Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 6, 569 - 579, 04.11.2020



  • 1. Kwon M, Lee JY, Won WY, Park JW, Min JA, Hahn C, et al. Development and validation of a smartphone addiction scale (SAS). PLoS One 2013;8:e56936.
  • 2. Kuss DJ, Kanjo E, Crook-Rumsey M, Kibowski F, Wang GY, Sumich A. Problematic mobile phone use and addiction across generations: the roles of psychopathological symptoms and smartphone use. J Technol Behav Sci 2018;3:141-9.
  • 3. Panova T, Carbonell X. Is smartphone addiction really an addiction? J Behav Addict 2018;7:252-9.
  • 4. Serino S, Cipresso P, Gaggioli A, Pallavicini F, Cipress S, Campanaro D, et al. [Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a prelimınary evaluation of positive technology app]. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2015;19:253-60. [Article in Spain]
  • 5. Toda M, Ezoe S, Takeshita T. Mobile phone use and stress-coping strategies of medical students. Int J Cyber Behav Psychol Learn 2014;4:41-6.
  • 6. Vahedi Z, Saiphoo A. The association between smartphone use, stress, and anxiety: a meta-analytic review. Stress Health 2018;34:347-58.
  • 7. Buysse DJ. Sleep health: can we define it? Does it matter? Sleep 2014;37:9-17.
  • 8. Harvey AG, Stinson K, Whitaker KL, Moskovitz D, Virk H. The subjective meaning of sleep quality: a comparison of individuals with and without insomnia. Sleep 2008;31:383-93.
  • 9. Medic G, Wille M, Hemels ME. Short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption. Nat Sci Sleep 2017;9:151-61.
  • 10. Van Cauter E, Spiegel K, Tasali E, Leproult R. Metabolic consequences of sleep and sleep loss. Sleep Med 2008;9:S23-8.
  • 11. Bouloukaki I, Stathakis G, Koloi A, Bakiri E, Moudatsaki M, Pouladaki E, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of poor sleep quality and fatigue during exam periods in university students. ERJ Open Res 2017;3:P2.
  • 12. Demirci K, Akgonul M, Akpinar A. Relationship of smartphone use severity with sleep quality, depression, and anxiety in university students. J Behav Addict 2015;4:85-92.
  • 13. Hershner S CR. Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students. Nat Sci Sleep 2014;6:73-84.
  • 14. Mohammadbeigi A, Absari R, Valizadeh F, Saadati M, Sharifimoghadam S, Ahmadi A, et al. Sleep quality in medical students; the impact of over-use of mobile cell-phone and social networks. J Res Health Sci 2016;16-46-50.
  • 15. Lemola S, Perkinson-Gloor N, Brand S, Dewald-Kaufmann JF, Grob A. Adolescents’ electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age. J Youth Adolesc 2015;44:405-18.
  • 16. Matar Boumosleh J, Jaalouk D. Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students - A cross sectional study. PloS One 2017;12:e0182239.
  • 17. Tao S, Wu X, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Tong S, Tao F. Effects of sleep quality on the association between problematic mobile phone use and mental health symptoms in Chinese college students. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14:185.
  • 18. Monma T, Ando A, Asanuma T, Yoshitake Y, Yoshida G, Miyazawa T, et al. Sleep disorder risk factors among student athletes. Sleep Med 2018;44:76-81.
  • 19. Lanaj K, Johnson RE, Barnes CM. Beginning the workday yet already depleted? Consequences of late-night smartphone use and sleep. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 2014;124:11-23.
  • 20. Thomée S, Härenstam A, Hagberg M. Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults--a prospective cohort study. BMC public health 2011;11:66.
  • 21. Schweizer A, Berchtold A, Barrense-Dias Y, Akre C, Suris J-C. Adolescents with a smartphone sleep less than their peers. Eur J Pediatr 2017;176:131-6.
  • 22. Demirci K, Orhan H, Demirdas A, Akpinar A, Sert H. [Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the smartphone addiction scale in a younger population]. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2014;24:226-34. [Article in Turkish]
  • 23. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res 1989;28:193-213.
  • 24. Ağargün MY, Kara H, Anlar Ö. [The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh sleep quality index]. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1996;7:107-11. [Article in Turkish]
  • 25. Johns M. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep 1991;14:540-5.
  • 26. Izci B, Ardic S, Firat H, Sahin A, Altinors M, Karacan I. Reliability and validity studies of the Turkish version of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep Breath 2008;12:161-8.
