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Buji Ateşlemeli Bir Motorda Yüksek Performans ve Düşük Emisyon Elde Etmek Amacıyla Kullanılacak Optimum Metanol Oranının Cevap Yüzey Metodu ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 346 - 358, 31.12.2021


Alternatif yakıt kullanımında en iyi performans ve emisyon sonuçlarının hangi oranda sağlandığının tespit edilmesi alternatif yakıtın verimli kullanılması için son derece önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, buji ateşlemeli bir motorda alternatif yakıt olarak kullanılan metanolün performans ve emisyonlar açısından optimum seviyesinin cevap yüzey metodu (RSM) ile belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, benzine hacimsel olarak üç farklı oranda metanol (%0, %10 ve %20) ilave edilerek oluşturulan yakıt karışımları ile tek silindirli, dört zamanlı, su soğutmalı, buji ateşlemeli bir motorda farklı motor yüklerinde (6, 8, 10, 12 ve 14 kg) deneyler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen deney sonuçları ile iki faktörlü merkezi kompozit tam tasarım (CCFD) kullanılarak varyans analizi (ANOVA) destekli bir RSM modeli oluşturulmuş ve en iyi fren efektif verimi (FEV), fren özgül yakıt tüketimi (FÖYT), karbon monoksit (CO), hidrokarbon (HC), karbondioksit (CO2) ve azot monoksit (NO) emisyonu seviyelerine karşılık gelen optimum metanol oranı ve motor yükü değerleri tespit edilmiştir. RSM’den elde edilen optimizasyon sonuçlarına göre optimum metanol oranı %7 çıkarken, optimum motor yükü 12 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Optimum metanol oranı ve motor yüküne karşılık gelen cevaplar ise FEV, FÖYT, CO, HC, CO2 ve NO için sırasıyla %32,037, 0,251 kg/kWh, %0,384, 110,05 ppm, %14,35 ve 1090,358 ppm olarak elde edilmiştir. RSM sonuçlarının doğruluğunun belirlenmesi için RSM’den elde edilen optimum metanol ve motor yükü ile deneyler gerçekleştirilmiş ve RSM sonuçları ile kıyaslanmıştır. Optimizasyon sonuçlarının deney sonuçları ile %6’dan daha düşük bir hata oranı ile uyumlu olduğu ve optimum metanol oranının tespiti için RSM’nin etkili olarak kullanılabilecek bir araç olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Kırıkkale Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışma Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştirma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. BAP birimine desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1] S. Baidya, S., J. Borken-Kleefeld, "Atmospheric emissions from road transportation in India", Energy Policy, vol. 37, no. 10, pp.3812–3822, 2009.
  • [2] T. M. I. Mahlia, Z. A. H. S. Syazmi, M. Mofijur, A. P. Abas, M. R. Bilad, H. C. Ong, A. S. Silitonga, "Patent landscape review on biodiesel production: Technology updates", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 118, 109526, 2020.
  • [3] D. Sperling, "Two billion cars: Driving toward sustainability", New York : Oxford University Press, pp. 93–94, 2009.
  • [4] B. Dogan, A. Cakmak, M. K. Yesilyurt, D. Erol, "Investigation on 1-heptanol as an oxygenated additive with diesel fuel for compression-ignition engine applications: An approach in terms of energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and sustainability analyses", Fuel, vol. 275, 117973, 2020.
  • [5] A. Elfasakhany, "Comparisons of using ternary and dual gasoline–alcohol blends in performance and releases of SI engines", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp.1-14, 2021.
  • [6] B., Dogan, D. Erol, H. Yaman, E. Kodanli, "The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 120, pp.433–443, 2017.
  • [7] M. B. Çelik, B. Özdalyan, F. Alkan, "The use of pure methanol as fuel at high compression ratio in a single cylinder gasoline engine", Fuel, vol. 90, no. 4, pp.1591–1598, 2011.
