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Examination of the Effect of Pre-Hsg Melatonin on Endometrial Ablation and Uterine Dysplasic Cell Development Associated with Radiation

Year 2012, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.02.2012


Objective: To examine the effect of X ray, lipiodol and melatonin used during HSG on hystopathologic changes in the rat uterus. Material and Method: A total of 40 Spraque-Dawley type female rats were randomly allocated to 4 groups. Group 1 (n=10): Abdomen was opened and closed without X-ray exposure, group 3 (n=10): X-ray exposure, group 3 (n=10): Abdomen was opened and 0.1 ml Lipiodol was applied to each uterine horn, group 4 (n=10): 10 mg/kg/ip melatonin was administered and 15 minutes later, 0.1 ml Lipiodol was applied to each uterine horn. The rats in group 2, group 3 and group 4 were exposed to 3 doses of X-ray with 2-minute intervals after the closing of the abdomen (total dose = 15-20 milli Rad). The abdomen was opened 3 hours later in all rats. Uterine horn was removed and fixated in 10% formaldehyde. The preparations were examined under a light microscope to evaluate hystopathologic changes. Kruskal Wallis variance analysis was used of data. Results: Endometrial ablation was found similar in all groups. Dysplasic changes and congestion were established to be significantly elevated in group 2, when compared to other groups (p


