Research Article
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The Relationships Between Orthorexia Nervosa And Body Image In Nursing Students

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 1 - 16, 30.04.2022


This study was carried out to determine the relation between the risk of orthorexia nervosa and body image. Following a descriptive, cross-sectional design, this study was performed with 312 university-level nursing students between April and June of 2019. Data were gathered using a questionnaire prepared by the researcher, the Orthorexia-11 Questionnaire, and the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire. The data obtained were evaluated using SPSS 21 with percentages, means, a Chi-square test, and a correlation analysis. The students received moderate scores on the Orthorexia-11 Questionnaire. Students with a predisposition to orthorexia received higher scores for health orientation than those without orthorexia; and students with a predisposition to orthorexia had lower scores for Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire. We found a significant positive relation between orthorexia and appearance orientation and a significant, negative relation between orthorexia and health orientation and body areas satisfaction. The findings further showed the existence of a relation between orthorexia and multidimensional body-self relations. As a result, we recommend that nursing students be evaluated in terms of orthorexia nervosa, that screening tests be performed in people at risk, that suitable precautions be taken, and that appropriate interventions be performed.

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  • Aktürk, Ü., Gül, E., Erci, B. (2019). The effect of Orthorexia Nervosa levels of nursing students and diet behaviors and socio-demographic characteristics. Ecology of Food and Nutrition.
  • Arslantaş, H., Adana, F., Öğüt, S., Ayakdaş, D., Korkmaz, A. (2017). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yeme davranışları ve ortoreksiya nevroza (sağlıklı beslenme takıntısı) ilişkisi: Kesitsel bir çalışma. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 8(3), 137–144.
  • Arusoğlu, G. (2006). The investigation of healthy eating fixation (Orthorexia) and the adaptation of the ORTO-15 scale. Dissertation, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Arusoğlu, G., Kabakci, E., Köksal, G., Merdol, T.K. (2018). Orthorexia Nervosa and adaption of ORTO-11 into Turkish. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 19(3), 283-292. . (in Turkish).
  • Barnes, M.A., Caltabiano, M.L. (2017). The interrelationship between orthorexia nervosa, perfectionism, body image andattachment style. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22, 177–184.
  • Bóna, E., Szél, Z., Kiss, D., Gyarmathy, V.A. (2019). An unhealthy health behavior: analysis of orthorexic tendencies among Hungarian gym attendees. Eating Weight Disorders, 24, 13–20.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Donini, L.M., Krupa, M., Poggiogalle, E., Hay, P. (2016). Errartum to: Orthorexia nervosa and self-attitudinal aspects of body image in female and male university students. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3, 2-8.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Fonte, M.L., Poggiogalle, E., Donini, L.M., Cena, H. (2017). Orthorexia nervosa: relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness among Italian university students. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22(4), 609-617.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Gramaglia, C., Gambaro, E., Delicato, C., Zeppegno, P. (2018). The psychopathology of body image in orthorexia nervosa. Journal of Psychopathology, 24, 133-140.
  • Bundros, J., Clifford, D., Silliman, K., Neymas Morris, M. (2016). Prevalence of Orthorexia nervosa among college students based on Bratman's test and associated tendencies. Appetite, 1, 101:86-94. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.02.144.
  • Cash, T.F. (2015). Multidimensional Body–Self-Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders, doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-087-2_3-1
  • Chaki, B., Pal, S., Bandyopadhyay, A. (2013) Exploring scientific legitimacy of orthorexia nervosa: A newly emerging eating disorder. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 8, 1045-1053.
  • Çiçekoğlu, P., Tunçay, G.Y. (2018). A Comparison of eating attitudes between vegans/vegetarians and nonvegans/nonvegetarians in terms of orthorexia nervosa. Archieves of Psychiatric Nursing, 32, 200–205.
  • Çulhacık, G.D., Durat, G. (2017). Ortorektik eğilimlerin yeme tutumu ve obsesif kompulsif belirtilerle ilişkisi. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3571-3579. doi:10.14687/jhs.v14i4.4729 2017.
  • Doğan, O., Doğan, S. (1992). Çok Yönlü Beden Self İlişkileri Ölçeği El Kitabı. Cumuriyet University Publication Number: 53. Sivas, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Duran, S. (2016). The risk of orthorexia nervosa (healthy eating obsession) symptoms for health high school students and affecting factors. Pamukkale Medical Journal, 9(3), 220-226. doi: 10.5505/ptd.2016.03880. (in Turkish).
  • Ergin, G. (2014). Sağlık personeli olan ve olmayan bireylerde ortoreksiya nervosa sıklığı araştırması. Dissertation, Başkent University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Figueiredo, R.A.O., Simola-Ström, S., Isomaa, R., Weiderpass, E. (2019). Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating symptoms in Finnish preadolescents. Eating Disorders, 27(1), 34-51. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2018.
  • Grammatikopoulou, M.G., Gkiouras, K., Markaki, A., Theodoridis, X., Tsakiri, V., Mavridis, P., Dardavessis, T., Chourdakis, M. (2018). Food addiction, orthorexia, and food-related stress among dietetics students. Eating and Weight Disorders- Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, doi: 10.1007/s40519-018-0514-1
  • Koven, N.S., Abry, A.S. (2015). The clinical basis of orthorexia nervosa: emerging perspectives. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, 385-394. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S61665
  • Plichta, M., Jezewska-Zychowicz, M., G˛ebski, J. (2019). Orthorexic tendency in polish students: exploring association with dietary patterns, body satisfaction and weight. Nutrients Appetite, 11: 2-19. doi:10.3390/nu11010100
  • Roncero, M., Barrada, J.R., Perpiñá, J. (2017). Measuring Orthorexia Nervosa: Psychometric Limitations of the ORTO-15. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, 20: E41. doi: 10.1017/sjp.2017.36.
  • Scarff, J.R. (2017). Orthorexia Nervosa: An obsession with healthy eating. Federal Practitioner, 34(6), 36-39.
  • Segura-Garcia, C., Ramacciotti, C., Rania, M. et al. (2015). The prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among eating disorder patients after treatment. Eat Weight Disord, doi: 10.1007/s40519-014-0171-y
  • Tremelling, K., Sandon, L, Vega, G.L., McAdams, C.J. (2017). Orthorexia nervosa and eating disorder symptoms in registered dietitian nutritionists in the United States. Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(10), 1612-1617.
  • Yeşil, E., Turhan, B., Tatan, D., Şarahman, C., Saka, M. (2018). Yetişkin bireylerde cinsiyetin ortoreksiya nervosa eğilimine etkisi. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7, (1), 1-9. (in Turkish).
  • Varga, M., Thege, B.K., Dukay-Szabó, S., Túry, F., van Furth, E.F. (2014). When eating healthy is not healthy: Orthorexia nervosa and its measurement with the ORTO-15 in Hungary. BMC Psychiatry, 59, 2-11. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-14-59.

Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinde Ortoreksiya Nervosa (ON) ve Beden İmajı İle İlişkisi

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 1 - 16, 30.04.2022


Bu çalışma hemşirelik öğrencilerinde ortoreksiya nervosa (ON) riski ve beden imajı ile ilişkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel tipteki bu çalışma bir üniversitede Hemşirelik bölümündeki 312 öğrenci ile (Nisan- Haziran 2019) yürütülmüştür. Veriler Anket formu, Orto11 ve Çok Yönlü Beden-Benlik İlişkileri Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi SPSS 21 programında yüzdelik, ortalama, ki kare analizi, korelasyon analizi ile yapılmıştır. Ortoreksik eğilimi olan öğrencilerin sağlık yönelimi puan ortalaması ortoreksik eğilimi olmayanlara göre daha yüksek düzeyde; Çok Yönlü Beden-Benlik İlişkileri Ölçeği Toplam Puanı daha düşük düzeyde saptanmıştır. Orto11 ölçeği ile Görünüş Yönelimi arasında pozitif yönde; Orto11 ile Sağlık Yönelimi ile Beden Alanlarında Doyum arasında negatif yönde istatiksel açıdan anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır.
Verilerimiz Ortoreksiya Nervosa ile Çok Yönlü Beden – Benlik İlişkileri Ölçeği arasında ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Ortoreksiya Nervosa açısından hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ele alınması riskli bulunan gruplarda gerekli taramaların yapılarak önlemlerin alınması ve müdahalelerin yapılması gerekmektedir.