  • [8] H. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Long, S. Xiang, J. Wang, S. W. Wagnon, "Methanol-gasoline dual-fuel spark ignition (DFSI) combustion with dual-injection for engine particle number (PN) reduction and fuel economy improvement", Energy, vol. 89, pp.1010–1017, 2015.
  • [9] I. Gravalos, D. Moshou, T. Gialamas, P. Xyradakis, D. Kateris, Z. Tsiropoulos, "Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on lower e higher molecular mass alcohol blended gasoline fuels", Renewable Energy, vol. 50, pp.27–32, 2013.
  • [10] J. Vancoillie, J. Demuynck, L. Sileghem, M. V. D. Ginste, S. Verhelst, L. Brabant, L. V. Hoorebeke, "The potential of methanol as a fuel for flex-fuel and dedicated spark-ignition engines", Applied Energy, vol. 102, pp.140–149, 2013.
  • [11] C. Gong, Z. Li, K. Huang, F. Liu, "Research on the performance of a hydrogen/methanol dual-injection assisted spark-ignition engine using late-injection strategy for methanol", Fuel, vol. 260, 116403, 2020.
  • [12] M. K. Balki, C. Sayin, "The effect of compression ratio on the performance, emissions and combustion of an SI (spark ignition) engine fueled with pure ethanol, methanol and unleaded gasoline", Energy, vol. 71, pp.194–201, 2014.
  • [13] S. A. Shirazi, B. Abdollahipoor, J. Martinson, B. Windom, T. D. Foust, K. F. Reardon, "Effects of dual-alcohol gasoline blends on physiochemical properties and volatility behavior", Fuel, vol. 252, pp.542–552, 2019.
  • [14] B. Waluyo, M. Setiyo, I. N. G Wardana, "Fuel performance for stable homogeneous gasoline-methanol-ethanol blends", Fuel, vol. 294, 120565, 2021.
  • [15] F. Xie, X. Li, X. Wang, Y. Su, W. Hong, "Research on using EGR and ignition timing to control load of a spark-ignition engine fueled with methanol", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.1084–1091, 2013.
  • [16] B. S. N. Prasad, J. K. Pandey, G. N. Kumar, "Impact of changing compression ratio on engine characteristics of an SI engine fueled with equi-volume blend of methanol and gasoline", Energy, vol. 191, 116605, 2020.
  • [17] Y. Çay, I. Korkmaz, A. Çiçek, F. Kara, "Prediction of engine performance and exhaust emissions for gasoline and methanol using artificial neural network", Energy, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.177–186, 2013.
  • [18] A. N. Kumar, P. S. Kishore, K. B. Raju, B. Ashok, R. Vignesh, A. K. Jeevanantham, K. Nanthagopal, A. Tamilvanan, "Decanol proportional effect prediction model as additive in palm biodiesel using ANN and RSM technique for diesel engine", Energy, vol. 213, 119072, 2020.
  • [19] O. I. Awad, R. Mamat, O. M. Ali, W. H. Azmi, K. Kadirgama, I. M. Yusri, A. M. Leman, T. Yusaf, "Response surface methodology (RSM) based multi-objective optimization of fusel oil -gasoline blends at different water content in SI engine", Energy Conversion And Management, vol. 150, pp.222–241, 2017.
  • [20] T. Kumar, R. Mohsin, Z. A. Majid, M. F. A. Ghafir, A. M. Wash, "Experimental study of the anti-knock efficiency of high-octane fuels in spark ignited aircraft engine using response surface methodology", Applied Energy, vol. 259, 114150, 2020.
  • [21] G. Najafi, B. Ghobadian, T. Yusaf, S. Mohammad, S. Ardebili, R. Mamat, "Optimization of performance and exhaust emission parameters of a SI (spark ignition) engine with gasoline–ethanol blended fuels using response surface methodology", Energy, vol. 90, no. 2, pp.1815–1829, 2015.
  • [22] A. S. Onawumi, O. S. I. Fayomi, S. T. A. Okolie, T. A. Adio, N. E. Udoye, A. U. Samuel, "Determination of a spark ıgnition engine’s performance parameters using response surface methodology", Energy Procedia, vol. 157, pp.1412–1422, 2019.
