Research Article
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Belarus-Poland Migration Crisis and Supra-National Political Concerns of the Extended Actors

Year 2022, , 417 - 440, 30.11.2022


This study seeks to examine the sociological, political, and humanitarian dimensions of the Belarus-Poland migration crisis and aims to discuss the differences between migration diplomacy and state-organized-engineered migration within the framework of the instrumentalization and weaponization of migrants. Statements made by EU authorities about the Belarus-Poland migration problem, sanctions, and measures implemented are investigated to evaluate the EU’s approach. Furthermore, in order to comprehend Belarus’ perspective, Lukashenko’s statements and press coverage of the incident are scrutinized. Theoretically, while following a descriptive analysis method, the article considers how Belarus-Poland border issue has given rise to a great deal of media interest due to Belarus’s balance and interest-oriented policies oscillating between the former Soviet world and the West and argues how Russia brought a global dimension to the issue as a result of its historical political pursuits. Finally, it concludes that the migration crisis between Belarus and Poland is not a simple crisis that concerns two countries, if anything, it is a reflection and precursor of multi-actor global politics serving different purposes in the region.


  • Adamson, F. B., & Tsourapas, G. (2019). Migration diplomacy in world politics. International Studies Perspectives, 20(2), 113–128.
  • Åslund, A., & Hagemejer, J. (2021). EU sanctions on Belarus as an effective policy tool [Belarus Insights No. 2/2021]. CASE.
  • Bag, M. (2019, December 24). Belarus’tan Rusya’ya: İki ülkeyi birleşmeye zorlamayın, savaş çıkar (Belarus To Russia: Do Not Force The Two Countries To Unite, War Will Break Out). Euronews. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from
  • BBC. (2021, November 26). Belarus border crisis: How are migrants getting there? BBC News. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from
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  • Blake, M. (2013). Immigration, jurisdiction, and exclusion. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 41(2), 103–130.
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  • Case of M.K. and others v. Poland, 50503/17, 42902/17 and 43643/17 (European Court of Human Rights 12 December 2020).{%22fulltext%22:[%22M.K.%20and%20Others%20v.%20Poland%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22GRANDCHAMBER%22,%22CHAMBER%22]}
  • Düvell, F. (2017). The EU’s international relations and migration diplomacy at times of crisis: Key challenges and priorities. Perceptions, XXII(4), 35–54.
  • DW. (2021, November 9). The route from Iraq to Belarus: How are migrants getting to Europe? DW.COM. Retrieved December 06, 2021, from
  • EC. (2020, July 1). Agreements with Belarus now in force [Text]. European Commission. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • EC. (2021a). Countries and Regions: Belarus. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
  • EC. (2021b, November 9). Belarus: Council suspends visa facilitation provisions for officials of the Belarus regime. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
  • Eccles, M., & Barigazzi, J. (2021, August 5). EU presses Iraq to halt migrant flights to Belarus. POLITICO. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
  • EU Commission. (2021). 2021 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen. Retrieved December 05 2021, from EU.
  • EU relations with Belarus. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Faiola, A. (2021, Kasım 15). Belarus is the latest country to use migrants as pawns. The West is guilty, too. Washington Post. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Friðriksdóttir, B. (2017). What happened to equality? The construction of the right to equal treatment of third-country nationals in European Union law on labour migration. Brill Nijhoff.
  • Geddes, A., & Maru, M. T. (2021). The new pact on migration and asylum and African-European migration diplomacy. In S. Carrera & A. Geddes (Eds.), The EU pact on migration and asylum in light of the United Nations global compact on refugees: International experiences on containment and mobility and their impacts on trust and rights (pp. 282–290). European University Institute.
  • Greenhill, K. M. (2010). Weapons of mass migration: Forced displacement, coercion, and foreign policy. Cornell University Press.
  • Gressel, G., Hosa, J., & Pavel Slunkin. (2021, November 9). No quiet on the eastern front: The migration crisis engineered by Belarus – European Council on Foreign Relations. ECFR. Retrieved Novenmer 30, 2021, from
  • Hollifield, J. F. (1992). Immigrants, markets, and states: The Political economy of Postwar Europe. Harvard University Press.
  • Isachenkov, V. (2019). Belarus’ leader warns Russia against forceful merger. AP News. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2020a). Doğu Avrupa’nın din merkezli göçmen politikaları. Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi-Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 19(1), 35–62.
