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LED Işık Kaynaklı, Enerji Tasarruflu ve Yüksek Verimli Ofis Aydınlatma Armatürü Tasarımı

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 138 - 150, 28.08.2019


Son yıllarda, tüm dünyada enerji verimliliğinin artan
önemi sonucunda, aydınlatmada verim konusunda da bilinç ve çalışmalar artmış,
LED aydınlatmaya geçiş başlamıştır. Dünyadaki gidişat diğer teknolojilerde
olduğu gibi aydınlatma armatürlerinde de daha verimli, daha uzun ömürlü, bakım
gerektirmeyen, zararlı maddeler içermeyen, gelişen ve değişen teknolojiye
uyumlu ve yönetilebilen LED aydınlatma sistemlerine doğru gitmektedir.
Ülkemizde yeni projeler haricinde LED ışık kaynaklı armatürlerin yaygın
olmaması, halen LED'li armatürlerin birim fiyatlarının yüksek olması, mevcut
aydınlatma pazarının, bugünkü durumda bile, büyük çoğunluğunun bilinen
geleneksel ışık kaynaklarıyla yapılmış olması, LED aydınlatma konusunda ciddi
fırsatlar olduğunu göstermektedir.

Bu çalışmada, hali hazırda genel aydınlatma armatürü
olarak kullanılan 4x18 ve 4x14 floresan ışık kaynaklı armatürler yerine
geçebilecek ve bu armatürlere göre %40-%60 enerji tasarrufu sağlayacak LED ışık
kaynaklı ofis aydınlatma armatürü tasarlanmıştır. Ofis aydınlatma armatürü,
dekoratif görünümden öte işlevsellik, yüksek performans ve düşük maliyet
esasları göz önünde bulundurularak tasarlanmıştır.


  • [1] M. Ali, M. Orabi, M.E. Ahmed, A.E. Aroudi, Design considerations of a singlestage LED lamp driver with power factor correction, Proc. Int. Conf. Electr. Power Energy Convers. Syst. (2011), s. 1-6.
  • [2] B. Lee, C. Kim, K. Park, G. Moon, A new single-stage PFC AC/DC converter with low link-capacitor voltage, J. Power Electron. 7 (2007), 328.
  • [3] S. Ahmad, N.M.L. Tan, A non-electrolytic-capacitor low-power AC-DC singlestage SEPIC-Flyback LED converter, J. Telecommun. Electron. Comput. Eng. 8 (2016), pp. 105–111.
  • [4] R. Petrella, A. Revelant, P. Stocco, A novel proposal to increase the power factor of photovoltaic grid-connected converters at light loads, Proc. Int. Univ. Power Eng. Conf. (2009), pp. 1-5.
  • [5] AN Padmasali, SG Kini (2015). Prognostic algorithms for L70 life prediction of solid state lighting, Lighting Res. Technol. 2016; Vol. 48: pp. 608-623.
  • [6] Ashok Sivaji, Sajidah Shopian, Zulkifle Mohd Nor, Ngip-Khean Chuan, Shamsul Bahri (2013). Lighting does matter: Preliminary assessment on office workers, 1.
  • [7] Byung-Lip Ahn, Cheol-Yong Jang, Seung-Bok Leigh, Seunghwan Yoo, Hakgeun Jeong (2013). Effect of LED lighting on the cooling and heating loads in office buildings. Applied Energy, pp. 1484-1489.
  • [8] IESNA 2000, IESNA Lighting Design Guide in The IESNA lighting handbook. Reference & application. 9th edition. New York: Mark S. Rea.
  • [9] Paola Iacomussi, Michela Radis, Giuseppe Rossi, Laura Rossi (2015). Visual Comfort with LED Lighting. Energy Procedia 78, 734.
  • [10] De-Shau Huang, Tzu-Ching Chen, Liang-Te Tsai, Ming-Tzer Lin (2018). Design of fins with a grooved heat pipe for dissipation of heat from high-powered automotive LED headlights. Energy Conversion and Management, pp. 550-558.
  • [11] Jin-Cherng Shyu, Keng-Wei Hsu, Kai-Shing Yang, Chi-Chuan Wang (2011). Thermal characterization of shrouded plate fin array on an LED backlight panel. Applied Thermal Engineering, pp. 2909-2915.
  • [12] Emre Erkin, M. Berker Yurtseven, Önder Güler, Sermin Onaygil (2014). LED panel armatürlerin ofis aydınlatmasında retrofit amaçlı kullanımının incelenmesi, s. 1-7.
  • [13] LM561B-5630 Middle Power LED Datasheet, (Erişim tarihi: 25.03.2019).
  • [14]J.T. Hwang, M.S. Jung, D.H. Kim, J.H. Lee, M.H. Jung, J.H. Shin. Off-the-line primary side regulation LED lamp driver with single-stage PFC and TRIAC dimming using LED forward voltage and duty variation tracking control. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 47 (2012), pp. 3081-3094.
  • [15] B. Axelrod, Y. Berkovich, S. Tapuchi, A. Ioinovici. Single-stage single-switch switched-capacitor buck/buck-boost-type converter. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 45 (2009), pp. 419-430.
  • [16] A new High-power LED drive power design based on “PFC+LLC+VC, CC” topology structure. Wenfang Li, Haixia Li, Jiayi Chen. International Conference on Cyberspace Technology (CCT 2013), pp. 20-23.
  • [17] W.R. Ryckaert, K.A.G. Smet, I.A.A. Roelandts, M. Van Gils, P. Hanselaer (2012). Linear LED tubes versus fluorescent lamps: An evaluation. Energy and Buildings 49, pp. 429–436.