  • [23] S. Sarıkoç, "Effect of H2 addition to methanol-gasoline blend on an SI engine at various lambda values and engine loads: A case of performance, combustion, and emission characteristics", Fuel, vol. 297, 120732, 2021.
  • [24] Y. Li, J. Gong, Y. Deng, W. Yuan, J. Fu, B. Zhang, "Experimental comparative study on combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of methanol, ethanol and butanol in a spark ignition engine", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 115, pp.53–63, 2017.
  • [25] S. Özer, "Alkollerin içten yanmalı motorlarda alternatif yakıt olarak kullanılması", Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.100–101, 2014.
  • [26] V. K. Sharma, V. Kumar, R. S. Joshi, "Parametric study of aluminium-rare earth based composites with improved hydrophobicity using response surface method", Journal Of Materials Research And Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, pp.4919–4932, 2020.
  • [27] M. Alrugaibah, Y. Yagiz, L. Gu, "Use natural deep eutectic solvents as efficient green reagents to extract procyanidins and anthocyanins from cranberry pomace and predictive modeling by RSM and artificial neural networking", Separation And Purification Technology, vol. 255, 117720, 2021.
  • [28] A. Sharma, Y. Singh, N. K. Singh, A. Singla, H. C. Ong, W. H. Chen, "Effective utilization of tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) for biodiesel production and its application on diesel engine using response surface methodology approach", Fuel, vol. 273, 117793, 2020.
  • [29] S. Uslu, M. B. Celik, "Performance and exhaust emission prediction of a SI engine fueled with ı-amyl alcohol-gasoline blends: An ANN coupled RSM based optimization", Fuel, vol. 265, 116922, 2020.
  • [30] S. Simsek, S. Uslu, "Determination of a diesel engine operating parameters powered with canola, safflower and waste vegetable oil based biodiesel combination using response surface methodology (RSM)", Fuel, vol. 270, 117496, 2020.
  • [31] S. Simsek, S. Uslu, "Investigation of the effects of biodiesel/2-ethylhexyl nitrate (EHN) fuel blends on diesel engine performance and emissions by response surface methodology (RSM)", Fuel, vol. 275, 118005, 2020.
  • [32] M. Dana, M. A. Sobati, S. Shahhosseini, A. Ansari, "Optimization of a continuous ultrasound assisted oxidative desulfurization (UAOD) process of diesel using response surface methodology (RSM) considering operating cost", Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 28, no. 5, pp.1384–1396, 2020.
  • [33] A. K. Agarwal, H. Karare, A. Dhar, "Combustion, performance, emissions and particulate characterization of a methanol–gasoline blend (gasohol) fuelled medium duty spark ignition transportation engine", Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 121, pp.16–24, 2014.
Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 346 - 358, 31.12.2021


Project Number



  • [1] S. Baidya, S., J. Borken-Kleefeld, "Atmospheric emissions from road transportation in India", Energy Policy, vol. 37, no. 10, pp.3812–3822, 2009.
  • [2] T. M. I. Mahlia, Z. A. H. S. Syazmi, M. Mofijur, A. P. Abas, M. R. Bilad, H. C. Ong, A. S. Silitonga, "Patent landscape review on biodiesel production: Technology updates", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 118, 109526, 2020.
  • [3] D. Sperling, "Two billion cars: Driving toward sustainability", New York : Oxford University Press, pp. 93–94, 2009.
  • [4] B. Dogan, A. Cakmak, M. K. Yesilyurt, D. Erol, "Investigation on 1-heptanol as an oxygenated additive with diesel fuel for compression-ignition engine applications: An approach in terms of energy, exergy, exergoeconomic, enviroeconomic, and sustainability analyses", Fuel, vol. 275, 117973, 2020.
  • [5] A. Elfasakhany, "Comparisons of using ternary and dual gasoline–alcohol blends in performance and releases of SI engines", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp.1-14, 2021.