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2020b). Suriye krizi ekseninde Türkiye-AB ilişkileri: Geri Kabul Anlaşması ve vize serbestisi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 32, 100–112.
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2021). Rise of pandemic (Covid-19) and security of the insiders: A new challenge for traditional border policies in the EU. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 20(2), 535–562.
  • Karmanau, Y. (2021, November 11). EXPLAINER: What’s behind the crisis at Belarus-Poland border. AP News. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
  • Kelberer, V. (2017). Negotiating crisis: International aid and refugee policy in Jordan. Middle East Policy, 24(4), 148–165.
  • Kütük, B. Ş. (2015). Türkiye’den Batı Avrupa’ya işçi göçünün sosyolojik çalışmalara yansıması (Reflection of Labor Migration from Turkey to Western Europe on Sociological Studies). Journal of Sociology Conferences, 52, 609–654.
  • Leyen, U. von der. (2021, November 23). Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Leyen, U. von der. (2021, November 28). Retrieved December 06, 2021, from
  • LRT. (2021, June 22). Is Belarus operating a migrant smuggling network? LRT RADIJAS. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • M.A. and others v. Lithunia, No. 59793/17 (The European Court of Human Rights 11 March 2019).
  • Malit, F. T., & Tsourapas, G. (2021). Migration diplomacy in the Gulf – non-state actors, cross-border mobility, and the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(11), 2556–2577.
  • Marin, A. (2020). Under pressure: Can Belarus resist Russian coercion?”, Brief:15, Geopolitical Series, 1-8, European Union Instıtute of Security Studies. Retrieved December 25, 2021, from
  • Mezzadra, S., & Neilson, B. (2013). Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. Duke University Press.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. (n.d.). Information on visa-free travel via the airports of the Republic of Belarus—Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from
  • Murat, S. (2000). Bütünleşme sürecinde Türkiye Avrupa Birliği’nin karşılaştırmalı sosyal yapısı. Filiz Publishing House.
  • Pikulicka-Wilczewska, A. (2021, November 11). As Poland repels migrants, locals offer humanitarian aid. Retrieved December 30, 2021, from
  • Preiherman, Y. (2019, April 1). Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, Backgrounder 7, Retrieved January 25, 2021, from
  • Rosenberg, S. (2021, November 19). Belarus’s Lukashenko tells BBC: We may have helped migrants into EU. BBC News. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from
  • Russia and Belarus agree on ‘State of the Union program’. (2021). TRT Haber. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • Schmitz, R. (2021, October 12). The EU accuses Belarus of luring global migrants into other European countries. NPR. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Seeberg, P. (2020). Syrian refugees in Jordan and their integration in the labour market: Jordanian migration diplomacy and EU incentives. Mediterranean Politics, 1–20.
  • Shepherd, R. (2002, November 14). Belarus issues threat to EU over summit. The Sunday Times. Retrieved December 05, 2021, from
  • Sivitski, A. (2019). Belarus-Russia: From a Strategic Deal to an Integration Ultimatum. Russia Foreign Policy Papers, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from
  • Stankeviç, I. (2021, October 28). На границе со смертью: Как и зачем Беларусь спровоцировала миграционный кризис. openDemocracy. Retrieved December 09, 2021, from
  • Thiollet, H. (2011). Migration as diplomacy: Labor migrants, refugees, and Arab regional politics in the oil-rich countries. International Labor and Working-Class History, 79(1), 103–121.
  • Tsourapas, G. (2017). Migration diplomacy in the Global South: Cooperation, coercion and issue linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya. Third World Quarterly, 38(10), 2367–2385.
  • UNDESA, U. (2021, January 15). International Migration 2020 Highlights. United Nations; United Nations.
  • UNDESA. (2019). International migrants stock 2019: Country profile Belarus. United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrived December 05, 2021, from
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (1948).
  • Vallianatou, A. I. (2021, November 16). The Poland-Belarus border crisis is what happens when humans are treated as weapons. The Guardian. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Vietti, F., & Scribner, T. (2013). Human Insecurity: Understanding International Migration from a Human Security Perspective. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1(1), 17–31.
  • Walzer, M. (1983). Spheres of justice: A defence of pluralism and equality. Basic Books.
  • WB. (2020). Population, total—Belarus, World Bank. Retrieved December 05, 2021, from
  • Zander, Max. (2021, November 9). Комментарий: Выслать беженцев в Беларусь - не решение. DW.COM. Retrieved December 09, 2021, from
  • Анзоров, З. (2021, November 17). Куда делись чеченцы с границы Беларуси и Польши? Юрист – о ситуации с миграцией. RFE/RL. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

