Research Article
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Year 2015, , 128 - 135, 04.11.2015



  • Przepiorka AM, Blachnio A, Miziak B, Czuczwar SJ. Clinical approaches to treatment of internet addiction. Pharmacol Rep. 2014 Apr;66(2):187-91.
  • Brand M, Young KS, Laier C. Prefrontal control and Internet addiction: a theoretical model and review of neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 May 27;8:375.
  • Shaw M, Black DW. Internet Addiction: definition, assessment, epidemiology and clinical management. CNS Drugs. 2008;22(5):353-65.
  • Tonioni F, D'Alessandris L, Lai C, Martinelli D, Corvino S, Vasale M, et al. Internet addiction: hours spent online, behaviors and psychological symptoms. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2012 Jan-Feb;34(1):80-7.
  • Goel D, Subramanyam A, Kamath R. A study on the prevalence of internet addiction and its association with psychopathology in Indian adolescents. Indian J Psychiatry 2013;55:140-3
  • Muller KW, Ammerschlaeger M, Freisleder FJ, Beutel ME, Woelfling K. [Addictive internet use as a comorbid disorder among clients of an adolescent psychiatry-prevalence and psychopathological symptoms]. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother. 2012 Sep;40(5):331-7.
  • Muller KW, Beutel ME, Wölfling K. A contribution to the clinical characterization of Internet addiction in a sample of treatment seekers: Validity of assessment, severity of psychopathology and type of co-morbidity. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 May;55(4):770-7.
  • Ko CH, Liu TL, Wang PW, Chen CS, Yen CF, Yen JY. The exacerbation of depression, hostility, and social anxiety in the course of Internet addiction among adolescents: A prospective study. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Aug;55(6):1377-84.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C. The relationship of internet addiction severity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Turkish university students; impact of personality traits, depression and anxiety. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Apr;55(3):497-503.
  • Alavi SS, Jannatifard F, Maracy MR, Alaghemandan H, Setare M. Comparison of national and personal identity between person with internet addiction disorder and normal internet users. J Educ Health Promot. 2014 May 5;3:42.
  • Bernardi S, Pallanti S. Internet addiction: a descriptive clinical study focusing on comorbidities and dissociative symptoms. Compr Psychiatry. 2009 Nov-Dec;50(6):510-6.
  • Black DW, Belsare G, Schlosser S. Clinical features, psychiatric comorbidity, and health-related quality of life in persons reporting compulsive computer use behavior. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999 Dec;60(12):839-44.
  • Xiuqin H, Huimin Z, Mengchen L, Jinan W, Ying Z, Ran T. Mental health, personality, and parental rearing styles of adolescents with Internet addiction disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2010 Aug;13(4):401-6.
  • Alavi SS, Alaghemandan H, Maracy MR, Jannatifard F, Eslami M, Ferdosi M. Impact of addiction to internet on a number of psychiatric symptoms in students of isfahan universities, Iran, 2010. Int J Prev Med. 2012 Feb;3(2):122-7.
  • Ha JH, Yoo HJ, Cho IH, Chin B, Shin D, Kim JH. Psychiatric comorbidity assessed in Korean children and adolescents who screen positive for Internet addiction. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 May;67(5):821-6.
  • Yoo HJ, Cho SC, Ha J, Yune SK, Kim SJ, Hwang J, et al. Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004 Oct;58(5):487-94.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C, Topcu M, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Bozkurt M, et al. Relationship of internet addiction with impulsivity and severity of psychopathology among Turkish university students. Psychiatry Res. 2013 Dec 30;210(3):1086-91.
  • Paik A, Oh D, Kim D. A Case of withdrawal psychosis from internet addiction disorder. Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Apr;11(2):207-9.
  • Li B, Friston KJ, Liu J, Liu Y, Zhang G, Cao F, et al. Impaired frontal-basal ganglia connectivity in adolescents with internet addiction. Sci Rep. 2014 May 22;4:5027.
  • Young, KS, Rogers RC. The relationship between depression and internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 1998 Spring;1(1):25-8.
  • Stieger S, Burger C. Implicit and explicit self-esteem in the context of internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2010 Dec;13(6):681-8.
  • Shaw LH, Gant LM. In defense of the internet: the relationship between Internet communication and depression, loneliness, self-esteem, and perceived social support. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2002 Apr;5(2):157-71.
  • Yao MZ, He J, Ko DM, Pang K. The influence of personality, parental behaviors, and self-esteem on Internet addiction: a study of Chinese college students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2014 Feb;17(2):104-10.
  • Bozoglan B, Demirer V, Sahin I. Loneliness, self‐esteem, and life satisfaction as predictors of Internet addiction: A cross‐sectional study among Turkish university students. Scand J Psychol. 2013 Aug;54(4):313-9.
