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Sensitization to aeroellergens in children living in İstanbul

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 10 - 13, 01.04.2009


Atopic sensitivity can be determined by allergy skin test (skin prick test). The skin prick test is a standard procedure to determine the allergic sensitivity. Aeroallergens can be various according to geographic site, climate and residential properties. In our study we aimed to find out which aeroallergen causes more sensitivity according to the skin prick test results of the patients admitted to our allergy clinic. Allergy skin tests were applied to 532 children with suspected allergic sensitivity, who admitted to Istanbul S.B. Okmeydani Training and Research. Hospital between the years 2003-2005. Allergy skin test was found positive in 92 of these children. When these patients were evaluated with regard to allergic rhinitis and asthma; 85 of them were diagnosed with asthma and 45 of them were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. The most commonly diagnosed sensitivity was with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus with a rate of 96.7% followed by Dermatophagoides farinea (89.3%) and Mixture 5 Grassess (18.5%). The results of this study might be explained by; that the patients admitting to our clinic mostly reside near the district of Istanbul Okmeydanı Hospital, in which the houses are settled very densely, with inadequate sunshine and poor ventilation. In conclusion, in this study we determined that the most commonly seen aeroallergens were "house dust mites" and the second ranked allergens were the "grass pollens" in children living in Istanbul.


  • 1.WAO/EAACI Allerji Tanımlamaları, 2.Song CH. Skin sensitization İn asthmatic children less than 36 months of age. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1997;79:273-76
  • 3.Sears MR,Herbison CP, Holdaway MD, Hewitt CJ, Flannery EM, Silva PA. The relative risks of sensitivity to grass pollen, house dust mite and cat dander in the development of childhood asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 1989; 19:419-24
  • 4.Wickens K, Pearce N, Ellis I, Patchett K, Sawyer G. Indooor environment, atopy and an the risk of asthma in children in New Zealand. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 1999; 10:199-208
  • 5.Leung DM, Sampson HA, Geha RG, Szefler SJ. Pediatric allergy:Principles and Practice. In Chapman MD. Indoor Allergens. 2003;25:261-268
  • 6.Sporik R, Platts-Mills TA. Allergen exposure and the development of asthma. Thorax. 2001;56(2):58-63
  • 7.Sharma HP, Hansel NN, Matsui E, Diette GB, Eggleston P, Breysse P, et all. Indoor environmental influences on children's asthma. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2007;54:103-20
  • 8.Kang BC, Johnson 3, VeresTorner C. Atopic profile of iner-city asthma with a comparative analysis on the cockroach-sensitive and ragweed sensitive subgroups. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1993;92:802-11
  • 9.Platts-Mills TAE, Hayden ML, Chapman MD, Wilkins SR. Seasonal variation in dust mite and grass pollen allergens in dust from the houses of patients with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1987;79:781-91
  • 10.Peat JK, Salome CM, Latimer KM. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in two populations of Australian school children: III. Effect of exposure to environmental allergens. Clin Allergy. 1987;17:291-300
  • ll.Wickens K, Pearce N, Siebers R, Ellis I, Patchett K, Sawyer G, et al. Indoor environment, atopy and the risk of the asthma in children in New Zealand. Clin Exp Allergy. 1989; 19:419-24
  • 12.Arshad SH, Tariq SM, Matthews S, Hakim E. Sensitization to common allergens and its association with allergic disorders at age 4 years: a whole population birth cohort study. Pediatrics. 2001;108(2):33
  • 13.Yilmaz A, Tuncer A, Sekerel BE, Adalıoğlu G. Cockroach allergy in a group of Turkish children with respiratory allergies. Turk J Pediatr. 2004;46:344-9
  • 14.Akçakaya N, Çokuğraş H, Camcıoğlu Y, Ozdemir M. Skin prick test hypersensitivity for childhood asthma in İstanbul during aperiod of 16 years. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2005:33:15-19
  • 15.Harmancı K, Bakırtaş A, Türktaş İ. Sensitization to aeroallergen in preschool in children with Respiratory Problems in Ankara, Turkey, Turkish Respiratory Journal. 2006;7; 10-14
  • 16.Zeyrek CD, Zeyrek F, Sevine E, Demir E. Prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in Sanliurfa, Turkey, and the relation to environmental and socioeconomic factors: is the hygiene hypothesis enough? J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2006; 16:290-295
  • 17. Küçükosmanoğlu E, Keskin O. Gaziantep'te çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Astım Alerji İmmünoloji. 2008;6; 141-145
  • 18.İğde M, İğde F, Sancak R, Öztürk F. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesindeki Çocuklarda Allerji Deri Testi Sonuçları. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr. 2009;18:82-90
  • 19.Heinzerling L, Frew AJ, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bonini S, Bousquet J. Standard skin prick testing and sensitization to inhalant allergens across Europe-a survey from the GALEN network. Allergy. 2005;60:1287-300