  • [6] B., Dogan, D. Erol, H. Yaman, E. Kodanli, "The effect of ethanol-gasoline blends on performance and exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine through exergy analysis", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 120, pp.433–443, 2017.
  • [7] M. B. Çelik, B. Özdalyan, F. Alkan, "The use of pure methanol as fuel at high compression ratio in a single cylinder gasoline engine", Fuel, vol. 90, no. 4, pp.1591–1598, 2011.
  • [8] H. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Long, S. Xiang, J. Wang, S. W. Wagnon, "Methanol-gasoline dual-fuel spark ignition (DFSI) combustion with dual-injection for engine particle number (PN) reduction and fuel economy improvement", Energy, vol. 89, pp.1010–1017, 2015.
  • [9] I. Gravalos, D. Moshou, T. Gialamas, P. Xyradakis, D. Kateris, Z. Tsiropoulos, "Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on lower e higher molecular mass alcohol blended gasoline fuels", Renewable Energy, vol. 50, pp.27–32, 2013.
  • [10] J. Vancoillie, J. Demuynck, L. Sileghem, M. V. D. Ginste, S. Verhelst, L. Brabant, L. V. Hoorebeke, "The potential of methanol as a fuel for flex-fuel and dedicated spark-ignition engines", Applied Energy, vol. 102, pp.140–149, 2013.
  • [11] C. Gong, Z. Li, K. Huang, F. Liu, "Research on the performance of a hydrogen/methanol dual-injection assisted spark-ignition engine using late-injection strategy for methanol", Fuel, vol. 260, 116403, 2020.
  • [12] M. K. Balki, C. Sayin, "The effect of compression ratio on the performance, emissions and combustion of an SI (spark ignition) engine fueled with pure ethanol, methanol and unleaded gasoline", Energy, vol. 71, pp.194–201, 2014.
  • [13] S. A. Shirazi, B. Abdollahipoor, J. Martinson, B. Windom, T. D. Foust, K. F. Reardon, "Effects of dual-alcohol gasoline blends on physiochemical properties and volatility behavior", Fuel, vol. 252, pp.542–552, 2019.
  • [14] B. Waluyo, M. Setiyo, I. N. G Wardana, "Fuel performance for stable homogeneous gasoline-methanol-ethanol blends", Fuel, vol. 294, 120565, 2021.
  • [15] F. Xie, X. Li, X. Wang, Y. Su, W. Hong, "Research on using EGR and ignition timing to control load of a spark-ignition engine fueled with methanol", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.1084–1091, 2013.
  • [16] B. S. N. Prasad, J. K. Pandey, G. N. Kumar, "Impact of changing compression ratio on engine characteristics of an SI engine fueled with equi-volume blend of methanol and gasoline", Energy, vol. 191, 116605, 2020.
  • [17] Y. Çay, I. Korkmaz, A. Çiçek, F. Kara, "Prediction of engine performance and exhaust emissions for gasoline and methanol using artificial neural network", Energy, vol. 50, no. 1, pp.177–186, 2013.
  • [18] A. N. Kumar, P. S. Kishore, K. B. Raju, B. Ashok, R. Vignesh, A. K. Jeevanantham, K. Nanthagopal, A. Tamilvanan, "Decanol proportional effect prediction model as additive in palm biodiesel using ANN and RSM technique for diesel engine", Energy, vol. 213, 119072, 2020.
  • [19] O. I. Awad, R. Mamat, O. M. Ali, W. H. Azmi, K. Kadirgama, I. M. Yusri, A. M. Leman, T. Yusaf, "Response surface methodology (RSM) based multi-objective optimization of fusel oil -gasoline blends at different water content in SI engine", Energy Conversion And Management, vol. 150, pp.222–241, 2017.
  • [20] T. Kumar, R. Mohsin, Z. A. Majid, M. F. A. Ghafir, A. M. Wash, "Experimental study of the anti-knock efficiency of high-octane fuels in spark ignited aircraft engine using response surface methodology", Applied Energy, vol. 259, 114150, 2020.