  • Aktürk, Ü., Gül, E., Erci, B. (2019). The effect of Orthorexia Nervosa levels of nursing students and diet behaviors and socio-demographic characteristics. Ecology of Food and Nutrition.
  • Arslantaş, H., Adana, F., Öğüt, S., Ayakdaş, D., Korkmaz, A. (2017). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yeme davranışları ve ortoreksiya nevroza (sağlıklı beslenme takıntısı) ilişkisi: Kesitsel bir çalışma. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 8(3), 137–144.
  • Arusoğlu, G. (2006). The investigation of healthy eating fixation (Orthorexia) and the adaptation of the ORTO-15 scale. Dissertation, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Arusoğlu, G., Kabakci, E., Köksal, G., Merdol, T.K. (2018). Orthorexia Nervosa and adaption of ORTO-11 into Turkish. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 19(3), 283-292. . (in Turkish).
  • Barnes, M.A., Caltabiano, M.L. (2017). The interrelationship between orthorexia nervosa, perfectionism, body image andattachment style. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22, 177–184.
  • Bóna, E., Szél, Z., Kiss, D., Gyarmathy, V.A. (2019). An unhealthy health behavior: analysis of orthorexic tendencies among Hungarian gym attendees. Eating Weight Disorders, 24, 13–20.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Donini, L.M., Krupa, M., Poggiogalle, E., Hay, P. (2016). Errartum to: Orthorexia nervosa and self-attitudinal aspects of body image in female and male university students. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3, 2-8.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Fonte, M.L., Poggiogalle, E., Donini, L.M., Cena, H. (2017). Orthorexia nervosa: relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness among Italian university students. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22(4), 609-617.
  • Brytek-Matera, A., Gramaglia, C., Gambaro, E., Delicato, C., Zeppegno, P. (2018). The psychopathology of body image in orthorexia nervosa. Journal of Psychopathology, 24, 133-140.
  • Bundros, J., Clifford, D., Silliman, K., Neymas Morris, M. (2016). Prevalence of Orthorexia nervosa among college students based on Bratman's test and associated tendencies. Appetite, 1, 101:86-94. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.02.144.
  • Cash, T.F. (2015). Multidimensional Body–Self-Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ). Encyclopedia of Feeding and Eating Disorders, doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-087-2_3-1
  • Chaki, B., Pal, S., Bandyopadhyay, A. (2013) Exploring scientific legitimacy of orthorexia nervosa: A newly emerging eating disorder. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 8, 1045-1053.
  • Çiçekoğlu, P., Tunçay, G.Y. (2018). A Comparison of eating attitudes between vegans/vegetarians and nonvegans/nonvegetarians in terms of orthorexia nervosa. Archieves of Psychiatric Nursing, 32, 200–205.
  • Çulhacık, G.D., Durat, G. (2017). Ortorektik eğilimlerin yeme tutumu ve obsesif kompulsif belirtilerle ilişkisi. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3571-3579. doi:10.14687/jhs.v14i4.4729 2017.
  • Doğan, O., Doğan, S. (1992). Çok Yönlü Beden Self İlişkileri Ölçeği El Kitabı. Cumuriyet University Publication Number: 53. Sivas, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Duran, S. (2016). The risk of orthorexia nervosa (healthy eating obsession) symptoms for health high school students and affecting factors. Pamukkale Medical Journal, 9(3), 220-226. doi: 10.5505/ptd.2016.03880. (in Turkish).
  • Ergin, G. (2014). Sağlık personeli olan ve olmayan bireylerde ortoreksiya nervosa sıklığı araştırması. Dissertation, Başkent University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish).
  • Figueiredo, R.A.O., Simola-Ström, S., Isomaa, R., Weiderpass, E. (2019). Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating symptoms in Finnish preadolescents. Eating Disorders, 27(1), 34-51. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2018.
  • Grammatikopoulou, M.G., Gkiouras, K., Markaki, A., Theodoridis, X., Tsakiri, V., Mavridis, P., Dardavessis, T., Chourdakis, M. (2018). Food addiction, orthorexia, and food-related stress among dietetics students. Eating and Weight Disorders- Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, doi: 10.1007/s40519-018-0514-1
  • Koven, N.S., Abry, A.S. (2015). The clinical basis of orthorexia nervosa: emerging perspectives. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, 385-394. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S61665
  • Plichta, M., Jezewska-Zychowicz, M., G˛ebski, J. (2019). Orthorexic tendency in polish students: exploring association with dietary patterns, body satisfaction and weight. Nutrients Appetite, 11: 2-19. doi:10.3390/nu11010100
  • Roncero, M., Barrada, J.R., Perpiñá, J. (2017). Measuring Orthorexia Nervosa: Psychometric Limitations of the ORTO-15. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, 20: E41. doi: 10.1017/sjp.2017.36.
  • Scarff, J.R. (2017). Orthorexia Nervosa: An obsession with healthy eating. Federal Practitioner, 34(6), 36-39.
  • Segura-Garcia, C., Ramacciotti, C., Rania, M. et al. (2015). The prevalence of orthorexia nervosa among eating disorder patients after treatment. Eat Weight Disord, doi: 10.1007/s40519-014-0171-y
  • Tremelling, K., Sandon, L, Vega, G.L., McAdams, C.J. (2017). Orthorexia nervosa and eating disorder symptoms in registered dietitian nutritionists in the United States. Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(10), 1612-1617.
  • Yeşil, E., Turhan, B., Tatan, D., Şarahman, C., Saka, M. (2018). Yetişkin bireylerde cinsiyetin ortoreksiya nervosa eğilimine etkisi. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7, (1), 1-9. (in Turkish).
  • Varga, M., Thege, B.K., Dukay-Szabó, S., Túry, F., van Furth, E.F. (2014). When eating healthy is not healthy: Orthorexia nervosa and its measurement with the ORTO-15 in Hungary. BMC Psychiatry, 59, 2-11. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-14-59.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Songül Duran 0000-0002-2565-7784

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Acceptance Date October 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 26


APA Duran, S. (2022). The Relationships Between Orthorexia Nervosa And Body Image In Nursing Students. Gençlik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(26), 1-16.