İstanbul'da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 10 - 13, 01.04.2009


Atopik duyarlılık allerji deri testi (skin prick test) ile belirlenebilir. Alleıji deri testi (skin prick test) allerjik duyarlılığı saptamak için kullanılan standart bir yöntemdir. Solunum allerjenleri coğrafi bölge, iklim, yerleşim özelliklerine göre değişkenlik göstermektedir. Çalışmamızda Allerji polikliniğimize başvuran hastaların Allerji deri testi sonuçlarını değerlendirerek bölgemizde hangi allerjenlerin daha fazla duyarlılığa neden olduğunu ortaya koymayı amaçladık. İstanbul S.B. Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Allerji polikliniğimize 2003-2005 yılları arası başvuran allerjik duyarlılıktan şüphelenilen 532 çocuğa allerji deri testi uygulandı. Bü çocuklardan 92'sinde allerji deri testi pozitif bulundu. Bu hastaları alerjik rinit ve astım hastalıkları açısından değerlendirdiğimizde 85'ine astım, 45'ine Allerjik rinit tanısı konulmuştu. En çok %96.7 oranı ile Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus duyarlılığı bulunmuştur. İkinci sırada sıklıkla diğer bir ev tozu akarı Dermatophagoides farinea %89.3 ile olan duyarlılık olarak bulundu. Üçüncü sırada ise Çayır polenleri (Mixture 5 Grasses) ile olan duyarlıktık %18.5 olarak bulunmuştur. Hastaların İstanbul'un Okmeydanı Hastanesi bölgesine yakın semtlerde oturması, evlerin çok sık olması, yeterince güneş görmemeleri ve havalanmanın yeterince olmaması ile bu durum açıklanabilir kanaatindeyiz. Sonuç olarak biz de bu çalışmamızda . İstanbul'da çocuklarda en sık görülen solunum yolu allerjenlerinin ev tozu akarları olduğunu arkasından, çayır polenlerinin geldiğini saptadık.


  • 1.WAO/EAACI Allerji Tanımlamaları, 2.Song CH. Skin sensitization İn asthmatic children less than 36 months of age. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1997;79:273-76
  • 3.Sears MR,Herbison CP, Holdaway MD, Hewitt CJ, Flannery EM, Silva PA. The relative risks of sensitivity to grass pollen, house dust mite and cat dander in the development of childhood asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 1989; 19:419-24
  • 4.Wickens K, Pearce N, Ellis I, Patchett K, Sawyer G. Indooor environment, atopy and an the risk of asthma in children in New Zealand. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 1999; 10:199-208
  • 5.Leung DM, Sampson HA, Geha RG, Szefler SJ. Pediatric allergy:Principles and Practice. In Chapman MD. Indoor Allergens. 2003;25:261-268
  • 6.Sporik R, Platts-Mills TA. Allergen exposure and the development of asthma. Thorax. 2001;56(2):58-63
  • 7.Sharma HP, Hansel NN, Matsui E, Diette GB, Eggleston P, Breysse P, et all. Indoor environmental influences on children's asthma. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2007;54:103-20
  • 8.Kang BC, Johnson 3, VeresTorner C. Atopic profile of iner-city asthma with a comparative analysis on the cockroach-sensitive and ragweed sensitive subgroups. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1993;92:802-11
  • 9.Platts-Mills TAE, Hayden ML, Chapman MD, Wilkins SR. Seasonal variation in dust mite and grass pollen allergens in dust from the houses of patients with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1987;79:781-91
  • 10.Peat JK, Salome CM, Latimer KM. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in two populations of Australian school children: III. Effect of exposure to environmental allergens. Clin Allergy. 1987;17:291-300
  • ll.Wickens K, Pearce N, Siebers R, Ellis I, Patchett K, Sawyer G, et al. Indoor environment, atopy and the risk of the asthma in children in New Zealand. Clin Exp Allergy. 1989; 19:419-24
  • 12.Arshad SH, Tariq SM, Matthews S, Hakim E. Sensitization to common allergens and its association with allergic disorders at age 4 years: a whole population birth cohort study. Pediatrics. 2001;108(2):33
  • 13.Yilmaz A, Tuncer A, Sekerel BE, Adalıoğlu G. Cockroach allergy in a group of Turkish children with respiratory allergies. Turk J Pediatr. 2004;46:344-9
  • 14.Akçakaya N, Çokuğraş H, Camcıoğlu Y, Ozdemir M. Skin prick test hypersensitivity for childhood asthma in İstanbul during aperiod of 16 years. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2005:33:15-19
  • 15.Harmancı K, Bakırtaş A, Türktaş İ. Sensitization to aeroallergen in preschool in children with Respiratory Problems in Ankara, Turkey, Turkish Respiratory Journal. 2006;7; 10-14
  • 16.Zeyrek CD, Zeyrek F, Sevine E, Demir E. Prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in Sanliurfa, Turkey, and the relation to environmental and socioeconomic factors: is the hygiene hypothesis enough? J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2006; 16:290-295
  • 17. Küçükosmanoğlu E, Keskin O. Gaziantep'te çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Astım Alerji İmmünoloji. 2008;6; 141-145
  • 18.İğde M, İğde F, Sancak R, Öztürk F. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesindeki Çocuklarda Allerji Deri Testi Sonuçları. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr. 2009;18:82-90
  • 19.Heinzerling L, Frew AJ, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bonini S, Bousquet J. Standard skin prick testing and sensitization to inhalant allergens across Europe-a survey from the GALEN network. Allergy. 2005;60:1287-300
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ercan Küçükosmanoğlu This is me

