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Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri

Year 2009, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 203 - 210, 17.09.2014


Enürezis, idrar kontrolünün beklendi¤i yafltan sonra (4-5 yafl), gece ya da gündüz, yata¤›na ya da giysilerine, istemli ya
da istemsiz olarak yenileyen (haftada en az 2 kez) idrar kaç›rmad›r. Enürezisin farkl› etyolojik nedenlerle ortaya ç›kabilen
bir semptom olmas›, enürezisi farkl› disiplinleri ilgilendiren bir sorun haline getirmifltir. Enürezis ile ilgilenen her disiplin
problemi kendi aç›s›ndan de¤erlendirmekte ve tedaviyi yönlendirmektedir. Enurezis tedavisi için hemflire, hekim,
e¤itimci, fizyoterapist, psikiyatristten oluflan multidisipliner bir ekip gerekmektedir. Gündüz alt›n› ›slatma s›kl›¤› 3-4 yafl›
nda % 15 olup, her y›l % 15 spontan iyileflme olmaktad›r. Enurezis için bafll›ca iki grup tedavi yöntemi bulunmaktad›r.
Bunlar davran›fl de¤ifltirme ve ilaç tedavisi yöntemleridir. Davran›fla dayal› tedavi yöntemlerinde; ilk etapta farmakolojik
bir ajana gereksinim duyulmamas›, yan etkisinin olmamas› tercih edilen yönü olmakla beraber; tedaviye uyumsuzluk,
s›k aral›klarla takip gerektirebilmesi, sa¤l›k ekibi, hasta ve aile ile iyi bir iletiflimi gerektirmesi, bafllang›çta ailelerin bu
yönteme güvenmemeleri yöntemin tercih edilmeme sebepleridir. Bu makalede davran›fla dayal› tedavi yöntemlerinden tuvalet
e¤itimi, motivasyon tedavisi, alarm-uyar› tedavisi, mesane retansiyon e¤itimi, hipnoterapi, akupunktur, refleks terapi,
homeopati, biyofeedback, pelvik taban egzersizi, temiz aral›kl› kateterizasyon, nöromodülasyon ve karyopraktik yöntemlerine
yer verilmifltir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Enürezis, tedavi, davran›fl de¤ifltirme.


  • Al-Harbi, S. M., Needlman, R. D., Khan, A. S., Patni, T. (2004). Intensive behavioral theraphy for primary enuresis. Saudi Med J, 25(7): 934- 40.
  • Alpay, H., Bıyıklı, N. K. (2003). Voiding dysfunction. Jo- urnal of the Turkish Society of Nephrology, 12(3): 122- 126.
  • Barroso, UJr. ve ark (2006). Nonpharmacological treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction using biofeedback and transcutaneous electrical stimulation: A pilot study. BJU Int, 98(1): 166-71.
  • Blanco, J. L., Oliver, F. J., De Celis, R., Joao, C. M. (2006). Biofeedback therapy for urinary incontinence in children. Cir Pediatr, 19(2): 61-5.
  • Caione, P., Nappo, S., Capozza, N., Minni B., Ferro F. (1994). Primary enuresis in children which treatment today? Minerva Pediatr, 46(10): 437-43.
  • Chiozza, M. L. ve ark (1998). An Italian epidemiological multicentre study of nocturnal enuresis. Br J Urol, 3: 86-9. Chiozza, M. L. (1997). An update on clinical and thera- peutic aspects of nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr Med Chir, 19(5): 385-90.
  • Dalton, R., Boris, W. N. (2004). Enurezis. Behrman, R. E., Kliegman, R. M., Arvin, A. M., (Eds.). Nelson Text- book of Pediatrics. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 74-75.
  • Diseth, T. H., Vandvik. I. H. (2004). Hypnotherapy in the treatment of refractory nocturnal enuresis. Tidsskr Nor La- egeforen, 19;124(4): 488-91.
  • Ellis, N. (2002). Complementary therapies acupuncture. Laycock, J., Haslam, J. (Eds.). Therapeutic Managament of Incontinence and Pelvic Disorders. Springer, London, 219- 223.
  • Evans, J. H. (2001). Evidence based management of noc- turnal enuresis. BMJ, 17;323(7322): 1167-9.
  • Fritz, G., Rockney, R. (2004). American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Work Group on quality issues, summary of the practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with enuresis. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43: 123-125.
  • Geeter, P. C. (2004). Overactive bladder syndrome in chil- dren. Urologe, 43(7): 807-12.
  • Glazener, C. M., Evans, J. H., Peto, R. E. (2005). Alarm interventions for nocturnal enuresis in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 18(2): CD002911.
