Günümüzde, fiziksel dünyadan bilgi edinebilen ve haberleşme yeteneğine sahip birçok akıllı nesne birbirine bağlanarak küresel bir algılayıcı ağ altyapısı veya Nesnelerin İnternetini oluşturmaktadır. Nesnelerin İnterneti için üretilen cihazların hızla artması ve her cihazın geliştirme ortamı ve ara yüzünün farklı olması cihaza özel uygulamaların üretimine sebep olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Nesnelerin İnterneti için bir gerçek zamanlı tasarsız veri toplama, raporlama ve analiz platformu önerilmiştir. Geliştirilen platform, sensörlerden veri toplayan gömülü yazılımı, yerel veri toplama uygulaması, bulut üzerinde çalışan NodeJS tabanlı sunucu ve web tabanlı istemci yazılımı olmak üzere, dört ana bileşenden oluşmaktadır. Bileşenlerin tamamen bağımsız olması, tasarlanan platformun birçok uygulamada kolaylıkla kullanılmasını sağlamaktadır. Önerilen platformda sensörler arasında WiFi veya kablolu ağ gibi bir merkezi iletişim altyapısına gerek olmadan, sensörler arası bir kapsayan ağaç oluşturulur ve toplanan veriler ağaç üzerinden işleme merkezine ulaştırılır. Eklenen yeni sensörler, ağa bağlı mevcut düğümlerden birisini hedef düğüm olarak seçip topladığı verileri o düğüme gönderir. Her düğüm diğer düğümlerden topladığı verileri kendi hedef düğümüne göndererek verileri yerel işleme merkezine ulaştırır. Böylece ağın kapsama alanı kolay ve hızlı bir şekilde genişletilebilir. Veriler yerel işleme merkezinden bulut üzerinde çalışan bir sunucuya aktarılır. Son kullanıcılar web üzerinden sunucuya bağlanarak sensörlerin anlık verilerini ve bu verilerden üretilen analitik raporları görebilirler. 96 saat boyunca yapılan deneysel çalışmalarda, geliştirilen platform istikrarlı bir şekilde çalışarak toplanan verilerden anlık raporlar üretmiştir.
Yu, Lei, Yang Lu, and XiaoJuan Zhu. "Smart hospital based on internet of things", Journal of Networks, 7(10), 1654, 2012.
N. Karimpour, B. Karaduman, A. Ural, M. Challenger, and O. Dagdeviren, "IoT based Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring", 2019 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2019.
M. Kamal, M. Atif, H. Mujahid, T. Shanableh, A. Al-Ali, and A. Al Nabulsi. "IoT based smart city bus stops", Future Internet, 11(11), 227, 2019.
J. Jalaney, R. S. Ganesh, "Review on IoT Based Architecture for Smart Public Transport System", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(2), 466-471, 2019.
P.Kuppusamy, , R. Kalpana, P. Venkateswara, "Optimized traffic control and data processing using IoT", Cluster Computing, 22(1) 2169-2178, 2019.
R. A. Dex, S. Djahel, "An IoT Enabled Traffic Light Controllers Synchronization Method for Road Traffic Congestion Mitigation", 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), pp. 709-715. IEEE, 2019.
P. Kapoor, F.A. Barbhuiya, "Cloud Based Weather Station using IoT Devices.", IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2019, 2357-2362. IEEE, 2019.
F.J. Joseph, "IoT Based Weather Monitoring System for Effective Analytics", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(4), 311-315, 2019.
O. Hamdan, H. Shanableh, I. Zaki, A. R. Ali,T. Shanableh, "IoT-based interactive dual mode smart home automation", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1-2. IEEE, 2019.
L. Özgür, V. K. Akram, M. Challenger, O. Dağdeviren, "An IoT based smart thermostat", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 252-256, IEEE, 2018.