  • 27. Derogatis LR. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) : administration, scoring & procedures manual-II. 2nd ed: [Towson, Md.] : Clinical Psychometric Research; 1992: 55.
  • 28. Şahin NH, Durak A. [A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory in Turkish Youth]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1994;9:44-56. [Article in Turkish]
  • 29. Crone EA, Dahl RE. Understanding adolescence as a period of social-affective engagement and goal flexibility. Nat Rev Neurosci 2012;13:636.
  • 30. Argyriou E, Um M, Carron C, Cyders MA. Age and impulsive behavior in drug addiction: a review of past research and future directions. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2018;164:106-17.
  • 31. Levenson JC, Shensa A, Sidani JE, Colditz JB, Primack BA. The association between social media use and sleep disturbance among young adults. Prev med 2016;85:36-41.
  • 32. Ivarsson M, Anderson M, Åkerstedt T, Lindblad F. Playing a violent television game affects heart rate variability. Acta Paediatr 2009;98:166-72.
  • 33. Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Ustunel TY, Ataoglu A. Internet addiction and sleep disturbance symptoms among Turkish high school students. Sleep Biol Rhythms 2013;11:210-3.
  • 34. Shrivastava A, Saxena Y. Effect of mobile usage on serum melatonin levels among medical students. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2014;58:395-9.
  • 35. Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence. NeuroImage 2013;71:275-83.
  • 36. Chang A-M, Aeschbach D, Duffy JF, Czeisler CA. Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015;112:1232-7.
  • 37. Li S, Jin X, Wu S, Jiang F, Yan C, Shen X. The impact of media use on sleep patterns and sleep disorders among school-aged children in China. Sleep 2007;30:361-7.
  • 38. Heo Y, Lee K. Smartphone addiction and school life adjustment among high school students: the mediating effect of self-control. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2018;56:28-36.
  • 39. Wood B, Rea MS, Plitnick B, Figueiro MG. Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression. Appl Ergon 2013;44:237-40.
  • 40. Exelmans L, Van den Bulck J. Bedtime mobile phone use and sleep in adults. Soc Sci Med 2016;148:93-101.
  • 41. Gradisar M, Gardner G, Dohnt H. Recent worldwide sleep patterns and problems during adolescence: A review and meta-analysis of age, region, and sleep. Sleep Med 2011;12:110-8.
  • 42. Adams SK, Kisler TS. Sleep quality as a mediator between technology-related sleep quality, depression, and anxiety. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2013;16:25-30.
  • 43. Rosen L, Carrier LM, Miller A, Rokkum J, Ruiz A. Sleeping with technology: cognitive, affective, and technology usage predictors of sleep problems among college students. Sleep Health 2016;2:49-56.
  • 44. Yen J-Y, Ko C-H, Yen C-F, Chen S-H, Chung W-L, Chen C-C. Psychiatric symptoms in adolescents with Internet addiction: comparison with substance use. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2008;62:9-16.
  • 45. Özen EM, Serhadlı ZNA, Türkcan AS, Ülker GE. Somatization in depression and anxiety disorders. Dusunen Adam 2010;23:60-5.
  • 46. Zhang Haijie ZZ, Zhang Danning. Psychological status and coping strategy of somatization disorders. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9:18564-8.
  • 47. Hansraj KK. Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head. Surg Technol Int 2014;25:277-9.
  • 48. Cao H, Sun Y, Wan Y, Hao J, Tao F. Problematic Internet use in Chinese adolescents and its relation to psychosomatic symptoms and life satisfaction. BMC Public Health 2011;11:802.
  • 49. Xie X, Dong Y, Wang J. Sleep quality as a mediator of problematic smartphone use and clinical health symptoms. J Behav Addict 2018;7:466-72.
  • 50. Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Rijal S, Thapa K, Mishra SR, Poudyal AK. Sleep quality, internet addiction and depressive symptoms among undergraduate students in Nepal. BMC Psychiatry 2017;17:106.
  • 51. Eggermont S, Van den Bulck J. Nodding off or switching off? The use of popular media as a sleep aid in secondary-school children. J Paediatr Child Health 2006;42:428-33.
  • 52. Tavernier R, Willoughby T. Sleep problems: predictor or outcome of media use among emerging adults at university? J Sleep Res 2014;23:389-96.

