Research Article
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Kebrako ve borlu bileşikler ile emprenye edilen ahşap malzemenin fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri

Year 2019, Volume: 69 Issue: 1, 68 - 80, 01.01.2019


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2019.041645

Son yıllarda orman ürünleri sanayisinde
önemli bir yer işgal eden ahşap malzemelerin korunmasında kullanılan kimyasal
emprenye maddelerinin yerine alternatif doğal emprenye maddeleri aranmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, Ülkemizde hammadde olarak bol bulunan borlu bileşikler (boraks ve
borik asit) ile doğal emprenye maddelerinden olan kebrako kullanılmıştır.
Emprenye işleminde borlu bileşiklerin %1, 3 ve 5’lik sulu çözeltileri
kullanılmıştır. Deney örneklerinin emprenyesi ASTM D 1413-76 esaslarına göre
yapılmıştır. Emprenyeli örneklerin tam kuru yoğunluk, retensiyon miktarı,  eğilme direnci, elastikiyet modülü, liflere
paralel basınç direnci, liflere paralel yapışma direnci ve vida tutma direnci
testleri yapılarak kontrol örnekleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, yapılan
testler sonucunda retensiyon, tam kuru yoğunluk, liflere paralel basınç ve vida
tutma dirençleri kontrol örneklerinden daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Eğilme direnci,
elastikiyet modülü ve liflere paralel yapışma dirençleri ise kontrol
örneklerinden daha düşük çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Emprenye sonrası deney
örneklerinde borlu bileşiklerin konsantrasyonları arttıkça direnç değerlerinde
düşüş, tam kuru yoğunluk ve retensiyon miktarlarında ise artış görülmektedir.
Borlu bileşiklerden boraks ile emprenye edilen örneklerde değerler borik asit
ile emprenye edilenlerden daha yüksek çıkmıştır.


