Çilekte Kurşuni Küf ile Biyolojik Savaşım Çalışmaları
Year 2021,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2-3, 35 - 44, 27.04.2022
Bilhan Gökçen Çelik
Figen Yıldız
Çilek yetiştiriciliğinde Botrytis cinerea’nın yol açtığı kurşuni küf en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada, çilekte kurşuni küf çürüklüğüne karşı etkili bir koruma sağlayabilecek antagonistik mikroorganizmaların araştırılması ve etkilerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla muhtemelen pestisit kullanılmayan çilek bitkilerinin yaprak, meyve ve çiçek kısımlarından fungus, maya ve fluorescent Pseudomonas grubu flora izole edilmiştir. Aday antagonist mikroorganizmaların virulent Botrytis cinerea izolatı karşısındaki etkililiğini belirlemek amacıyla laboratuar ve iklim odası koşullarında bir dizi in-vitro ve in-vivo testler gerçekleştirilmiştir. In-vitro denemeler sonrası başarılı bulunan fluorescent Pseudomonas grubu 8 izolat, daha önceki çalışmalarda başarılı bulunan 4 bakteriyel izolat, bakteriyel antagonist Streptomyces lydicus içeren Actinovate (80 g/100 l) isimli ticari preparat ve bir botrytisit olan cyprodinyl + fludioxanil etkili maddelerini içeren Switch (60 g/100 l), pozitif ve negatif kontrollerle birlikte in-vivo denemede yer almıştır. Çilek bitkilerinde yapılan değerlendirme sonuçlarına göre; Uşak ili Sivaslı ilçesindeki bitkilerin çiçekleri üzerinden izole edilen 4/12 nolu fluorescent Pseudomonas izolatı kontrole göre farklı bulunarak %65.86 oranında bir etkililik göstermiştir. Bunu, Manisa ili Kula ilçesindeki çilek bitkilerinin yaprakları üzerinden izole edilen 7/4 no’lu izolat, %56.21 etki oranıyla izlemiştir. Çalışmada, fungisit (cyprodinil + fludioxanil) ve bir biofungisit olan S. lydicus (Actinovate) ise kontrole yakın hastalık çıkışı göstermeleri ile etkisiz olmuşlardır.
Supporting Institution
Çalışma E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Bitki Koruma Bölümünde yapılmış bir Yüksek Lisans tez çalışmasıdır.
Project Number
Proje ile desteklenmemiştir.
- Anonymous, 2021. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (http:// www.tuik.gov.tr.)
- Averre, C. W. 2002. Strawberry Diseases and Their Control. Fruit Disease Information Note No. 5 http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/oldnotes/fd5.htm. (Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2010)
- Benlioğlu, S., Yıldız, A. and Döken, T. 2001. Aydın İlinde Çileklerde Görülen Önemli Fungal Hastalıklar ve Savaşım Olanakları Üzerinde Araştırmalar.Aydın, Tübitak, Togtag-1641 nolu proje kesin raporu,pp:41.
- Berrie, A.M., Harris, D.C. and Xu, X.M. 2002. A potential system for managing Botrytis and powdery mildew in main season strawberries. Acta Horticulturae, 567: 647-649.
- Bhatt, D.D., and Vaughan, E.K. 1962. Preliminary investigations on biological control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) of strawberries. Plant Disease Reporter, 46: 342-345.
- Bilu, A., Dag, A., Elad, Y. and Shafir, S. 2004. Honey bee dispersal of biocontrol agents: an evaluation of dispensing devices.Biocontrol Science and Technology, 14:607-617.
- Cook, R.J., Bruckart, W.L., Coulson, J.R., Goettel, M.S., Humber, R.A., Lumsden, R.D., Maddox, J.V., McManus, M.L., Moore, L., Meyer, S.F., Quimby, P.C. Jr., Stack, J.P. and Vaughn, J.L. 1996. Safety of microorganisms intended for pest and plant disease control: a framework for scientific evaluation. Biol. Control, 7: 333-351.
- Cota, L.V., Maffia, L.A., Mizubuti, E.S.G., Macedo, P.E.F. and Antunes, R.F. 2008. Biological control by Clonostachys rosea as a key component in the integrated management of strawberry gray mold, Biological Control: 46 515-522.