The relationship between smartphone using style and sleep quality and psychiatric symptoms among a foundation university students

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 6, 569 - 579, 04.11.2020


aimed to measure problematic smartphone use frequency and it’s association with
sleep problems and psychiatric symptoms in a sample of university students.

Methods: The
data in the study was collected by using a sociodemographic data form, the
Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI),
the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI).

Results: Based
on the SAS median score, the participants were divided into two groups as the
low-level smartphone use (SAS score < 79) and the high-level smartphone use
(SAS score > 79) groups. In the high-level smartphone use group, general
sleep quality was lower, sleep latency was longer, scores of sleep disorder and
daytime dysfunction were higher as measured by PSQI and the BSI scores were
higher (
p < 0.001). As a result of
the study, it was observed that, as smartphone use increased and became
problematic, sleep quality decreased, and daytime dysfunction and psychiatric
symptoms increased. SAS scores were positively correlated with both PSQI and
ESS scores. SAS score was found as a predictor of PSQI scores in the regression

Conclusions: This study shows that the relationship
between problematic smartphone use and decreased sleep quality and increased
psychiatric symptomatology in university students is still an important public
health issue. Responsible and mindfull use of smartphones by the students
throughout the day may provide a positive effect on their sleep. 


  • 1. Kwon M, Lee JY, Won WY, Park JW, Min JA, Hahn C, et al. Development and validation of a smartphone addiction scale (SAS). PLoS One 2013;8:e56936.
  • 2. Kuss DJ, Kanjo E, Crook-Rumsey M, Kibowski F, Wang GY, Sumich A. Problematic mobile phone use and addiction across generations: the roles of psychopathological symptoms and smartphone use. J Technol Behav Sci 2018;3:141-9.
  • 3. Panova T, Carbonell X. Is smartphone addiction really an addiction? J Behav Addict 2018;7:252-9.
  • 4. Serino S, Cipresso P, Gaggioli A, Pallavicini F, Cipress S, Campanaro D, et al. [Smartphone for self-management of psychological stress: a prelimınary evaluation of positive technology app]. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica 2015;19:253-60. [Article in Spain]
  • 5. Toda M, Ezoe S, Takeshita T. Mobile phone use and stress-coping strategies of medical students. Int J Cyber Behav Psychol Learn 2014;4:41-6.
  • 6. Vahedi Z, Saiphoo A. The association between smartphone use, stress, and anxiety: a meta-analytic review. Stress Health 2018;34:347-58.
  • 7. Buysse DJ. Sleep health: can we define it? Does it matter? Sleep 2014;37:9-17.
  • 8. Harvey AG, Stinson K, Whitaker KL, Moskovitz D, Virk H. The subjective meaning of sleep quality: a comparison of individuals with and without insomnia. Sleep 2008;31:383-93.
  • 9. Medic G, Wille M, Hemels ME. Short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption. Nat Sci Sleep 2017;9:151-61.
  • 10. Van Cauter E, Spiegel K, Tasali E, Leproult R. Metabolic consequences of sleep and sleep loss. Sleep Med 2008;9:S23-8.
  • 11. Bouloukaki I, Stathakis G, Koloi A, Bakiri E, Moudatsaki M, Pouladaki E, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of poor sleep quality and fatigue during exam periods in university students. ERJ Open Res 2017;3:P2.
  • 12. Demirci K, Akgonul M, Akpinar A. Relationship of smartphone use severity with sleep quality, depression, and anxiety in university students. J Behav Addict 2015;4:85-92.
  • 13. Hershner S CR. Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students. Nat Sci Sleep 2014;6:73-84.
