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Orta Asya Onomastiğinde Soğudcanın İzleri

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 15, 53 - 66, 01.09.2014


It is a well-known fact that the Sogdians were in close contact with various peoples in Central Asia. The traces of their relations with various peoples can also be seen very well in the onomastics of Central Asia. The present study provides a small cross-section with regard to the traces of these relations in onomastics. The study gives a brief overview on the traces of the Sogdian denominal adjective suffixes +’k and +īk (i.e. -’k and -īk) in the onomastics of Central Asia as well as introduces the onomastic material derived with these Sogdian suffixes. The greater part of this material concerns Tocharians, but there are also Turkic and Mongolian names among them. At the end of the study, a map is also given that is based on Tocharian ethnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms formed with these Sogdian suffixes, which point to the former factual geographical distribution of Tocharians in and around Afghanistan. The study analyzes the following ethnonyms, ethnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms in Central Asia: Sogdak / Sugdak, Tograk / Tugrak, Tugarak, Tokarak / Tukarak, Toghārak, Tūkrīk, Sartak(tay), Ogrāk / Ugrāk


  • AYDEMIR, Hakan (2009), “Bemerkungen zu den tocharisch-türkischen und tocharisch- uigurischen Beziehungen: türk. twqry, sogd. twγr’k, pers. t(u)Şr(a)k”, Journal of Oriental and African Studies 18, s. 159-180.
  • AYDEMIR, Hakan (2013), “Tocharian etnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms in Xinjiang”, Dil Araştırmaları, Sayı 13, Güz, s. 73-92.
  • BAILEY, H. Walter (1937), “Recent work in ‘Tokharian’”. In: (Eds.) D. Nutt, A. G. Berry: Transac- tions of the Philological Society, London, s. 126-153.
  • BANGUOĞLU, Tahsin (1958), “Kâşgari’den Notlar: I. Uygurlar ve Uygurca Üzerine”, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı-Belleten, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, s. 87-113.
  • BLAŽEK, Václav / SCHWARZ, Michal (2008), “Tocharians who they were, where they came from and where they lived.”, Lingua Posnaniensis, s. 47-74.
  • CLAUSON, Sir Gerard (1972), An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Oxford.
  • DLT = DANKOFF, Robert / KELLY, James (1982-1985): Maḥmūd al-KāšŞarī. Compendium of the Turkic Dialects (Dīwān Luγāt at-Turk). 1-3. Edited and Translated with Introduction and In- dices by R. Dankoff in collaboration with J. Kelly. Sources of Oriental Languages and Litera- tures. 7. (Eds.) Ş. Tekin / G. A. Tekin, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Printing Offi- ce.
  • CZEGLÉDY, Károly (1969), Nomád népek vándorlása Napkelettől Napnyugtáig, Budapest.
  • ENOKI, Kazuo (1955), “Sogdiana and the Hsiung-nu”, Central Asiatic Journal, I, s. 43-62.
  • GERSHEVITCH, Ilya (1954), A grammar of Manichean Sogdian, Oxford.
  • GHARIB, Badrozzamān (2004), Sogdian Dictionary (Sogdian-Persian-English), Tehran.
  • HT V, see TUGUŠEVA (1991).
  • INAN, Abdülkadir (1925),”Türk Kabile İsimlerine Dair”, Türkiyat Mecmuası, Cilt I, s. 258-265.
  • HANSEN, Otto (1930), “Zur sogdischen Inschrift auf dem dreisprachigen Denkmal von Karabal- gasun”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, XLIV, s. 3-41.
  • HARMATTA, János (1986), “Előszó az 1986. évi kiadáshoz”, in: (Ed.) J. Harmatta: Attila és Hunjai. Budapest, 1940 (reprint: 1986), I-XXXV.
