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PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları

Year 2020, , 27 - 35, 01.04.2020


Günümüzde bilim ve uzay teknolojilerinin
hızlı bir şekilde gelişmesi u
algılama ve fotogrametrik yöntemlerin uygulama ve kullanım alanlarını
arttırmıştır. Özellikle lazer sistemleri ve lazer platformlarındaki gelişmeler
ile yeryüzüne ait veriler daha hızlı, hassas, bölgesel ve küresel ölçekte toplanabilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 lazer sistemleri açıklanmış, bu
sistemlerden elde edilen veri türlerinin tanıtımı yapılmış ve kullanım alanları
hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Geliştirilen her bir lazer sistminin teknik
özellikleri, kapsama alanı ve veri yapısı birbirinden farklılık göstermektedir.
Varolan tüm sistemlerin bilinmesi yapılacak olan bilimsel çalışmalarda doğru
sistemin ve verinin kullanılmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Ülkemizde yaygın
olarak kullanılmayan bu sistemlerin tanıtımı araştırmacılara farklı bakış
açıları yaratma açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır.      


  • Carabajal, C. C., Boy, J. P., Luthcke, S. B., Harding, D. J., Rowlands, D. D., Lemoine, F. G., Chin, D. S., (2006). Recovery of Three-Gorges reservoir impoundment signal from ICESat altimetry and GRACE. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract no. G13C-06, 87 (52).
  • Garcia, M., Popescu, S., Riano, D., Zhao, K., Neuenschwander, A., Agca, M., Chuvieco, E. (2012). Characterizing of canopy fuels using ICESat/GLAS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 81-89.
  • Hilbert, C., ve Schmullius, C. (2012). Influence of Surface Topography on ICESat/GLAS Forest Height Estimation and Waveform Shape. Remote Sensing, 4, 2210-2235; doi:10.3390/rs4082210.
  • Lefsky, M.A., (2010). A Global Forest Canopy Height Map from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System. Geophysical Res.Letter. 37, 5-11.
  • Lefsky, M.A., Keller, M., Pang, Y., de Camargo, P.B., Hunter, M.O., (2007). Revised Method for Forest Canopy Height Estimation from Geoscience Laser Altimeter System Waveforms. Journal Application Remote Sensing. 1, 18.
  • Markus, T., Neumann, T., Martino, A., Abdalati, W., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Farrell, S., Fricker, H., Gardner, A., Harding, D., Jasinski, M., Kwok, R., Magruder, L., Lubin, D., Luthcke, S., Morison, J., Nelson, R., Neuenschwander, A., Palm, S., Popescu, S., Shum, C.K., Schutz, B.E., Smith, B., Yang, Y., Zwally, J., 2017. The İce, Cloud, And Land Elevation Satellite-2 (Icesat-2): Science Requirements, Concept, and İmplementation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 190, 260–273.
  • Narine, L.L., Popescu, S., Neuenschwander, A., Zhou, T., Srinivasan, S., Harbeck, K. (2019). Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Forest Canopy Cover with Simulated ICESat-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 224, 1-11.
  • Nelson, R., Parker, G., Hom, M., (2003). A Portable Airborne Laser System for Forestry Inventory. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69, (3), 267-273.
  • Nelson, R., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Ståhl, G, Gregoire, T. 2008. Regional Forest Inventory Using an Airborne Profiling LiDAR. Journal of Forest Planning, 13, 287 - 294.
  • Nelson, R. F., Ranson, K. J., Sun, G., Kimes, D. S., Kharuk, V., & Montesano, P. (2009). Estimating Siberian Timber Volume using MODIS and ICESat/GLAS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 691-701.
  • Neuenschwander, A. L., Urban, T. J., Gutierrez, R., & Schutz, B. E. (2008). Characterization of ICESat/GLAS Waveforms over Terrestrial Ecosystems: Implications for Vegetation Mapping. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, 18-24.
  • Pang, Y., Lefsky, M., Sun, G., Miller, M. E., & Li, Z. (2008). Temperate Forest Height Estimation Performance using Icesat GLAS Data from Different Observation Periods. Proceedings of the ISPRS ISS VII, Beijing, China, 777-782.
  • Simard, M., Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Mancera-Pineda, J. E., Castaneda-Moya, E., & Twilley R. R. (2008). A Systematic Method for 3D Mapping of Mangrove Forests Based on Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Elevation Data, ICEsat/GLAS Waveforms and Field Data: Application to Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 2131-2144.
  • Simard, M., Pinto, N., Fisher, J.B., Baccini, A., (2011). Mapping forest canopy height globally with spaceborne lidar. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 116, 12.
  • Tang, H., Dubayah, R., Brolly, M., Ganguly, S., Zhang, G., (2014). Large-Scale Retrieval of Leaf Area İndex and Vertical Foliage Profile From The Spaceborne Waveform Lidar (GLAS/Icesat). Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 8–18.
  • URL-1. ttps:// (Son Erişim- Mart, 2019).
  • URL-2. (Son Erişim- Nisan, 2019).
  • URL-3. (Son Erişim- Nisan, 2019).
  • Wang, X., Holland, D.M., Hilmar Gudmundsson, G. (2018). Accurate Coastal DEM Generation by Merging ASTER GDEM and ICESat/GLAS Data over Mertz Glacier, Antartica. Remote Sensing of Environment, 206, 218-230.
  • Yang, X., Wang, C., Pan, F., Nie, S., Xi, X., Luo, S. (2018). Retrieving Leaf Area Index in Discontinuous Forest Using Icesat/GLAS Full-Waveform Data Based on Gap Fraction Model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 148, 54-62.
  • Yue, L., Shen, H., Zhang, L., Zheng, X., Zhang, F., Yuan, Q. (2016). High-quality Seamless DEM Generation Blending SRTM-1, ASTER GDEM v2 and ICESat/GLAS Observations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 123, 20-34.
  • Zwally, H.J., Schutz, B., Abdalati, W., Abshire, J., Bentley, C., Brenner, A., Bufton, J., Dezio, J., Hancock, Hardinga, D., Herring, T., Minster, B.,Quinn, K., Palm, S., Spinhirne, J., Thomas, T. (2002). ICESat’s Laser Measurements of Polar Ice, Atmosphere, Ocean, and Land. Journal of Geodynamics. 34, 405-445.
Year 2020, , 27 - 35, 01.04.2020



