Research Article
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Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 1 - 24, 28.06.2021


With the globalizing trends, innovative approaches have stood out in the tourism sector. In line with these approaches, the number of entrepreneurships in tourism increases and a significant association is formed between tourism and entrepreneurship in terms of sustainability. Tourism activities, which have an important role in regional development, can make significant contributions to the economy of the region with the entrepreneurship activities carried out by the local people. This study sets forth the relationship between tourism and entrepreneurship in ensuring sustainable tourism development in the tourism destination of Amasya, which is rich in historical areas, cultural and natural features, based on small-scale enterprises. The study covers identification of key success factors affecting tourism entrepreneurship and testing of the relationship between the factors and performance via the SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) by conducting a survey that measures subjective and objective perception with 78 small-scale tourism enterprises. As the result of the study, it has been concluded that environmental, organizational, enterprise-oriented and entrepreneur-oriented features should be discussed in a holistic manner in the development of sustainable tourism entrepreneurship.


  • Aharoni, Y., Maimon, Z., & Segev, E. (1978). Performance and autonomy in organizations determining dominant environmental components. Management Science, 24(9), 949-959. doı:10.1287/mnsc.24.9.949
  • Altanlar, A. (2015). Kültür turizmi geliştirme kapasitesinin ölçülmesinde kavramsal bir model ve yöntem denemesi: İstanbul, Boğaziçi örneği [A conceptual model and method trial in measuring cultural tourism development capacity: Istanbul, Bosphorus example], Unpublished PhD Thesis, Yıldız Teknik University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, İstanbul
  • Amasya Governorship. (2007). Amasya Kültür Envanteri [Amasya Cultural Inventory], Uyum Ajans: Ankara
  • Anckar, B., & Walden, P. (2001). Introducing Web technology in a small peripheral hospitality organization. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13 (5), 241-250. doı: 10.1108/09596110110395938
  • Ateljevic, J., & Page, S. (2009). Introduction. J. Ateljevic, & S. Page (Eds.), In Tourism and Entrepreneurship: İnternational Perspectives (pp. 1-6). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Ballantine, J. W., Cleveland, F. W., & Koeller, C. T. (1992). Characterizing profitable and unprofitable strategies in small and large businesses. Journal of Small Business Management, 30(2), 13-24.
  • Berman, J. A., Gordon, D. D., & Sussmann, G. (1997). A study to determine the benefits small business firms derive from sophisticated planning versus less sophisticated types of planning. Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 3(3), 1-11.
  • Birley, S., & Westhead, P. (1992). A comparison of new firms in assisted and non–assisted areas in Great Britain. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 4(4), 299-338.
  • Brownlie, D. (1994). Market opportunity analysis: A Dıy approach for small tourism enterprises. Tourism Management, (15), 37-45.
  • Cheng, C., & Piccoli, G. (2002). Web-Based Traınıng In The Hospıtalıty Industry: A Conceptual Defınıtıon, Taxonomy, And Prelımınary İnvestıgatıon. International Journal of Hospitality Information Technology, 2(2), 19-33. doi:10.3727/153373402803617737
  • Çokluk, Ö. S., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, S. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: spss ve lisrel uygulamaları [Multivariate statistics for social sciences: applications of spss and lisrel]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Crnogaj, K., Rebernik, M., Hojnik, B. B., & Gomezelj, D. O. (2014). Building a Model Of Researching The Sustainable Entrepreneurship in The Tourism Sector. Emerald İnsight, (43), 377-394. doı: 10.1108/K-07-2013-0155
  • Davidson, D. (1991). Three varieties of knowledge. A. P. Griffiths (Ed.), In Memorial essays (pp. 153-166). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • di Benedetto, C. A., & Bojanic, D. C. (1993). Tourism area life cycle extensions. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(3), 557-570. doı: 10.1016/0160-7383(93)90009-R
  • Dwyer, L., & Kim, C. (2003). Destination Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators.  Current Issues in Tourism, 6(5), 369-414. doı:10.1080/13683500308667962
  • Field, A. (2002). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Fleischer, A., & Felsenstein, D. (2000). Support for small-scale rural tourism: Does it make a difference? Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 1007-1024. doı:10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00126-7
  • Getz, D. (1993). Planning for tourism business districts. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(3), 583-600. doı:10.1016/0160-7383(93)90011-Q
  • Hillary, R. (2000). Small and Medium Sized Entreprises and The Environment. Sheffield: Greenleaf.