A. P. Plageras, E. P. Kostas, S. Christos, H. Wang, B. Gupta, "Efficient IoT-based sensor BIG Data collection–processing and analysis in smart buildings", Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 349-357, 2018.
M. Huang, A. Liu, T. Wang, C. Huang, "Green data gathering under delay differentiated services constraint for internet of things", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018.
A. Coates, M.Hammoudeh, K. G. Holmes, "Internet of things for buildings monitoring: Experiences and challenges", International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, 2017.
R. Deng, Z. Zhang, J. Ren, and H. Liang, "Indoor Temperature Control of Cost-Effective Smart Buildings via Real-Time Smart Grid Communications", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1–6, 2016.
R. Almeida, R. Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Luis, Senna, C.Sargento, S, "A multi-technology opportunistic platform for environmental data gathering on smart cities", IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-7, 2017, IEEE.
A. Alavi, A. Rahimian, K. Mehran, J. Alaleddin, "An IoT-based data collection platform for situational awareness-centric microgrids", IEEE Canadian conference on electrical & computer engineering (CCECE), 1-4. IEEE, 2018.
D. Vasisht, , Z. Kapetanovic, J. Won, X. Jin, R. Chandra, S. Sinha, A. Kapoor, M. Sudarshan, S. Stratman, "Farmbeats: An iot platform for data-driven agriculture", 14th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 17), 515-529, 2017.
L. Jieyin, S. Zhou, H. Liu, X. Zhao, "LEO IoT based big data management and analysis platform design for intermodal containers", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 715(1), 012029. IOP Publishing, 2020.
A.F. Fuentes, E. Tamura, "LoRa-Based IoT Data Monitoring and Collecting Platform", Ibero-American Congress on Information Management and Big Data, 80-92. Springer, Cham, 2019.
S. Khan, A. S. K. Pathan, N. A. Alrajeh, Wireless sensor networks: Current status and future trends, CRC press, 2016.
F. Terroso-Saenz, , A.González-Vidal, , A. P.Ramallo-González, , & A. F.Skarmeta, "An open IoT platform for the management and analysis of energy data". Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 1066-1079, 2019.
M. A.Zamora, J.Santa, J. A.Martínez, V.Martínez, A. F.Skarmeta, "Smart farming IoT platform based on edge and cloud computing", Biosystems engineering, 177, 4-17, 2019.
V. Choudhary, J. H. Teh, V. Beltran, H. B. Lim, "AirQ: A Smart IoT Platform for Air Quality Monitoring". 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 1-2, IEEE, 2020.
A. Rashed, , A. Ibrahim, , A. Adel, , B. Mourad, , A. Hatem, , M. Magdy, A. Khattab, "Integrated IoT medical platform for remote healthcare and assisted living", 2017 Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (JAC-ECC), pp. 160-163, IEEE, 2017.
Internet: KAA Project, http://www.kaaproject.org.
Internet: IBM IoT, https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com.
Internet: CMT mib520 usb gateway, http://www.cmt-gmbh.de/Produkte/WirelessSensorNetworks/MIB520.html,16.05.2020.
M. Amjad, , M. Sharif, M. K. Afzal, S. W. Kim, "TinyOS-new trends, comparative views, and supported sensing applications: A review", IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(9), 2865-2889, 2016.
S. Tilkov, S.Vinoski, "Node. js: Using JavaScript to build high-performance network programs", IEEE Internet Computing, 14(6), 80-83, 2010.
U. Çabuk, O. Dağdeviren, Y. Yiğit, M. Süvari, "Gömülü Sistemler İçin Android Tabanlı Bir Mikroişlemci Programlama Yazılımı ve Arayüzü", Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 11 (4), 321-332, 2018.
O. Dağdeviren, V. Akram, "Energy-efficient bridge detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 9(4), 867903, 2013.
O. Dagdeviren, ,V. K. Akram, "Pack: Path coloring based k-connectivity detection algorithm for wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, 64, 41-52, 2017.