  • Hansen, A. F., Jorgensen, T. M. (1997). Alarm treatment: Influence on functional bladder capacity. Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl, 183: 59-60.
  • Hattori, T. (2007). Diagnosis and treatment of neurogenic bladder. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 47(11): 766-8.
  • Heap, J. M. (2004). Enuresis in children and young peop- le: A public health nurse approach in New Zealand. J Child Health Care, 8: 92-101.
  • Humphreys, M. R. ve ark (2006). Preliminary results of sacral neuromodulation in 23 children. J Urol, 176(5): 2227-31.
  • Hvistendahl, G. M., Kamperis, K., Rawashdeh, Y. F., Rit- tig, S., Djurhuus, J. C. (2004). The effect of alarm treat- ment on the functional bladder capacity in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Urol, 171: 2611- 2614.
  • Isherwood, D. (2002). Complementary therapies reflex the- rapy. Laycock, J., Haslam, J. (Eds.). Therapeutic Managa- ment of Incontinence and Pelvic Disorders. Springer, Lon- don, New York, 225-230.
  • Jodorkovsky, R. (2003). Treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis with hand therapy: A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Acupunc Med, 14: 28–31.
  • Kefi, A., Tekgül, S. (2006). Nokturnal enürezis. Türk Üro- loji Dergisi, 32(1): 99-105.
  • Kibar, Y. ve ark (2007). Results of biofeedback treatment on reflux resolution rates in children with dysfunctional voiding and vesicoureteral reflux. Urology, 70(3): 563-6.
  • Kreitz, B. G., Aker, P. D. (1994). Nocturnal enuresis: Tre- atment implications for the chiropractor. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 17(7): 465-73.
  • Kuzu, N. (2001). Kendi kendine aralıklı kateterizasyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 5(1): 54-61.
  • Lister-Sharpe, D., Bradley M., Sheldon T. A. (1997). A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions for managing childhood nocturnal enuresis. NHS Centre for Reviews Report 11.
  • Lottmann, H. B., Alova, I. (2007). Primary monosympto- matic nocturnal enuresis in children and adolescents. Int J Clin Pract, 155: 8-16.
  • Lowry, F. (1995). "Scientific" chiropractors hope to impro- ve status of hiropractic within scientific community. Ca- nadian Medical Association Journal, 152(3): 402-404.
  • Mammen, A. A., Ferrer, F. A. (2004). Nocturnal enure- sis: Medical management. Urol Clin North Am, 31: 491–498.
  • McKenna, P. H., Herndon, C. D., Connery, S., Ferrer, F. A. (1999). Pelvic floor muscle retraining for pediatric voi- ding dysfunction using interactive computer games. J Urol, 162(3 Pt 2): 1056-62.
  • Mota, D. M., Barros, A. J. (2008). Toilet training: Met- hods, parental expectations and associated dysfunctions. J Pediatr (Rio J), 84(1): 9-17.
  • Palmer, L. S. ve ark (2002). Biofeedback therapy expe- dites the resolution of reflux in older children. J Urol, 68(4 Pt 2): 1699-702.
  • Patriani, J. C. M., Gomes, M. H. (2008). Conceptions of health, illness and treatment of patients who use homeo- pathy in Santos, Brazil. Homeopathy, 97(1): 22-7.
  • Radmayr, C., Schlager, A., Studen M., Bartsch, G. (2001). Prospective randomized trial using laser acupuncture versus desmopressin in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis. Eur Urol, 40(2): 201-5.
  • Rappaport, L. (1997). Prognostic factors for alarm treat- ment. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 183: 55-8.
  • Reed, W. R., Beavers, S., Reddy, S. K., Kern, G. (1994). Chiropractic management of primary nocturnal enuresis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 17(9): 596-600.
  • Schmitt, B. D. (1997). Nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr, 18(6): 183-90.
  • Schulman, S. L. (2004). Voiding dysfunction in children. Urol Clin North Am, 31(3): 481-90.
  • Stehr, M., Schuster, T., Dietz, H. G. W. (1998). Enuresis and pediatric urinary incontinence-epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy today. Med Wochenschr, 22: 521-4.
  • Taneli, C. (2003). Cerrah gözüyle enürezis. Klinik Çocuk Forumu Dergisi Pediatrik Cerrahi Özel Sayısı, 3(5): 1-7.
  • Taneli, C. ve ark (2004). Effect of alarm treatment on bladder storage capacities in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 38: 207-210.
  • Tobias, N. E. (2000). Management and nocturnal enuresis. Nursing Clinics of North America, 35(1): 37-60.
  • Vasconcelos, M. ve ark (2006). Voiding dysfunction in children. Pelvic-floor exercises or biofeedback therapy: A randomized study. Pediatr Nephrol, 21: 1858–1864.