- Daugaard, H., 1999. Cultural methods for controlling Botrytis cinerea Pers. in strawberry. Biol Agric and Hortic 16: 351-361.
- Delen, N. 2008. Fungisitler. Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayın,, No: 43. Ankara, 318 s.
- D’Ercole, N. 1985. The Biological Control of Gray Mold in Strawberry by Treatment of Trichoderma viride. Informatore Fitopatologico, 35(3): 35-38.
- Ercişli, S., Eşitken, A. and Dönmez, M.F. 2009. The use of PGPR as biological control of B.cinerea and biofertilizer agents in raspberry cv.Heritage. Cost 863 WG2+WG3 Joint Meeting, biotic and abiotic strss prevention in intregrated berry fruit production, Bulgaria.
- Eşitken, A., Ercişli, S., Orhan, E. and Dönmez, M.F. 2008. PGPR as biological control of Botrytis cinerea and biofertilizer agents in strawberry cv. Fern (www.euroberry.it/documents/wgm08/COST863) (Erişim Tarihi:23.10.2010).
- Ghini, R. and Vitti, A.J. 1993. Controle integrado de Botrytis cinerea na cultura do morango. Summa Phytopathol 19: 10-13.
- Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y. and Dinoor, A. 2001. Combining biocontrol agents to reduce the variability of biological control. Phytopathol. 91: 621-627.
- Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y. and Dinoor, A. 2002. Establishment, survival and activity of the biocontrol agents Pichia guillermondii and Bacillus mycoides applied as a mixture on strawberry plants. Biocontrol Science and Technology 12: 705-714.
- Haggag, W.M. 2008. Isolation of bioactive antibiotic peptides from Bacillus brevis and Bacillus polymyxa against Botrytis grey mould in strawberry. Arch Phytopathol Plant Prot 41: 477–49.
- Hang, N.T.T., Oh, S-O., Kim, G.H., Hur, J-S. and Koh, Y.J. 2004. Bacillus subtilis S1-0210 as a Biocontrol Agent against B. cinerea in Strawberries. Plant Pathol. J. 21 (1): 59-63.
- Helbig, J. 2001. Biological control of B. cinerea Pers. Ex Fr. in strawberry by Paenibacillus polmyxa (Isolate 18191). Journal of Phythopathology, 149: 265-273.
- İlhan, K. 2009. Çilekte Kurşuni Küf (B. cinerea) Hastalığına Karşı Bakteriyel Antagonistlerin Saptanması, Etkiliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Populasyon Dinamiklerinin İzlenmesi, Doktora Tezi, 132 s.
- Karabulut, O.A., Tezcan, H., Daus, A., Cohen, L., Wiess, B. and Droby, S. 2004, Control of preharvest and postharvest fruit rot in strawberry by Metschnikowia fructicola. Bicontrol Science and Technology, 14:513-521.
- Kim, H.J., Lee, S.H., Kim, C.S., Lim, E.K., Choi, K.H., Kong, H.G., Kim, D.W., Lee, S.W. and Moon B.J. 2007. Biological control of strawberry gray mold caused by B. cinerea using Bacillus licheniformis N1 formulation. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,17 (3): 438-444.
- Likhachev, A.N., Palmova, N.P. and Gogoleva, I.A. 1998. Toxicogenesis as a characteristic ofinfraspecific viability and specialisation in gray rot pathogen. Mikol. Fitopatol. 32: 52-57.
- Lima, G., Ippolito, A., Nigro, F. and Salerno, F., 1997. Effectiveness of Aureobasidium pullulans and Candida oleophila against postharvest strawberry rots. Postharv. Biol. Technol. 10: 169-178.
- Maas, J.L. 1984. Compendium of Strawberry Diseases. American Phytopathology Society, St. Paul. Minnesota, USA.
- Peng, G. and Sutton, J.C. 1991. Evaluation of microorganisms for biocontrol of B. cinerea in strawberry. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology , 13: 247-257.
- Peng, G., Sutton J.C. and Kevan, P.G. 1992. Effectiveness of honeybees for applying the biocontrol agent Gliocladium roseum to strawberry flowers to supress B. cinerea. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 14: 117-129.
- Saygılı, H. 1995. Fitobakteriyoloji. Doğruluk Matbaası, İzmir. 34 s.