  • HARMATTA, János (1992), “Az onogur vándorlás”, Magyar Nyelv 88, s. 257-272.
  • HENNING, W. Bruno (1938), “Argi and the ‘Tokharians’”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 9, s. 545-571.
  • HENNING, W. Bruno (1946), “The Sogdian Texts of Paris”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 11/4, s. 713-740.
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • (accessed: 24 October 2014)
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • LE COQ, Albert von (1922), “Osttürkische Namenliste mit Erklärungsversuch”, in: Southern Tibet: Discoveries in former times compared with my own researches in 1906-1908, (Ed.) Sven He- din. Vol. 9, Part II. Stockholm., s. 87-123.
  • MARQUART, Josef (1901), Ērānšahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac’i, Berlin.
  • NYBERG, H. Samuel (1974), A manual of Pahlavi, Wiesbaden.
  • RACHEWILTZ, Igor de (2013), The Secret History of the Mongols. A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century. Vol. 3 (Supplement). Leiden.
  • ROSS, E. Denison (1927) (Ed.), Ta‘ríkh-i Fakhru’d-dín Mubáraksháh. The Historical Introduction to the Book of Genealogies of Fakkhru’d-Dín Mubáraksháh Marvarrşdí completed in A.D. 1206. London.
  • SIMS-WILLIAMS, Nicholas (1989), “Sogdian”, in: Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum, (Ed.) R. Schmitt. Wiesbaden, 1989, s. 173-192.
  • SIMS-WILLIAMS, Nicholas (1992), Sogdian and other Iranian inscriptions of the upper Indus II. In: Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum. London, 1992.
  • TUGUŠEVA, L. Jusufžanovna (1998), “Ob Interpretacii Nekotoryh Dannyh Orhonskih Runičeskih Tekstov (2)”, in: (Eds.) J. P. Laut / M. Ölmez: Bahşı Ögdisi. Festschrift Für Klaus Röhrborn. Klaus Röhrborn Armağanı, Freiburg, Istanbul, s. 411-418.
  • TUGUŠEVA, L. Jusufžanovna (1991), Ujgurskaja versija biografii Sjuan’-Czana, Moskva.
  • PROVASI, Elio (2003), “La versione sogdiana dellʼiscrizione trilingue di Karabalgasun”, in: (Ed.) Gh. Gnoli: Il manicheismo. Vol. I. Mani e il manicheismo, Roma, 235-277, s. 406-408.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1962), “The consonantal system of Old Chinese”, Asia Major. 9, s. 58-144, 206-265.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1966), “Chinese and Indo-Europeans”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1-2, 9-39.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1995), “Why Tocharians?”, The Journal of Indo-European Studies, 23, 3-4, s. 415-430.
  • RYBATZKI, Volker (2006), Die Personennamen und Titel Der Mittelmongolischen Dokumente: Eine lexikalische Untersuchung. (Publications of the Institute for Asian and African Studies 8.) Hel- sinki, <>
  • SHIRATORI, Kurakichi (1928), “A Study on Su-t’ê or Sogdiana”, Memoirs of the Reseach Department of the Toyo Bunko. 2, s. 81-145.
  • TOGAN, Z. Validi (1932), “On Mubarakshah Ghuri”, Bulletin of the School of oriental Studies. Vol. 6, part 4, s. 847-858.
  • YOSHIDA, Yutaka (1988), “吉田豊: 力ラバノレガスソ碑文のソグド語版について。西南アヅア研” (Yoshida, Y.: On the Sogdian Version of the Kara Balgasun Inscription. Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies) 28. Kyoto, s. 24-52.
  • ZIEME, Peter (2005), “Notizen zur Geschichte des Namens sart”, in: (Eds.) E. Siemieniec-Gołaś / M. Pomorska: Turks and non-Turks. Studies on the history of Linguistic and Cultural Contacts, Kraków, s. 531-539.