Belarus-Polonya Göç Krizi ve Genişletilmiş Aktörlerin Uluslarüstü Siyasi Kaygıları

Year 2022, , 417 - 440, 30.11.2022


Bu çalışma; Belarus-Polonya göç krizinin sosyolojik, politik ve insani boyutlarını incelemeyi, göçmenlerin araçsallaştırılması ve silah hâline gelmesi çerçevesinde göç diplomasisi ile devlet eliyle tasarlanmış-manipüle edilmiş göç arasındaki farkları tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. AB yetkilileri tarafından Belarus-Polonya göç sorununa ilişkin olarak yapılan açıklamalar, uygulanan yaptırımlar ve alınan önlemler AB'nin yaklaşımını ele almak üzere araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca Belarus'un bakış açısını anlamak için Lukashenko'nun açıklamaları ve olayla ilgili basında çıkan haberler irdelenmiştir. Teorik olarak betimsel bir analiz yöntemi izlenirken bu makale Belarus’un eski Sovyet dünyası ile Batı arasında gidip gelen denge ve çıkar odaklı politikaları nedeniyle Belarus-Polonya sınır sorununun medyada nasıl popülerlik kazandığını ele almakta ve Rusya'nın tarihsel siyasi arayışlarının bir sonucu olarak konuya nasıl küresel bir boyut kazandırdığını tartışmaktadır. Son olarak bu çalışmada, Belarus ve Polonya arasındaki göç krizinin iki ülkeyi ilgilendiren basit bir kriz olmadığı ancak bölgede farklı amaçlara hizmet eden çok aktörlü küresel politikaların bir yansıması ve öncüsü olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Adamson, F. B., & Tsourapas, G. (2019). Migration diplomacy in world politics. International Studies Perspectives, 20(2), 113–128.
  • Åslund, A., & Hagemejer, J. (2021). EU sanctions on Belarus as an effective policy tool [Belarus Insights No. 2/2021]. CASE.
  • Bag, M. (2019, December 24). Belarus’tan Rusya’ya: İki ülkeyi birleşmeye zorlamayın, savaş çıkar (Belarus To Russia: Do Not Force The Two Countries To Unite, War Will Break Out). Euronews. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from
  • BBC. (2021, November 26). Belarus border crisis: How are migrants getting there? BBC News. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from
  • Belarus: EU adopts 5th package of sanctions over continued human rights abuses and the instrumentalisation of migrants. (2021). Council of the EU; basın açıklaması. Retrieved December 08, 2021, from
  • Belstat. (n.d.). Annual data. National Statistical Comittee of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved December 05 2021, from
  • Blake, M. (2013). Immigration, jurisdiction, and exclusion. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 41(2), 103–130.
  • Chubrik, A., & Kazlou, A. (2013). Costs and benefits of labour mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner countries-Country report: Belarus. CASE.
  • Case of M.K. and others v. Poland, 50503/17, 42902/17 and 43643/17 (European Court of Human Rights 12 December 2020).{%22fulltext%22:[%22M.K.%20and%20Others%20v.%20Poland%22],%22documentcollectionid2%22:[%22GRANDCHAMBER%22,%22CHAMBER%22]}
  • Düvell, F. (2017). The EU’s international relations and migration diplomacy at times of crisis: Key challenges and priorities. Perceptions, XXII(4), 35–54.
  • DW. (2021, November 9). The route from Iraq to Belarus: How are migrants getting to Europe? DW.COM. Retrieved December 06, 2021, from
  • EC. (2020, July 1). Agreements with Belarus now in force [Text]. European Commission. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • EC. (2021a). Countries and Regions: Belarus. Retrieved January 26, 2022, from
  • EC. (2021b, November 9). Belarus: Council suspends visa facilitation provisions for officials of the Belarus regime. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
  • Eccles, M., & Barigazzi, J. (2021, August 5). EU presses Iraq to halt migrant flights to Belarus. POLITICO. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