  • Weaver, A., Dobson, P. (2007). Nocturnal enuresis in children. J Fam Health Care, 17(5): 159-61.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (1998). The second de- cade: Improving adolescent health and development. Prog- ramme brochure. Geneva: WHO, Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development.
  • Zaffanello, M., Giacomello, L., Brugnara, M., Fanos, V. (2007). Therapeutic options in childhood nocturnal enure- sis. Minerva Urol Nefrol, 59(2): 199-205.
  • Zamorano, M. M., Abad, M. M., Van, G. N. (2005). Ef- fectiveness of behavioral intervention in nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr, 63(5): 444-7.
Year 2009, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 203 - 210, 17.09.2014



  • Al-Harbi, S. M., Needlman, R. D., Khan, A. S., Patni, T. (2004). Intensive behavioral theraphy for primary enuresis. Saudi Med J, 25(7): 934- 40.
  • Alpay, H., Bıyıklı, N. K. (2003). Voiding dysfunction. Jo- urnal of the Turkish Society of Nephrology, 12(3): 122- 126.
  • Barroso, UJr. ve ark (2006). Nonpharmacological treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction using biofeedback and transcutaneous electrical stimulation: A pilot study. BJU Int, 98(1): 166-71.
  • Blanco, J. L., Oliver, F. J., De Celis, R., Joao, C. M. (2006). Biofeedback therapy for urinary incontinence in children. Cir Pediatr, 19(2): 61-5.
  • Caione, P., Nappo, S., Capozza, N., Minni B., Ferro F. (1994). Primary enuresis in children which treatment today? Minerva Pediatr, 46(10): 437-43.
  • Chiozza, M. L. ve ark (1998). An Italian epidemiological multicentre study of nocturnal enuresis. Br J Urol, 3: 86-9. Chiozza, M. L. (1997). An update on clinical and thera- peutic aspects of nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr Med Chir, 19(5): 385-90.
  • Dalton, R., Boris, W. N. (2004). Enurezis. Behrman, R. E., Kliegman, R. M., Arvin, A. M., (Eds.). Nelson Text- book of Pediatrics. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 74-75.
  • Diseth, T. H., Vandvik. I. H. (2004). Hypnotherapy in the treatment of refractory nocturnal enuresis. Tidsskr Nor La- egeforen, 19;124(4): 488-91.
  • Ellis, N. (2002). Complementary therapies acupuncture. Laycock, J., Haslam, J. (Eds.). Therapeutic Managament of Incontinence and Pelvic Disorders. Springer, London, 219- 223.
  • Evans, J. H. (2001). Evidence based management of noc- turnal enuresis. BMJ, 17;323(7322): 1167-9.
  • Fritz, G., Rockney, R. (2004). American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Work Group on quality issues, summary of the practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with enuresis. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43: 123-125.
  • Geeter, P. C. (2004). Overactive bladder syndrome in chil- dren. Urologe, 43(7): 807-12.
  • Glazener, C. M., Evans, J. H., Peto, R. E. (2005). Alarm interventions for nocturnal enuresis in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 18(2): CD002911.
  • Hansen, A. F., Jorgensen, T. M. (1997). Alarm treatment: Influence on functional bladder capacity. Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl, 183: 59-60.
  • Hattori, T. (2007). Diagnosis and treatment of neurogenic bladder. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 47(11): 766-8.
  • Heap, J. M. (2004). Enuresis in children and young peop- le: A public health nurse approach in New Zealand. J Child Health Care, 8: 92-101.
  • Humphreys, M. R. ve ark (2006). Preliminary results of sacral neuromodulation in 23 children. J Urol, 176(5): 2227-31.
  • Hvistendahl, G. M., Kamperis, K., Rawashdeh, Y. F., Rit- tig, S., Djurhuus, J. C. (2004). The effect of alarm treat- ment on the functional bladder capacity in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. J Urol, 171: 2611- 2614.
  • Isherwood, D. (2002). Complementary therapies reflex the- rapy. Laycock, J., Haslam, J. (Eds.). Therapeutic Managa- ment of Incontinence and Pelvic Disorders. Springer, Lon- don, New York, 225-230.
  • Jodorkovsky, R. (2003). Treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis with hand therapy: A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Acupunc Med, 14: 28–31.
  • Kefi, A., Tekgül, S. (2006). Nokturnal enürezis. Türk Üro- loji Dergisi, 32(1): 99-105.
  • Kibar, Y. ve ark (2007). Results of biofeedback treatment on reflux resolution rates in children with dysfunctional voiding and vesicoureteral reflux. Urology, 70(3): 563-6.