  • Zhang ZH, Yang LS, Hao JH, Huang F, Zhang XJ, Sun YH. Relationship of childhood physical abuse and internet addiction disorder in adolescence: the mediating role of self-esteem. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2012 Jan;33(1):50-3.
  • Yen CF, Chou WJ, Liu TL, Yang P, Hu HF. The association of Internet addiction symptoms with anxiety, depression and self-esteem among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;55(7):1601-8.
  • Nichols LA, Nicki R. Development of a psychometrically sound internet addiction scale: a preliminary step. Psychol Addict Behav. 2004 Dec;18(4):381-4.
  • Kayri M, Gunuc S. Theadaptation of internet addiction scale in toTurkish: the study of validity and reliability. AU J Fac Educ Sci. 2009;42:157-75
  • Derogatis LR. SCL-90-R: administration, scoring and procedures manual for the R (evised) version and other instruments of the psychopathology rating scale series. 2nd ed. Towson,MD. Clinical Psychometric Research, 1992.
  • Dag I. Belirti tarama listesinin (SCL-90-R) universite ogrencileri icin guvenirligi ve gecerligi. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1991;2(1):5-12.
  • Rosenberg M. Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.
  • Cuhadaroglu F. Adolesanlarda benlik saygisi. Yayinlanmamis uzmanlik tezi, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara;1986.
  • Ni X, Yan H, Chen S, Liu Z. Factors influencing internet addiction in a sample of freshmen university students in China. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009 Jun;12(3):327-30.
  • Tsai HF, Cheng SH, Yeh TL, Shih CC, Chen KC, Yang YC, et al. The risk factors of Internet addiction-- a survey of university freshmen. Psychiatry Res. 2009 May 30;167(3):294-9.
  • Alavi SS, Maracy MR, Jannatifard F, Eslami M. The effect of psychiatric symptoms on the internet addiction disorder in Isfahan's University students. J Res Med Sci. 2011 Jun;16(6):793-800.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Ugurlu H, Yildirim FG. Relationship of internet addiction severity with depression, anxiety, and alexithymia, temperament and character in university students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2013 Apr;16(4):272-8.
  • Şenormancı O, Saraclı O, Atasoy N, Senormanci G, Kokturk F, Atik L. Relationship of Internet addiction with cognitive style, personality, and depression in university students. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Aug;55(6):1385-90.
  • Adalier A, Balkan E. The relationship between internet addiction and psychological symptoms. Int J Glob Educ. 2012;1(2):42-9.
  • Koc M. Internet Addiction and Psychopathology. Turk Online J Educ Technol. 2011;10(1):143-8.
  • Yen JY, Ko CH, Yen CF, Chen SH, Chung WL, Chen CC. Psychiatric symptoms in adolescents with Internet addiction: Comparison with substance use. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008 Feb;62(1):9-16.
  • Whang LSM, Lee S, Chang G. Internet over-users' psychological profiles: a behavior sampling analysis on internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2003 Apr;6(2):143-50.
  • Niemz K, Griffiths M, Banyard P. Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with self-esteem, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2005 Dec;8(6):562-70.
  • Aydin B, Sari SV. Internet addiction among adolescents: the role of self-esteem. Procedia-Soc Behav Sci. 2011;15:3500-5.
  • Park SK, Kim JY, Cho CB. Prevalence of Internet addiction and correlations with family factors among South Korean adolescents. Adolescence. 2007 Winner;43(172):895-909.
  • Yen JY, Yen CF, Chen CC, Chen SH, Ko CH. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2007 Jun;10(3):323-9.
  • Kim JY, Ryu HS. Relationships among school children's internet addiction, family environment and school adjustment. Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2003; 9(2):198-205.
  • Li ZHOU. The relationship of adolescents' family satisfaction scale and internet addiction disorder of college students. J Chongqing Med Univ. 2008;4:20.
  • Ozkan I. Benlik Saygisini etkileyen etkenler. Dusunen Adam. 1994;7(3):4-9.
  • Kormas G, Critselis E, Janikian M, Kafetzis D, Tsitsika A. Risk factors and psychosocial characteristics of potential problematic and problematic internet use among adolescents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2011 Jul 27;11:595.
  • Yen JY, Yen CF, Chen CC, Chen SH, Ko CH. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2007 Jun;10(3):323-9.
  • Khoshakhlagh H, Faramarzi S. The relationship of emotional intelligence and mental disorders with internet addiction in internet users university students. Addict Health. 2012 Summer-Autumn;4(3-4):133-41.
  • Bahrainian A, Khazaee A. Internet addiction among students: the relation of self-esteem and depression. Bull Env Pharmacol Life Sci. 2014 Feb;3(3):1-6.
  • Lam LT, Peng ZW, Mai JC, Jing J. Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009 Oct;12(5):551-5.
  • Kim JU. The effect of a R/T group counseling program on the Internet addiction level and self-esteem of internet addiction university students. Int J Real Ther. 2008 Spring;27(2):4-12.