  • EU Commission. (2021). 2021 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen. Retrieved December 05 2021, from EU.
  • EU relations with Belarus. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Faiola, A. (2021, Kasım 15). Belarus is the latest country to use migrants as pawns. The West is guilty, too. Washington Post. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Friðriksdóttir, B. (2017). What happened to equality? The construction of the right to equal treatment of third-country nationals in European Union law on labour migration. Brill Nijhoff.
  • Geddes, A., & Maru, M. T. (2021). The new pact on migration and asylum and African-European migration diplomacy. In S. Carrera & A. Geddes (Eds.), The EU pact on migration and asylum in light of the United Nations global compact on refugees: International experiences on containment and mobility and their impacts on trust and rights (pp. 282–290). European University Institute.
  • Greenhill, K. M. (2010). Weapons of mass migration: Forced displacement, coercion, and foreign policy. Cornell University Press.
  • Gressel, G., Hosa, J., & Pavel Slunkin. (2021, November 9). No quiet on the eastern front: The migration crisis engineered by Belarus – European Council on Foreign Relations. ECFR. Retrieved Novenmer 30, 2021, from
  • Hollifield, J. F. (1992). Immigrants, markets, and states: The Political economy of Postwar Europe. Harvard University Press.
  • Isachenkov, V. (2019). Belarus’ leader warns Russia against forceful merger. AP News. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2020a). Doğu Avrupa’nın din merkezli göçmen politikaları. Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi-Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University, 19(1), 35–62.
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2020b). Suriye krizi ekseninde Türkiye-AB ilişkileri: Geri Kabul Anlaşması ve vize serbestisi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 32, 100–112.
  • Karakoç Dora, Z. (2021). Rise of pandemic (Covid-19) and security of the insiders: A new challenge for traditional border policies in the EU. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 20(2), 535–562.
  • Karmanau, Y. (2021, November 11). EXPLAINER: What’s behind the crisis at Belarus-Poland border. AP News. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from
  • Kelberer, V. (2017). Negotiating crisis: International aid and refugee policy in Jordan. Middle East Policy, 24(4), 148–165.
  • Kütük, B. Ş. (2015). Türkiye’den Batı Avrupa’ya işçi göçünün sosyolojik çalışmalara yansıması (Reflection of Labor Migration from Turkey to Western Europe on Sociological Studies). Journal of Sociology Conferences, 52, 609–654.
  • Leyen, U. von der. (2021, November 23). Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Leyen, U. von der. (2021, November 28). Retrieved December 06, 2021, from
  • LRT. (2021, June 22). Is Belarus operating a migrant smuggling network? LRT RADIJAS. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • M.A. and others v. Lithunia, No. 59793/17 (The European Court of Human Rights 11 March 2019).
  • Malit, F. T., & Tsourapas, G. (2021). Migration diplomacy in the Gulf – non-state actors, cross-border mobility, and the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(11), 2556–2577.
  • Marin, A. (2020). Under pressure: Can Belarus resist Russian coercion?”, Brief:15, Geopolitical Series, 1-8, European Union Instıtute of Security Studies. Retrieved December 25, 2021, from