  • Hood, J. N., & Young, J. E. (1993). Entrepreneurship's Requisite Areas of Development: A Survey of Top Executives in Successful Entrepreneurial Firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 8(2), 115-135. doı:10.1016/0883-9026(93)90015-W
  • Lerner, M., & Almor, T. (2002). Relationships among Strategic Capabilities and the Performance of Women‐Owned Small Ventures. Journal of Small Business Management, 40(2), 109-125.
  • Lerner, M., & Haber, S. (2000). Performance factors of small tourism ventures: The interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment. Journal of Business Venturing, 16(1), 77-100. doı:10.1016/S0883-9026(99)00038-5
  • Lerner, R. M. (1989). Developmental contextualism and the life-span view of person-context interaction. M. H. Bornstein, & J. S. Bruner (Eds.), In Rosscurrents in contemporary psychology. Interaction in human development (pp. 217-239). USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Litzinger, W. D. (1965). Interpersonal values and leadership attitudes of branch bank managers. Personnel Psychology, 18(2), 193-198. doı:10.1111/j.1744-6570.1965.tb00278.x
  • Lumpkin, G. T., & Gregory, G. D. (1996). Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct and Linking It to Performance. The Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 135-172. doı:10.2307/258632
  • Mckercher, B., & Robbins, B. (1998). Business Development Issues Affecting Nature-based Tourism Operators in Australia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 6(2), 173-188. doı:10.1080/09669589808667309
  • Mill, R. C., & Morrison, A. M. (1992). The Tourism System: An Introductory Text. New Jersey.
  • O'Farell, P. (1986). The nature of new firms in Ireland: Empirical evidence and policy implications. D. Keele, & E. Wever (Eds.), In New firms and Regional Development in Europe (pp. 151-183). London : Croom Helm.
  • OKA.(2018). Amasya Kültür ve Turizm Sektörel Eylem Planı[Amasya Culture and Tourism Sectoral Action Plan] URL:, (date accessed:08.05.2019)
  • Oppermann, M. (1996). Visitation of tourism attractions and tourist expenditure patterns: Repeat versus first-time visitors.  Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1(1), 61-68. doı:10.1080/10941669708721964
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket Programlar ile Veri Analizi [Data Analysis with Package Programs]. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Page, S., Brunt, P., Busby, G., & Connell, J. (2001). Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. Cengage Learning Business Press; 1 edition.
  • Pişkinsüt, E. (2011). Girişimciliğin Türkiye'deki Ekonomik Kalkınmaya Etkileri: KOBİ Örneği [Impact on Economic Development of Entrepreneurship in Turkey: KOBİ Case], Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(2), 95 116. Retrieved from
  • Quesada, L.L. (2005). The role of provıncıal government support ın the development of black-owned small tourism busınesses ın the cıty of Cape Town. (Unpublished Msc Thesis), University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, South Afrıca
  • Robinson, P. B., & Sexton, E. A. (1994). The effect of education and experience on self-employment success. Journal of Business Venturing, 9(2), 141-156. doı:10.1016/0883-9026(94)90006-X
  • Sarder, J. H., Ghosh, D., & Rosa, P. (1997). The importance of support services to small enterprise in Bangladesh. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(2), 26-56.
  • Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Innovation: Categories and Interactions. Business Strategy and the Environment, (20), 222-237. doı: 10.1002/bse.682
  • Schaper, M., & Carlsen, J. (2004). Overcoming the Green Gap: Improving the Environmental Performance of Small Tourism Firms in Western Australia. R. Thomas (Ed.), In Small Firms in Tourism İnternational Perspectives (pp. 197-214). Oxford: Lane Kidlington.
  • Set, K. (2013). Determining The Key Success Factors of Tourism Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle, Australia.
  • Smith, S. (1983). Tourism Analysis. New York: Longman.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2007).Türkiye Turizm Stratejisi 2023 Eylem Planı 2007-2013 [Turkey's Tourism Strategy 2023 Action Plan 2007 2013],,ttstratejisi2023pdf.pdf?0,(dateaccessed:10.06.2019)
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon
  • Tatlıdil, H. (2002). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz [Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis]. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Udell, G. G. (1990). Are Business Incubators Really Creating New Jobs by Creating New Businesses and New Products. The Journal of Product İnnovation Management, 7(2), 108-122. doı:10.1016/0737-6782(90)90053-H
  • UNWTO (2020). World Tourism Barometer-2020, URL:, (date accessed: 22.07.2020)
  • Ural, A., & Kılıç, İ. (2006). Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve Spss ile Veri Analizi [Scientific Research Process and Data Analysis with SPSS]. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Wanhill, S. (2004). Government Assistance for Tourism SMEs:From Theory to Practice. R. Thomas (Ed.), In Small Firms in Tourism İnternational Perspectives (pp. 53-70). Oxford: Lane Kidlington.
  • Wilken, P. H. (1979). Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study. New Jersey: Ablex.

