Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 131 - 148, 22.12.2022


Günümüzde teknolojide yaşanan devrimsel nitelikteki olağanüstü gelişmeler yaşamın her alanında köklü değişimlere neden olmaktadır. Nesnelerin interneti, büyük veri analitiği, blok zinciri ve yapay zekâ gibi teknolojilerin gelişimi, yaşamı büyük ölçüde etkilediği gibi işletmelerin çalışma şeklini de değiştirmiştir. Yapay zekâ, bu teknolojiler arasında muazzam bir pazarlama dönüşümü potansiyeline sahiptir. Dünyanın hemen hemen her yerindeki büyük işletmeler, pazarlama ihtiyaçlarına en uygun yapay zekâ çözümlerini belirlemeye çalışmaktadır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, pazarlama ve yapay zekâ teknolojileri arasındaki ilişkiyi keşfetmeye çalışmaktır. Bu doğrultuda yapay zekâ teknolojisi ve pazarlama ile ilgili literatür taraması yapılmış ve bu teknolojilerin pazarlama alanı ile olan ilişkisi analiz edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, gelecekte pazarlama uygulayıcılarını bekleyen olası gelişmelere değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın, yapay zekâ-pazarlama ilişkisi açısından literatüre katkı sağlayacağı ve gelecekte bu alanla ilgili yapılacak çalışmalara rehberlik edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • AUTOR, D. H., ve DORN, D., “The growth of low-skill service jobs and the polarization of the US labor market”, American Economic Review, 103(5), 2013, s. 1553–1597.
  • BROOKS, R.A. , “Intelligence without reason”, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, Sydney, Australia, 1991, s. 569-595.
  • BRYNJOLFSSON, E. ve MCAFEE, A., “The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies”, WW Norton and Company, New York, NY, 2014.
  • CHATTERJEE, S., GHOSH, S. K., CHAUDHURI, R., VE NGUYEN, B., “Are CRM systems ready for AI integration? A conceptual framework of organizational readiness for effective AI-CRM integration”. The Bottom Line, 32, 2019, s. 144-157.
  • CHUNG, T. S., RUST, R. T., ve WEDEL, M., “My mobile music: An adaptive personalization system for digital audio players”, Marketing Science, 28(1), 2009, s. 52–68.
  • CHUNG, T. S., WEDEL, M., ve RUST, R. T., “Adaptive personalization using social networks”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 2016, s. 66–87.
  • DAVENPORT, T., GUHA, A., GREWAL, D., ve BRESSGOTT, T., “How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(2), 2020, s. 24–42.
  • DEKIMPE, M. G., “Retailing and retailing research in the age of big data analytics”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 2020, s. 3-14.
  • DZYABURA, D., ve HAUSER, J. R., “Active machine learning for consideration heuristics”, Marketing Science, 30(5), 2011, s. 757–944.
  • DZYABURA, D., ve HAUSER, J. R., “Recommending products when consumers learn their preferences weights”, Marketing Science, 38(3), 2019, s. 365–541.
  • ERIKSSON, T., BIGI, A., ve BONERA, M.,” Think with me, or think for me? On the future role of artificial intelligence in marketing strategy formulation”, The TQM Journal. Vol. 32 No. 4, 2020, s. 795-814.
  • FOUNTAİNE, T., MCCARTHY, B., ve SALEH, T., “Building the AIpowered organization”, Harvard Business Review, July–August, 2019, s. 63–73.
  • FREY, C. B., ve OSBORNE, M. A., “The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114(January), 2017, s. 254–280.
  • GABRIEL, M., “What does digital transformation really mean”,, available at: https:// 2019, Erişim Tarihi:20.05.2022.