  • Carabajal, C. C., Boy, J. P., Luthcke, S. B., Harding, D. J., Rowlands, D. D., Lemoine, F. G., Chin, D. S., (2006). Recovery of Three-Gorges reservoir impoundment signal from ICESat altimetry and GRACE. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, abstract no. G13C-06, 87 (52).
  • Garcia, M., Popescu, S., Riano, D., Zhao, K., Neuenschwander, A., Agca, M., Chuvieco, E. (2012). Characterizing of canopy fuels using ICESat/GLAS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, 81-89.
  • Hilbert, C., ve Schmullius, C. (2012). Influence of Surface Topography on ICESat/GLAS Forest Height Estimation and Waveform Shape. Remote Sensing, 4, 2210-2235; doi:10.3390/rs4082210.
  • Lefsky, M.A., (2010). A Global Forest Canopy Height Map from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System. Geophysical Res.Letter. 37, 5-11.
  • Lefsky, M.A., Keller, M., Pang, Y., de Camargo, P.B., Hunter, M.O., (2007). Revised Method for Forest Canopy Height Estimation from Geoscience Laser Altimeter System Waveforms. Journal Application Remote Sensing. 1, 18.
  • Markus, T., Neumann, T., Martino, A., Abdalati, W., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Farrell, S., Fricker, H., Gardner, A., Harding, D., Jasinski, M., Kwok, R., Magruder, L., Lubin, D., Luthcke, S., Morison, J., Nelson, R., Neuenschwander, A., Palm, S., Popescu, S., Shum, C.K., Schutz, B.E., Smith, B., Yang, Y., Zwally, J., 2017. The İce, Cloud, And Land Elevation Satellite-2 (Icesat-2): Science Requirements, Concept, and İmplementation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 190, 260–273.
  • Narine, L.L., Popescu, S., Neuenschwander, A., Zhou, T., Srinivasan, S., Harbeck, K. (2019). Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Forest Canopy Cover with Simulated ICESat-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 224, 1-11.
  • Nelson, R., Parker, G., Hom, M., (2003). A Portable Airborne Laser System for Forestry Inventory. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69, (3), 267-273.
  • Nelson, R., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Ståhl, G, Gregoire, T. 2008. Regional Forest Inventory Using an Airborne Profiling LiDAR. Journal of Forest Planning, 13, 287 - 294.
  • Nelson, R. F., Ranson, K. J., Sun, G., Kimes, D. S., Kharuk, V., & Montesano, P. (2009). Estimating Siberian Timber Volume using MODIS and ICESat/GLAS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 691-701.
  • Neuenschwander, A. L., Urban, T. J., Gutierrez, R., & Schutz, B. E. (2008). Characterization of ICESat/GLAS Waveforms over Terrestrial Ecosystems: Implications for Vegetation Mapping. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, 18-24.
  • Pang, Y., Lefsky, M., Sun, G., Miller, M. E., & Li, Z. (2008). Temperate Forest Height Estimation Performance using Icesat GLAS Data from Different Observation Periods. Proceedings of the ISPRS ISS VII, Beijing, China, 777-782.