Sogdian Traces in Central Asian Onomastics

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 15, 53 - 66, 01.09.2014


Soğudların, Orta Asya’nın çeşitli halklarıyla geçmişte yakın ilişkiler kurdukları çok iyi biliniyor. Çeşitli halklarla kurdukları bu ilişkilerin izlerini Orta Asya onomastiğinde de çok iyi görebilmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada, bu ilişkilerin onomastikteki yansımalarına ilişkin ufak bir kesit sunuluyor. Çalışma, Soğudcadaki addan sıfat yapan +’k ve +īk (yani: -’k ve -īk) eklerinin Orta Asya onomastiğindeki izleri üzerine kısaca bilgi vererek bu eklerle türemiş onomastik malzemeyi tanıtıyor. Bu malzemenin büyük bir bölümü Toharlara ilişkin, fakat aralarında Türkçe ve Moğolca olanlar da var. Çalışmanın sonunda, Toharların geçmişte Afganistan ve çevresindeki gerçek coğrafi dağılımlarını gösteren, sözü edilen Soğudca eklerle türetilmiş Tohar boy adı kökenli yer ve su adlarının gösterildiği bir harita da veriliyor. Çalışmada, Orta Asya’daki şu boy adları, boy adı kökenli yer ve su adları inceleniyor: Sogdak / Sugdak, Tograk / Tugrak, Tugarak, Tokarak / Tukarak, Toghārak, Tūkrīk, Sartak(tay), Ogrāk / Ugrāk


