Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 23 - 50, 27.06.2024


1980’li yıllarla beraber popüler olan ve günümüze dek dönem dönem öne çıkan mali sürdürülebilirlik kavramı, günümüzün artan kriz ve konjonktürel dalgalanmalarının da etkisiyle tekrar gündeme gelmiştir. Ekonomik istikrarın tesisinde olmazsa olmazlar arasında yer alan mali sürdürülebilirlik kavramı, tüm ekonomiler açısından olduğu gibi bu çalışmanın ampirik analizinin yatay kesitini oluşturan ülke grubu, Kırılgan Beşliler içinde büyük önem taşımaktadır. 2008 küresel finans krizi ve 2019 yılında baş gösteren COVID 19 Pandemisi, diğer ülke ya da ülke gruplarında olduğu gibi Kırılgan Beşli olarak adlandırılan ülkeleri de önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Ülkeler yaşanan bu iki olumsuz gelişmenin yarattığı derin ekonomik krizin olumsuz etkilerini bertaraf etmek amacıyla, para politikası uygulamalarının yanı sıra maliye politikası araçlarını da etkin bir biçimde kullanmışlardır. Bu çalışmada, yabancı yatırımlara olan gereksinimleri yüksek, dışsal mali şoklardan önemli ölçüde etkilenen, derinleşen dış borç yükleri ile yüksek bütçe ve cari denge açıklarına sahip, Amerikan yatırım bankalarından Morgan Stanley’in 2013’de yayınladığı raporda dile getirilen Brezilya, Endonezya, Güney Afrika, Hindistan ve Türkiye’nin oluşturduğu Kırılgan Beşli ülke grubunun, 2000 ve 2022 yılları arası döneme ait yıllık verileri kullanılarak (2 model aracılığıyla) mali sürdürülebilirlikleri araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmanın ampirik kısmında panel regresyon analizi gerçekleştirilmiş ve yapılan tahminlerin değişen varyans ve otokorelasyon problemine karşı dirençli olmalarına özen gösterilmiştir. Ulaşılan sonuçlara göre, model 1’de yer alan değişkenlerden kamu gelir ve harcamaları açısından Kırılgan Beşli ülkelerinde mali sürdürülebilirliğin zayıf olduğu, model 2’de kullanılan değişkenlerden birincil bütçe dengesi ve kamu borç stokunun milli gelir içerisindeki payı arasındaki ilişki açısından ise mali sürdürülebilirliğin olmadığı sonucu elde edilmiştir.


  • AFONSO, Antonio, RAULT, Christophe, “Fiscal Sustainability In The EU: A Panel Data Diagnostic”, 2008, s. 49-68.
  • ALVARADO, Carlos, Diaz, IZQUIERDO, Alejandro, PANİZZA, Ugo, "Fiscal Sustainability in Emerging Market Countries with an Application to Ecuador", Inter-American Development Bank Research Department, Working Paper, 2004, 511, 1-45.
  • ARISOY, İbrahim, ÜNLÜKAPAN, İlter, “Türkiye’de Mali Açıkların Sürdürülebilirliği İle Kamu Gelirleri Ve Harcamaları İlişkisinin Analizi”. Maliye Dergisi, 159, 2010, s. 444-462.
  • ASLAN, Alper, “Bütçe Açığı Sürdürülebilirliğinin Dinamik Analizi: Türkiye Örneği”, Maliye Dergisi, 157, 2009, s. 227-234.
  • BAHARUMSHAH, Ahmet, Zubaidi, SOON, Siew Voon, LAU, Evan, “Fiscal Sustainability In An Emerging Market Economy: When Does Public Debt Turn Bad?” Journal of Policy Modeling, 39(1), 2017, s. 99-113.
  • BALASSONE, Fabrizio, FRANCO, Daniele, “Assessing Fiscal Sustainability: A Review of Methodes with a View to
  • EMU”. Fiscal Sustainability Conference, 20 Ocak,, 2000.
  • BALTAGI, Badi, “Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data”, 3. Edition, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2005
  • BALTAGI, Badi, ve LI, Qi., “A Transformation That Will Circumvent The Problem of Autocorrelation in an Error-Component Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 1991, 48(3), 385- 393.