  • Norris HJ, Taylor HB.Postirradiation sarcomas of the uterus. Obstet Gynecol 1965; 26: 689-694. 2. Fehr PE, Prem KA.Malignancy of the uterine corpus following irradiation therapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1974; 119: 685-692. 3.
  • Wagoner, JK. Leukemia and other malignancies following
  • radiation therapy for gynecological disorders. In Boice JD,
  • Fraumeni JF (Editors). Radiation Carcinogenesis:
  • Epidemiology and Biological Significance. New York. Raven
  • Press 1984; 153-159. 4.
  • Behtash N, Tehranian A, Ardalan FA, Hanjani P. Uterine
  • papillary serous carcinoma after pelvic radiation therapy for
  • cancer of the cervix. J Obstet Gynaecol 2002; 22: 96-97.
  • Dan U, Oelsner G, Gruberg L, Ezra D, Menczer J. Cerebral embolization and coma after hysterosalpingography with oil- soluble contrast medium. Fertil Steril 1990; 53: 939-940.
  • Jagetia GC, Reddy TK. Modulation of radiation-induced alteration in the antioxidant status of mice by naringin. Life Sci 2005; 77: 780-794.
  • van Veelen LR, Cervelli T, van de Rakt MW, Theil AF, Essers J, Kanaar R. Analysis of ionizing radiation-induced foci of DNA damage repair proteins. Mutat Res 2005; 574: 22-33.
  • Forrester HB, Radfordt IR. Ionizing radiation-induced chromosomal rearrangements occur in transcriptionally active regions of the genome. Int J Radiat Biol 2004; 80: 757-767.
  • Imaoka I, Wada A, Matsuo M, Yoshida M, Kitagaki H, Sugimura K. MR imaging of disorders associated with female infertility: use in diagnosis, treatment, and management. Radiographics 2003; 23: 1401-1421.
  • Wurtman RJ, Axelrod J, Chu EW. Melatonin, a pineal substance: effect on the rat ovary. Science 1963; 141: 277-278.
  • Reiter R, Tang L, Garcia JJ, Munoz-Hoyos A. Pharmacological actions of melatonin in oxygen radical pathophysiology. Life Sci 1997; 60: 2255-2271.
  • Pablos MI, Reiter RJ, Ortiz GG et al. Rhythms of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in brain of chick and their inhibition by light. Neurochem Int 1998; 32: 69-75.
  • Bettahi I, Pozo D, Osuna C, Reiter RJ, Acuna-Castroviejo D, Guerrero JM. Melatonin reduces nitric oxide synthase activity in rat hypothalamus. J Pineal Res 1996; 20: 205-210.
  • Reiter RJ, Tan DX, Qi W, Manchester LC, Karbownik M, Calvo JR. Pharmacology and physiology of melatonin in the reduction of oxidative stress in vivo.Biol Signals Recept 2000; 9: 160-171.
  • Sapmaz E, Akpolat N, Gürateş B, Çelik A, Atılgan R. Rat endometriumunda kimyasal ablasyon için trikloroasetik asit kullanımının incelenmesi. Türk Fertil Der 2004; 12: 209-216.
  • Nieto JJ, Crow J, Sundaresan M, et al. Ovarian epithelial dysplasia in relation to ovulation induction and nulliparity. Gynecol Oncol 2001; 82: 344-349.
  • Durand-Fontanier S, Simon A, Duroux JL, Descottes B, Delage C.Lipiodol ultra-fluid: an antitumor agent-in vitro study. Anticancer Res 1999; 19: 4357-4361.
  • Chou FI, Lui WY, Chi CW, Chan WK. I-131-lipiodol cytotoxicity in hepatoma cells. Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B 1994; 18: 154-160.
  • Kishimoto S, Miyazawa K, Fukushima S, Takeuchi Y. In vitro antitumor activity, intracellular accumulation, and DNA adduct formation of cis-[((1R,2R)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine- N,N')bis(myristato)] platinum (II) suspended in lipiodol. Jpn J Cancer Res 2000; 91: 99-104.
  • Ikeda M, Maeda S, Shibata J et al. Transcatheter arterial chemotherapy with and without embolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology 2004; 66: 24-31.
  • Abe S, Otsuki M. Styrene maleic acid neocarzinostatin treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma.Curr Med Chem Anti- Canc Agents 2002; 2: 715-726.
  • Brown JM, McIntosh MK.Conjugated linoleic acid in humans: regulation of adiposity and insulin sensitivity. J Nutr 2003; 133: 3041-3046.
  • Vadenabeele P, Declerq W, Beyaert R, Fiers W. Two tumor necrosis factor receptors: structure and function. Trends Cell Biol 1995; 5: 392–399.
  • Yan Z, Hunter V, Weed J, Hutchison S, Lyles R, Terranova P. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha alters steroidogenesis and stimulates proliferation of human ovarian granulosal cells in vitro. Fertil Steril 1993; 59: 332–338.
  • Wang LJ, Brannstrom M, Robertson SA, Norman RJ. Tumor necrosis factor alpha in the human ovary: presence in follicular fluid and effects on cell proliferation and prostaglandin production. Fertil Steril 1992; 58: 934–940.
  • Kaipia A, Chun SY, Eisenhauer K, Hsueh AJ. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its second messenger, ceramide, stimulate apoptosis in cultured ovarian follicles. Endocrinology 1996; 137: 4864–4870.
  • Badr FM, El Habit OH, Harraz MM.Radioprotective effect of melatonin assessed by measuring chromosomal damage in mitotic and meiotic cells. Mutat Res 1999; 444: 367-372.
  • Vijayalaxmi, Reiter RJ, Meltz ML, Herman TS.Melatonin: possible mechanisms involved in its 'radioprotective' effect. Mutat Res 1998; 404: 187-189.
  • Vijayalaxmi, Reiter RJ, Herman TS, Meltz ML.Melatonin and radioprotection from genetic damage: in vivo/in vitro studies with human volunteers. Mutat Res 1996; 371: 221-228.
  • Melchiorri D, Ortiz GG, Reiter RJ et al. Melatonin reduces paraquat-induced genotoxicity in mice.Toxicol Lett 1998; 9: 103-108.
  • Ortiz GG, Reiter RJ, Zuniga G, et al. Genotoxicity of paraquat: micronuclei induced in bone marrow and peripheral blood are inhibited by melatonin. Mutat Res 2000; 464: 239- 245.
  • Gönderilme Tarihi: 16.07.2011

HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.02.2012


Amaç: Histerosalpingografi esnasında kullanılan X ray, lipiodol ve melatoninin rat uterusunda endometriyal ablasyon, uterus luminal hücrelerinde displazik değişiklikler ve myometrial liflerde iğsi yapılaşma üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Gereç ve Yöntem: 40 adet Sprage Dawley cinsi dişi rat, rastgele 4 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1 (n=10): Batın açılıp kapatılan ve X ray uygulanmayan grup, grup 2 (n=10): X ray uygulanan grup, grup 3 (n=10): Batın açılıp her bir uterin horna 0.1 ml Lipiodol uygulanan grup, grup 4 (n=10): 10 mg/kg/ip melatonin uygulanıp, 15 dakika sonra her bir uterin horna 0.1 ml Lipiodol uygulanan grup. Batınları kapatılan Grup 2, grup 3 ve grup 4'teki ratlara 2 şer dakika ara ile 3 doz X ray uygulandı (Toplam doz=15-20 mili Rad). Tüm ratların 3 saat sonra batını açıldı. Sol uterin horn çıkarıldı. %10'luk formaldehitle tespit edildi. Işık mikroskopisinde endometrial ablasyon, fibrozis, endometrial bezlerdeki dejenerasyon, konjesyon ve ablasyondan sonra kalan, en üst uterin tabakadaki hücrelerde displazik değişiklikler ve myometriyumda iğsi yapılaşma incelendi. İstatistiksel analiz için Kruskal Wallis Varyans analizi kullanıldı. p0.05). Uterusdaki luminal displazik değişiklikler ve konjesyon grup 2'de diğer gruplara nazaran anlamlı olarak artmış idi (p


  • Norris HJ, Taylor HB.Postirradiation sarcomas of the uterus. Obstet Gynecol 1965; 26: 689-694. 2. Fehr PE, Prem KA.Malignancy of the uterine corpus following irradiation therapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1974; 119: 685-692. 3.
  • Wagoner, JK. Leukemia and other malignancies following
  • radiation therapy for gynecological disorders. In Boice JD,
  • Fraumeni JF (Editors). Radiation Carcinogenesis:
  • Epidemiology and Biological Significance. New York. Raven
  • Press 1984; 153-159. 4.
  • Behtash N, Tehranian A, Ardalan FA, Hanjani P. Uterine
  • papillary serous carcinoma after pelvic radiation therapy for
  • cancer of the cervix. J Obstet Gynaecol 2002; 22: 96-97.
  • Dan U, Oelsner G, Gruberg L, Ezra D, Menczer J. Cerebral embolization and coma after hysterosalpingography with oil- soluble contrast medium. Fertil Steril 1990; 53: 939-940.
  • Jagetia GC, Reddy TK. Modulation of radiation-induced alteration in the antioxidant status of mice by naringin. Life Sci 2005; 77: 780-794.
  • van Veelen LR, Cervelli T, van de Rakt MW, Theil AF, Essers J, Kanaar R. Analysis of ionizing radiation-induced foci of DNA damage repair proteins. Mutat Res 2005; 574: 22-33.
  • Forrester HB, Radfordt IR. Ionizing radiation-induced chromosomal rearrangements occur in transcriptionally active regions of the genome. Int J Radiat Biol 2004; 80: 757-767.
  • Imaoka I, Wada A, Matsuo M, Yoshida M, Kitagaki H, Sugimura K. MR imaging of disorders associated with female infertility: use in diagnosis, treatment, and management. Radiographics 2003; 23: 1401-1421.
  • Wurtman RJ, Axelrod J, Chu EW. Melatonin, a pineal substance: effect on the rat ovary. Science 1963; 141: 277-278.
  • Reiter R, Tang L, Garcia JJ, Munoz-Hoyos A. Pharmacological actions of melatonin in oxygen radical pathophysiology. Life Sci 1997; 60: 2255-2271.
  • Pablos MI, Reiter RJ, Ortiz GG et al. Rhythms of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in brain of chick and their inhibition by light. Neurochem Int 1998; 32: 69-75.
  • Bettahi I, Pozo D, Osuna C, Reiter RJ, Acuna-Castroviejo D, Guerrero JM. Melatonin reduces nitric oxide synthase activity in rat hypothalamus. J Pineal Res 1996; 20: 205-210.
  • Reiter RJ, Tan DX, Qi W, Manchester LC, Karbownik M, Calvo JR. Pharmacology and physiology of melatonin in the reduction of oxidative stress in vivo.Biol Signals Recept 2000; 9: 160-171.
  • Sapmaz E, Akpolat N, Gürateş B, Çelik A, Atılgan R. Rat endometriumunda kimyasal ablasyon için trikloroasetik asit kullanımının incelenmesi. Türk Fertil Der 2004; 12: 209-216.
  • Nieto JJ, Crow J, Sundaresan M, et al. Ovarian epithelial dysplasia in relation to ovulation induction and nulliparity. Gynecol Oncol 2001; 82: 344-349.