O. Dağdeviren, V. Akram, "TinyOS Tabanlı Telsiz Duyarga Ağları için Bir Konumlandırma ve k-Bağlılık Denetleme Sistemi", Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 10(2), 139-152, 2017.
Real Time Ad-Hoc Data Collection Platform for Internet of Things
Year 2020,
Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 451 - 462, 30.10.2020
Recently, many smart objects that can obtain information from the physical world and have the communication ability are connected to each other and form a global sensor network infrastructure or Internet of Things. The rapid increase of the developed devices for the Internet of Things and the specific development environment of each device have led to the implementation of device-specific applications. In this study, a real-time ad-hoc data collection, reporting and analysis platform is proposed for the Internet of Things. The developed platform consists of four main components, including embedded software that collects data from sensors, local data collection application, NodeJS-based server running on the cloud, and web-based client software. Each component is completely independent from the others which allows the platform to be easily adapted to many applications. With the proposed platform, a spanning tree is created between the sensors without the need for a central communication infrastructure such as WiFi or wired network, and the collected data is transmitted to the processing center over the tree. The new sensors select one of the existing nodes in the network as the target and send their collected data to that node. Each node sends the received data from the other nodes to its destination node which delivers the data to a local processing center. Thus, the coverage area of the network can be easily and quickly expanded. The data is transferred from the local processing center to a server running on the cloud. End users can connect to the server through the web and see the real time data of the sensors and analytical reports produced from this data. In the experimental studies carried out for 96 hours, the developed platform worked stably and produced instant reports from the collected data.
Yu, Lei, Yang Lu, and XiaoJuan Zhu. "Smart hospital based on internet of things", Journal of Networks, 7(10), 1654, 2012.
N. Karimpour, B. Karaduman, A. Ural, M. Challenger, and O. Dagdeviren, "IoT based Hand Hygiene Compliance Monitoring", 2019 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2019.
M. Kamal, M. Atif, H. Mujahid, T. Shanableh, A. Al-Ali, and A. Al Nabulsi. "IoT based smart city bus stops", Future Internet, 11(11), 227, 2019.
J. Jalaney, R. S. Ganesh, "Review on IoT Based Architecture for Smart Public Transport System", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(2), 466-471, 2019.
P.Kuppusamy, , R. Kalpana, P. Venkateswara, "Optimized traffic control and data processing using IoT", Cluster Computing, 22(1) 2169-2178, 2019.
R. A. Dex, S. Djahel, "An IoT Enabled Traffic Light Controllers Synchronization Method for Road Traffic Congestion Mitigation", 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), pp. 709-715. IEEE, 2019.
P. Kapoor, F.A. Barbhuiya, "Cloud Based Weather Station using IoT Devices.", IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2019, 2357-2362. IEEE, 2019.
F.J. Joseph, "IoT Based Weather Monitoring System for Effective Analytics", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(4), 311-315, 2019.
O. Hamdan, H. Shanableh, I. Zaki, A. R. Ali,T. Shanableh, "IoT-based interactive dual mode smart home automation", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1-2. IEEE, 2019.
L. Özgür, V. K. Akram, M. Challenger, O. Dağdeviren, "An IoT based smart thermostat", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICEEE), 252-256, IEEE, 2018.
A. P. Plageras, E. P. Kostas, S. Christos, H. Wang, B. Gupta, "Efficient IoT-based sensor BIG Data collection–processing and analysis in smart buildings", Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 349-357, 2018.
M. Huang, A. Liu, T. Wang, C. Huang, "Green data gathering under delay differentiated services constraint for internet of things", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018.
A. Coates, M.Hammoudeh, K. G. Holmes, "Internet of things for buildings monitoring: Experiences and challenges", International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems, 2017.
R. Deng, Z. Zhang, J. Ren, and H. Liang, "Indoor Temperature Control of Cost-Effective Smart Buildings via Real-Time Smart Grid Communications", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1–6, 2016.