  • BHARGAVA Alok, FRANZINI, Luisa ve NARENDRANTHAN, Wiji, “Serial Correlation and the Fixed Effects Model”, The Review of Economic Studies, 1982, 49(4), 533-549.
  • BECK, Nathaniel ve Katz, JONATHAN, “What to Do (and not to do) with Time-Series Cross-Section Data”. The American Political Science Review, 1995, 89(3): 634-647.
  • BELKE, Murat, “Türkiye’deki İl Belediyelerinin Mali Sürdürülebilirliği: Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi”, Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 2021, s. 128-158.
  • BENZ, Ulrich, FETZER, Stefan. “Indicators for Measuring Fiscal Sustainability a Comparative Application of the OECD-Method and Generational Accounting”. Institut Für Finanzwissenschaft Der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Im Breisgau Discussion Papers, 118/04, 2004.
  • BLANCHARD, Oliver, CHOURAQUI Jan, Claude, HAGEMANN Robert, SARTOR, Nicola, “The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy: New Answers to an Old Question”. OECD Economic Studies No: 15,, 1990.
  • BREUSCH, Trevor, Stanley, PAGAN, Adrian, “The Lagrange Multiplier Test And Its Applications To Model Specification In Econometrics”. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 1980, s. 239-253.
  • BULUT, Hülya, “Assessing Fiscal Sustainability In Turkey Through Cointegration Analysis With Multiple Structural Breaks”, International Journal Of Applied Business And Management Studies, 5(1), 2020, s. 1-9. BURNSIDE, Craig, “Theoretical Prerequisites For Fiscal Sustainability Analysis”, Fiscal Sustainability In Theory And Practice: A Handbook, A World Bank Publication, Washington DC. 2005.
  • BÜYÜKALIN, Figen, KAPKARA, Sevcan, “Mali Sürdürülebilirlik Analizi: Türkiye Örneği”, ICOMEP’18-Autumn | Uluslararası Yönetim, Ekonomi ve Politika Kongresi 2018, Güz, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE | 1-2 Aralık, 2018.
  • DOMAR, Evsey, “The Burden of the Debt" and the National Income”. The American Economic Review, 34(4): 798-827, 1944.
  • EROĞLU, Ömer ve ALBENİ, Mesut, “Küreselleşme Ekonomik Krizler ve Türkiye”, Isparta: Bilim Kitapevi Yayınları, 2002.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION, “Fiscal Sustainability Report”, 2012, 8/2012. doi: 10.2765/19669
  • FINCKE, Bettina, GREINER, Alfred, “How To Assess Debt Sustainability? Some Theory And Empirical Evidence For Selected Euro Area Countries”, Applied Economics, 44(28), 2012, s. 3717 3724.
  • FRIEDMAN, Milton, “The Limitations of Tax Limitations”, Policy Review, 7-14, 1978.
  • GEITHNER, Timothy, "Assessing Sustainability", International Monetary Fund, Policy Development and Review Department, 2002, 1-60.
  • GÖGÜL, Pelin Karatay, “Türkiye’de Mali Sürdürülebilirliğin Yapısal Değişimler Çerçevesinde Analizi 2002-2015”, Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4/2, 2016, s. 87-109.
  • GÖKTAN, Alper, “Türkiye’de Mali Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma”. Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 15(2): 425-445, 2008.
  • GÖKTAŞ, Özlem, “Türkiye ekonomisinde bütçe açığının sürdürülebilirliğinin Analizi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, 8, 45-64,2008.
  • GREENE, William, “Econometric Analysis”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall., (2003).
  • GUJURATI, Damodar, PORTER, Dawn, “Temel Ekonometri”, (Çev. Ü. Şenesen, G.G. Şenesen). İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık, 2012.
  • HAKKIO, Craig, RUSH, Mark, “Is The Budget Deficit “Too Large?”, Economic Inquiry, 29, 1991, s. 429- 445.
  • HAMILTON, James, Marjorie, FLAVIN, “On The Limitations of Government Borrowing: A Framework For Empirical Testing”, The American Economic Review, 76(4), 1986, s. 808-819.
