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Üç-kademeli Bir Soğurmalı Soğutma Siteminde Kaynatıcılara Bağlı Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 67 - 76, 30.04.2018


Günümüzde artan enerji güvenlik problemi,
beraberinde çevreye olumsuz tesiri olan sistem tasarımlarını ortaya koymuş olsa
da temiz enerji sağlayan sistemler zamanla ön plana çıkmıştır. Soğurmalı
soğutma sistemleri elektrik tasarruflu sistemler olduklarından buhar
sıkıştırmalı sistemlere göre elektrik tüketimini en aza indirgerler. Bu
sistemler sistem performansını arttırmak üzere yarım, tek, çift ve üç kademeli
olmak üzere tasarlanabilmektedirler. Kademe sayısındaki artış, soğurma sistemlerini
daha verimli hale getirmekle beraber sistem bileşeni sayısını arttırarak daha
karmaşık ve hassas sistemlerin kontrol edilmesine yol açmaktadır. Bu çalışmada,
lityum bromür-su eriyiği ile çalışan üç kademeli seri akışlı bir soğurmalı
soğutma sisteminin termodinamik analizi Engineering Equation Solver (EES)
programı yardımıyla yapılmış ve elde edilen benzetim sonuçları literatürle
doğrulanmıştır. Enerji ve ekserji soğutma tesir katsayısının (STK ve ESTK)
düşük basınçlı kaynatıcı sıcaklığının artmasıyla birlikte arttığı, orta
basınçlı kaynatıcı ile yüksek basınçlı kaynatıcı sıcaklıklarının artmasıyla
beraber azaldığı görülmüştür. Yoğuşturucu ve absorber sıcaklıklarının
artmasının STK’ya olumsuz etki yaptığı görülmüştür. 


  • [1]. Yamankaradeniz, R., Horuz, İ., Kaynakli, Ö., Coskun, S., and Yamankaradeniz, R., Soğutma Tekniği ve Isı Pompası Uygulamaları. Dora Yayın Evi, Bursa, 2013.
  • [2]. Pastakkaya, B., Bir konutun ısıtılması ve soğutulmasında güneş enerjisi kaynaklı absorbsiyonlu sistemlerin kullanılması. Doktora Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, 2012, Bursa.
  • [3]. Gebreslassie, B. H., Medrano, M., and Boer, D. Exergy analysis of multi-effect water-LiBr absorption systems: From half to triple effect. Renewable Energy, 2010. 35: 1773-1782. DOI:
  • [4]. Farshi, L. G., Ferreira, C. A. I., Mahmoudi, S. M. S., and Rosen, M. A., First and second law analysis of ammonia/salt absorption refrigeration systems, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014. 40: 111-121. DOI:
  • [5]. Kaynaklı, Ö., Saka, K., and Kaynaklı, F., Absorbsiyonlu soğutma sisteminde farklı eriyiklerin kullanılabilirliği ve performans değerlerinin incelenmesi, In: Proceedings of the 11th International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, İstanbul, 2014, 108-115.
  • [6]. Srikhirin, P., Aphornratana, S., and Chungpaibulpatana, S., A review of absorption refrigeration technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2001. 5(4), 343-372. DOI:
  • [7]. Horuz, I., and Callander, T. M. S., Experimental investigation of a vapor absorption refrigeration system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2004. 27(1), 10-16. DOI:
  • [8]. Hilali, I., and Söylemez, M. S., An application of engine exhaust gas driven cooling system in automobile air-conditioning system. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2015. 35(1), 27-34.