R. Almeida, R. Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Luis, Senna, C.Sargento, S, "A multi-technology opportunistic platform for environmental data gathering on smart cities", IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-7, 2017, IEEE.
A. Alavi, A. Rahimian, K. Mehran, J. Alaleddin, "An IoT-based data collection platform for situational awareness-centric microgrids", IEEE Canadian conference on electrical & computer engineering (CCECE), 1-4. IEEE, 2018.
D. Vasisht, , Z. Kapetanovic, J. Won, X. Jin, R. Chandra, S. Sinha, A. Kapoor, M. Sudarshan, S. Stratman, "Farmbeats: An iot platform for data-driven agriculture", 14th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 17), 515-529, 2017.
L. Jieyin, S. Zhou, H. Liu, X. Zhao, "LEO IoT based big data management and analysis platform design for intermodal containers", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 715(1), 012029. IOP Publishing, 2020.
A.F. Fuentes, E. Tamura, "LoRa-Based IoT Data Monitoring and Collecting Platform", Ibero-American Congress on Information Management and Big Data, 80-92. Springer, Cham, 2019.
S. Khan, A. S. K. Pathan, N. A. Alrajeh, Wireless sensor networks: Current status and future trends, CRC press, 2016.
F. Terroso-Saenz, , A.González-Vidal, , A. P.Ramallo-González, , & A. F.Skarmeta, "An open IoT platform for the management and analysis of energy data". Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 1066-1079, 2019.
M. A.Zamora, J.Santa, J. A.Martínez, V.Martínez, A. F.Skarmeta, "Smart farming IoT platform based on edge and cloud computing", Biosystems engineering, 177, 4-17, 2019.
V. Choudhary, J. H. Teh, V. Beltran, H. B. Lim, "AirQ: A Smart IoT Platform for Air Quality Monitoring". 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 1-2, IEEE, 2020.
A. Rashed, , A. Ibrahim, , A. Adel, , B. Mourad, , A. Hatem, , M. Magdy, A. Khattab, "Integrated IoT medical platform for remote healthcare and assisted living", 2017 Japan-Africa Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (JAC-ECC), pp. 160-163, IEEE, 2017.
Internet: KAA Project, http://www.kaaproject.org.
Internet: IBM IoT, https://internetofthings.ibmcloud.com.
Internet: CMT mib520 usb gateway, http://www.cmt-gmbh.de/Produkte/WirelessSensorNetworks/MIB520.html,16.05.2020.
M. Amjad, , M. Sharif, M. K. Afzal, S. W. Kim, "TinyOS-new trends, comparative views, and supported sensing applications: A review", IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(9), 2865-2889, 2016.
S. Tilkov, S.Vinoski, "Node. js: Using JavaScript to build high-performance network programs", IEEE Internet Computing, 14(6), 80-83, 2010.
U. Çabuk, O. Dağdeviren, Y. Yiğit, M. Süvari, "Gömülü Sistemler İçin Android Tabanlı Bir Mikroişlemci Programlama Yazılımı ve Arayüzü", Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 11 (4), 321-332, 2018.
O. Dağdeviren, V. Akram, "Energy-efficient bridge detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 9(4), 867903, 2013.
O. Dagdeviren, ,V. K. Akram, "Pack: Path coloring based k-connectivity detection algorithm for wireless sensor networks", Ad Hoc Networks, 64, 41-52, 2017.
O. Dağdeviren, V. Akram, "TinyOS Tabanlı Telsiz Duyarga Ağları için Bir Konumlandırma ve k-Bağlılık Denetleme Sistemi", Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 10(2), 139-152, 2017.
Akram, V., & Dağdeviren, O. (2020). Nesnelerin İnterneti için Gerçek Zamanlı Tasarsız Veri Toplama Platformu. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 13(4), 451-462. https://doi.org/10.17671/gazibtd.745598