  • HAUSMAN, Jerry, “Specification Tests In Econometrics”, Econometrica, 46(6), 1978, s. 1251-1271.
  • HERRERA, Maria, CARMEN, Ramos, PRATS, Maria, “Fiscal Sustainability In The European Countries: A Panel ARDL Approach And A Dynamic Panel Threshold Model”. Sustainability, 12, 2020, s. 1-14.
  • HERRERA, Maria, CARMEN, Ramos, RIVERO, Simon, Sosvilla, Fiscal Sustainability In Aging Societies: Evidence From Euro Area Countries”. Sustainability, 12, 2020, s. 1-20.
  • HSIAO, Cheng, Analysis of Panel Data. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. (2003).
  • KARAKURT, Birol, ŞENTÜRK, Suat, Hayri ve ELA, Mehmet, “Makroekonomik Kırılganlık: Türkiye ve Şangay Beşlisi Karşılaştırması”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 283-307, 13(1). (2015).
  • İLGÜN, Miraç, Fatih, “Fiscal Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation In The Oil Producer And Non-Oil Producer Mena Countries”, Journal Of Current Researches On Business And Economics, 8(1), 2018, s. 71-84.
  • JHA, Rhoi, ANURAG Sharma. (2004). “Structural Breaks, Unit Roots, And Cointegration: A Further Test Of The Sustainability Of The Indian Fiscal Deficit”, Public Finance Review, 32(2), 2004, s. 196-219.
  • KREMERS, Jeroen, “U.S. Federal Indebtedness And Conduct Of Fiscal Policy”, Journal Of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 1989, s. 219-238.
  • MAGAZZINO, Cosimo, MUTASCU, Mihai, “A Wavelet Analysis Of Italian Fiscal sustainability. Journal of Economic Structures, 8(1), 2019, s 1-13.
  • MERCAN, Mehmet, “Budget Deficits Sustainable? An Empirical Analysis For OECD Countries”, Procedia-Social And Behavioral Sciences, 131, 2014, s 258-263.
  • MUSGRAVE, Richard, “Principles of Budget Determination”. H. Cameron, W. Henderson (Ed.). Public finance: selected readings (15-27). New York: Random House,1966.
  • PEACOCK, Alan, WISEMAN Jack, “Approaches to the Analysis of Government Expenditures Growth”. Public Finance Quarterly, 7: 3-23, 1979
  • PESARAN, Hashem, “A Simple Panel Unit Root Test In the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, s. 265-312.
  • POLAT, Gözde, POLAT, Onur, “Fiscal Sustainability Analysis In EU Countries: A Dynamic Macro-Panel Approach”. Eastern Journal Of European Studies, 12(1), 2021, s. 219-241.
  • PROHL, Silika, SCHNEIDER, Friedrich, “Sustainability Of Public Debt And Budget Deficit: Panel Cointegration Analysis For the European Union Member Countries”. Johannes Kepler University of Linz Department of Economics Working Paper, No: 0610, 2006, s. 1-26.
  • SLACK, Enid, BIRD, Richard, “The Fiscal Sustainability Of the Greater Toronto Area” Rotman School of Management ITP Paper, University of Toronto Joseph L, 0405, 2004, 1- 41.
  • TATOĞLU, Yerdelen, Ferda, “Panel Veri Ekonometrisi”, İstanbul, Beta Yayıncılık, 2016.
  • TREHAN, Bharat, WALSH, Carle, “Common Trends, The Government Budget Constraint And Revenue Smoothing”, Journal Of Economic Dynamics And Control, 12, 1988, s. 425– 444.
  • TREHAN, Bharat, WALSH, Carle, “Testing Intertemporal Budget Constraints: Theory And Applications To US Federal Budget And Current Account Deficits”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 23, 1991, s. 210-223,
  • ÜN, Turgut, “Stata ile Panel Veri Analizi”. S. Güriş, (Ed.). Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri (40- 80). İstanbul: Der Yayınları, 2015.
  • WILCOX, David, “The Sustainability Of Government Deficits: Implications Of The Present-Value Borrowing Constraint”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 21(3), 1989, s. 291-306.
  • WILDAVSKY, Aaron, “The New Politics of the Budgetary Process”, Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman., 1998.