  • Simard, M., Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Mancera-Pineda, J. E., Castaneda-Moya, E., & Twilley R. R. (2008). A Systematic Method for 3D Mapping of Mangrove Forests Based on Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Elevation Data, ICEsat/GLAS Waveforms and Field Data: Application to Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 2131-2144.
  • Simard, M., Pinto, N., Fisher, J.B., Baccini, A., (2011). Mapping forest canopy height globally with spaceborne lidar. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 116, 12.
  • Tang, H., Dubayah, R., Brolly, M., Ganguly, S., Zhang, G., (2014). Large-Scale Retrieval of Leaf Area İndex and Vertical Foliage Profile From The Spaceborne Waveform Lidar (GLAS/Icesat). Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 8–18.
  • URL-1. ttps:// (Son Erişim- Mart, 2019).
  • URL-2. (Son Erişim- Nisan, 2019).
  • URL-3. (Son Erişim- Nisan, 2019).
  • Wang, X., Holland, D.M., Hilmar Gudmundsson, G. (2018). Accurate Coastal DEM Generation by Merging ASTER GDEM and ICESat/GLAS Data over Mertz Glacier, Antartica. Remote Sensing of Environment, 206, 218-230.
  • Yang, X., Wang, C., Pan, F., Nie, S., Xi, X., Luo, S. (2018). Retrieving Leaf Area Index in Discontinuous Forest Using Icesat/GLAS Full-Waveform Data Based on Gap Fraction Model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 148, 54-62.
  • Yue, L., Shen, H., Zhang, L., Zheng, X., Zhang, F., Yuan, Q. (2016). High-quality Seamless DEM Generation Blending SRTM-1, ASTER GDEM v2 and ICESat/GLAS Observations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 123, 20-34.
  • Zwally, H.J., Schutz, B., Abdalati, W., Abshire, J., Bentley, C., Brenner, A., Bufton, J., Dezio, J., Hancock, Hardinga, D., Herring, T., Minster, B.,Quinn, K., Palm, S., Spinhirne, J., Thomas, T. (2002). ICESat’s Laser Measurements of Polar Ice, Atmosphere, Ocean, and Land. Journal of Geodynamics. 34, 405-445.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Müge Ağca 0000-0003-0190-7280

Publication Date April 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ağca, M. (2020). PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları. Geomatik, 5(1), 27-35.
AMA Ağca M. PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları. Geomatik. April 2020;5(1):27-35. doi:10.29128/geomatik.560344
Chicago Ağca, Müge. “PALS, ICESat/GLAS Ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Geomatik 5, no. 1 (April 2020): 27-35.
EndNote Ağca M (April 1, 2020) PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları. Geomatik 5 1 27–35.
IEEE M. Ağca, “PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları”, Geomatik, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 27–35, 2020, doi: 10.29128/geomatik.560344.
ISNAD Ağca, Müge. “PALS, ICESat/GLAS Ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Geomatik 5/1 (April 2020), 27-35.
JAMA Ağca M. PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları. Geomatik. 2020;5:27–35.
MLA Ağca, Müge. “PALS, ICESat/GLAS Ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Geomatik, vol. 5, no. 1, 2020, pp. 27-35, doi:10.29128/geomatik.560344.
Vancouver Ağca M. PALS, ICESat/GLAS ve ICESat-2 Lazer Sistemleri ve Kullanım Alanları. Geomatik. 2020;5(1):27-35.