  • GACANIN, H., ve WAGNER, M., “Artificial intelligence paradigm for customer experience management in next-generation networks: Challenges and perspectives”. Ieee Network, 33(2), 2019, s. 188-194.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), 2021, s. 30-50.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “Artificial intelligence in service”, Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 2018, s. 155–172.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “Engaged to a robot? The role of AI in service”, Journal of Service Research, 2020, 109467052090226. https://
  • JARRAHI, M.H., “Artificial intelligence and the future of work: human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making”, Business Horizons, Vol. 61 No. 4, 2018, s. 577-586.
  • KAPLAN, A. ve HAENLEIN, M., “Siri, Siri, in my hand: who’s the fairest in the land? On the interpretations, illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence”, Business Horizons, Vol. 62 No. 1, 2019, s. 15-25.
  • KUMAR, V., RAJAN, B., VENKATESAN, R., ve LECINSKI, J., “Understanding the role of artificial intelligence in personalized engagement marketing”, California Management Review, 61(4), 2019, s. 135– 155.
  • LEGARDEUR, J., MERLO, C., ve FISCHER, X., “An integrated information system for product design assistance based on artificial intelligence and collaborative tools”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 1(3), 2006, s. 211-229.
  • LEGG, S., ve HUTTER, M., “A collection of definitions of intelligence”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and applications, 157, 2007, s. 17-24.
  • LUO, X., TONG, S., FANG, Z., ve QU, Z., “Frontiers: Machines versus humans: The impact of AI chatbot disclosure on customer purchases”, Marketing Science, 38(6), 2019, s. 937–947.
  • MARTINEZ-LOPEZ, F.J. ve CASILLAS, J., “Artificial intelligence-based systems applied in industrial marketing: an historical overview, current and future insights”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 42 No. 4, 2013, s. 489-495.
  • MAXWELL, A. L, JEFFREY, S. A, ve LÉVESQUE, M., “Business Angel Early Stage Decision Making”, Journal of Business Venturing, 26(2), 2011, s. 212-225.
  • MCDUFF, D., ve CZERWINSKI, M., “Designing emotionally sentient agents”, Communications of the ACM, 61(12), 2018, s. 74–83.
  • MENDE, M., SCOTT, M. L., VAN DOORN, J., GREWAL, D., ve SHANKS, I., “Service robots rising: How humanoid robots influence service experiences and elicit compensatory consumer responses”, Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 2019, s. 535–556.
  • NAZİM SHA, S., ve RAJESWARI, M., “Creating a Brand Value and Consumer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Business Using Artificial Intelligence with the Help of Vosag Technology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (8), 2019, s. 1510-1515.
  • NGUYEN, Q. N., ve SIDOROVA, A., “Understanding user interactions with a chatbot: A self-determination theory approach”, 2018.
  • PASCHEN, J., KIETZMANN, J. ve KIETZMANN, T.C., “Artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for market knowledge in B2B marketing”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 7, 2019, s. 1410-1479.
  • PLAPPERT, S., GEMBARSKI, P. C., ve LACHMAYER, R., “The use of knowledge-based engineering systems and artificial intelligence in product development: a snapshot” International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology, 2019, s. 62-73.
  • POOLE, D. L., ve MACKWORTH, A. K., “ Artificial Intelligence: foundations of computational agents”, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • RUSSELL, S.J. ve NORVIG, P., “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Pearson Education Limited, Malaysia, 2016.
  • SERANMADEVI, R., ve KUMAR, A., “Experiencing the AI emergence in Indian retail–Early adopters approach”, Management Science Letters, 9(1), 2019, s. 33-42.
  • SHIEBER, S. M. (Ed.), “The Turing test: verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence”, Mit Press, 2004.
  • TURING, A.M., “The word problem in semi-groups with cancellation”, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 2 No. 52, 1950, s. 491-505.
  • WIRTZ, J., PATTERSON, P. G., KUNZ, W. H., GRUBER, T., LU, V. N., PALUCH, S., ve MARTINS, A., “Brave new world: service robots in the frontline”, Journal of Service Management. 29(5), 2018, s. 907-931.