  • 14. Mohammadbeigi A, Absari R, Valizadeh F, Saadati M, Sharifimoghadam S, Ahmadi A, et al. Sleep quality in medical students; the impact of over-use of mobile cell-phone and social networks. J Res Health Sci 2016;16-46-50.
  • 15. Lemola S, Perkinson-Gloor N, Brand S, Dewald-Kaufmann JF, Grob A. Adolescents’ electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age. J Youth Adolesc 2015;44:405-18.
  • 16. Matar Boumosleh J, Jaalouk D. Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students - A cross sectional study. PloS One 2017;12:e0182239.
  • 17. Tao S, Wu X, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Tong S, Tao F. Effects of sleep quality on the association between problematic mobile phone use and mental health symptoms in Chinese college students. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14:185.
  • 18. Monma T, Ando A, Asanuma T, Yoshitake Y, Yoshida G, Miyazawa T, et al. Sleep disorder risk factors among student athletes. Sleep Med 2018;44:76-81.
  • 19. Lanaj K, Johnson RE, Barnes CM. Beginning the workday yet already depleted? Consequences of late-night smartphone use and sleep. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 2014;124:11-23.
  • 20. Thomée S, Härenstam A, Hagberg M. Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults--a prospective cohort study. BMC public health 2011;11:66.
  • 21. Schweizer A, Berchtold A, Barrense-Dias Y, Akre C, Suris J-C. Adolescents with a smartphone sleep less than their peers. Eur J Pediatr 2017;176:131-6.
  • 22. Demirci K, Orhan H, Demirdas A, Akpinar A, Sert H. [Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the smartphone addiction scale in a younger population]. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2014;24:226-34. [Article in Turkish]
  • 23. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res 1989;28:193-213.
  • 24. Ağargün MY, Kara H, Anlar Ö. [The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh sleep quality index]. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1996;7:107-11. [Article in Turkish]
  • 25. Johns M. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep 1991;14:540-5.
  • 26. Izci B, Ardic S, Firat H, Sahin A, Altinors M, Karacan I. Reliability and validity studies of the Turkish version of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Sleep Breath 2008;12:161-8.
  • 27. Derogatis LR. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) : administration, scoring & procedures manual-II. 2nd ed: [Towson, Md.] : Clinical Psychometric Research; 1992: 55.
  • 28. Şahin NH, Durak A. [A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory in Turkish Youth]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1994;9:44-56. [Article in Turkish]
  • 29. Crone EA, Dahl RE. Understanding adolescence as a period of social-affective engagement and goal flexibility. Nat Rev Neurosci 2012;13:636.
  • 30. Argyriou E, Um M, Carron C, Cyders MA. Age and impulsive behavior in drug addiction: a review of past research and future directions. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2018;164:106-17.
  • 31. Levenson JC, Shensa A, Sidani JE, Colditz JB, Primack BA. The association between social media use and sleep disturbance among young adults. Prev med 2016;85:36-41.
  • 32. Ivarsson M, Anderson M, Åkerstedt T, Lindblad F. Playing a violent television game affects heart rate variability. Acta Paediatr 2009;98:166-72.
  • 33. Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Ustunel TY, Ataoglu A. Internet addiction and sleep disturbance symptoms among Turkish high school students. Sleep Biol Rhythms 2013;11:210-3.
  • 34. Shrivastava A, Saxena Y. Effect of mobile usage on serum melatonin levels among medical students. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2014;58:395-9.
