1. Language of writing
The journal accepts articles in Turkish and English. The articles must include the abstract and titles in both languages.
- For spelling and punctuation, the most recent edition guide of the Turkish Language Association is taken as a basis. The submitted manuscripts should be clear and understandable, under scientific measures in terms of language and expression.
- The articles can be proofread and edited by the editors or consultants in case of necessity.
2. Page Formatting:
- Articles are only accepted electronically. Manuscripts must be prepared in a way that they can be accessed in Microsoft Word program.
- Automatic formatting features( section and page breaks, footer and header, page number, automatic numbering and bullet points, automatic heading formatting, automatic numbering in references, etc.) should not be used in manuscripts.
- The submitted manuscripts should be written in A4 paper size, 12 point font with Turkish character support(Arial, Times New Roman, etc.).
- System International (SI) units should be used in manuscripts.
3. Tables and Figures:
Tables and figures should be numbered in the order they appear in the text, and should be sent as a separate file. The information given in the table should not be repeated in the text, permission should be obtained for tables taken from other sources. Figures must be professionally drawn, photographed, or presented as photographic quality digital prints. Photos and images must be at 300 dpi resolution.
Symbols, arrows, or letters should contrast with the background. In microscopic pictures, the magnification ratio and the staining technique used should be specified.
If a human photograph is to be used, either they should not be recognized from the photograph or written permission must be taken. The texts related to the figures and pictures should be written with the numbers (1,2,3,...) at the bottom.
4. Title Page and Cover Letter
- All the submitted articles must be uploaded to the system with a title page and cover letter.
- The title page should contain a Turkish title, an English title, the names of the authors in the order that will appear after printing, the names of the institutions and the city where the authors work, the mail addresses of the authors, and the name, address, mail address, phone and ORCID numbers of the corresponding author.
- The names and institutions of the authors should strictly not be mentioned in the text of the article.
- The cover letter should be addressed to the editor, the subject and importance of the submitted article should be stated, and it should be clearly stated that the issues specified in the article are compiled with the Ethical Principles and Publication policies. Conflicts of interest and endorsements should be mentioned here. If the article has been presented in any meeting before (poster,oral presentation, etc.), ıt should be stated and the meeting details should be given.
5. Formatting the Article Text According to the Font Type
- Original research articles should consist of abstract (Turkish and English), keywords, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion, references, table titles and figure explanations. Summary; aim, method, findings and conclusion sections, abstract; It should be structured to include objectives, methods, results and conclusion sections. Summary and abstract should each be the same in terms of minimum 100 and maximum 250 words and content. Between 3-6 keywords must be submitted in Turkish and English. The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should be at least 1000 words and not exceed 4000 words.
- Case reports should consist of summary (Turkish and English), keywords, introduction, case(s), discussion, references, table titles and figure descriptions. Summary and abstract should be unstructured. Summary and abstract should be 100-250 words. Between 3 to 6 keywords should be submitted in Turkish and English. The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 3000 words.
- Reviews should consist of abstract (Turkish and English), keywords, introduction, appropriate titles for the text, discussion, references, table titles and figure explanations. Summary and abstract should be unstructured. Summary and abstract should be at least 100 and at most 250 words. Between 3 to 6 keywords should be submitted in Turkish and English. The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 5000 words. Main Text; It should be divided into sections as Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and References.
- The key words should be selected from the Scientific Terminology of Türkiye (http://www.bilimterimleri.com). Turkish Scienctific Terms; It is a keywords index containing Turkish equivalents of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms.
-In the above article types, an acknowledgement section can be added at the end of the text and before the references.
- Letters to the editor are accepted in the following formats: i) Manuscripts recommended by the editor, ii) Analysis of an article published in the Gallipoli Medical Journal of Students or another journal, and iii) Manuscripts in which an expert researcher explains his views on a current issue within the scope of the journal. Manuscripts submitted for analysis of an article (ii) may be published without being included in the peer-review process according to the decision of editor. Letters containing the views of an expert researcher in the field (iii) can be single-authored and the author is requested to have articles published in journals listed in international indexes on the subject they are dealing with. The author must show that he meets this requirement by citing the source of his articles in the cover letter. Letters should consist of text and references sections. The entire text (excluding references) should not exceed 1000 words. In the letters sent for the purpose of analyzing another article, the name of the relevant article must be stated.
6. Resources
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the sources.
- Sources used should be written in Vancouver style (https://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Guide72.pdf). At the end of the sentences should be indicated with numbers in square brackets.
- References section should be placed at the end of the article and the citations should be listed in the order they appear in the article.
- References should include the surnames and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, the volume number, the beginning and the end pages. For articles with more than six authors, 'et al.' or 'et al.' expression should be used. Abbreviations must conform to Index Medicus.
7. Checklist for articles submitted for publication:
Articles should be complete and include:
Cover page
Writing sections: Summary, purpose, method, findings and conclusion sections; abstract, objectives, methods, results and conclusion sections
Turkish and English title
Summary (Turkish and English)
Keywords (minimum 3 and maximum 6) (Turkish and English)
Article with appropriate sections
List of references prepared in accordance with journal writing rules
All tables, figures, pictures and graphics
"Copyright Transfer Form" signed by all authors
Ethics committee approval document
Author Contribution Form
For the articles that do not meet the conditions as mentioned above, the evaluation process will not initiate.