Yıl 2022,
Sayı: 21, 33 - 44, 18.05.2022
Emin Ulaş
Çalışmanın ana hedefi Karadeniz’de yürütülen sondaj faaliyetlerinin olası çevresel etkilerini ve oluşabilecek sorunları değerlendirmektir. Çalışma iki kısımdan oluşur: Birinci kısım Karadeniz’de halihazırda mevcut olan kirlilik durumudur. Bu kirlilik durumu, açık deniz sondaj faaliyetleri özelinde incelenmiştir. Ek olarak, Karadeniz’de sondaj yapılan bölgelerin sondaj sonrasında nasıl etkilendiğine de değinilmiştir. İkinci kısım ise sondaj faaliyetlerinin denizlerdeki genel çevresel etkileridir. Bu çevresel etkiler; üretimden kaynaklı su, sondaj sıvıları ve sondaj deliği için kesme atıkları özelinde üç ana başlıkta incelenmiştir. Sonrasında bu başlıklar, Karadeniz’deki açık deniz sondaj faaliyetleri kapsamında incelenmiştir.
Environmental Aspects of Offshore Activities (ADM -507E) dersinin yürütücüsü Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Sevil Deniz YAKAN DÜNDAR Hocama, makaleyi yazdığım süreçteki ilgisi ve desteğinden ötürü teşekkür ederim.
- [1] Spencer J., Joyce A. "Early Drilling and Oil Production in and Around Grand Lake, Ohio (1886-1911)." 2019 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting: Energy from the Heartland.
- [2] Levent B. A. T., et al. "An Overview of The Black Sea Pollution in Turkey." Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research 1.2 (2018): 66-86.
- [3] Available: marine.copernicus.eu/wpcontent/pollution_in_the_black_sea.pdf (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [4] Available: www.itopf.org/fileadmin/data/Doc uments/Country_Profiles/blacksea.pdf (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [5] Cioruța, Bogdan, Mădăras D., and Coman M. "Causes and Consequences of The Black Sea Ecosystem Pollution with Petroleum Products." Asian Journal of Geographical Research (2020): 29-44.
- [6] Bega Z., Ionescu G. "Neogene Structural Styles of The NW Black Sea Region, Offshore Romania." The Leading Edge 28.9 (2009): 1082-1089.
- [7] Reitz A. et al. "Sources of fluids and gases expelled at cold seeps offshore Georgia, eastern Black Sea." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75.11 (2011): 3250-3268.
- [8] Available: https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/fatih-sondaj-gemisinin-calisma-yaptigi-tuna-1-kuyusu-nerede,G4_jZewcTEi0he422rUpXA (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [9] Ţigănuș D. et al. "Present Level of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Seawater Associated with Offshore Exploration Activities from The Romanian Black Sea Sector." Cercetări Marine-Recherches Marines 46.1 (2016): 98-108.
- [10] Moroşanu I., The Hydrocarbon Potential of The Romanian Black Sea Continental Plateau, Romanian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 86, Issue 2, p. 91-109, (2012)
- [11] Bio by Deloitte 2014: Civil Liability, Financial Security and Compensation Claims for Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in The European Economic Area, Final Report Prepared for European Commission –DG Energy, (2014).
- [12] Mazlova E. A., Malina N. V., Semenycher V. G. "Study of Influence of Drilling Wastes on Black Sea Planktonic and Benthic Organisms." Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 55.1 (2019): 70-84.
- [13] Neff J., Kenneth L., Elisabeth M. D. "Produced Water: Overview of Composition, Fates, and Effects." Produced Water (2011): 3-54.
- [14] Neff J. Bioaccumulation in Marine Organisms: Effect of Contaminants from Oil Well Produced Water. Elsevier, 2002.
- [15] Johnsen S. et al. "Environmental Fate and Effect of Contaminants in Produced Water." SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, And Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. OnePetro, 2004.
