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Yıl 2016, Sayı: 05, 23 - 32, 01.04.2016


Türk gemi inşaatı endüstrisi, 2000’lerin başından bu yana dünya ile rekabetini arttırabilmek için katma değeri yüksek gemi tiplerinin yapmayı amaçlamıştır. Rekabeti arttıra bilmek için verimlilik, kalite, zamanında teslim, ileri tasarım ve üretim yöntemleri daha da fazla önem kazanmıştır. Gemi Mühendisliği öğrencilerinin ulusal ve uluslararası gelişmeleri takip etmeleri gerekmektedir. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İTÜ , Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Akreditasyon Kurumuna Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology-ABET eğitim kalitesini tescillemek amacı ile başvurmuş ve 2003 senesinde akredite olmuştur. ABET eğitim kalitesini yükseltmek için takım çalışması, yazılı ve sözlü sunum becerilerinin arttırılması vs. gibi tavsiyelerde bulunmuştur. Bu kapsamda İTÜ Gemi İnşaat ve Gemi Makinaları Bölümü, Gemi İnşaatı Proje Dersinin içeriğini yeniden düzenleme kararı almıştır. Bu sistem 2005’den bu yana uygulanmakta olup, başarısı endüstri tarafında da onaylanmıştır. Bu sistem öğrenci ve akademisyenlerin grup çalışması yanı sıra endüstrinin de desteği ve öğrenci-akademisyen-tasarımcı üçlemesini koordinasyon ve iş birliği le devam etmektedir


  • ALES, M. and J. TUTTLE. Changing Undergraduate Engineering Communication Needs At The US Merchant Marine Academy. Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London..
  • HANS, van V. Some Myths of Software Engineering Education. ICSE'05, May 15-21 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. ACM 1-58113-963-2/05/0005.
  • JONES, J.B. http://www.gidb.itu.edu.tr/staff/projedersi/index.htm (Accessed on April 2008). Design at the Frontiers of Engineering Education, 1991 Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE, pp:107-111.
  • LAMB, T. and K. Cooper. The Education Of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in North America, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • PSARIANOS, A Optimisation of Professional Development for Young Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • RATNAJEEVAN, H. H. Engineering Education, Design, and Senior Projects, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 34 No. 2, May 1991.
  • TANTEKIN-ERSOLMAZ, S. B., EKINCI, E. and SAGLAMER, G. Engineering education and practice in Turkey Source: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, v 25, n 2, Summer, 2006, p 26-35
  • UNSAN, Y., GOREN O. and ODABASI A. Y. To improve the Skills of Design, Team Work and Development of An Engineering Project, II. National Engineering Congress, 11-13 May 2006, Zonguldak, Turkey (In Turkish)
  • WOODS, B. Future Marine Design Education, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • WOUD, J. K., PINKSTER J and GELLING J. The Education, Training, and Continuing Professional Development of Engineers In The Maritime Industry In The Netherlands-Courses On Offer and Requirements From Industry; Well Matched or Is There Room For Improvement?, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.


Yıl 2016, Sayı: 05, 23 - 32, 01.04.2016



  • ALES, M. and J. TUTTLE. Changing Undergraduate Engineering Communication Needs At The US Merchant Marine Academy. Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London..
  • HANS, van V. Some Myths of Software Engineering Education. ICSE'05, May 15-21 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. ACM 1-58113-963-2/05/0005.
  • JONES, J.B. http://www.gidb.itu.edu.tr/staff/projedersi/index.htm (Accessed on April 2008). Design at the Frontiers of Engineering Education, 1991 Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE, pp:107-111.
  • LAMB, T. and K. Cooper. The Education Of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in North America, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • PSARIANOS, A Optimisation of Professional Development for Young Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • RATNAJEEVAN, H. H. Engineering Education, Design, and Senior Projects, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 34 No. 2, May 1991.
  • TANTEKIN-ERSOLMAZ, S. B., EKINCI, E. and SAGLAMER, G. Engineering education and practice in Turkey Source: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, v 25, n 2, Summer, 2006, p 26-35
  • UNSAN, Y., GOREN O. and ODABASI A. Y. To improve the Skills of Design, Team Work and Development of An Engineering Project, II. National Engineering Congress, 11-13 May 2006, Zonguldak, Turkey (In Turkish)
  • WOODS, B. Future Marine Design Education, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
  • WOUD, J. K., PINKSTER J and GELLING J. The Education, Training, and Continuing Professional Development of Engineers In The Maritime Industry In The Netherlands-Courses On Offer and Requirements From Industry; Well Matched or Is There Room For Improvement?, Education, Training & Continuing Professional Development of Marine Engineers In The Maritime Industry, 23-24 May 2006, London.
Toplam 10 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 05

Kaynak Göster



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