Relationship between internet addiction, psychopathology and self-esteem among university students

Year 2015, , 128 - 135, 04.11.2015


Objectives. Internet addiction is closely associated with general psychopathology and interpersonal relationships. The aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between internet addiction, psychopathology and selfesteem among university students. Methods. One hundred and eighty-five volunteer university students were involved in this study. The participants are evaluated with socio-demographic data form, Internet Addiction Scale (IAS), Symptom Check List (SCL-90), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Results. In order to evaluate the internet addiction, the participants were divided into three internet addiction (IA) groups as "none", "low" and "moderate/high" according to their addiction status. The addiction status was assessed as risk of low level in 59 (31.89 %) participants, high level in 27 (14.59 %) participants and none in 99 (53.51%) participants. A high positive correlation was found between IAS and SCL-90 subscales and RSES (p<0.001). In three different IA groups it was found out that all SCL-90 subscale averages increase (p<0.001), and RSES subscale averages decrease (p=0.001) as internet addiction severity increases. According to regression analysis it is seen that, all SCL-90 subscale scores explain 19.4% of IAS scores and, all SCL-90 subscales and RSES subscale scores explain 25% of IAS scores. Conclusions. Significant relationship was found between internet addiction and general psychopathology and self-esteem. This result shows that psychopathology and self-esteem must be taken into consideration as important parameters in approach to internet addiction.