- [16] Kaur G. et al. "Control of Sulfidogenic Bacteria in Produced Water from The Kathloni Oilfield in Northeast India." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63.2 (2009): 151-155.
- [17] Bakke T., Jarle Klungsøyr J. & Sanni S. "Environmental Impacts of Produced Water and Drilling Waste Discharges from The Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Industry." Marine Environmental Research 92 (2013): 154-169.
- [18] Holdway D. A. "The Acute and Chronic Effects of Wastes Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Production on Temperate and Tropical Marine Ecological Processes." Marine Pollution Bulletin 44.3 (2002): 185-203.
- [19] Hinwood J. B. et al. "Environmental Implications of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in Australia. Part 3; Drilling Activities." (1994).
- [20] Burke C. J., Veil J. A. "Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids Have Many Environmental Pluses." Oil and Gas Journal 93.48 (1995).
- [21] Terzaghi C. et al. "Physical-Chemical and Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Water Based Drilling Fluids Used in Italian Off-Shore." Chemosphere 37.14-15 (1998): 2859-2871.
- [22] Demirhan A. E., Yakan S. D. "Açık Deniz Petrol Endüstrisinin Ekotoksikolojik Etkileri." Gidb Dergi 16: 39-55.
- [23] Breuer E. et al. "Drill Cutting Accumulations in The Northern and Central North Sea: A Review of Environmental Interactions and Chemical Fate." Marine Pollution Bulletin 48.1-2 (2004): 12-25.
- [24] Dijkstra N., Junttila J. & Aagaard-Sørensen S. "Impact of Drill Cutting Releases on Benthic Foraminifera at Three Exploration Wells Drilled Between 1992 And 2012 in the SW Barents Sea, Norway." Marine Pollution Bulletin 150 (2020): 110784.
- [25] Balk L., Hylland K., Hansson T., Berntssen M. H., Beyer J., Jonsson G. & Klungsøyr J. “Biomarkers in Natural Fish Populations Indicate Adverse Biological Effects of Offshore Oil Production.” PLoS One, 6(5) (2011): e19735.
- [26] Ismail Z., Kong K. K., Othman S. Z., Law K. H., Khoo S. Y., Ong Z. C. & Shirazi S. M. “Evaluating Accidents in The Offshore Drilling of Petroleum: Regional Picture and Reducing Impact Measurement.” 51 (2014): 18-33.
Yıl 2022,
Sayı: 21, 33 - 44, 18.05.2022
Emin Ulaş
The main aim is to evaluate the environmental effects and potential problems of drilling activities in the Black Sea. The work consists of two parts: The first part focuses on the current pollution situation in the Black Sea, specifically offshore drilling activities. It is also mentioned about the effect of post-drilling in the Black Sea. The second part is the general environmental effects of drilling activities in the seas. These environmental effects were examined under three main headings: Produced water, drilling fluids and cutting wastes. Afterwards, they were examined within the scope of offshore drilling activities in the Black Sea.
- [1] Spencer J., Joyce A. "Early Drilling and Oil Production in and Around Grand Lake, Ohio (1886-1911)." 2019 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting: Energy from the Heartland.
- [2] Levent B. A. T., et al. "An Overview of The Black Sea Pollution in Turkey." Mediterranean Fisheries and Aquaculture Research 1.2 (2018): 66-86.
- [3] Available: marine.copernicus.eu/wpcontent/pollution_in_the_black_sea.pdf (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [4] Available: www.itopf.org/fileadmin/data/Doc uments/Country_Profiles/blacksea.pdf (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [5] Cioruța, Bogdan, Mădăras D., and Coman M. "Causes and Consequences of The Black Sea Ecosystem Pollution with Petroleum Products." Asian Journal of Geographical Research (2020): 29-44.
- [6] Bega Z., Ionescu G. "Neogene Structural Styles of The NW Black Sea Region, Offshore Romania." The Leading Edge 28.9 (2009): 1082-1089.