  • WISETSRI, W, “Systematic analysis and future research directions in artificial intelligence for marketing”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2021, s. 43-55.


Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 131 - 148, 22.12.2022


Revolutionary and extraordinary developments in technology today cause radical changes in all areas of life. The development of technologies such as the internet of things, big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence has greatly affected life and changed the way businesses work. Artificial Intelligence has enormous marketing transformation potential among these technologies. Large businesses all over the world are trying to determine the most suitable artificial intelligence solutions for their marketing needs.
The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between marketing and artificial intelligence technologies. In this direction, the relationship between artificial intelligence technologies and the field of marketing has been analyzed and a literature review has been made. However, possible developments that await marketing practitioners in the future are mentioned. It is thought that the study will contribute to the literature in terms of artificial intelligence-marketing relationship and will guide future studies in this field.


  • AUTOR, D. H., ve DORN, D., “The growth of low-skill service jobs and the polarization of the US labor market”, American Economic Review, 103(5), 2013, s. 1553–1597.
  • BROOKS, R.A. , “Intelligence without reason”, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, Sydney, Australia, 1991, s. 569-595.
  • BRYNJOLFSSON, E. ve MCAFEE, A., “The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies”, WW Norton and Company, New York, NY, 2014.
  • CHATTERJEE, S., GHOSH, S. K., CHAUDHURI, R., VE NGUYEN, B., “Are CRM systems ready for AI integration? A conceptual framework of organizational readiness for effective AI-CRM integration”. The Bottom Line, 32, 2019, s. 144-157.
  • CHUNG, T. S., RUST, R. T., ve WEDEL, M., “My mobile music: An adaptive personalization system for digital audio players”, Marketing Science, 28(1), 2009, s. 52–68.
  • CHUNG, T. S., WEDEL, M., ve RUST, R. T., “Adaptive personalization using social networks”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 2016, s. 66–87.
  • DAVENPORT, T., GUHA, A., GREWAL, D., ve BRESSGOTT, T., “How artificial intelligence will change the future of marketing”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(2), 2020, s. 24–42.
  • DEKIMPE, M. G., “Retailing and retailing research in the age of big data analytics”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 2020, s. 3-14.
  • DZYABURA, D., ve HAUSER, J. R., “Active machine learning for consideration heuristics”, Marketing Science, 30(5), 2011, s. 757–944.
  • DZYABURA, D., ve HAUSER, J. R., “Recommending products when consumers learn their preferences weights”, Marketing Science, 38(3), 2019, s. 365–541.
  • ERIKSSON, T., BIGI, A., ve BONERA, M.,” Think with me, or think for me? On the future role of artificial intelligence in marketing strategy formulation”, The TQM Journal. Vol. 32 No. 4, 2020, s. 795-814.
  • FOUNTAİNE, T., MCCARTHY, B., ve SALEH, T., “Building the AIpowered organization”, Harvard Business Review, July–August, 2019, s. 63–73.
  • FREY, C. B., ve OSBORNE, M. A., “The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114(January), 2017, s. 254–280.
  • GABRIEL, M., “What does digital transformation really mean”,, available at: https:// 2019, Erişim Tarihi:20.05.2022.
  • GACANIN, H., ve WAGNER, M., “Artificial intelligence paradigm for customer experience management in next-generation networks: Challenges and perspectives”. Ieee Network, 33(2), 2019, s. 188-194.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), 2021, s. 30-50.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “Artificial intelligence in service”, Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 2018, s. 155–172.
  • HUANG, M. H., ve RUST, R. T., “Engaged to a robot? The role of AI in service”, Journal of Service Research, 2020, 109467052090226. https://
  • JARRAHI, M.H., “Artificial intelligence and the future of work: human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making”, Business Horizons, Vol. 61 No. 4, 2018, s. 577-586.