Design of Energy Saving and High Efficiency Office Lighting Fixture with LED Light Source

Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 138 - 150, 28.08.2019


In recent years, as a result of the increasing
importance of energy efficiency all over the world, awareness and works have
also been increased in lighting, and transition to LED lighting has begun. As
in other technologies, the trend in the world goes towards LED lighting systems
that are more efficient, longer lasting, maintenance free, free of harmful
substances, compatible with the developing and changing technology. The fact
that LED luminaires are not widespread except for new projects in our country,
the unit prices of LED luminaires are still high, the current lighting market,
even in the current situation, the vast majority of them are made with the
traditional light sources shows that there are serious opportunities for LED

In this study, LED light welded office lighting fixture
will be designed to replace 4x18 and 4x14 fluorescent light source luminaires
which are currently used as general lighting fixtures and provide 40% -60%
energy saving compared to these luminaires. The office lighting fixture will be
designed considering the functionality, high performance and low cost
principles rather than the decorative appearance.


  • [1] M. Ali, M. Orabi, M.E. Ahmed, A.E. Aroudi, Design considerations of a singlestage LED lamp driver with power factor correction, Proc. Int. Conf. Electr. Power Energy Convers. Syst. (2011), s. 1-6.
  • [2] B. Lee, C. Kim, K. Park, G. Moon, A new single-stage PFC AC/DC converter with low link-capacitor voltage, J. Power Electron. 7 (2007), 328.
  • [3] S. Ahmad, N.M.L. Tan, A non-electrolytic-capacitor low-power AC-DC singlestage SEPIC-Flyback LED converter, J. Telecommun. Electron. Comput. Eng. 8 (2016), pp. 105–111.
  • [4] R. Petrella, A. Revelant, P. Stocco, A novel proposal to increase the power factor of photovoltaic grid-connected converters at light loads, Proc. Int. Univ. Power Eng. Conf. (2009), pp. 1-5.
  • [5] AN Padmasali, SG Kini (2015). Prognostic algorithms for L70 life prediction of solid state lighting, Lighting Res. Technol. 2016; Vol. 48: pp. 608-623.
  • [6] Ashok Sivaji, Sajidah Shopian, Zulkifle Mohd Nor, Ngip-Khean Chuan, Shamsul Bahri (2013). Lighting does matter: Preliminary assessment on office workers, 1.
  • [7] Byung-Lip Ahn, Cheol-Yong Jang, Seung-Bok Leigh, Seunghwan Yoo, Hakgeun Jeong (2013). Effect of LED lighting on the cooling and heating loads in office buildings. Applied Energy, pp. 1484-1489.
  • [8] IESNA 2000, IESNA Lighting Design Guide in The IESNA lighting handbook. Reference & application. 9th edition. New York: Mark S. Rea.
  • [9] Paola Iacomussi, Michela Radis, Giuseppe Rossi, Laura Rossi (2015). Visual Comfort with LED Lighting. Energy Procedia 78, 734.
  • [10] De-Shau Huang, Tzu-Ching Chen, Liang-Te Tsai, Ming-Tzer Lin (2018). Design of fins with a grooved heat pipe for dissipation of heat from high-powered automotive LED headlights. Energy Conversion and Management, pp. 550-558.
  • [11] Jin-Cherng Shyu, Keng-Wei Hsu, Kai-Shing Yang, Chi-Chuan Wang (2011). Thermal characterization of shrouded plate fin array on an LED backlight panel. Applied Thermal Engineering, pp. 2909-2915.
  • [12] Emre Erkin, M. Berker Yurtseven, Önder Güler, Sermin Onaygil (2014). LED panel armatürlerin ofis aydınlatmasında retrofit amaçlı kullanımının incelenmesi, s. 1-7.
  • [13] LM561B-5630 Middle Power LED Datasheet, (Erişim tarihi: 25.03.2019).
  • [14]J.T. Hwang, M.S. Jung, D.H. Kim, J.H. Lee, M.H. Jung, J.H. Shin. Off-the-line primary side regulation LED lamp driver with single-stage PFC and TRIAC dimming using LED forward voltage and duty variation tracking control. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 47 (2012), pp. 3081-3094.
  • [15] B. Axelrod, Y. Berkovich, S. Tapuchi, A. Ioinovici. Single-stage single-switch switched-capacitor buck/buck-boost-type converter. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 45 (2009), pp. 419-430.
  • [16] A new High-power LED drive power design based on “PFC+LLC+VC, CC” topology structure. Wenfang Li, Haixia Li, Jiayi Chen. International Conference on Cyberspace Technology (CCT 2013), pp. 20-23.
  • [17] W.R. Ryckaert, K.A.G. Smet, I.A.A. Roelandts, M. Van Gils, P. Hanselaer (2012). Linear LED tubes versus fluorescent lamps: An evaluation. Energy and Buildings 49, pp. 429–436.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Emre Yılmaz 0000-0002-0606-027X

İsmail Şahin

Nuri Yunus Kocadağ

Publication Date August 28, 2019
Submission Date March 27, 2019
Acceptance Date July 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


IEEE E. Yılmaz, İ. Şahin, and N. Y. Kocadağ, “LED Işık Kaynaklı, Enerji Tasarruflu ve Yüksek Verimli Ofis Aydınlatma Armatürü Tasarımı”, GJES, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 138–150, 2019.

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