Year 2003,
Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 97 - 101, 19.06.2003
İbrahim Türkoğlu
Abdulkadir Şengür
Suat Toraman
Bu çalışmada, görüntü işleme
teknikleri kullanılarak bir resimdeki farklı örüntüler arasından istenen bir
örüntünün ayrıştırılmasına yönelik bir yöntem ortaya kondu. Bu amaçla
tıbbi mikro grafikler üzerindeki çeşitli
kan hücre örüntülerinin ayrıştırılmasına, önerilen yöntemin uygulaması yapıldı.
Sonuç olarak, geliştirilen yöntemin istenen kan hücre örüntüsünü mikro
grafikten ayırma başarısının oldukça iyi olduğu gözlemlendi.
- 1. Pitas I. ‘Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications’, John Wiley& Sons Inc., 2000.
- 2. Perner P., ‘Image mining: issues, framework, a generic tool and its application to medical-image diagnosis’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.15(2), Nisan 2002, s.205-216.
- 3. Andrew J. Davison and Nobuyuki Kita, ‘Sequential localization and map-building for real-time computer vision and robotics, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 36(4), 30 Eylül 2001, s. 171-183.
- 4. Vincent Barra and Jean-Yves Boire, ‘Segmentation of fat and muscle from MR images of the thigh by a possibilistic clustering algorithm’, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol.68(3), Haziran 2002, s.185-193.
- 5. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, ‘Digital Image Processing’, Prentice Hall, 2002.
- 6. Kara S., Şener F., Okandan M., Yıldırım M., ‘Patolojik Doku Örneklerinin Bilgisayar Tabanlı Analizi’, s.246-249, SIU 2003.
- 7. Gerald P. Connolly, “Cell imaging and morphology: application to studies of inherited purine metabolic disorders”, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 90, s.267-281, 2001.
- 8. Rizzuto, R., Carrington, W., Tuft, R. A., “Digital imaging microscopy of living cells”, Trends In Cell Biology, vol. 8, s. 288-292, 1998.
- 9. www.unomaha.edu/~swick/blood.html
- 10. Gustafsson F., “Adaptive Filtering and Change Detection”, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
- 11. www.med.uiuc.edu/histo/small/atlas/image/bs/1a1.htm/1a1.htm
Year 2003,
Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 97 - 101, 19.06.2003
İbrahim Türkoğlu
Abdulkadir Şengür
Suat Toraman
- 1. Pitas I. ‘Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications’, John Wiley& Sons Inc., 2000.
- 2. Perner P., ‘Image mining: issues, framework, a generic tool and its application to medical-image diagnosis’, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.15(2), Nisan 2002, s.205-216.
- 3. Andrew J. Davison and Nobuyuki Kita, ‘Sequential localization and map-building for real-time computer vision and robotics, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 36(4), 30 Eylül 2001, s. 171-183.
- 4. Vincent Barra and Jean-Yves Boire, ‘Segmentation of fat and muscle from MR images of the thigh by a possibilistic clustering algorithm’, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol.68(3), Haziran 2002, s.185-193.
- 5. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, ‘Digital Image Processing’, Prentice Hall, 2002.
- 6. Kara S., Şener F., Okandan M., Yıldırım M., ‘Patolojik Doku Örneklerinin Bilgisayar Tabanlı Analizi’, s.246-249, SIU 2003.
- 7. Gerald P. Connolly, “Cell imaging and morphology: application to studies of inherited purine metabolic disorders”, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 90, s.267-281, 2001.
- 8. Rizzuto, R., Carrington, W., Tuft, R. A., “Digital imaging microscopy of living cells”, Trends In Cell Biology, vol. 8, s. 288-292, 1998.
- 9. www.unomaha.edu/~swick/blood.html
- 10. Gustafsson F., “Adaptive Filtering and Change Detection”, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
- 11. www.med.uiuc.edu/histo/small/atlas/image/bs/1a1.htm/1a1.htm