- Shtineberg, D. 2004. Rational management of Botrytis -incited diseases:Integration of control measures and use of warning systems. In: Botrytis: Biology, Pathology and Control. Chapter 18: 335-347. Kluwer Academic Publichers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
- Sutton, J.C. and Peng, G. 1993. Biocontrol of .B.cinerea in strawberry leaves. Phytopathology, 83: 615-621.
- Sutton, J.C. 1995. Evaluation of micro-organisms for biocontrol: Botrytis cinerea and strawberry, a case study. In: Andrews, J.H. and Tommerup, I.C. (eds.) Advences in plant pathology (pp. 173-190), Acad. Pres, San Diego, USA.
- Swadling, I.R. and Jeffries, P. 1996. Isolation of microbial antagonists for biocontrol of gray mould disease of strawberries. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 6: 125-136.
- Terry, L.A. and Joyce, D.C. 2000. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11: 1009-1016.
- Tronsmo, J. and Raa, W.S. 1977. Antagonistic action of Trichoderma pseudokoningii against the apple pathogen B. cinerea . Phytopathology, 89: 216-220.
- Wilson, M.E. and Wisniewski, C.J. 1989. Biological control of postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables: an emerging technology. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 27: 425-441.
- Xu, X., Haris, D.C. and Berrie, A.M. 2000. Modelling infection of strawberry flowers by B. cinerea using field data. Phytopathology, 90: 1367-1374.
- Yıldız, F., Kınay, P., Yıldız, M., Droby, S., Cohen, L and Weiss, B. 1998. Evaluation of Antagonistic Activity of Epiphytic Yeasts Against Rot Patgogens of Mandarin, Orange and Grapefruit. - In : B.K Duffy, U. Rosenberger and G. Defago (eds.) Molecular Approach in Biological Control IOBC/wprs Bulletin No: 21 (9): 291-296.
- Yıldız, F. 2000. Studies on the biological control of gray mold disease (B. cinerea Pers.) of the greenhouse grown tomatoes. J. of Turkish Phytopath. 29(2 -3): 95 – 103.
- Yıldız, F., Yıldız, M., Delen, N., Coşkuntuna, A., Kınay, P. and Türküsay, H. 2007. The Effects of biological and chemical treatment on gray mold disease in tomatoes grown under greenhouse conditions. Turk J. Agric. For. 31: 327-334.
- Yılmaz, H. 2006. Çilek Hastalıkları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Yayınları, Van.
Biological Control Studies of Gray Mold Disease on Strawberry
Year 2021,
Volume: 50 Issue: 2-3, 35 - 44, 27.04.2022
Bilhan Gökçen Çelik
Figen Yıldız
Gray mold caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea is one of the most important diseases of strawberry. This study aimed to investigate the antagonistic microorganisms that provide effective protection against strawberry gray mold and to reveal their efficacy. For this purpose, fungus, yeast and fluorescent Pseudomonads were isolated from the leaves, fruits and flower parts of strawberry plants and possibly did not use pesticide application. A series of in-vivo and in-vitro tests were carried out in the laboratory and climate room conditions to determine the efficacy of candidate antagonistic microorganisms against virulent isolates of B. cinerea. The effective eight isolates of fluorescent Pseudomonads and four effective bacterial isolates from the previous studies were selected from in-vivo tests, the commercial bioproduct containing bacterial antagonist S. lydicus; Actinovate (80 g/100 l) and a fungicide containing cyprodinyl + fludioxanil active ingredients; Switch (60 g/100 l), negative and positive controls were tested in-vivo tests. According to the evaluation results in strawberry plants, fluorescent Pseudomonads isolate (4/12) isolated from the flowers of plants in the district of Sivaslı of province Uşak was found significantly different compared to control and has shown an effectiveness rate of 65.86%. This was followed by 7/4 no isolate isolated from the leaves of plants in the district of Kula of province Manisa with a 56.21% impact rate. In the study, fungicide (cyprodinil + fludioxanil) and biofungicide S. lydicus (Actinovate) showed disease severity close to the control and have been found ineffective.
Project Number
Proje ile desteklenmemiştir.
- Anonymous, 2021. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (http:// www.tuik.gov.tr.)
