Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Fundamentals of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (FCMS) is an international peer reviewed e-journal which is published 2 times a year (January & July) and accepts English language original research manuscripts in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

FCMS takes its duties of guardianship over all stages of publishing extremely seriously and FCMS recognize its ethical and other responsibilities.
The editorial board pursue the best practice guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). To guaranty the integrity of the published papers, FCMS editors are guided for using COPE’s flowcharts whenever they suspect an ethical issue about the paper they process. The authors, reviewers, editors and owner of the journal are expected to strictly committed to ensuring the policy of publication ethics and malpractice, and respect to the following statements:


Manuscripts submitted to Fundamentals of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences must be original and adhere to a high scientific and technical standard. The authors are expected to strictly follow the policy of publication ethics and malpractice.


FCMS is a free open access journal licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Thus, the authors accept the following conditions:
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of its authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Authors grant FCMS to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.


It is a fundamental condition that articles submitted to FCMS have not been previously published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will not be permitted to make any new additions to the manuscript.

Before publication the galley proof is always sent to the author for correction. Thus it is solely the author's responsibility for any typographical mistakes which occur in their article as it appears in the Journal. The contents of the manuscript published in the FCMS are the sole responsibility of the authors. Authors should not post their submitted work online in any sense, before or during the submission process, as this may cause nomenclatural problems.

With the submission of the manuscript authors declare and accept that:

• All authors of the submitted research paper have directly participated in the planning, execution, or analysis of study;
• All authors of the paper have read and approved the final version submitted;
• The contents of the manuscript have not been submitted, copyrighted or published elsewhere and the visual-graphical materials such as photograph, drawing, picture, and document within the article do not have any copyright issue;
• Authors are expected to keep accurate records of the data and to have ethical attitude on processing data since intentional manipulation of dataset to fit the desired results will be considered as fraud. Graphics/Illustrations used to present data can only be manipulated to clarify the graphics. If so, the author must ensure that the manipulation does not lead to loss or misinterpretation of data. Techniques used to clarify images must be described in the caption part of the graphic/illustration.
• Authors can not submit a manuscript if they already have a manuscript in process.

Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism

Plagiarism is unacceptable and any suspicion of plagiarism will be investigated by the editorial team. The article must be clean in terms of ‘plagiarism’, and the legal and ethical responsibility of the article belong to the author. Duplication of authors’ previous works (self-plagiarism) should also be avoided, or if necessary, it should be reported transparently and be fully cited in the publication itself.

The objectivity and transparency in research, and the principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed. Authors must cite appropriate and relevant literature in support of the results presented in their manuscript. Authors who already published papers on the same topic are expected to include citation of these papers, but they are expected to avoid excessive and inappropriate self-citation.

Conflicts of Interest

There is a conflict of interest when someone is influenced in his/her choices or actions by a personal or financial interest such as recommendation of a reviewer, an editor’s decision or interpretation of a result by an author. In this case, every suspicion of a conflict of interest should be reported to the editorial team of FCMS.

Authors should declare that they have no potential conflict of interest (financial or non-financial). If any, Authors must declare all potential interests in a ‘Conflicts of interest’ section, which should explain why the interest may be a conflict. Declared conflicts of interest will be considered by the editor and reviewers and included in the published article. If conflicts of interest are found after publication, this may be embarrassing for the authors, the Editor and the journal. It may be necessary to publish a corrigendum or reassess the review process.

License Agreement of the Authors

In submitting an article to any of the FCMS, The Author/Corresponding Author certify that:
1. He/She is authorized by his/her co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
2. He/She warrants, on behalf of himself/herself and his/her co-authors, that:
• the article is original, has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
• He/She (and co-authors) is(are) the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in granting rights to FCMS are not in breach of any other obligation;
• The article contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy;
• He/She (and co-authors) has(have) taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To his/their - and currently accepted scientific - knowledge all statements contained in the article claiming to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness or damage to the user.

Article-processing Charges

The publication costs for FCMS are covered by the journal, so authors do not need to pay an article-processing and submission charges. The PDF copies of accepted articles are free of charges, and can be downloaded from the website


Manuscripts should be typeset using the LATEX typesetting system. Authors should prepare the article using the FCMS style before submission to the editor via our submission system. Manuscripts written in AMS LaTeX format are also acceptable. A template of manuscript can be downloaded in tex form from the page After the acceptance of manuscripts for publication, we will ask you to submit the TeX form of the manuscript prepared in accordance with the style of the FCMS. Authors are required to submit their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)’s which can be obtained from as their URL address in the format

Acknowledgements should be given as short as possible at the end of the text. Each manuscript should be accompanied by classification numbers from the American Mathematical Society's 2020 classification scheme.

It is a fundamental condition that articles submitted to FCMS have not been previously published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will not be permitted to make any new additions to the manuscript.

Before publication, the galley proof is always sent to the author for correction. Thus it is solely the author's responsibility for any typographical mistakes which occur in their article as it appears in the FCMS. The contents of the manuscript published in the FCMS are the sole responsibility of the authors. When author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. If the editor or the publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains a significant error, it is the obligation of the author to promptly retract or correct the paper or provide evidence to the editor of the correctness of the original paper.
When errors are identified in published articles, the publisher team of FCMS will consider what action is required and may consult the editors and the authors’ institution(s). Errors by the authors may be corrected by a corrigendum and errors by the publisher by an erratum. If there are errors that significantly affect the conclusions or there is evidence of misconduct, this may require retraction or an expression of concern following the COPE Retraction Guidelines.

Article Processing Time

The total processing time of a manuscript ended up between two and six months, in general.


The editor makes the final decision of acceptance or rejection, based on the reviewers’ reports and the recommendation of the field editor in charge of the review process. If there is any conflict of interest between an editor and an author, the editor in question will not be involved in the review and the decision processes.

The “Submission/Managing System” which is used for manuscript submission/processing in FCMS uses a double-blind peer reviewed system that hidden the reviewers to authors and the authors to reviewers. 

The names, affiliations and email addresses entered in our journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Every suspicion of ethical issues will be investigated by the journal. Any suspicious case on ethical issues, misconduct or conflict of interest can be reported to the editor or the field editor who conduct the investigation. Editorial Board and reviewers/authors are encouraged for their opinion for the treatment of ethical issues. I the case of the involvement of other journals, editor will contact the journal to make a common decision if possible.
In the case of plagiarism, the retraction of a publication can be decided. The readers and all persons involved in the decision and publication process of the article and employer of the incriminated author (or reviewer) works will be notified.
Editors should decline to be involved with a submission when they have a financial interest, a recent publication, current submission, a collaboration, close personal connection with any author of submission. Editors must also declare if they have previously discussed the manuscript with the authors.


Following Pre-Review process handled by Editor or Co-Editor, Manuscripts which conform to journal scope and style will be sent to at least two reviewers by the Field Editor.
The reviewers are expected to evaluate the paper in an objective manner. Reviewers are expected to inform the Field Editor for potential conflict of interest and they should decline to be involved with a submission when they have a financial interest, a recent publication, current submission, a collaboration, close personal connection with any author of submission. Reviewer must also declare if they have previously discussed the manuscript with the authors.
Confidentiality of the manuscripts they are reviewing should be maintained. Potential reviewers who decline to review a paper are encouraged to state the declining reason.

19113 FCMS is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.