  • 35. Telzer EH, Fuligni AJ, Lieberman MD, Galván A. The effects of poor quality sleep on brain function and risk taking in adolescence. NeuroImage 2013;71:275-83.
  • 36. Chang A-M, Aeschbach D, Duffy JF, Czeisler CA. Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015;112:1232-7.
  • 37. Li S, Jin X, Wu S, Jiang F, Yan C, Shen X. The impact of media use on sleep patterns and sleep disorders among school-aged children in China. Sleep 2007;30:361-7.
  • 38. Heo Y, Lee K. Smartphone addiction and school life adjustment among high school students: the mediating effect of self-control. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2018;56:28-36.
  • 39. Wood B, Rea MS, Plitnick B, Figueiro MG. Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression. Appl Ergon 2013;44:237-40.
  • 40. Exelmans L, Van den Bulck J. Bedtime mobile phone use and sleep in adults. Soc Sci Med 2016;148:93-101.
  • 41. Gradisar M, Gardner G, Dohnt H. Recent worldwide sleep patterns and problems during adolescence: A review and meta-analysis of age, region, and sleep. Sleep Med 2011;12:110-8.
  • 42. Adams SK, Kisler TS. Sleep quality as a mediator between technology-related sleep quality, depression, and anxiety. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2013;16:25-30.
  • 43. Rosen L, Carrier LM, Miller A, Rokkum J, Ruiz A. Sleeping with technology: cognitive, affective, and technology usage predictors of sleep problems among college students. Sleep Health 2016;2:49-56.
  • 44. Yen J-Y, Ko C-H, Yen C-F, Chen S-H, Chung W-L, Chen C-C. Psychiatric symptoms in adolescents with Internet addiction: comparison with substance use. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2008;62:9-16.
  • 45. Özen EM, Serhadlı ZNA, Türkcan AS, Ülker GE. Somatization in depression and anxiety disorders. Dusunen Adam 2010;23:60-5.
  • 46. Zhang Haijie ZZ, Zhang Danning. Psychological status and coping strategy of somatization disorders. Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9:18564-8.
  • 47. Hansraj KK. Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head. Surg Technol Int 2014;25:277-9.
  • 48. Cao H, Sun Y, Wan Y, Hao J, Tao F. Problematic Internet use in Chinese adolescents and its relation to psychosomatic symptoms and life satisfaction. BMC Public Health 2011;11:802.
  • 49. Xie X, Dong Y, Wang J. Sleep quality as a mediator of problematic smartphone use and clinical health symptoms. J Behav Addict 2018;7:466-72.
  • 50. Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Rijal S, Thapa K, Mishra SR, Poudyal AK. Sleep quality, internet addiction and depressive symptoms among undergraduate students in Nepal. BMC Psychiatry 2017;17:106.
  • 51. Eggermont S, Van den Bulck J. Nodding off or switching off? The use of popular media as a sleep aid in secondary-school children. J Paediatr Child Health 2006;42:428-33.
  • 52. Tavernier R, Willoughby T. Sleep problems: predictor or outcome of media use among emerging adults at university? J Sleep Res 2014;23:389-96.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychiatry, Medical Physiology
Journal Section Original Articles

Emin Erinç Yücel 0000-0002-9614-1427

Barış Önen Ünsalver 0000-0002-3195-7564

Publication Date November 4, 2020
Submission Date March 11, 2019
Acceptance Date May 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 6


AMA Yücel EE, Önen Ünsalver B. The relationship between smartphone using style and sleep quality and psychiatric symptoms among a foundation university students. Eur Res J. November 2020;6(6):569-579. doi:10.18621/eurj.538377

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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