  • [21] G. Najafi, B. Ghobadian, T. Yusaf, S. Mohammad, S. Ardebili, R. Mamat, "Optimization of performance and exhaust emission parameters of a SI (spark ignition) engine with gasoline–ethanol blended fuels using response surface methodology", Energy, vol. 90, no. 2, pp.1815–1829, 2015.
  • [22] A. S. Onawumi, O. S. I. Fayomi, S. T. A. Okolie, T. A. Adio, N. E. Udoye, A. U. Samuel, "Determination of a spark ıgnition engine’s performance parameters using response surface methodology", Energy Procedia, vol. 157, pp.1412–1422, 2019.
  • [23] S. Sarıkoç, "Effect of H2 addition to methanol-gasoline blend on an SI engine at various lambda values and engine loads: A case of performance, combustion, and emission characteristics", Fuel, vol. 297, 120732, 2021.
  • [24] Y. Li, J. Gong, Y. Deng, W. Yuan, J. Fu, B. Zhang, "Experimental comparative study on combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of methanol, ethanol and butanol in a spark ignition engine", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 115, pp.53–63, 2017.
  • [25] S. Özer, "Alkollerin içten yanmalı motorlarda alternatif yakıt olarak kullanılması", Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.100–101, 2014.
  • [26] V. K. Sharma, V. Kumar, R. S. Joshi, "Parametric study of aluminium-rare earth based composites with improved hydrophobicity using response surface method", Journal Of Materials Research And Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, pp.4919–4932, 2020.
  • [27] M. Alrugaibah, Y. Yagiz, L. Gu, "Use natural deep eutectic solvents as efficient green reagents to extract procyanidins and anthocyanins from cranberry pomace and predictive modeling by RSM and artificial neural networking", Separation And Purification Technology, vol. 255, 117720, 2021.
  • [28] A. Sharma, Y. Singh, N. K. Singh, A. Singla, H. C. Ong, W. H. Chen, "Effective utilization of tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) for biodiesel production and its application on diesel engine using response surface methodology approach", Fuel, vol. 273, 117793, 2020.
  • [29] S. Uslu, M. B. Celik, "Performance and exhaust emission prediction of a SI engine fueled with ı-amyl alcohol-gasoline blends: An ANN coupled RSM based optimization", Fuel, vol. 265, 116922, 2020.
  • [30] S. Simsek, S. Uslu, "Determination of a diesel engine operating parameters powered with canola, safflower and waste vegetable oil based biodiesel combination using response surface methodology (RSM)", Fuel, vol. 270, 117496, 2020.
  • [31] S. Simsek, S. Uslu, "Investigation of the effects of biodiesel/2-ethylhexyl nitrate (EHN) fuel blends on diesel engine performance and emissions by response surface methodology (RSM)", Fuel, vol. 275, 118005, 2020.
  • [32] M. Dana, M. A. Sobati, S. Shahhosseini, A. Ansari, "Optimization of a continuous ultrasound assisted oxidative desulfurization (UAOD) process of diesel using response surface methodology (RSM) considering operating cost", Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 28, no. 5, pp.1384–1396, 2020.
  • [33] A. K. Agarwal, H. Karare, A. Dhar, "Combustion, performance, emissions and particulate characterization of a methanol–gasoline blend (gasohol) fuelled medium duty spark ignition transportation engine", Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 121, pp.16–24, 2014.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Hayri Yaman 0000-0002-9663-7027

Murat Kadir Yeşilyurt 0000-0003-0870-7564

Samet Uslu 0000-0001-9118-5108

Project Number 2018/067
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date May 12, 2021
Acceptance Date December 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


IEEE H. Yaman, M. K. Yeşilyurt, and S. Uslu, “Buji Ateşlemeli Bir Motorda Yüksek Performans ve Düşük Emisyon Elde Etmek Amacıyla Kullanılacak Optimum Metanol Oranının Cevap Yüzey Metodu ile Belirlenmesi”, GJES, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 346–358, 2021.

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