  • Mezzadra, S., & Neilson, B. (2013). Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor. Duke University Press.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. (n.d.). Information on visa-free travel via the airports of the Republic of Belarus—Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from
  • Murat, S. (2000). Bütünleşme sürecinde Türkiye Avrupa Birliği’nin karşılaştırmalı sosyal yapısı. Filiz Publishing House.
  • Pikulicka-Wilczewska, A. (2021, November 11). As Poland repels migrants, locals offer humanitarian aid. Retrieved December 30, 2021, from
  • Preiherman, Y. (2019, April 1). Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, Backgrounder 7, Retrieved January 25, 2021, from
  • Rosenberg, S. (2021, November 19). Belarus’s Lukashenko tells BBC: We may have helped migrants into EU. BBC News. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from
  • Russia and Belarus agree on ‘State of the Union program’. (2021). TRT Haber. Retrieved January 30, 2022, from
  • Schmitz, R. (2021, October 12). The EU accuses Belarus of luring global migrants into other European countries. NPR. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Seeberg, P. (2020). Syrian refugees in Jordan and their integration in the labour market: Jordanian migration diplomacy and EU incentives. Mediterranean Politics, 1–20.
  • Shepherd, R. (2002, November 14). Belarus issues threat to EU over summit. The Sunday Times. Retrieved December 05, 2021, from
  • Sivitski, A. (2019). Belarus-Russia: From a Strategic Deal to an Integration Ultimatum. Russia Foreign Policy Papers, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from
  • Stankeviç, I. (2021, October 28). На границе со смертью: Как и зачем Беларусь спровоцировала миграционный кризис. openDemocracy. Retrieved December 09, 2021, from
  • Thiollet, H. (2011). Migration as diplomacy: Labor migrants, refugees, and Arab regional politics in the oil-rich countries. International Labor and Working-Class History, 79(1), 103–121.
  • Tsourapas, G. (2017). Migration diplomacy in the Global South: Cooperation, coercion and issue linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya. Third World Quarterly, 38(10), 2367–2385.
  • UNDESA, U. (2021, January 15). International Migration 2020 Highlights. United Nations; United Nations.
  • UNDESA. (2019). International migrants stock 2019: Country profile Belarus. United Nations Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Retrived December 05, 2021, from
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (1948).
  • Vallianatou, A. I. (2021, November 16). The Poland-Belarus border crisis is what happens when humans are treated as weapons. The Guardian. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from
  • Vietti, F., & Scribner, T. (2013). Human Insecurity: Understanding International Migration from a Human Security Perspective. Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1(1), 17–31.
  • Walzer, M. (1983). Spheres of justice: A defence of pluralism and equality. Basic Books.
  • WB. (2020). Population, total—Belarus, World Bank. Retrieved December 05, 2021, from
  • Zander, Max. (2021, November 9). Комментарий: Выслать беженцев в Беларусь - не решение. DW.COM. Retrieved December 09, 2021, from
  • Анзоров, З. (2021, November 17). Куда делись чеченцы с границы Беларуси и Польши? Юрист – о ситуации с миграцией. RFE/RL. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Zahide Erdoğan 0000-0002-0253-9355

Zuhal Karakoç Dora 0000-0002-3954-2208

Publication Date November 30, 2022
Submission Date May 24, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Erdoğan, Z., & Karakoç Dora, Z. (2022). Belarus-Poland Migration Crisis and Supra-National Political Concerns of the Extended Actors. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 417-440.

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