Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 189 - 204, 21.12.2021


The aviation sector is in constant relationship with society and the social sphere at all levels. The airport acts as an entrance and exit gate from one sphere, region, country to another, and must ensure safety, good management and prevent possible risks. Therefore, airports should carry out activities related to the implementation of social modeling and use related methods. Now the state of the aviation sector in Ukraine is in a difficult situation, one of the main factors is the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, in the post-pandemic conditions, airports have to worry about their strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and threats for developing development strategies. The object of our research is the global risks at airports. The subject of our article is the social modeling of risks at airports using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to investigate the main contexts of social risk modeling at airports for the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic at the airport in Zaporizhzhia. The airport risk modeling research methodology was defined by a systematic approach (system research stages) and synergy research. Qualitative research methods are the FORESIGHT complex and the use of strategic forecasting of desk analysis methods in combination with SWOT/STEEP/TOWS methods, which makes it possible to obtain possible scenarios. Results. The introduction of social modeling can ensure the prevention of risks, threats and affect the strategic development of airports and the safety of air communications (for example Zaporizhzhia city).


  • Algin, A. (1989) Risk and its role in public life. M.: Thought
  • Batoroev, K. (1981) Analogies and models in cognition. Novosibirsk: Science
  • Bauman, 3. (2005) Individualized society. M.: Logos
  • Beck, W. (2001) What is Globalization? M.: Progress-Tradition
  • Chudik-Bilousova, N. (2015) «News of social security as a department of social security in Ukraine». University of Science Notes 1 (53), 82-108.
  • Deineko, O. (2016) «Understanding risik from sociological perspectives: etymology, particularity of design and modern approach to preschoolers». Bulletin of Kharkiv National University for the Name of V. N. Karazin. Series: Social development of the modern suspension: methodology, theory, methods. 35, 31-37.
  • Foucault, M. 2002. «Power and Knowledge». Intellectuals and Power: Selected Political Articles, Speeches, and Interviews. 1, 278-302.
  • Kalashnikova, L. (2017) «Сorrelation to understand non-value, risik, viclik, threat in the context of sociology of safety of life». Faces. 20 (5), 16-23.
  • Krivoshein, V. (2018) «Rizik yak governmental strategy: suspension of rhizik in the minds of a new management paradigm» Bulletin of the National Law University of the Name of Yaroslav the Wise 4 (39), 31-44
  • Plotinsky, Y. (2001) Models of Social Processes: A Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions. Moscow: Logos
  • Podshivalkina, V. (1997) Social technologies: problems of methodology and practice. Chisinau: Central Printing House
  • Pogribna, V. (2018) The problem of scientific value to the phenomenon of «social rizics in the system of social occupation». Bulletin of the National University Legal Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Series: Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Politology, Sociology 2 (37), 78-92
  • Shtoff, V. (1972) Introduction to the methodology of scientific knowledge: Nauk. posibn. L.: LSU Surmin, Y., and Tulenkov, N. (2004) Theory of social technologies: Textbook. allowance. Kiev: MAUP
  • Trebin, M. (2017) «Ukraine before the Wiklis of the XXI century». Bulletin of the National University Legal Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Series: Philosophy, philosophy of law, politics, sociology 4 (35), 141-156
  • Uemov, A. (1971) Logical foundations of the modeling method. M.: Thought