- Averre, C. W. 2002. Strawberry Diseases and Their Control. Fruit Disease Information Note No. 5 http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/oldnotes/fd5.htm. (Erişim tarihi: 10.09.2010)
- Benlioğlu, S., Yıldız, A. and Döken, T. 2001. Aydın İlinde Çileklerde Görülen Önemli Fungal Hastalıklar ve Savaşım Olanakları Üzerinde Araştırmalar.Aydın, Tübitak, Togtag-1641 nolu proje kesin raporu,pp:41.
- Berrie, A.M., Harris, D.C. and Xu, X.M. 2002. A potential system for managing Botrytis and powdery mildew in main season strawberries. Acta Horticulturae, 567: 647-649.
- Bhatt, D.D., and Vaughan, E.K. 1962. Preliminary investigations on biological control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) of strawberries. Plant Disease Reporter, 46: 342-345.
- Bilu, A., Dag, A., Elad, Y. and Shafir, S. 2004. Honey bee dispersal of biocontrol agents: an evaluation of dispensing devices.Biocontrol Science and Technology, 14:607-617.
- Cook, R.J., Bruckart, W.L., Coulson, J.R., Goettel, M.S., Humber, R.A., Lumsden, R.D., Maddox, J.V., McManus, M.L., Moore, L., Meyer, S.F., Quimby, P.C. Jr., Stack, J.P. and Vaughn, J.L. 1996. Safety of microorganisms intended for pest and plant disease control: a framework for scientific evaluation. Biol. Control, 7: 333-351.
- Cota, L.V., Maffia, L.A., Mizubuti, E.S.G., Macedo, P.E.F. and Antunes, R.F. 2008. Biological control by Clonostachys rosea as a key component in the integrated management of strawberry gray mold, Biological Control: 46 515-522.
- Daugaard, H., 1999. Cultural methods for controlling Botrytis cinerea Pers. in strawberry. Biol Agric and Hortic 16: 351-361.
- Delen, N. 2008. Fungisitler. Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi Yayın,, No: 43. Ankara, 318 s.
- D’Ercole, N. 1985. The Biological Control of Gray Mold in Strawberry by Treatment of Trichoderma viride. Informatore Fitopatologico, 35(3): 35-38.
- Ercişli, S., Eşitken, A. and Dönmez, M.F. 2009. The use of PGPR as biological control of B.cinerea and biofertilizer agents in raspberry cv.Heritage. Cost 863 WG2+WG3 Joint Meeting, biotic and abiotic strss prevention in intregrated berry fruit production, Bulgaria.
- Eşitken, A., Ercişli, S., Orhan, E. and Dönmez, M.F. 2008. PGPR as biological control of Botrytis cinerea and biofertilizer agents in strawberry cv. Fern (www.euroberry.it/documents/wgm08/COST863) (Erişim Tarihi:23.10.2010).
- Ghini, R. and Vitti, A.J. 1993. Controle integrado de Botrytis cinerea na cultura do morango. Summa Phytopathol 19: 10-13.
- Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y. and Dinoor, A. 2001. Combining biocontrol agents to reduce the variability of biological control. Phytopathol. 91: 621-627.
- Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y. and Dinoor, A. 2002. Establishment, survival and activity of the biocontrol agents Pichia guillermondii and Bacillus mycoides applied as a mixture on strawberry plants. Biocontrol Science and Technology 12: 705-714.
- Haggag, W.M. 2008. Isolation of bioactive antibiotic peptides from Bacillus brevis and Bacillus polymyxa against Botrytis grey mould in strawberry. Arch Phytopathol Plant Prot 41: 477–49.
- Hang, N.T.T., Oh, S-O., Kim, G.H., Hur, J-S. and Koh, Y.J. 2004. Bacillus subtilis S1-0210 as a Biocontrol Agent against B. cinerea in Strawberries. Plant Pathol. J. 21 (1): 59-63.
- Helbig, J. 2001. Biological control of B. cinerea Pers. Ex Fr. in strawberry by Paenibacillus polmyxa (Isolate 18191). Journal of Phythopathology, 149: 265-273.
- İlhan, K. 2009. Çilekte Kurşuni Küf (B. cinerea) Hastalığına Karşı Bakteriyel Antagonistlerin Saptanması, Etkiliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Populasyon Dinamiklerinin İzlenmesi, Doktora Tezi, 132 s.