  • • Açıkel, İ,. 2007. Effect of Screw Retention Strength in Wood Materials of Impregnation Process. Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Ankara, 1-52 p. • Adanur, H., 2015. Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties Impregnating with Some Tannins and Boron Compounds of East beech (Fagus orientalis L.) Wood. Thesis of MSc, Gümüşhane University, Institute of Science and Technology, Gümüşhane, 77 p. • Altınok, M., Özalp, M., Karaaslan, A., Perçin, O., 2009. Effects of Glues Modified with Borax on the Bonding Strength of Chestnut Wood (Castenea sativa Mill.). Journal of Bartın Forestry Faculty 11(15): 17-24. • Aslan, S., 1998. Tree Pests, Protection and Impregnation Technique. Publication of KOSGEB, Ankara, 272 p. • ASTM-D 1413, 2007. “Standard Test Method of Testing Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soilblock Cultures”, ASTM, USA, 1-9. • Baysal, E., 1994. Effect of Some Physical Properties of Wood Calabrian pine of Several Boron and WR Composite. Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Trabzon, 114 p. • Baysal, E., Yalınkılıç M.K., Çolak, M., Göktaş, O., 2003. Combustion Properties of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Wood Treated with Vegetable Tanning Extracts and Boron Compunds. Turkish Journal of Forestry 27(4): 245-252. • Bektaş, İ., 1997. Variation According to Location and Technological Characteristics of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia). Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of PhD, İstanbul, 26-27 p. • Bozkurt, A.Y., N. Erdin., 1990. Physical and Mechanical Properties in Woods Used in Trade. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, İstanbul, 40 B (1): 6-24 p. • Bozkurt, A. Y., Göker, Y., Erdin, N., 1993. Impregnate Technique. İstanbul University Press N: 71, Publication N: 3879, Publication Faculty of Forestry: 4135, İstanbul, 106-107 p. • Bozkurt, Y., Erdin N., 1997. Wood Technology. İstanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul University Press and Film Center, 445, İstanbul, 372 p. • Bozkurt, A.Y., Göker, Y., Erdin, N., 2000. Wood Anatomy. İstanbul Üniversity, Publication of Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul, 117-120 p. • Erdinler, S., 1999. Türkish Furniture Foreign Trade. 1.International Furniture Congress and Exhibit, Proceedings, İstanbul, October 14-17 1999, 19-29 p. • Güler, C., Bektaş, İ., 2000. The Relationship Between Elasticity Properties (Modulus of Elasticity and Static Bending Strenght) and Density of Eastern Beech Wood Naturally Grown in Andırın. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Science and Engineering, 3 (2): 51-57 p. • Gür, İ., 2003. Determination of the Impact on Some Mechanical and Physical Properties of Scotch Fir and Calabrian Pine of Impregnation Process. Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Ankara, 56 p. • Hafızoğlu, H., Yalınkılıç, M.K., Yıldız, Ü.C., Baysal, E., Peker, H., Demirci, Z., 1994. Evaluation in Wood Protection (Impregnation) Industry of Boron Source in Turkey. Project Number: TÜBİTAK TOVAG- 87, 377 p. • Hafizoğlu, H., 1984. Forest Side Products Chemistry and Technology Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon. • Huş, S. 1977. Wood Adhesive Book. Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul. [Turkish] • Karayazıcı, I., Nal, N., Celayir, F., 1980. Boron and Boron Compounds, Industrial Development Bank of Turkey, Chemical Sector Research Directorate, İstanbul, 193 p. • Kartal, S.N., Green, F., 2002. Development and Application of Colorimetric Microassay for Determining Boron-containing Compounds. Forest Prod J, 52. • Kasal, A., Efe, H., Dizel, T., 2010. Determination of the Bending Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Solid Wood and Laminated Veneer Lumber. Journal of Polytechnic Cilt:13 Sayı: 3 s. 183-190. • Keskin, H., and A. Togay., 2003. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Laminated Wood Materials Made Up With the Combination of Oriental Beech Wood and Poplar Wood. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Forestry Isparta 2: 101-114 p. • Khanbabaee, K., Ree, T., 2001. Tanens: Classification and Definition. Nat. Prod. Rep., 18: 641–649 p. • Kırcı, H., 2000. Paper Pulp Industries Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Publication Number: 63, Trabzon. • Kurtoğlu, A., 2000. Wood Material Surface Processing. İstanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, I:31-32, İstanbul. • Kurtoğlu, A., 1984. Possibilities of Non-chemical Protection of Wood Products. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, Number: B, İstanbul, 4(34): 27-29. • Lloyd, J.D., 1998. Borates and their Biological Applications. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation 29th Annual Meeting, 14-19 June 1998, IRG/WP/98-30178,24pp, Maastricht, Netherlands. • Malkoçoğlu, A., 1994. Properties Technology of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky). Thesis of PhD, Karadeniz Teknik University, Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon, 154 p. • Örs, Y., Atar, M., Peker, H., 1999., The Effects of the Intensity of Scocth Fir and Oriental Beech of Some Impregnated Materials. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(5): 1169-1179. • Özçifçi, A., 2005. Wood Glues. Unpublished Lecture Notes, Z.K.Ü. Faculty of Karabük Technical Education, Karabük. • Peker, H., Sivrikaya, H., Baysal, E., Yalınkılıç, M.K., 1999. Static Bending Strenght of Wood Treated With Fire Reterdant and Water Repellent Preservation Chemicals. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Science 5(1): 975-982. • Perçin, O., Ayan, S., 2012. Determination of Screw Withdrawal Strength In Heat Treated Wood Material. Journal of Advanced Technology Science 1(1): 57-68 p. • Richardson, B.A., 1987. Wood Preservation. The Construction, Lancaster, England, 186 p. • Rowell, R.M., 2005. Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites. CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-1588-3, New York, USA. • Şen, S., Hafızoğlu, H., 2001. The Effects on the Environment of Some Chemicals Used in Wood Protection. National Industry – Environment Symposium and Gallery, Mersin, 25-27 April 2001, 753-758 p. • Temiz, A., Yıldız, Ü.C., Gezer, E.D., Yıldız, S., Dizman, E., 2004. The Effect of CCA on The Mechanical Properties of Alder Wood. Kafkas University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 1 (2), 18-23 p. • Toker, H., 2007. Determination of Effects of Boron Compounds on Some Physical Mechanical and Biological Properties of Wood. Thesis of PhD, Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara, 213 p. • TS 2472, 1976. “Determination of Specific Gravity for Physical and Mechanical Testing in Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara, 1-12 p. • TS 2474, 1976. “Determination of the Static Bending Strength of Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara. • TS EN 13446, 2005. Wood-based panels – Determination Of Withdrawal Capacity Of Fasteners, T.S.E. Standardı, Ankara. • TS EN 205, 2004. “Bondings- Overlap Shear Strength of the Annexes With Cut-glued Determination of Wood Adhesives for Non-Structural Applications”, Standart of TSE, Ankara, 1-7 p. • TS 2595, 1976. “Compression Strength Parallel to Grain of Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara. • Uysal, B., Kurt, Ş. 2005. The Effect of Adhesion Strength of Wooden Material of Impregnated Materials Pithy Boron of Fire-retardant. Proceedings of I. National Boron Workshop, Ankara, 43 p. • Winandy, J. E., Morell, J. J., 1990. Protection of Wood Design in Adverse Environments. In: Proceedings of I. Forest Product Journal, 354-359 p. • Yalınkılıç, M.K., Baysal, E., Demirci, Z., 1995. Effects of Some Boron Compounds and/or Water Repellents on the Higroscopicity of Brutia Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Wood. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Science, 1: 2-3, Denizli, 161-168 p. • Yaşar, Ş.Ş., Atar, A., 2017. Gas Emission Amounts Resulting from the Combustion of Some Wooden Materials Treated with Wood Preservatives. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences 6(3): 503-514 p.

Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds

Year 2019, Volume: 69 Issue: 1, 68 - 80, 01.01.2019


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2019.041645

In recent years, alternative natural
impregnation materials are being sought as substitutes for chemical
impregnation materials used for conserving wooden materials; therefore, such
natural materials have acquired significance in the forest products industry.
In this study, the boron compounds borax and boric acid, which are abundant raw
materials in Turkey, and quebracho, a natural impregnation material, were used.
For the impregnation process, aqueous solutions of 1%, 3%, and 5% boron
compounds were utilized. The test samples were impregnated according to ASTM D
1413-76 principles. Oven-dry density, retention rate, bending strength, elastic
modulus, compression strength parallel to fibers, bonding strength parallel to
fibers, and screw holding strength tests of the impregnated samples were
measured, and the results were compared with those of control samples. The
retention, oven-dry density, comprehension parallel to fibers, and screw
holding strength of the samples were found to be higher than those of the
control samples, whereas bending strength, elastic modulus, and bonding
strength parallel to fibers were lower. After impregnation, it was observed
that there was a decline in strength values and a rise in retention rates with
the increase in the concentrations of boron compounds. The values for samples
impregnated with borax were higher than those for the samples impregnated with
boric acid. 


  • • Açıkel, İ,. 2007. Effect of Screw Retention Strength in Wood Materials of Impregnation Process. Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Ankara, 1-52 p. • Adanur, H., 2015. Determination of Physical and Mechanical Properties Impregnating with Some Tannins and Boron Compounds of East beech (Fagus orientalis L.) Wood. Thesis of MSc, Gümüşhane University, Institute of Science and Technology, Gümüşhane, 77 p. • Altınok, M., Özalp, M., Karaaslan, A., Perçin, O., 2009. Effects of Glues Modified with Borax on the Bonding Strength of Chestnut Wood (Castenea sativa Mill.). Journal of Bartın Forestry Faculty 11(15): 17-24. • Aslan, S., 1998. Tree Pests, Protection and Impregnation Technique. Publication of KOSGEB, Ankara, 272 p. • ASTM-D 1413, 2007. “Standard Test Method of Testing Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soilblock Cultures”, ASTM, USA, 1-9. • Baysal, E., 1994. Effect of Some Physical Properties of Wood Calabrian pine of Several Boron and WR Composite. Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Trabzon, 114 p. • Baysal, E., Yalınkılıç M.K., Çolak, M., Göktaş, O., 2003. Combustion Properties of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Wood Treated with Vegetable Tanning Extracts and Boron Compunds. Turkish Journal of Forestry 27(4): 245-252. • Bektaş, İ., 1997. Variation According to Location and Technological Characteristics of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia). Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of PhD, İstanbul, 26-27 p. • Bozkurt, A.Y., N. Erdin., 1990. Physical and Mechanical Properties in Woods Used in Trade. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, İstanbul, 40 B (1): 6-24 p. • Bozkurt, A. Y., Göker, Y., Erdin, N., 1993. Impregnate Technique. İstanbul University Press N: 71, Publication N: 3879, Publication Faculty of Forestry: 4135, İstanbul, 106-107 p. • Bozkurt, Y., Erdin N., 1997. Wood Technology. İstanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul University Press and Film Center, 445, İstanbul, 372 p. • Bozkurt, A.Y., Göker, Y., Erdin, N., 2000. Wood Anatomy. İstanbul Üniversity, Publication of Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul, 117-120 p. • Erdinler, S., 1999. Türkish Furniture Foreign Trade. 1.International Furniture Congress and Exhibit, Proceedings, İstanbul, October 14-17 1999, 19-29 p. • Güler, C., Bektaş, İ., 2000. The Relationship Between Elasticity Properties (Modulus of Elasticity and Static Bending Strenght) and Density of Eastern Beech Wood Naturally Grown in Andırın. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Science and Engineering, 3 (2): 51-57 p. • Gür, İ., 2003. Determination of the Impact on Some Mechanical and Physical Properties of Scotch Fir and Calabrian Pine of Impregnation Process. Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Thesis of MSc, Ankara, 56 p. • Hafızoğlu, H., Yalınkılıç, M.K., Yıldız, Ü.C., Baysal, E., Peker, H., Demirci, Z., 1994. Evaluation in Wood Protection (Impregnation) Industry of Boron Source in Turkey. Project Number: TÜBİTAK TOVAG- 87, 377 p. • Hafizoğlu, H., 1984. Forest Side Products Chemistry and Technology Lecture Notes. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Trabzon. • Huş, S. 1977. Wood Adhesive Book. Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, İstanbul. [Turkish] • Karayazıcı, I., Nal, N., Celayir, F., 1980. Boron and Boron Compounds, Industrial Development Bank of Turkey, Chemical Sector Research Directorate, İstanbul, 193 p. • Kartal, S.N., Green, F., 2002. Development and Application of Colorimetric Microassay for Determining Boron-containing Compounds. Forest Prod J, 52. • Kasal, A., Efe, H., Dizel, T., 2010. Determination of the Bending Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Solid Wood and Laminated Veneer Lumber. Journal of Polytechnic Cilt:13 Sayı: 3 s. 183-190. • Keskin, H., and A. Togay., 2003. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Laminated Wood Materials Made Up With the Combination of Oriental Beech Wood and Poplar Wood. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Forestry Isparta 2: 101-114 p. • Khanbabaee, K., Ree, T., 2001. Tanens: Classification and Definition. Nat. Prod. Rep., 18: 641–649 p. • Kırcı, H., 2000. Paper Pulp Industries Lecture Notes, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Publication Number: 63, Trabzon. • Kurtoğlu, A., 2000. Wood Material Surface Processing. İstanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, I:31-32, İstanbul. • Kurtoğlu, A., 1984. Possibilities of Non-chemical Protection of Wood Products. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, Number: B, İstanbul, 4(34): 27-29. • Lloyd, J.D., 1998. Borates and their Biological Applications. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation 29th Annual Meeting, 14-19 June 1998, IRG/WP/98-30178,24pp, Maastricht, Netherlands. • Malkoçoğlu, A., 1994. Properties Technology of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky). Thesis of PhD, Karadeniz Teknik University, Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon, 154 p. • Örs, Y., Atar, M., Peker, H., 1999., The Effects of the Intensity of Scocth Fir and Oriental Beech of Some Impregnated Materials. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(5): 1169-1179. • Özçifçi, A., 2005. Wood Glues. Unpublished Lecture Notes, Z.K.Ü. Faculty of Karabük Technical Education, Karabük. • Peker, H., Sivrikaya, H., Baysal, E., Yalınkılıç, M.K., 1999. Static Bending Strenght of Wood Treated With Fire Reterdant and Water Repellent Preservation Chemicals. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Science 5(1): 975-982. • Perçin, O., Ayan, S., 2012. Determination of Screw Withdrawal Strength In Heat Treated Wood Material. Journal of Advanced Technology Science 1(1): 57-68 p. • Richardson, B.A., 1987. Wood Preservation. The Construction, Lancaster, England, 186 p. • Rowell, R.M., 2005. Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites. CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-1588-3, New York, USA. • Şen, S., Hafızoğlu, H., 2001. The Effects on the Environment of Some Chemicals Used in Wood Protection. National Industry – Environment Symposium and Gallery, Mersin, 25-27 April 2001, 753-758 p. • Temiz, A., Yıldız, Ü.C., Gezer, E.D., Yıldız, S., Dizman, E., 2004. The Effect of CCA on The Mechanical Properties of Alder Wood. Kafkas University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 1 (2), 18-23 p. • Toker, H., 2007. Determination of Effects of Boron Compounds on Some Physical Mechanical and Biological Properties of Wood. Thesis of PhD, Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara, 213 p. • TS 2472, 1976. “Determination of Specific Gravity for Physical and Mechanical Testing in Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara, 1-12 p. • TS 2474, 1976. “Determination of the Static Bending Strength of Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara. • TS EN 13446, 2005. Wood-based panels – Determination Of Withdrawal Capacity Of Fasteners, T.S.E. Standardı, Ankara. • TS EN 205, 2004. “Bondings- Overlap Shear Strength of the Annexes With Cut-glued Determination of Wood Adhesives for Non-Structural Applications”, Standart of TSE, Ankara, 1-7 p. • TS 2595, 1976. “Compression Strength Parallel to Grain of Wood”, Standart of TSE, Ankara. • Uysal, B., Kurt, Ş. 2005. The Effect of Adhesion Strength of Wooden Material of Impregnated Materials Pithy Boron of Fire-retardant. Proceedings of I. National Boron Workshop, Ankara, 43 p. • Winandy, J. E., Morell, J. J., 1990. Protection of Wood Design in Adverse Environments. In: Proceedings of I. Forest Product Journal, 354-359 p. • Yalınkılıç, M.K., Baysal, E., Demirci, Z., 1995. Effects of Some Boron Compounds and/or Water Repellents on the Higroscopicity of Brutia Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Wood. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Science, 1: 2-3, Denizli, 161-168 p. • Yaşar, Ş.Ş., Atar, A., 2017. Gas Emission Amounts Resulting from the Combustion of Some Wooden Materials Treated with Wood Preservatives. Journal of Advanced Technology Sciences 6(3): 503-514 p.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forest Industry Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Muhammed Said Fidan