  • Kreitz, B. G., Aker, P. D. (1994). Nocturnal enuresis: Tre- atment implications for the chiropractor. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 17(7): 465-73.
  • Kuzu, N. (2001). Kendi kendine aralıklı kateterizasyon. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 5(1): 54-61.
  • Lister-Sharpe, D., Bradley M., Sheldon T. A. (1997). A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions for managing childhood nocturnal enuresis. NHS Centre for Reviews Report 11.
  • Lottmann, H. B., Alova, I. (2007). Primary monosympto- matic nocturnal enuresis in children and adolescents. Int J Clin Pract, 155: 8-16.
  • Lowry, F. (1995). "Scientific" chiropractors hope to impro- ve status of hiropractic within scientific community. Ca- nadian Medical Association Journal, 152(3): 402-404.
  • Mammen, A. A., Ferrer, F. A. (2004). Nocturnal enure- sis: Medical management. Urol Clin North Am, 31: 491–498.
  • McKenna, P. H., Herndon, C. D., Connery, S., Ferrer, F. A. (1999). Pelvic floor muscle retraining for pediatric voi- ding dysfunction using interactive computer games. J Urol, 162(3 Pt 2): 1056-62.
  • Mota, D. M., Barros, A. J. (2008). Toilet training: Met- hods, parental expectations and associated dysfunctions. J Pediatr (Rio J), 84(1): 9-17.
  • Palmer, L. S. ve ark (2002). Biofeedback therapy expe- dites the resolution of reflux in older children. J Urol, 68(4 Pt 2): 1699-702.
  • Patriani, J. C. M., Gomes, M. H. (2008). Conceptions of health, illness and treatment of patients who use homeo- pathy in Santos, Brazil. Homeopathy, 97(1): 22-7.
  • Radmayr, C., Schlager, A., Studen M., Bartsch, G. (2001). Prospective randomized trial using laser acupuncture versus desmopressin in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis. Eur Urol, 40(2): 201-5.
  • Rappaport, L. (1997). Prognostic factors for alarm treat- ment. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 183: 55-8.
  • Reed, W. R., Beavers, S., Reddy, S. K., Kern, G. (1994). Chiropractic management of primary nocturnal enuresis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 17(9): 596-600.
  • Schmitt, B. D. (1997). Nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr, 18(6): 183-90.
  • Schulman, S. L. (2004). Voiding dysfunction in children. Urol Clin North Am, 31(3): 481-90.
  • Stehr, M., Schuster, T., Dietz, H. G. W. (1998). Enuresis and pediatric urinary incontinence-epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy today. Med Wochenschr, 22: 521-4.
  • Taneli, C. (2003). Cerrah gözüyle enürezis. Klinik Çocuk Forumu Dergisi Pediatrik Cerrahi Özel Sayısı, 3(5): 1-7.
  • Taneli, C. ve ark (2004). Effect of alarm treatment on bladder storage capacities in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. Scand J Urol Nephrol, 38: 207-210.
  • Tobias, N. E. (2000). Management and nocturnal enuresis. Nursing Clinics of North America, 35(1): 37-60.
  • Vasconcelos, M. ve ark (2006). Voiding dysfunction in children. Pelvic-floor exercises or biofeedback therapy: A randomized study. Pediatr Nephrol, 21: 1858–1864.
  • Weaver, A., Dobson, P. (2007). Nocturnal enuresis in children. J Fam Health Care, 17(5): 159-61.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (1998). The second de- cade: Improving adolescent health and development. Prog- ramme brochure. Geneva: WHO, Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development.
  • Zaffanello, M., Giacomello, L., Brugnara, M., Fanos, V. (2007). Therapeutic options in childhood nocturnal enure- sis. Minerva Urol Nefrol, 59(2): 199-205.
  • Zamorano, M. M., Abad, M. M., Van, G. N. (2005). Ef- fectiveness of behavioral intervention in nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr, 63(5): 444-7.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reviews

Meltem Demirgöz This is me

Publication Date September 17, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Demirgöz, M. (2014). Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 17(3), 203-210.
AMA Demirgöz M. Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. September 2014;17(3):203-210.
Chicago Demirgöz, Meltem. “Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17, no. 3 (September 2014): 203-10.
EndNote Demirgöz M (September 1, 2014) Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17 3 203–210.
IEEE M. Demirgöz, “Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 203–210, 2014.
ISNAD Demirgöz, Meltem. “Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17/3 (September 2014), 203-210.
JAMA Demirgöz M. Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;17:203–210.
MLA Demirgöz, Meltem. “Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, vol. 17, no. 3, 2014, pp. 203-10.
Vancouver Demirgöz M. Enurezisi Olan Çocuk/Adölesanların Tedavisinde Davranışsal Tedavi Yöntemleri. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;17(3):203-10.