  • YILDIZ, Hilal, YILDIRIM, Durmuş, Çağrı, “An Empirical Study On Fiscal Sustainability In Eurozone”, Serbian Journal of Management, 9(1), 2014, s. 59-70.

The Panel Regression Analysis on Fiscal Sustainability in the Fragile Five Countries

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 23 - 50, 27.06.2024


The concept of fiscal sustainability, which is among the sine qua non for establishing macroeconomic stability, is of great importance for all economies, as well as for the country group that forms the cross-section of the empirical analysis of this study, the Fragile Five. The 2008 global financial crisis and the COVID-19 Pandemic that broke out in 2019 have significantly affected the so-called Fragile Five countries as well as other countries or country groups. In order to eliminate the negative effects of the deep economic crisis caused by these two negative developments, countries have effectively used fiscal policy instruments as well as monetary policy implementations. This study investigates the fiscal sustainability of the Fragile Five countries (Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, India and Turkey), which have high foreign investment requirements, can be significantly affected by exogenous fiscal shocks, have deepening external debt burdens and high budget and current account deficits, and were mentioned in the report published by Morgan Stanley, an American investment bank, in 2013, using annual data for the period between 2000 and 2022 (through 2 models). In the empirical part of the study, panel regression analysis was conducted, and care was taken to ensure that the estimates are robust to the problems of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. According to the results, it is concluded that fiscal sustainability is weak in the Fragile Five countries in terms of public revenues and expenditures among the variables in model 1, while fiscal sustainability is weak in terms of the relationship between the primary budget balance and the share of public debt stock in national income among the variables used in model 2.


  • AFONSO, Antonio, RAULT, Christophe, “Fiscal Sustainability In The EU: A Panel Data Diagnostic”, 2008, s. 49-68.
  • ALVARADO, Carlos, Diaz, IZQUIERDO, Alejandro, PANİZZA, Ugo, "Fiscal Sustainability in Emerging Market Countries with an Application to Ecuador", Inter-American Development Bank Research Department, Working Paper, 2004, 511, 1-45.
  • ARISOY, İbrahim, ÜNLÜKAPAN, İlter, “Türkiye’de Mali Açıkların Sürdürülebilirliği İle Kamu Gelirleri Ve Harcamaları İlişkisinin Analizi”. Maliye Dergisi, 159, 2010, s. 444-462.
  • ASLAN, Alper, “Bütçe Açığı Sürdürülebilirliğinin Dinamik Analizi: Türkiye Örneği”, Maliye Dergisi, 157, 2009, s. 227-234.
  • BAHARUMSHAH, Ahmet, Zubaidi, SOON, Siew Voon, LAU, Evan, “Fiscal Sustainability In An Emerging Market Economy: When Does Public Debt Turn Bad?” Journal of Policy Modeling, 39(1), 2017, s. 99-113.
  • BALASSONE, Fabrizio, FRANCO, Daniele, “Assessing Fiscal Sustainability: A Review of Methodes with a View to
  • EMU”. Fiscal Sustainability Conference, 20 Ocak,, 2000.
  • BALTAGI, Badi, “Econometrics Analysis of Panel Data”, 3. Edition, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2005
  • BALTAGI, Badi, ve LI, Qi., “A Transformation That Will Circumvent The Problem of Autocorrelation in an Error-Component Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 1991, 48(3), 385- 393.
  • BHARGAVA Alok, FRANZINI, Luisa ve NARENDRANTHAN, Wiji, “Serial Correlation and the Fixed Effects Model”, The Review of Economic Studies, 1982, 49(4), 533-549.
  • BECK, Nathaniel ve Katz, JONATHAN, “What to Do (and not to do) with Time-Series Cross-Section Data”. The American Political Science Review, 1995, 89(3): 634-647.
  • BELKE, Murat, “Türkiye’deki İl Belediyelerinin Mali Sürdürülebilirliği: Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi”, Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 2021, s. 128-158.
  • BENZ, Ulrich, FETZER, Stefan. “Indicators for Measuring Fiscal Sustainability a Comparative Application of the OECD-Method and Generational Accounting”. Institut Für Finanzwissenschaft Der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Im Breisgau Discussion Papers, 118/04, 2004.