- [7] Reitz A. et al. "Sources of fluids and gases expelled at cold seeps offshore Georgia, eastern Black Sea." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75.11 (2011): 3250-3268.
- [8] Available: https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/fatih-sondaj-gemisinin-calisma-yaptigi-tuna-1-kuyusu-nerede,G4_jZewcTEi0he422rUpXA (Last access date: 6 January 2022)
- [9] Ţigănuș D. et al. "Present Level of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Seawater Associated with Offshore Exploration Activities from The Romanian Black Sea Sector." Cercetări Marine-Recherches Marines 46.1 (2016): 98-108.
- [10] Moroşanu I., The Hydrocarbon Potential of The Romanian Black Sea Continental Plateau, Romanian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 86, Issue 2, p. 91-109, (2012)
- [11] Bio by Deloitte 2014: Civil Liability, Financial Security and Compensation Claims for Offshore Oil and Gas Activities in The European Economic Area, Final Report Prepared for European Commission –DG Energy, (2014).
- [12] Mazlova E. A., Malina N. V., Semenycher V. G. "Study of Influence of Drilling Wastes on Black Sea Planktonic and Benthic Organisms." Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 55.1 (2019): 70-84.
- [13] Neff J., Kenneth L., Elisabeth M. D. "Produced Water: Overview of Composition, Fates, and Effects." Produced Water (2011): 3-54.
- [14] Neff J. Bioaccumulation in Marine Organisms: Effect of Contaminants from Oil Well Produced Water. Elsevier, 2002.
- [15] Johnsen S. et al. "Environmental Fate and Effect of Contaminants in Produced Water." SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, And Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. OnePetro, 2004.
- [16] Kaur G. et al. "Control of Sulfidogenic Bacteria in Produced Water from The Kathloni Oilfield in Northeast India." International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63.2 (2009): 151-155.
- [17] Bakke T., Jarle Klungsøyr J. & Sanni S. "Environmental Impacts of Produced Water and Drilling Waste Discharges from The Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Industry." Marine Environmental Research 92 (2013): 154-169.
- [18] Holdway D. A. "The Acute and Chronic Effects of Wastes Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas Production on Temperate and Tropical Marine Ecological Processes." Marine Pollution Bulletin 44.3 (2002): 185-203.
- [19] Hinwood J. B. et al. "Environmental Implications of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in Australia. Part 3; Drilling Activities." (1994).
- [20] Burke C. J., Veil J. A. "Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids Have Many Environmental Pluses." Oil and Gas Journal 93.48 (1995).
- [21] Terzaghi C. et al. "Physical-Chemical and Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Water Based Drilling Fluids Used in Italian Off-Shore." Chemosphere 37.14-15 (1998): 2859-2871.
- [22] Demirhan A. E., Yakan S. D. "Açık Deniz Petrol Endüstrisinin Ekotoksikolojik Etkileri." Gidb Dergi 16: 39-55.
- [23] Breuer E. et al. "Drill Cutting Accumulations in The Northern and Central North Sea: A Review of Environmental Interactions and Chemical Fate." Marine Pollution Bulletin 48.1-2 (2004): 12-25.
- [24] Dijkstra N., Junttila J. & Aagaard-Sørensen S. "Impact of Drill Cutting Releases on Benthic Foraminifera at Three Exploration Wells Drilled Between 1992 And 2012 in the SW Barents Sea, Norway." Marine Pollution Bulletin 150 (2020): 110784.
- [25] Balk L., Hylland K., Hansson T., Berntssen M. H., Beyer J., Jonsson G. & Klungsøyr J. “Biomarkers in Natural Fish Populations Indicate Adverse Biological Effects of Offshore Oil Production.” PLoS One, 6(5) (2011): e19735.
- [26] Ismail Z., Kong K. K., Othman S. Z., Law K. H., Khoo S. Y., Ong Z. C. & Shirazi S. M. “Evaluating Accidents in The Offshore Drilling of Petroleum: Regional Picture and Reducing Impact Measurement.” 51 (2014): 18-33.