectual disability and gender: evidence from a meta-analysis. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Oct 1;64(7):577-82.
  • Seamundsen E, Ludvingsson P, Rafnsson V. Autism spectrum disorders in children with a history of infantile spasms: a population-based study. J Child Neurol. 2007 Sep;22(9):1102-7.
  • Berg AT, Plioplys S, Tuchman R. Risk and correlates of autism spectrum disorders in children with epilepsy: a community-based study. J Child Neurol. 2011 May;26(5):540-7.
  • Schopler E, Reichler RJ, DeVellis RF, Daly K. Toward objective classification of childhood autism: Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). J Autism Dev Disord. 1980 Mar;10(1):91-103.
  • Krug DA, Arick J, Almond P. Behavior checklist for identifying severely handicapped individuals with high levels of autistic behavior. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1980 Jul;21(3):221-9.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Press. 1994.
  • Kayaalp L, Dervent A, Saltik S, Uluduz D, Kayaalp IV, Demirbilek V, et al. EEG abnormalities in West syndrome: Correlation with the emergence of autistic features. Brain Dev. 2006 Jul;29(6):336-45.
  • Hancerli S, Caliskan M, Mukaddes NM, Tatli B, Aydinli N, Ozmen M. Autistic spectrum in West syndrome. Turk Arch Ped. 2011;46(1):68-74.
Year 2015, , 154 - 156, 04.11.2015



  • Aicardi J. Infantile spasms and related syndromes. In: Aicardi J (ed). Epilepsy in Children. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. 2004; pp. 14-38.
  • Baran ZT. Myoclonus, myoclonic seizures, and infantile spasms. In: Swaiman KF, AshwalS, Ferriero DM, (eds). Pediatric Neurology, Principles and Practice. 4 th ed. Missouri: Mosby Company, 2006; pp. 1063-78.
  • Hrachovy RA, Frost JD. Infantile epileptic encephalopathy with hypsarrytmia (infantile spasms/West syndrome). J Clin Neurophysiol. 2003 Nov-Dec;20(6):408-25.
  • Guzzetta F. Cognitive and behavioral outcome in West Syndrome. Epilepsia. 2006;47(Suppl 2):49-52.
  • Rapin I, Tuchman RF. Autism: definition, neurobiology, screening, diagnosis. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2008 Oct;55(5):1129-46.
  • Volkmar FR, State M, Clin A. Autism and autism spectrum disorder: diagnostic issues for the coming decade. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;50(1-2):108-15.
  • Tuchman R, Cuccaro M, Alessandri M. Autism and epilepsy: historical perspective. Brain Dev. 2010 Oct;32(9):709-18.
  • Amiet C, Gourfinkel-An I, Bouzamondo A, Tordjman S, Baulac M, Lechat P, et al. Epilepsy in autism is associated with intellectual disability and gender: evidence from a meta-analysis. Biol Psychiatry. 2008 Oct 1;64(7):577-82.
  • Seamundsen E, Ludvingsson P, Rafnsson V. Autism spectrum disorders in children with a history of infantile spasms: a population-based study. J Child Neurol. 2007 Sep;22(9):1102-7.
  • Berg AT, Plioplys S, Tuchman R. Risk and correlates of autism spectrum disorders in children with epilepsy: a community-based study. J Child Neurol. 2011 May;26(5):540-7.
  • Schopler E, Reichler RJ, DeVellis RF, Daly K. Toward objective classification of childhood autism: Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). J Autism Dev Disord. 1980 Mar;10(1):91-103.
  • Krug DA, Arick J, Almond P. Behavior checklist for identifying severely handicapped individuals with high levels of autistic behavior. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1980 Jul;21(3):221-9.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Press. 1994.
  • Kayaalp L, Dervent A, Saltik S, Uluduz D, Kayaalp IV, Demirbilek V, et al. EEG abnormalities in West syndrome: Correlation with the emergence of autistic features. Brain Dev. 2006 Jul;29(6):336-45.
  • Hancerli S, Caliskan M, Mukaddes NM, Tatli B, Aydinli N, Ozmen M. Autistic spectrum in West syndrome. Turk Arch Ped. 2011;46(1):68-74.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Reports

Emel Sari Gokten

Nagihan Saday Duman

Publication Date November 4, 2015
Submission Date March 31, 2015
Acceptance Date June 23, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


AMA Sari Gokten E, Saday Duman N. West syndrome and autism: a case report. Eur Res J. November 2015;1(3):154-156. doi:10.18621/eurj.2015.1.3.154

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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