  • BLANCHARD, Oliver, CHOURAQUI Jan, Claude, HAGEMANN Robert, SARTOR, Nicola, “The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy: New Answers to an Old Question”. OECD Economic Studies No: 15,, 1990.
  • BREUSCH, Trevor, Stanley, PAGAN, Adrian, “The Lagrange Multiplier Test And Its Applications To Model Specification In Econometrics”. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 1980, s. 239-253.
  • BULUT, Hülya, “Assessing Fiscal Sustainability In Turkey Through Cointegration Analysis With Multiple Structural Breaks”, International Journal Of Applied Business And Management Studies, 5(1), 2020, s. 1-9. BURNSIDE, Craig, “Theoretical Prerequisites For Fiscal Sustainability Analysis”, Fiscal Sustainability In Theory And Practice: A Handbook, A World Bank Publication, Washington DC. 2005.
  • BÜYÜKALIN, Figen, KAPKARA, Sevcan, “Mali Sürdürülebilirlik Analizi: Türkiye Örneği”, ICOMEP’18-Autumn | Uluslararası Yönetim, Ekonomi ve Politika Kongresi 2018, Güz, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE | 1-2 Aralık, 2018.
  • DOMAR, Evsey, “The Burden of the Debt" and the National Income”. The American Economic Review, 34(4): 798-827, 1944.
  • EROĞLU, Ömer ve ALBENİ, Mesut, “Küreselleşme Ekonomik Krizler ve Türkiye”, Isparta: Bilim Kitapevi Yayınları, 2002.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION, “Fiscal Sustainability Report”, 2012, 8/2012. doi: 10.2765/19669
  • FINCKE, Bettina, GREINER, Alfred, “How To Assess Debt Sustainability? Some Theory And Empirical Evidence For Selected Euro Area Countries”, Applied Economics, 44(28), 2012, s. 3717 3724.
  • FRIEDMAN, Milton, “The Limitations of Tax Limitations”, Policy Review, 7-14, 1978.
  • GEITHNER, Timothy, "Assessing Sustainability", International Monetary Fund, Policy Development and Review Department, 2002, 1-60.
  • GÖGÜL, Pelin Karatay, “Türkiye’de Mali Sürdürülebilirliğin Yapısal Değişimler Çerçevesinde Analizi 2002-2015”, Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4/2, 2016, s. 87-109.
  • GÖKTAN, Alper, “Türkiye’de Mali Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma”. Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 15(2): 425-445, 2008.
  • GÖKTAŞ, Özlem, “Türkiye ekonomisinde bütçe açığının sürdürülebilirliğinin Analizi. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, 8, 45-64,2008.
  • GREENE, William, “Econometric Analysis”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall., (2003).
  • GUJURATI, Damodar, PORTER, Dawn, “Temel Ekonometri”, (Çev. Ü. Şenesen, G.G. Şenesen). İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık, 2012.
  • HAKKIO, Craig, RUSH, Mark, “Is The Budget Deficit “Too Large?”, Economic Inquiry, 29, 1991, s. 429- 445.
  • HAMILTON, James, Marjorie, FLAVIN, “On The Limitations of Government Borrowing: A Framework For Empirical Testing”, The American Economic Review, 76(4), 1986, s. 808-819.
  • HAUSMAN, Jerry, “Specification Tests In Econometrics”, Econometrica, 46(6), 1978, s. 1251-1271.
  • HERRERA, Maria, CARMEN, Ramos, PRATS, Maria, “Fiscal Sustainability In The European Countries: A Panel ARDL Approach And A Dynamic Panel Threshold Model”. Sustainability, 12, 2020, s. 1-14.
  • HERRERA, Maria, CARMEN, Ramos, RIVERO, Simon, Sosvilla, Fiscal Sustainability In Aging Societies: Evidence From Euro Area Countries”. Sustainability, 12, 2020, s. 1-20.
  • HSIAO, Cheng, Analysis of Panel Data. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. (2003).