Cansaran Tanıdır This is me

Fatma Demir This is me

Şenay Coşkun This is me

Taner Hafızoğlu This is me

Yekta Şeşeoğulları This is me

Hilal Kurnaz This is me

Sibel Kozaklı This is me

Dilek Sümengen This is me

Gonca Özeroğlu This is me

İbrahim Şilfeler This is me

Fügen Pekün This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Küçükosmanoğlu, E., Tanıdır, C., Demir, F., Coşkun, Ş., et al. (2009). İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Gaziantep Medical Journal, 15(3), 10-13.
AMA Küçükosmanoğlu E, Tanıdır C, Demir F, Coşkun Ş, Hafızoğlu T, Şeşeoğulları Y, Kurnaz H, Kozaklı S, Sümengen D, Özeroğlu G, Şilfeler İ, Pekün F. İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Gaziantep Medical Journal. April 2009;15(3):10-13.
Chicago Küçükosmanoğlu, Ercan, Cansaran Tanıdır, Fatma Demir, Şenay Coşkun, Taner Hafızoğlu, Yekta Şeşeoğulları, Hilal Kurnaz, Sibel Kozaklı, Dilek Sümengen, Gonca Özeroğlu, İbrahim Şilfeler, and Fügen Pekün. “İstanbul’da çocuklarda Solunum Allerjenleri duyarlılığı”. Gaziantep Medical Journal 15, no. 3 (April 2009): 10-13.
EndNote Küçükosmanoğlu E, Tanıdır C, Demir F, Coşkun Ş, Hafızoğlu T, Şeşeoğulları Y, Kurnaz H, Kozaklı S, Sümengen D, Özeroğlu G, Şilfeler İ, Pekün F (April 1, 2009) İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Gaziantep Medical Journal 15 3 10–13.
IEEE E. Küçükosmanoğlu, “İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı”, Gaziantep Medical Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 10–13, 2009.
ISNAD Küçükosmanoğlu, Ercan et al. “İstanbul’da çocuklarda Solunum Allerjenleri duyarlılığı”. Gaziantep Medical Journal 15/3 (April 2009), 10-13.
JAMA Küçükosmanoğlu E, Tanıdır C, Demir F, Coşkun Ş, Hafızoğlu T, Şeşeoğulları Y, Kurnaz H, Kozaklı S, Sümengen D, Özeroğlu G, Şilfeler İ, Pekün F. İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Gaziantep Medical Journal. 2009;15:10–13.
MLA Küçükosmanoğlu, Ercan et al. “İstanbul’da çocuklarda Solunum Allerjenleri duyarlılığı”. Gaziantep Medical Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, 2009, pp. 10-13.
Vancouver Küçükosmanoğlu E, Tanıdır C, Demir F, Coşkun Ş, Hafızoğlu T, Şeşeoğulları Y, Kurnaz H, Kozaklı S, Sümengen D, Özeroğlu G, Şilfeler İ, Pekün F. İstanbul’da çocuklarda solunum allerjenleri duyarlılığı. Gaziantep Medical Journal. 2009;15(3):10-3.