- Karabulut, O.A., Tezcan, H., Daus, A., Cohen, L., Wiess, B. and Droby, S. 2004, Control of preharvest and postharvest fruit rot in strawberry by Metschnikowia fructicola. Bicontrol Science and Technology, 14:513-521.
- Kim, H.J., Lee, S.H., Kim, C.S., Lim, E.K., Choi, K.H., Kong, H.G., Kim, D.W., Lee, S.W. and Moon B.J. 2007. Biological control of strawberry gray mold caused by B. cinerea using Bacillus licheniformis N1 formulation. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,17 (3): 438-444.
- Likhachev, A.N., Palmova, N.P. and Gogoleva, I.A. 1998. Toxicogenesis as a characteristic ofinfraspecific viability and specialisation in gray rot pathogen. Mikol. Fitopatol. 32: 52-57.
- Lima, G., Ippolito, A., Nigro, F. and Salerno, F., 1997. Effectiveness of Aureobasidium pullulans and Candida oleophila against postharvest strawberry rots. Postharv. Biol. Technol. 10: 169-178.
- Maas, J.L. 1984. Compendium of Strawberry Diseases. American Phytopathology Society, St. Paul. Minnesota, USA.
- Peng, G. and Sutton, J.C. 1991. Evaluation of microorganisms for biocontrol of B. cinerea in strawberry. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology , 13: 247-257.
- Peng, G., Sutton J.C. and Kevan, P.G. 1992. Effectiveness of honeybees for applying the biocontrol agent Gliocladium roseum to strawberry flowers to supress B. cinerea. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 14: 117-129.
- Saygılı, H. 1995. Fitobakteriyoloji. Doğruluk Matbaası, İzmir. 34 s.
- Shtineberg, D. 2004. Rational management of Botrytis -incited diseases:Integration of control measures and use of warning systems. In: Botrytis: Biology, Pathology and Control. Chapter 18: 335-347. Kluwer Academic Publichers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
- Sutton, J.C. and Peng, G. 1993. Biocontrol of .B.cinerea in strawberry leaves. Phytopathology, 83: 615-621.
- Sutton, J.C. 1995. Evaluation of micro-organisms for biocontrol: Botrytis cinerea and strawberry, a case study. In: Andrews, J.H. and Tommerup, I.C. (eds.) Advences in plant pathology (pp. 173-190), Acad. Pres, San Diego, USA.
- Swadling, I.R. and Jeffries, P. 1996. Isolation of microbial antagonists for biocontrol of gray mould disease of strawberries. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 6: 125-136.
- Terry, L.A. and Joyce, D.C. 2000. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11: 1009-1016.
- Tronsmo, J. and Raa, W.S. 1977. Antagonistic action of Trichoderma pseudokoningii against the apple pathogen B. cinerea . Phytopathology, 89: 216-220.
- Wilson, M.E. and Wisniewski, C.J. 1989. Biological control of postharvest diseases of fruits and vegetables: an emerging technology. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 27: 425-441.
- Xu, X., Haris, D.C. and Berrie, A.M. 2000. Modelling infection of strawberry flowers by B. cinerea using field data. Phytopathology, 90: 1367-1374.
- Yıldız, F., Kınay, P., Yıldız, M., Droby, S., Cohen, L and Weiss, B. 1998. Evaluation of Antagonistic Activity of Epiphytic Yeasts Against Rot Patgogens of Mandarin, Orange and Grapefruit. - In : B.K Duffy, U. Rosenberger and G. Defago (eds.) Molecular Approach in Biological Control IOBC/wprs Bulletin No: 21 (9): 291-296.
- Yıldız, F. 2000. Studies on the biological control of gray mold disease (B. cinerea Pers.) of the greenhouse grown tomatoes. J. of Turkish Phytopath. 29(2 -3): 95 – 103.
- Yıldız, F., Yıldız, M., Delen, N., Coşkuntuna, A., Kınay, P. and Türküsay, H. 2007. The Effects of biological and chemical treatment on gray mold disease in tomatoes grown under greenhouse conditions. Turk J. Agric. For. 31: 327-334.
- Yılmaz, H. 2006. Çilek Hastalıkları. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Yayınları, Van.