Sürdürülebilir Turizmde Küçük Ölçekli Girişimcilik Performansı: Amasya Örneği

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 1 - 24, 28.06.2021


Küreselleşen eğilimlerle birlikte turizm sektöründe yenilikçi yaklaşımlar ön plana çıkmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlar doğrultusunda turizmde girişimcilik sayıları artarak, turizm ve girişimcilik arasında sürdürülebilirlik açısından anlamlı bir birliktelik oluşmaktadır. Bölgesel kalkınmada önemli role sahip olan turizm hareketleri yerel halkın gerçekleştireceği girişimcilik faaliyetleriyle bölge ekonomisine önemli katkılar sağlayabilmektedir. Bu çalışma tarihi alanları, kültürel ve doğal özellikleri bakımından zengin olan Amasya turizm destinasyonunda sürdürülebilir turizm gelişiminin sağlanmasında, turizm ve girişimcilik ilişkisini küçük ölçekli işletmeler üzerinden ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında 78 adet küçük ölçekli turizm işletmesiyle sübjektif ve objektif algıyı ölçen anket çalışması yapılarak SPSS programı aracılığıyla turizm girişimciliğinde etkili olan anahtar başarı faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve faktörler ile performans arasındaki ilişkinin test edilmesini içermektedir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda sürdürülebilir turizm girişimciliğinin gelişiminde çevresel, kurumsal, işletme ve girişimci yönünden özelliklerin bütüncül olarak ele alınması gerektiğine ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aharoni, Y., Maimon, Z., & Segev, E. (1978). Performance and autonomy in organizations determining dominant environmental components. Management Science, 24(9), 949-959. doı:10.1287/mnsc.24.9.949
  • Altanlar, A. (2015). Kültür turizmi geliştirme kapasitesinin ölçülmesinde kavramsal bir model ve yöntem denemesi: İstanbul, Boğaziçi örneği [A conceptual model and method trial in measuring cultural tourism development capacity: Istanbul, Bosphorus example], Unpublished PhD Thesis, Yıldız Teknik University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, İstanbul
  • Amasya Governorship. (2007). Amasya Kültür Envanteri [Amasya Cultural Inventory], Uyum Ajans: Ankara
  • Anckar, B., & Walden, P. (2001). Introducing Web technology in a small peripheral hospitality organization. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13 (5), 241-250. doı: 10.1108/09596110110395938
  • Ateljevic, J., & Page, S. (2009). Introduction. J. Ateljevic, & S. Page (Eds.), In Tourism and Entrepreneurship: İnternational Perspectives (pp. 1-6). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Ballantine, J. W., Cleveland, F. W., & Koeller, C. T. (1992). Characterizing profitable and unprofitable strategies in small and large businesses. Journal of Small Business Management, 30(2), 13-24.
  • Berman, J. A., Gordon, D. D., & Sussmann, G. (1997). A study to determine the benefits small business firms derive from sophisticated planning versus less sophisticated types of planning. Journal of Business and Economic Studies, 3(3), 1-11.
  • Birley, S., & Westhead, P. (1992). A comparison of new firms in assisted and non–assisted areas in Great Britain. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 4(4), 299-338.
  • Brownlie, D. (1994). Market opportunity analysis: A Dıy approach for small tourism enterprises. Tourism Management, (15), 37-45.
  • Cheng, C., & Piccoli, G. (2002). Web-Based Traınıng In The Hospıtalıty Industry: A Conceptual Defınıtıon, Taxonomy, And Prelımınary İnvestıgatıon. International Journal of Hospitality Information Technology, 2(2), 19-33. doi:10.3727/153373402803617737
  • Çokluk, Ö. S., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, S. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik: spss ve lisrel uygulamaları [Multivariate statistics for social sciences: applications of spss and lisrel]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Crnogaj, K., Rebernik, M., Hojnik, B. B., & Gomezelj, D. O. (2014). Building a Model Of Researching The Sustainable Entrepreneurship in The Tourism Sector. Emerald İnsight, (43), 377-394. doı: 10.1108/K-07-2013-0155
  • Davidson, D. (1991). Three varieties of knowledge. A. P. Griffiths (Ed.), In Memorial essays (pp. 153-166). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • di Benedetto, C. A., & Bojanic, D. C. (1993). Tourism area life cycle extensions. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(3), 557-570. doı: 10.1016/0160-7383(93)90009-R
  • Dwyer, L., & Kim, C. (2003). Destination Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators.  Current Issues in Tourism, 6(5), 369-414. doı:10.1080/13683500308667962
  • Field, A. (2002). Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Fleischer, A., & Felsenstein, D. (2000). Support for small-scale rural tourism: Does it make a difference? Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 1007-1024. doı:10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00126-7
  • Getz, D. (1993). Planning for tourism business districts. Annals of Tourism Research, 20(3), 583-600. doı:10.1016/0160-7383(93)90011-Q
  • Hillary, R. (2000). Small and Medium Sized Entreprises and The Environment. Sheffield: Greenleaf.
