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Orman amenajmanında optimizasyon için taksonomi: derleme ve değerlendirme

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 122 - 135, 20.07.2018


DOI: 10.26650/ forestist.2018.354789

Bu derlemede, orman amenajmanında
optimizasyon çalışmalarının sınıflandırılması için yeni bir taksonomi
geliştirilmiştir. Önerilen sınıflandırmada: çalışma şekli; model yapısı;
yöntem; modelleme tipi; problem amaçları, seviyesi ve tipi; plan tipi ve orman
kuruluşu dikkate alınmıştır. Orman amenajmanında optimizasyon yaklaşımlarına
kapsamlı bir genel bakış sunarak, literatürdeki 111 makaleyi sınıflandırmak
için önerilen taksonomiyi kullanılmıştır. Bu sınıflandırmaya göre, orman
amenajmanında optimizasyon literatüründeki bazı gelişmeler yeterince temsil
edilemeyebilir. Buna göre, kesim düzeni oluşturmaya ilişkin en çok çalışılan
deterministik modelleme ve en az çalışılan, risk ve belirsizlik ile ilgili
bulanık ve stokastik modelleme çalışmalarıdır.


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Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 2, 122 - 135, 20.07.2018


DOI: 10.26650/ forestist.2018.354789

In this review, we have developed a new
taxonomic framework for the classification of forest management optimization
studies. In the proposed taxonomy, we consider: the study type; model structure;
methodology; modeling type; problem objectives, level and type; plan type; and
forest structure. We have used the proposed taxonomy to classify 111 articles
from the literature, providing a comprehensive overview of optimization
approaches in forest management. Based on this classification, we suggest that
some developments may be underrepresented in the forest management optimization
literature. Accordingly, the most studied is deterministic modelling regarding
harvest scheduling and the least studied are fuzzy and stochastic modeling
regarding risk and uncertainty.


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There are 114 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

İnci Çağlayan

Ahmet Yeşil This is me

Didem Çınar This is me

Chris Cieszewski This is me

Publication Date July 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 68 Issue: 2


APA Çağlayan, İ., Yeşil, A., Çınar, D., Cieszewski, C. (2018). Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment. Forestist, 68(2), 122-135.
AMA Çağlayan İ, Yeşil A, Çınar D, Cieszewski C. Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment. FORESTIST. July 2018;68(2):122-135.
Chicago Çağlayan, İnci, Ahmet Yeşil, Didem Çınar, and Chris Cieszewski. “Taxonomy for the Optimization in Forest Management: A Review and Assessment”. Forestist 68, no. 2 (July 2018): 122-35.
EndNote Çağlayan İ, Yeşil A, Çınar D, Cieszewski C (July 1, 2018) Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment. Forestist 68 2 122–135.
IEEE İ. Çağlayan, A. Yeşil, D. Çınar, and C. Cieszewski, “Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment”, FORESTIST, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 122–135, 2018.
ISNAD Çağlayan, İnci et al. “Taxonomy for the Optimization in Forest Management: A Review and Assessment”. Forestist 68/2 (July 2018), 122-135.
JAMA Çağlayan İ, Yeşil A, Çınar D, Cieszewski C. Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment. FORESTIST. 2018;68:122–135.
MLA Çağlayan, İnci et al. “Taxonomy for the Optimization in Forest Management: A Review and Assessment”. Forestist, vol. 68, no. 2, 2018, pp. 122-35.
Vancouver Çağlayan İ, Yeşil A, Çınar D, Cieszewski C. Taxonomy for the optimization in forest management: a review and assessment. FORESTIST. 2018;68(2):122-35.