  • KAPLAN, A. ve HAENLEIN, M., “Siri, Siri, in my hand: who’s the fairest in the land? On the interpretations, illustrations, and implications of artificial intelligence”, Business Horizons, Vol. 62 No. 1, 2019, s. 15-25.
  • KUMAR, V., RAJAN, B., VENKATESAN, R., ve LECINSKI, J., “Understanding the role of artificial intelligence in personalized engagement marketing”, California Management Review, 61(4), 2019, s. 135– 155.
  • LEGARDEUR, J., MERLO, C., ve FISCHER, X., “An integrated information system for product design assistance based on artificial intelligence and collaborative tools”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 1(3), 2006, s. 211-229.
  • LEGG, S., ve HUTTER, M., “A collection of definitions of intelligence”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and applications, 157, 2007, s. 17-24.
  • LUO, X., TONG, S., FANG, Z., ve QU, Z., “Frontiers: Machines versus humans: The impact of AI chatbot disclosure on customer purchases”, Marketing Science, 38(6), 2019, s. 937–947.
  • MARTINEZ-LOPEZ, F.J. ve CASILLAS, J., “Artificial intelligence-based systems applied in industrial marketing: an historical overview, current and future insights”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 42 No. 4, 2013, s. 489-495.
  • MAXWELL, A. L, JEFFREY, S. A, ve LÉVESQUE, M., “Business Angel Early Stage Decision Making”, Journal of Business Venturing, 26(2), 2011, s. 212-225.
  • MCDUFF, D., ve CZERWINSKI, M., “Designing emotionally sentient agents”, Communications of the ACM, 61(12), 2018, s. 74–83.
  • MENDE, M., SCOTT, M. L., VAN DOORN, J., GREWAL, D., ve SHANKS, I., “Service robots rising: How humanoid robots influence service experiences and elicit compensatory consumer responses”, Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 2019, s. 535–556.
  • NAZİM SHA, S., ve RAJESWARI, M., “Creating a Brand Value and Consumer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Business Using Artificial Intelligence with the Help of Vosag Technology”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (8), 2019, s. 1510-1515.
  • NGUYEN, Q. N., ve SIDOROVA, A., “Understanding user interactions with a chatbot: A self-determination theory approach”, 2018.
  • PASCHEN, J., KIETZMANN, J. ve KIETZMANN, T.C., “Artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for market knowledge in B2B marketing”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 7, 2019, s. 1410-1479.
  • PLAPPERT, S., GEMBARSKI, P. C., ve LACHMAYER, R., “The use of knowledge-based engineering systems and artificial intelligence in product development: a snapshot” International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology, 2019, s. 62-73.
  • POOLE, D. L., ve MACKWORTH, A. K., “ Artificial Intelligence: foundations of computational agents”, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • RUSSELL, S.J. ve NORVIG, P., “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Pearson Education Limited, Malaysia, 2016.
  • SERANMADEVI, R., ve KUMAR, A., “Experiencing the AI emergence in Indian retail–Early adopters approach”, Management Science Letters, 9(1), 2019, s. 33-42.
  • SHIEBER, S. M. (Ed.), “The Turing test: verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence”, Mit Press, 2004.
  • TURING, A.M., “The word problem in semi-groups with cancellation”, Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 2 No. 52, 1950, s. 491-505.
  • WIRTZ, J., PATTERSON, P. G., KUNZ, W. H., GRUBER, T., LU, V. N., PALUCH, S., ve MARTINS, A., “Brave new world: service robots in the frontline”, Journal of Service Management. 29(5), 2018, s. 907-931.
  • WISETSRI, W, “Systematic analysis and future research directions in artificial intelligence for marketing”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2021, s. 43-55.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yunus Emre Gür 0000-0001-6530-0598

Publication Date December 22, 2022
Submission Date May 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Gür, Y. E. (2022). YAPAY ZEKÂ VE PAZARLAMA İLİŞKİSİ. Firat University International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 6(2), 131-148.