  • Hood, J. N., & Young, J. E. (1993). Entrepreneurship's Requisite Areas of Development: A Survey of Top Executives in Successful Entrepreneurial Firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 8(2), 115-135. doı:10.1016/0883-9026(93)90015-W
  • Lerner, M., & Almor, T. (2002). Relationships among Strategic Capabilities and the Performance of Women‐Owned Small Ventures. Journal of Small Business Management, 40(2), 109-125.
  • Lerner, M., & Haber, S. (2000). Performance factors of small tourism ventures: The interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment. Journal of Business Venturing, 16(1), 77-100. doı:10.1016/S0883-9026(99)00038-5
  • Lerner, R. M. (1989). Developmental contextualism and the life-span view of person-context interaction. M. H. Bornstein, & J. S. Bruner (Eds.), In Rosscurrents in contemporary psychology. Interaction in human development (pp. 217-239). USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Litzinger, W. D. (1965). Interpersonal values and leadership attitudes of branch bank managers. Personnel Psychology, 18(2), 193-198. doı:10.1111/j.1744-6570.1965.tb00278.x
  • Lumpkin, G. T., & Gregory, G. D. (1996). Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct and Linking It to Performance. The Academy of Management Review, 21(1), 135-172. doı:10.2307/258632
  • Mckercher, B., & Robbins, B. (1998). Business Development Issues Affecting Nature-based Tourism Operators in Australia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 6(2), 173-188. doı:10.1080/09669589808667309
  • Mill, R. C., & Morrison, A. M. (1992). The Tourism System: An Introductory Text. New Jersey.
  • O'Farell, P. (1986). The nature of new firms in Ireland: Empirical evidence and policy implications. D. Keele, & E. Wever (Eds.), In New firms and Regional Development in Europe (pp. 151-183). London : Croom Helm.
  • OKA.(2018). Amasya Kültür ve Turizm Sektörel Eylem Planı[Amasya Culture and Tourism Sectoral Action Plan] URL:, (date accessed:08.05.2019)
  • Oppermann, M. (1996). Visitation of tourism attractions and tourist expenditure patterns: Repeat versus first-time visitors.  Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1(1), 61-68. doı:10.1080/10941669708721964
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket Programlar ile Veri Analizi [Data Analysis with Package Programs]. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Page, S., Brunt, P., Busby, G., & Connell, J. (2001). Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. Cengage Learning Business Press; 1 edition.
  • Pişkinsüt, E. (2011). Girişimciliğin Türkiye'deki Ekonomik Kalkınmaya Etkileri: KOBİ Örneği [Impact on Economic Development of Entrepreneurship in Turkey: KOBİ Case], Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(2), 95 116. Retrieved from
  • Quesada, L.L. (2005). The role of provıncıal government support ın the development of black-owned small tourism busınesses ın the cıty of Cape Town. (Unpublished Msc Thesis), University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, South Afrıca
  • Robinson, P. B., & Sexton, E. A. (1994). The effect of education and experience on self-employment success. Journal of Business Venturing, 9(2), 141-156. doı:10.1016/0883-9026(94)90006-X
  • Sarder, J. H., Ghosh, D., & Rosa, P. (1997). The importance of support services to small enterprise in Bangladesh. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(2), 26-56.
  • Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Innovation: Categories and Interactions. Business Strategy and the Environment, (20), 222-237. doı: 10.1002/bse.682
  • Schaper, M., & Carlsen, J. (2004). Overcoming the Green Gap: Improving the Environmental Performance of Small Tourism Firms in Western Australia. R. Thomas (Ed.), In Small Firms in Tourism İnternational Perspectives (pp. 197-214). Oxford: Lane Kidlington.
  • Set, K. (2013). Determining The Key Success Factors of Tourism Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle, Australia.
  • Smith, S. (1983). Tourism Analysis. New York: Longman.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2007).Türkiye Turizm Stratejisi 2023 Eylem Planı 2007-2013 [Turkey's Tourism Strategy 2023 Action Plan 2007 2013],,ttstratejisi2023pdf.pdf?0,(dateaccessed:10.06.2019)
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon
  • Tatlıdil, H. (2002). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz [Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis]. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Udell, G. G. (1990). Are Business Incubators Really Creating New Jobs by Creating New Businesses and New Products. The Journal of Product İnnovation Management, 7(2), 108-122. doı:10.1016/0737-6782(90)90053-H
  • UNWTO (2020). World Tourism Barometer-2020, URL:, (date accessed: 22.07.2020)
  • Ural, A., & Kılıç, İ. (2006). Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve Spss ile Veri Analizi [Scientific Research Process and Data Analysis with SPSS]. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Wanhill, S. (2004). Government Assistance for Tourism SMEs:From Theory to Practice. R. Thomas (Ed.), In Small Firms in Tourism İnternational Perspectives (pp. 53-70). Oxford: Lane Kidlington.
  • Wilken, P. H. (1979). Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study. New Jersey: Ablex.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Papers