Hakan Adanur This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 69 Issue: 1


APA Fidan, M. S., & Adanur, H. (2019). Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds. Forestist, 69(1), 68-80.
AMA Fidan MS, Adanur H. Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds. FORESTIST. January 2019;69(1):68-80.
Chicago Fidan, Muhammed Said, and Hakan Adanur. “Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood Impregnated With Quebracho and Boron Compounds”. Forestist 69, no. 1 (January 2019): 68-80.
EndNote Fidan MS, Adanur H (January 1, 2019) Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds. Forestist 69 1 68–80.
IEEE M. S. Fidan and H. Adanur, “Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds”, FORESTIST, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 68–80, 2019.
ISNAD Fidan, Muhammed Said - Adanur, Hakan. “Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood Impregnated With Quebracho and Boron Compounds”. Forestist 69/1 (January 2019), 68-80.
JAMA Fidan MS, Adanur H. Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds. FORESTIST. 2019;69:68–80.
MLA Fidan, Muhammed Said and Hakan Adanur. “Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood Impregnated With Quebracho and Boron Compounds”. Forestist, vol. 69, no. 1, 2019, pp. 68-80.
Vancouver Fidan MS, Adanur H. Physical and mechanical properties of wood impregnated with quebracho and boron compounds. FORESTIST. 2019;69(1):68-80.