  • KARAKURT, Birol, ŞENTÜRK, Suat, Hayri ve ELA, Mehmet, “Makroekonomik Kırılganlık: Türkiye ve Şangay Beşlisi Karşılaştırması”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 283-307, 13(1). (2015).
  • İLGÜN, Miraç, Fatih, “Fiscal Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation In The Oil Producer And Non-Oil Producer Mena Countries”, Journal Of Current Researches On Business And Economics, 8(1), 2018, s. 71-84.
  • JHA, Rhoi, ANURAG Sharma. (2004). “Structural Breaks, Unit Roots, And Cointegration: A Further Test Of The Sustainability Of The Indian Fiscal Deficit”, Public Finance Review, 32(2), 2004, s. 196-219.
  • KREMERS, Jeroen, “U.S. Federal Indebtedness And Conduct Of Fiscal Policy”, Journal Of Monetary Economics, 23(2), 1989, s. 219-238.
  • MAGAZZINO, Cosimo, MUTASCU, Mihai, “A Wavelet Analysis Of Italian Fiscal sustainability. Journal of Economic Structures, 8(1), 2019, s 1-13.
  • MERCAN, Mehmet, “Budget Deficits Sustainable? An Empirical Analysis For OECD Countries”, Procedia-Social And Behavioral Sciences, 131, 2014, s 258-263.
  • MUSGRAVE, Richard, “Principles of Budget Determination”. H. Cameron, W. Henderson (Ed.). Public finance: selected readings (15-27). New York: Random House,1966.
  • PEACOCK, Alan, WISEMAN Jack, “Approaches to the Analysis of Government Expenditures Growth”. Public Finance Quarterly, 7: 3-23, 1979
  • PESARAN, Hashem, “A Simple Panel Unit Root Test In the Presence of Cross-Section Dependence”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 2007, s. 265-312.
  • POLAT, Gözde, POLAT, Onur, “Fiscal Sustainability Analysis In EU Countries: A Dynamic Macro-Panel Approach”. Eastern Journal Of European Studies, 12(1), 2021, s. 219-241.
  • PROHL, Silika, SCHNEIDER, Friedrich, “Sustainability Of Public Debt And Budget Deficit: Panel Cointegration Analysis For the European Union Member Countries”. Johannes Kepler University of Linz Department of Economics Working Paper, No: 0610, 2006, s. 1-26.
  • SLACK, Enid, BIRD, Richard, “The Fiscal Sustainability Of the Greater Toronto Area” Rotman School of Management ITP Paper, University of Toronto Joseph L, 0405, 2004, 1- 41.
  • TATOĞLU, Yerdelen, Ferda, “Panel Veri Ekonometrisi”, İstanbul, Beta Yayıncılık, 2016.
  • TREHAN, Bharat, WALSH, Carle, “Common Trends, The Government Budget Constraint And Revenue Smoothing”, Journal Of Economic Dynamics And Control, 12, 1988, s. 425– 444.
  • TREHAN, Bharat, WALSH, Carle, “Testing Intertemporal Budget Constraints: Theory And Applications To US Federal Budget And Current Account Deficits”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 23, 1991, s. 210-223,
  • ÜN, Turgut, “Stata ile Panel Veri Analizi”. S. Güriş, (Ed.). Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri (40- 80). İstanbul: Der Yayınları, 2015.
  • WILCOX, David, “The Sustainability Of Government Deficits: Implications Of The Present-Value Borrowing Constraint”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 21(3), 1989, s. 291-306.
  • WILDAVSKY, Aaron, “The New Politics of the Budgetary Process”, Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman., 1998.
  • YILDIZ, Hilal, YILDIRIM, Durmuş, Çağrı, “An Empirical Study On Fiscal Sustainability In Eurozone”, Serbian Journal of Management, 9(1), 2014, s. 59-70.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Panel Data Analysis, Cross-Sectional Analysis, Budget and Financial Planning
Journal Section Articles

Ömer Emirkadı 0000-0001-5808-249X

Publication Date June 27, 2024
Submission Date April 22, 2024
Acceptance Date June 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Emirkadı, Ö. (2024). KIRILGAN BEŞLİLERDE MALİ SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK: PANEL REGRESYON ANALİZİ. Firat University International Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 8(1), 23-50.