  • [9]. Aliane, A., Abboudi, S., Seladji, C., and Guendouz, B., An illustrated review on solar absorption cooling experimental studies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 65: 443-458. DOI:
  • [10]. Farshi, L. G., Mahmoudi, S. M. S., and Rosen, M. A., Analysis of crystallization risk in double effect absorption refrigeration systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011. 31: 1712-1717. DOI:
  • [11]. Saka, K., Yamankaradeniz, N., Kaynaklı, F., and Kaynaklı, Ö., Hava Soğutmalı Çift Kademeli Absorbsiyonlu Soğutma Sisteminin Enerji Ve Ekserji Analizi, In: Proceedings of the 12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, İzmir, 2015, 1135-1151.
  • [12]. Kaynakli, O., Saka, K., and Kaynakli, F., Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Double Effect Absorption Refrigeration System Based on Different Heat Sources, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 21-30. DOI:
  • [13]. Mostafavi, M., and Agnew, B., The impact of ambient temperature on lithium bromide-water absorption machine performance, Applied Thermal Engineering, 1996. 16: 515-522. DOI:
  • [14]. Chua, H. T., Toh, H. K., Malek, A., Ng, K. C. and Srinivasan, K., Improved thermodynamic property field of LiBr-H2O solution, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2000, 23: 412-429. DOI:
  • [15]. Saka, K., Yılmaz, İH., and Kaynakli O., Investigation on Double Effect Dual-heat Mode Absorption Refrigeration System, In: Proceedings of the XII. International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, İstanbul, 2016, 123-129.
  • [16]. Yılmaz, İH., Saka, K., and Kaynakli O., Influence of the Equilibrium Temperature in the Double Stage of the Absorption Refrigeration System, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE), Afyonkarahisar, 2016, 46-51.
  • [17]. Yılmaz, İH., Saka, K., and Kaynakli O., A thermodynamic evaluation on high pressure condenser of double effect absorption refrigeration system. Energy, 2016. 113: 1031-1041. DOI:
  • [18]. Kaushik, S. C., and Arora, A., Energy and exergy analysis of single effect and series flow double effect water-lithium bromide absorption refrigeration systems, International Journal Of Refrigeration, 2009, 32, 1247-1258. DOI:
  • [19]. Gomri, R., and Hakimi, R., Second law analysis of double effect vapour absorption cooler system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49: 3343-3348. DOI:
  • [20]. Grossman, G., Wilk, M., and DeVault, R. C., Simulation and performance analysis of triple-effect absorption cycles, ASHRAE Transactions, 1994. 100(2): 452-62.
  • [21]. Kaita, Y., Simulation results of triple-effect absorption cycles. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2002. 25: 999-1007. DOI:
  • [22]. Gomri, R., Thermodynamic evaluation of triple effect absorption chiller. Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, ThETA 2, 2008, Cairo, Egypt. DOI:
  • [23]. Maryami, R. and Dehghan, A.A., An exergy based comparative study between LiBr/water absorption refrigeration systems from half effect to triple effect. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017. 124: 103-123. DOI:

Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Triple-effect Absorption Refrigeration System Based on Generators

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 67 - 76, 30.04.2018


Today, even if the increasing energy
security problem has brought about system designs having negative effects on
the environment, the clean energy sustaining systems have come out the
forefront. Absorption refrigeration systems are electricity saving systems,
which reduce the electricity consumption to a minimum compared to vapor
compression systems. These systems can be designed as half, single, double and
triple effect to increase the performance. Increasing the number of effects
increases the performance of absorption systems as well as the number of system
components which leads to more complicated and precise systems to be
controlled. In this study, the thermodynamic analysis of a triple effect series
flow lithium bromide-water absorption refrigeration system was made using the
Engineering Equation Solver (EES) program, and the obtained simulation results
was verified with the literature. It was shown that energy and exergy
coefficient of performance (COP and ECOP) increase with the increase of the low
pressure generator temperature and decreases with the increase of the high
pressure generator and medium pressure generator temperatures. The increase in
the condenser and absorber temperatures was found to have an adverse effect on
the COP.


  • [1]. Yamankaradeniz, R., Horuz, İ., Kaynakli, Ö., Coskun, S., and Yamankaradeniz, R., Soğutma Tekniği ve Isı Pompası Uygulamaları. Dora Yayın Evi, Bursa, 2013.
  • [2]. Pastakkaya, B., Bir konutun ısıtılması ve soğutulmasında güneş enerjisi kaynaklı absorbsiyonlu sistemlerin kullanılması. Doktora Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, 2012, Bursa.
  • [3]. Gebreslassie, B. H., Medrano, M., and Boer, D. Exergy analysis of multi-effect water-LiBr absorption systems: From half to triple effect. Renewable Energy, 2010. 35: 1773-1782. DOI:
  • [4]. Farshi, L. G., Ferreira, C. A. I., Mahmoudi, S. M. S., and Rosen, M. A., First and second law analysis of ammonia/salt absorption refrigeration systems, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014. 40: 111-121. DOI:
  • [5]. Kaynaklı, Ö., Saka, K., and Kaynaklı, F., Absorbsiyonlu soğutma sisteminde farklı eriyiklerin kullanılabilirliği ve performans değerlerinin incelenmesi, In: Proceedings of the 11th International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, İstanbul, 2014, 108-115.
  • [6]. Srikhirin, P., Aphornratana, S., and Chungpaibulpatana, S., A review of absorption refrigeration technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2001. 5(4), 343-372. DOI:
  • [7]. Horuz, I., and Callander, T. M. S., Experimental investigation of a vapor absorption refrigeration system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2004. 27(1), 10-16. DOI:
  • [8]. Hilali, I., and Söylemez, M. S., An application of engine exhaust gas driven cooling system in automobile air-conditioning system. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2015. 35(1), 27-34.
  • [9]. Aliane, A., Abboudi, S., Seladji, C., and Guendouz, B., An illustrated review on solar absorption cooling experimental studies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 65: 443-458. DOI:
  • [10]. Farshi, L. G., Mahmoudi, S. M. S., and Rosen, M. A., Analysis of crystallization risk in double effect absorption refrigeration systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011. 31: 1712-1717. DOI:
  • [11]. Saka, K., Yamankaradeniz, N., Kaynaklı, F., and Kaynaklı, Ö., Hava Soğutmalı Çift Kademeli Absorbsiyonlu Soğutma Sisteminin Enerji Ve Ekserji Analizi, In: Proceedings of the 12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, İzmir, 2015, 1135-1151.
  • [12]. Kaynakli, O., Saka, K., and Kaynakli, F., Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Double Effect Absorption Refrigeration System Based on Different Heat Sources, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 21-30. DOI:
  • [13]. Mostafavi, M., and Agnew, B., The impact of ambient temperature on lithium bromide-water absorption machine performance, Applied Thermal Engineering, 1996. 16: 515-522. DOI:
  • [14]. Chua, H. T., Toh, H. K., Malek, A., Ng, K. C. and Srinivasan, K., Improved thermodynamic property field of LiBr-H2O solution, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2000, 23: 412-429. DOI:
  • [15]. Saka, K., Yılmaz, İH., and Kaynakli O., Investigation on Double Effect Dual-heat Mode Absorption Refrigeration System, In: Proceedings of the XII. International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, İstanbul, 2016, 123-129.
  • [16]. Yılmaz, İH., Saka, K., and Kaynakli O., Influence of the Equilibrium Temperature in the Double Stage of the Absorption Refrigeration System, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE), Afyonkarahisar, 2016, 46-51.
  • [17]. Yılmaz, İH., Saka, K., and Kaynakli O., A thermodynamic evaluation on high pressure condenser of double effect absorption refrigeration system. Energy, 2016. 113: 1031-1041. DOI:
  • [18]. Kaushik, S. C., and Arora, A., Energy and exergy analysis of single effect and series flow double effect water-lithium bromide absorption refrigeration systems, International Journal Of Refrigeration, 2009, 32, 1247-1258. DOI:
  • [19]. Gomri, R., and Hakimi, R., Second law analysis of double effect vapour absorption cooler system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 49: 3343-3348. DOI:
  • [20]. Grossman, G., Wilk, M., and DeVault, R. C., Simulation and performance analysis of triple-effect absorption cycles, ASHRAE Transactions, 1994. 100(2): 452-62.
  • [21]. Kaita, Y., Simulation results of triple-effect absorption cycles. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2002. 25: 999-1007. DOI:
  • [22]. Gomri, R., Thermodynamic evaluation of triple effect absorption chiller. Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, ThETA 2, 2008, Cairo, Egypt. DOI:
  • [23]. Maryami, R. and Dehghan, A.A., An exergy based comparative study between LiBr/water absorption refrigeration systems from half effect to triple effect. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017. 124: 103-123. DOI:
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kenan Saka This is me

İbrahim Halil Yılmaz

Taha Tuna Göksu

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Submission Date February 20, 2018
Acceptance Date April 2, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


IEEE K. Saka, İ. H. Yılmaz, and T. T. Göksu, “Üç-kademeli Bir Soğurmalı Soğutma Siteminde Kaynatıcılara Bağlı Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi”, GJES, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 67–76, 2018.

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