  • AYDEMIR, Hakan (2009), “Bemerkungen zu den tocharisch-türkischen und tocharisch- uigurischen Beziehungen: türk. twqry, sogd. twγr’k, pers. t(u)Şr(a)k”, Journal of Oriental and African Studies 18, s. 159-180.
  • AYDEMIR, Hakan (2013), “Tocharian etnotoponyms and ethnohydronyms in Xinjiang”, Dil Araştırmaları, Sayı 13, Güz, s. 73-92.
  • BAILEY, H. Walter (1937), “Recent work in ‘Tokharian’”. In: (Eds.) D. Nutt, A. G. Berry: Transac- tions of the Philological Society, London, s. 126-153.
  • BANGUOĞLU, Tahsin (1958), “Kâşgari’den Notlar: I. Uygurlar ve Uygurca Üzerine”, Türk Dili Araştırmaları Yıllığı-Belleten, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, s. 87-113.
  • BLAŽEK, Václav / SCHWARZ, Michal (2008), “Tocharians who they were, where they came from and where they lived.”, Lingua Posnaniensis, s. 47-74.
  • CLAUSON, Sir Gerard (1972), An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish, Oxford.
  • DLT = DANKOFF, Robert / KELLY, James (1982-1985): Maḥmūd al-KāšŞarī. Compendium of the Turkic Dialects (Dīwān Luγāt at-Turk). 1-3. Edited and Translated with Introduction and In- dices by R. Dankoff in collaboration with J. Kelly. Sources of Oriental Languages and Litera- tures. 7. (Eds.) Ş. Tekin / G. A. Tekin, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Printing Offi- ce.
  • CZEGLÉDY, Károly (1969), Nomád népek vándorlása Napkelettől Napnyugtáig, Budapest.
  • ENOKI, Kazuo (1955), “Sogdiana and the Hsiung-nu”, Central Asiatic Journal, I, s. 43-62.
  • GERSHEVITCH, Ilya (1954), A grammar of Manichean Sogdian, Oxford.
  • GHARIB, Badrozzamān (2004), Sogdian Dictionary (Sogdian-Persian-English), Tehran.
  • HT V, see TUGUŠEVA (1991).
  • INAN, Abdülkadir (1925),”Türk Kabile İsimlerine Dair”, Türkiyat Mecmuası, Cilt I, s. 258-265.
  • HANSEN, Otto (1930), “Zur sogdischen Inschrift auf dem dreisprachigen Denkmal von Karabal- gasun”, Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, XLIV, s. 3-41.
  • HARMATTA, János (1986), “Előszó az 1986. évi kiadáshoz”, in: (Ed.) J. Harmatta: Attila és Hunjai. Budapest, 1940 (reprint: 1986), I-XXXV.
  • HARMATTA, János (1992), “Az onogur vándorlás”, Magyar Nyelv 88, s. 257-272.
  • HENNING, W. Bruno (1938), “Argi and the ‘Tokharians’”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 9, s. 545-571.
  • HENNING, W. Bruno (1946), “The Sogdian Texts of Paris”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 11/4, s. 713-740.
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • (accessed: 24 October 2014)
  • (accessed: 16 July 2014)
  • LE COQ, Albert von (1922), “Osttürkische Namenliste mit Erklärungsversuch”, in: Southern Tibet: Discoveries in former times compared with my own researches in 1906-1908, (Ed.) Sven He- din. Vol. 9, Part II. Stockholm., s. 87-123.
  • MARQUART, Josef (1901), Ērānšahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses Xorenac’i, Berlin.
  • NYBERG, H. Samuel (1974), A manual of Pahlavi, Wiesbaden.
  • RACHEWILTZ, Igor de (2013), The Secret History of the Mongols. A Mongolian Epic Chronicle of the Thirteenth Century. Vol. 3 (Supplement). Leiden.
  • ROSS, E. Denison (1927) (Ed.), Ta‘ríkh-i Fakhru’d-dín Mubáraksháh. The Historical Introduction to the Book of Genealogies of Fakkhru’d-Dín Mubáraksháh Marvarrşdí completed in A.D. 1206. London.
  • SIMS-WILLIAMS, Nicholas (1989), “Sogdian”, in: Compendium Linguarum Iranicarum, (Ed.) R. Schmitt. Wiesbaden, 1989, s. 173-192.
  • SIMS-WILLIAMS, Nicholas (1992), Sogdian and other Iranian inscriptions of the upper Indus II. In: Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum. London, 1992.
  • TUGUŠEVA, L. Jusufžanovna (1998), “Ob Interpretacii Nekotoryh Dannyh Orhonskih Runičeskih Tekstov (2)”, in: (Eds.) J. P. Laut / M. Ölmez: Bahşı Ögdisi. Festschrift Für Klaus Röhrborn. Klaus Röhrborn Armağanı, Freiburg, Istanbul, s. 411-418.
  • TUGUŠEVA, L. Jusufžanovna (1991), Ujgurskaja versija biografii Sjuan’-Czana, Moskva.
  • PROVASI, Elio (2003), “La versione sogdiana dellʼiscrizione trilingue di Karabalgasun”, in: (Ed.) Gh. Gnoli: Il manicheismo. Vol. I. Mani e il manicheismo, Roma, 235-277, s. 406-408.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1962), “The consonantal system of Old Chinese”, Asia Major. 9, s. 58-144, 206-265.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1966), “Chinese and Indo-Europeans”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1-2, 9-39.
  • PULLEYBLANK, Edwin (1995), “Why Tocharians?”, The Journal of Indo-European Studies, 23, 3-4, s. 415-430.
  • RYBATZKI, Volker (2006), Die Personennamen und Titel Der Mittelmongolischen Dokumente: Eine lexikalische Untersuchung. (Publications of the Institute for Asian and African Studies 8.) Hel- sinki, <>
  • SHIRATORI, Kurakichi (1928), “A Study on Su-t’ê or Sogdiana”, Memoirs of the Reseach Department of the Toyo Bunko. 2, s. 81-145.
  • TOGAN, Z. Validi (1932), “On Mubarakshah Ghuri”, Bulletin of the School of oriental Studies. Vol. 6, part 4, s. 847-858.
  • YOSHIDA, Yutaka (1988), “吉田豊: 力ラバノレガスソ碑文のソグド語版について。西南アヅア研” (Yoshida, Y.: On the Sogdian Version of the Kara Balgasun Inscription. Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies) 28. Kyoto, s. 24-52.
  • ZIEME, Peter (2005), “Notizen zur Geschichte des Namens sart”, in: (Eds.) E. Siemieniec-Gołaś / M. Pomorska: Turks and non-Turks. Studies on the history of Linguistic and Cultural Contacts, Kraków, s. 531-539.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Hakan Aydemir This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 15


APA Aydemir, H. (2014). Sogdian Traces in Central Asian Onomastics. Gazi Türkiyat, 1(15), 53-66.

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