Ahmet Şekeroğlu 0000-0003-0764-4944

Demet Erol 0000-0002-1705-4297

Publication Date June 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 9


APA Şekeroğlu, A., & Erol, D. (2021). Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(9), 1-24.
AMA Şekeroğlu A, Erol D. Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya. GİPAD. June 2021;5(9):1-24. doi:10.31006/gipad.819471
Chicago Şekeroğlu, Ahmet, and Demet Erol. “Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 5, no. 9 (June 2021): 1-24.
EndNote Şekeroğlu A, Erol D (June 1, 2021) Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya. Girişimcilik İnovasyon ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 5 9 1–24.
IEEE A. Şekeroğlu and D. Erol, “Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya”, GİPAD, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1–24, 2021, doi: 10.31006/gipad.819471.
ISNAD Şekeroğlu, Ahmet - Erol, Demet. “Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/9 (June 2021), 1-24.
JAMA Şekeroğlu A, Erol D. Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya. GİPAD. 2021;5:1–24.
MLA Şekeroğlu, Ahmet and Demet Erol. “Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya”. Girişimcilik İnovasyon Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 9, 2021, pp. 1-24, doi:10.31006/gipad.819471.
Vancouver Şekeroğlu A, Erol D. Small-Scale Entrepreneurial Performance in Sustainable Tourism: The Case of Amasya. GİPAD. 2021;5(9):1-24.