  • Przepiorka AM, Blachnio A, Miziak B, Czuczwar SJ. Clinical approaches to treatment of internet addiction. Pharmacol Rep. 2014 Apr;66(2):187-91.
  • Brand M, Young KS, Laier C. Prefrontal control and Internet addiction: a theoretical model and review of neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 May 27;8:375.
  • Shaw M, Black DW. Internet Addiction: definition, assessment, epidemiology and clinical management. CNS Drugs. 2008;22(5):353-65.
  • Tonioni F, D'Alessandris L, Lai C, Martinelli D, Corvino S, Vasale M, et al. Internet addiction: hours spent online, behaviors and psychological symptoms. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2012 Jan-Feb;34(1):80-7.
  • Goel D, Subramanyam A, Kamath R. A study on the prevalence of internet addiction and its association with psychopathology in Indian adolescents. Indian J Psychiatry 2013;55:140-3
  • Muller KW, Ammerschlaeger M, Freisleder FJ, Beutel ME, Woelfling K. [Addictive internet use as a comorbid disorder among clients of an adolescent psychiatry-prevalence and psychopathological symptoms]. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother. 2012 Sep;40(5):331-7.
  • Muller KW, Beutel ME, Wölfling K. A contribution to the clinical characterization of Internet addiction in a sample of treatment seekers: Validity of assessment, severity of psychopathology and type of co-morbidity. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 May;55(4):770-7.
  • Ko CH, Liu TL, Wang PW, Chen CS, Yen CF, Yen JY. The exacerbation of depression, hostility, and social anxiety in the course of Internet addiction among adolescents: A prospective study. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Aug;55(6):1377-84.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C. The relationship of internet addiction severity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Turkish university students; impact of personality traits, depression and anxiety. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Apr;55(3):497-503.
  • Alavi SS, Jannatifard F, Maracy MR, Alaghemandan H, Setare M. Comparison of national and personal identity between person with internet addiction disorder and normal internet users. J Educ Health Promot. 2014 May 5;3:42.
  • Bernardi S, Pallanti S. Internet addiction: a descriptive clinical study focusing on comorbidities and dissociative symptoms. Compr Psychiatry. 2009 Nov-Dec;50(6):510-6.
  • Black DW, Belsare G, Schlosser S. Clinical features, psychiatric comorbidity, and health-related quality of life in persons reporting compulsive computer use behavior. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999 Dec;60(12):839-44.
  • Xiuqin H, Huimin Z, Mengchen L, Jinan W, Ying Z, Ran T. Mental health, personality, and parental rearing styles of adolescents with Internet addiction disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2010 Aug;13(4):401-6.
  • Alavi SS, Alaghemandan H, Maracy MR, Jannatifard F, Eslami M, Ferdosi M. Impact of addiction to internet on a number of psychiatric symptoms in students of isfahan universities, Iran, 2010. Int J Prev Med. 2012 Feb;3(2):122-7.
  • Ha JH, Yoo HJ, Cho IH, Chin B, Shin D, Kim JH. Psychiatric comorbidity assessed in Korean children and adolescents who screen positive for Internet addiction. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006 May;67(5):821-6.
  • Yoo HJ, Cho SC, Ha J, Yune SK, Kim SJ, Hwang J, et al. Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004 Oct;58(5):487-94.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C, Topcu M, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Bozkurt M, et al. Relationship of internet addiction with impulsivity and severity of psychopathology among Turkish university students. Psychiatry Res. 2013 Dec 30;210(3):1086-91.
  • Paik A, Oh D, Kim D. A Case of withdrawal psychosis from internet addiction disorder. Psychiatry Investig. 2014 Apr;11(2):207-9.
  • Li B, Friston KJ, Liu J, Liu Y, Zhang G, Cao F, et al. Impaired frontal-basal ganglia connectivity in adolescents with internet addiction. Sci Rep. 2014 May 22;4:5027.
  • Young, KS, Rogers RC. The relationship between depression and internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 1998 Spring;1(1):25-8.
  • Stieger S, Burger C. Implicit and explicit self-esteem in the context of internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2010 Dec;13(6):681-8.
  • Shaw LH, Gant LM. In defense of the internet: the relationship between Internet communication and depression, loneliness, self-esteem, and perceived social support. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2002 Apr;5(2):157-71.
  • Yao MZ, He J, Ko DM, Pang K. The influence of personality, parental behaviors, and self-esteem on Internet addiction: a study of Chinese college students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2014 Feb;17(2):104-10.
  • Bozoglan B, Demirer V, Sahin I. Loneliness, self‐esteem, and life satisfaction as predictors of Internet addiction: A cross‐sectional study among Turkish university students. Scand J Psychol. 2013 Aug;54(4):313-9.
  • Zhang ZH, Yang LS, Hao JH, Huang F, Zhang XJ, Sun YH. Relationship of childhood physical abuse and internet addiction disorder in adolescence: the mediating role of self-esteem. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi. 2012 Jan;33(1):50-3.
  • Yen CF, Chou WJ, Liu TL, Yang P, Hu HF. The association of Internet addiction symptoms with anxiety, depression and self-esteem among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;55(7):1601-8.