Havaalanlarında Sosyal Risk Modellemesi: Zaporizhzhia Şehri Örneği Üzerine

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 189 - 204, 21.12.2021


Havacılık sektörü her düzeyde toplumla ve kamusal yapıyla sürekli ilişki içindedir. Havalimanı bir alandan, bölgeden, ülkeden diğerine giriş ve çıkış kapısı görevi görür. Hava limanının güvenliği, iyi yönetimi sağlamalı ve olası riskleri önlemelidir. Bu nedenle havalimanları sosyal modellemenin uygulanması ile ilgili faaliyetlerde bulunmalı ve ilgili yöntemleri kullanmalıdır. COVİD-19 koşulları nedeniyle Ukrayna'da havacılık sektörü çok zor durumdadır. COVID-19 pandemisinin koşulları ve pandemi sonrası koşullarda havalimanlarının güçlü/zayıf yönleri, fırsatları hakkında sratejiler geliştirmeli ve tehditleri öngörmelidir. Araştırmamızın amacı havalimanlarındaki küresel risklerdir. Makalemizin konusu, COVID-19 pandemisi örneğini kullanarak havalimanlarındaki risklerin sosyal modellemesidir. Makalenin amacı, Zaporizhzhia'daki havaalanında COVID-19 salgını koşulları için havaalanlarında sosyal risk modellemesinin ana bağlamlarını araştırmaktır. Havaalanı risk modelleme araştırma yöntemi sistematik bir yaklaşım (sistem araştırma aşamaları) ve sinerji araştırması ile tanımlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemleri, FORESIGHT kompleksi ve olası senaryoların elde edilmesini mümkün kılan SWOT/STEEP/TOWS yöntemleriyle birlikte stratejik tahminlerinin kullanılmasıdır. Sonuç olarak, Zaporizhzhia şehri örneği üzerinden sosyal modellemenin tanıtılması, havaalanları açısından risklerin, tehditlerin önlenmesini sağlayabilir ve havaalanlarının stratejik gelişimini ve hava iletişiminin güvenliğinin geliştirilmesine olumlu katkıda bulunabilir.


  • Algin, A. (1989) Risk and its role in public life. M.: Thought
  • Batoroev, K. (1981) Analogies and models in cognition. Novosibirsk: Science
  • Bauman, 3. (2005) Individualized society. M.: Logos
  • Beck, W. (2001) What is Globalization? M.: Progress-Tradition
  • Chudik-Bilousova, N. (2015) «News of social security as a department of social security in Ukraine». University of Science Notes 1 (53), 82-108.
  • Deineko, O. (2016) «Understanding risik from sociological perspectives: etymology, particularity of design and modern approach to preschoolers». Bulletin of Kharkiv National University for the Name of V. N. Karazin. Series: Social development of the modern suspension: methodology, theory, methods. 35, 31-37.
  • Foucault, M. 2002. «Power and Knowledge». Intellectuals and Power: Selected Political Articles, Speeches, and Interviews. 1, 278-302.
  • Kalashnikova, L. (2017) «Сorrelation to understand non-value, risik, viclik, threat in the context of sociology of safety of life». Faces. 20 (5), 16-23.
  • Krivoshein, V. (2018) «Rizik yak governmental strategy: suspension of rhizik in the minds of a new management paradigm» Bulletin of the National Law University of the Name of Yaroslav the Wise 4 (39), 31-44
  • Plotinsky, Y. (2001) Models of Social Processes: A Textbook for Higher Educational Institutions. Moscow: Logos
  • Podshivalkina, V. (1997) Social technologies: problems of methodology and practice. Chisinau: Central Printing House
  • Pogribna, V. (2018) The problem of scientific value to the phenomenon of «social rizics in the system of social occupation». Bulletin of the National University Legal Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Series: Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Politology, Sociology 2 (37), 78-92
  • Shtoff, V. (1972) Introduction to the methodology of scientific knowledge: Nauk. posibn. L.: LSU Surmin, Y., and Tulenkov, N. (2004) Theory of social technologies: Textbook. allowance. Kiev: MAUP
  • Trebin, M. (2017) «Ukraine before the Wiklis of the XXI century». Bulletin of the National University Legal Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise. Series: Philosophy, philosophy of law, politics, sociology 4 (35), 141-156
  • Uemov, A. (1971) Logical foundations of the modeling method. M.: Thought
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Valeriia Honcharova 0000-0003-3471-9024

Publication Date December 21, 2021
Submission Date November 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Honcharova, V. (2021). SOCIAL RISK MODELING AT AIRPORTS: ON THE EXAMPLE OF ZAPORIZHZHIA CITY. Firat University International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 5(2), 189-204.