  • Durand-Fontanier S, Simon A, Duroux JL, Descottes B, Delage C.Lipiodol ultra-fluid: an antitumor agent-in vitro study. Anticancer Res 1999; 19: 4357-4361.
  • Chou FI, Lui WY, Chi CW, Chan WK. I-131-lipiodol cytotoxicity in hepatoma cells. Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B 1994; 18: 154-160.
  • Kishimoto S, Miyazawa K, Fukushima S, Takeuchi Y. In vitro antitumor activity, intracellular accumulation, and DNA adduct formation of cis-[((1R,2R)-1,2-cyclohexanediamine- N,N')bis(myristato)] platinum (II) suspended in lipiodol. Jpn J Cancer Res 2000; 91: 99-104.
  • Ikeda M, Maeda S, Shibata J et al. Transcatheter arterial chemotherapy with and without embolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology 2004; 66: 24-31.
  • Abe S, Otsuki M. Styrene maleic acid neocarzinostatin treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma.Curr Med Chem Anti- Canc Agents 2002; 2: 715-726.
  • Brown JM, McIntosh MK.Conjugated linoleic acid in humans: regulation of adiposity and insulin sensitivity. J Nutr 2003; 133: 3041-3046.
  • Vadenabeele P, Declerq W, Beyaert R, Fiers W. Two tumor necrosis factor receptors: structure and function. Trends Cell Biol 1995; 5: 392–399.
  • Yan Z, Hunter V, Weed J, Hutchison S, Lyles R, Terranova P. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha alters steroidogenesis and stimulates proliferation of human ovarian granulosal cells in vitro. Fertil Steril 1993; 59: 332–338.
  • Wang LJ, Brannstrom M, Robertson SA, Norman RJ. Tumor necrosis factor alpha in the human ovary: presence in follicular fluid and effects on cell proliferation and prostaglandin production. Fertil Steril 1992; 58: 934–940.
  • Kaipia A, Chun SY, Eisenhauer K, Hsueh AJ. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its second messenger, ceramide, stimulate apoptosis in cultured ovarian follicles. Endocrinology 1996; 137: 4864–4870.
  • Badr FM, El Habit OH, Harraz MM.Radioprotective effect of melatonin assessed by measuring chromosomal damage in mitotic and meiotic cells. Mutat Res 1999; 444: 367-372.
  • Vijayalaxmi, Reiter RJ, Meltz ML, Herman TS.Melatonin: possible mechanisms involved in its 'radioprotective' effect. Mutat Res 1998; 404: 187-189.
  • Vijayalaxmi, Reiter RJ, Herman TS, Meltz ML.Melatonin and radioprotection from genetic damage: in vivo/in vitro studies with human volunteers. Mutat Res 1996; 371: 221-228.
  • Melchiorri D, Ortiz GG, Reiter RJ et al. Melatonin reduces paraquat-induced genotoxicity in mice.Toxicol Lett 1998; 9: 103-108.
  • Ortiz GG, Reiter RJ, Zuniga G, et al. Genotoxicity of paraquat: micronuclei induced in bone marrow and peripheral blood are inhibited by melatonin. Mutat Res 2000; 464: 239- 245.
  • Gönderilme Tarihi: 16.07.2011
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ekrem Sapmaz This is me

Nusret Akpolat This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Sapmaz, E., & Akpolat, N. (2012). HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 17(1), 1-5.
AMA Sapmaz E, Akpolat N. HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi. February 2012;17(1):1-5.
Chicago Sapmaz, Ekrem, and Nusret Akpolat. “HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon Ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. Fırat Tıp Dergisi 17, no. 1 (February 2012): 1-5.
EndNote Sapmaz E, Akpolat N (February 1, 2012) HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi 17 1 1–5.
IEEE E. Sapmaz and N. Akpolat, “HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”, Fırat Tıp Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–5, 2012.
ISNAD Sapmaz, Ekrem - Akpolat, Nusret. “HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon Ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. Fırat Tıp Dergisi 17/1 (February 2012), 1-5.
JAMA Sapmaz E, Akpolat N. HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi. 2012;17:1–5.
MLA Sapmaz, Ekrem and Nusret Akpolat. “HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon Ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 1, 2012, pp. 1-5.
Vancouver Sapmaz E, Akpolat N. HSG Öncesi Kullanılan Melatoninin Radyasyona Bağlı Gelişecek Endometriyal Ablasyon ve Uterin Displazik Hücre Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Fırat Tıp Dergisi. 2012;17(1):1-5.