  • Nichols LA, Nicki R. Development of a psychometrically sound internet addiction scale: a preliminary step. Psychol Addict Behav. 2004 Dec;18(4):381-4.
  • Kayri M, Gunuc S. Theadaptation of internet addiction scale in toTurkish: the study of validity and reliability. AU J Fac Educ Sci. 2009;42:157-75
  • Derogatis LR. SCL-90-R: administration, scoring and procedures manual for the R (evised) version and other instruments of the psychopathology rating scale series. 2nd ed. Towson,MD. Clinical Psychometric Research, 1992.
  • Dag I. Belirti tarama listesinin (SCL-90-R) universite ogrencileri icin guvenirligi ve gecerligi. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1991;2(1):5-12.
  • Rosenberg M. Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.
  • Cuhadaroglu F. Adolesanlarda benlik saygisi. Yayinlanmamis uzmanlik tezi, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara;1986.
  • Ni X, Yan H, Chen S, Liu Z. Factors influencing internet addiction in a sample of freshmen university students in China. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009 Jun;12(3):327-30.
  • Tsai HF, Cheng SH, Yeh TL, Shih CC, Chen KC, Yang YC, et al. The risk factors of Internet addiction-- a survey of university freshmen. Psychiatry Res. 2009 May 30;167(3):294-9.
  • Alavi SS, Maracy MR, Jannatifard F, Eslami M. The effect of psychiatric symptoms on the internet addiction disorder in Isfahan's University students. J Res Med Sci. 2011 Jun;16(6):793-800.
  • Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Ugurlu H, Yildirim FG. Relationship of internet addiction severity with depression, anxiety, and alexithymia, temperament and character in university students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2013 Apr;16(4):272-8.
  • Şenormancı O, Saraclı O, Atasoy N, Senormanci G, Kokturk F, Atik L. Relationship of Internet addiction with cognitive style, personality, and depression in university students. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Aug;55(6):1385-90.
  • Adalier A, Balkan E. The relationship between internet addiction and psychological symptoms. Int J Glob Educ. 2012;1(2):42-9.
  • Koc M. Internet Addiction and Psychopathology. Turk Online J Educ Technol. 2011;10(1):143-8.
  • Yen JY, Ko CH, Yen CF, Chen SH, Chung WL, Chen CC. Psychiatric symptoms in adolescents with Internet addiction: Comparison with substance use. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008 Feb;62(1):9-16.
  • Whang LSM, Lee S, Chang G. Internet over-users' psychological profiles: a behavior sampling analysis on internet addiction. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2003 Apr;6(2):143-50.
  • Niemz K, Griffiths M, Banyard P. Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with self-esteem, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2005 Dec;8(6):562-70.
  • Aydin B, Sari SV. Internet addiction among adolescents: the role of self-esteem. Procedia-Soc Behav Sci. 2011;15:3500-5.
  • Park SK, Kim JY, Cho CB. Prevalence of Internet addiction and correlations with family factors among South Korean adolescents. Adolescence. 2007 Winner;43(172):895-909.
  • Yen JY, Yen CF, Chen CC, Chen SH, Ko CH. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2007 Jun;10(3):323-9.
  • Kim JY, Ryu HS. Relationships among school children's internet addiction, family environment and school adjustment. Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2003; 9(2):198-205.
  • Li ZHOU. The relationship of adolescents' family satisfaction scale and internet addiction disorder of college students. J Chongqing Med Univ. 2008;4:20.
  • Ozkan I. Benlik Saygisini etkileyen etkenler. Dusunen Adam. 1994;7(3):4-9.
  • Kormas G, Critselis E, Janikian M, Kafetzis D, Tsitsika A. Risk factors and psychosocial characteristics of potential problematic and problematic internet use among adolescents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2011 Jul 27;11:595.
  • Yen JY, Yen CF, Chen CC, Chen SH, Ko CH. Family factors of internet addiction and substance use experience in Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2007 Jun;10(3):323-9.
  • Khoshakhlagh H, Faramarzi S. The relationship of emotional intelligence and mental disorders with internet addiction in internet users university students. Addict Health. 2012 Summer-Autumn;4(3-4):133-41.
  • Bahrainian A, Khazaee A. Internet addiction among students: the relation of self-esteem and depression. Bull Env Pharmacol Life Sci. 2014 Feb;3(3):1-6.
  • Lam LT, Peng ZW, Mai JC, Jing J. Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2009 Oct;12(5):551-5.
  • Kim JU. The effect of a R/T group counseling program on the Internet addiction level and self-esteem of internet addiction university students. Int J Real Ther. 2008 Spring;27(2):4-12.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Articles

Ersin Budak

İbrahim Taymur

Rustem Askin

Buket Gungor

Hakan Demirci

Almila Akgul This is me

Zeynep Anil Sahin This is me

Publication Date November 4, 2015
Submission Date April 7, 2015
Acceptance Date August 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


AMA Budak E, Taymur İ, Askin R, Gungor B, Demirci H, Akgul A, Anil Sahin Z. Relationship between internet addiction, psychopathology and self-esteem among university students. Eur Res J. November 2015;1(3):128-135. doi:10.18621/eurj.2015.1.3.128

Cited By

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