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Efficiency of antibiotic treatment of premature ejaculation in patients with type III prostatic inflammation

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 16 - 20, 01.03.2011


The most common male sexual disorder is premature ejaculation as it affects 30-40% of sexually active men. Various studies showed that the correlation of prostatic inflammation and chronic bacterial prostatitis with premature ejaculation is present in more than half of the sufferers. These studies also show that more than 85% of prostatic inflammation cases was shown to be caused by chronic prostatitis in the premature ejaculation patient group. Even though this relation is evident, the effect of antibiotic treatment of premature ejaculation in patients with chronic prostatitis has only recently being investigated extensively. In this study, 36 men suffering from secondary premature ejaculation who were included the study. These patients had no erectile dysfunction problems and were included in the study after they timed intravaginal ejaculatory latency in their last 3 intercourses to see that time was less than 2 minutes in each trial. To evaluate the prostatic inflammation, diagnosis was made by identifying 10 or more white blood cells per high power field in expressed prostatic secretions. 22 of 36 premature ejaculation patients in our study had more than 10 white blood cells in thier expressed prostatic secretions and were diagnosed to have prostatic inflammation. The other 14 patients were included in the study as the control group. Following one month antibiotic treatment 78% patients in the study group returned with the information that all 3 of their last intercourses ended with more than 2 minutes of intravaginal ejaculatory latency time while none of the control group reported similarly. No side effects were reported by any of the patients due to antibiotic usage. Our study shows that patients with PE that may benefit from month-long quinolone antibiotic therapy can be screened for by checking their expressed prostatic secretions under a microscope in the office. A more accurate definition of premature ejaculation, a scale for measuring the severity of PE, and a larger patient population would help generalize the findings of this study.


  • ) El-Nashaar A, Shamloul R. Antibiotic treatment can delay ejaculation in patients with premature ejaculation and chronic bacterial prostatitis. : J Sex Med. 2007 Mar;4(2):491-6
  • ) Gurkan L, Oommen M, Hellstrom WJ. Premature ejaculation: current and future treatments. Asian J Androl. 2008 Jan;10(1):102-9.
  • ) Colpi G, Weidner W, Jungwirth A, Pomerol J, Papp G, Hargreave T, Dohle G; EAU Working Party on Male Infertility. ejaculatory dysfunction. Eur Urol. 2004 Nov;46(5):555-8.
  • ) Rowland D, Burek M. Trends in research on premature ejaculation over the past 25 years. J Sex Med. 2007 Sep;4(5):1454-61. Epub 2007 Jul 21.
  • ) Smith KB, Tripp D, Pukall C, Nickel JC. relationship functioning in couples with Pelvic Pain Syndrome. J Sex Med. 2007 May;4(3):734-44.
  • ) Nickel JC, True LD, Krieger JN, Berger RE, Boag AH, Young ID. Consensus histopathological classification system for chronic prostatic inflammation. BJU Int. 2001 Jun;87(9):797-805 a 7) Pontari MA, Ruggieri MR. Mechanisms in prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. J Urol. 2004 Sep;172(3):839-45.
  • ) Schultheiss D. Urogenital infections and male sexuality: effects on ejaculation and erection. Andrologia. 2008 Apr;40(2):125-9.
  • ) Ilie CP, Mischianu DL, Pemberton RJ. Painful ejaculation. BJU Int. 2007 Jun;99(6):1335-9.
  • ) Liang CZ, Zhang XJ, Hao ZY, Shi HQ, Wang KX. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in Chinese men with chronic prostatitis. BJU Int. 2004 Mar;93(4):568-70.
  • ) Sadeghi-Nejad H, Seftel A. Sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. Curr Urol Rep. 2006 Nov;7(6):479-84.
  • ) Müller A, Mulhall JP. Sexual dysfunction in the patient with prostatitis. Curr Urol Rep. 2006 Jul;7(4):307-12.
  • ) Meares EM, Stamey TA. Bacteriologic localization patterns in bacterial prostatitis and urethritis. Invest Urol. 1968 Mar;5(5):492-518.
  • ) McMahon CG, Althof S, Waldinger MD, Porst H, Dean J, Sharlip I. An evidence-based definition of lifelong premature ejaculation: report of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. BJU Int. 2008 Aug;102(3):338-50.
  • ) Collins MM, Stafford RS, O'Leary MP, Barry MJ. How common is prostatitis? A national survey of physician visits. J Urol. 1998 Apr;159(4):1224-8.
  • ) Stamey TA. Prostatitis. J R Soc Med. 1981 Jan;74(1):22-40.
  • ) Screponi E, Carosa E, Di Stasi SM, Pepe M, Carruba G, Jannini EA. Prevalence of chronic prostatitis in men with premature ejaculation. Urology. 2001 Aug;58(2):198-202.
  • ) Shamloul R, el-Nashaar A. Chronic prostatitis in premature ejaculation: a cohort study in 153 men. J Sex Med. 2006 Jan;3(1):150-4.
  • ) Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ. The pharmacological premature ejaculation. BJU Int. 2008 Sep;102(6):668-75. of
  • ) Morales A, Barada J, Wyllie MG. A review of the current status of topical treatments for premature ejaculation. BJU Int. 2007 Sep;100(3):493-501.
  • ) El-Nashaar A, Shamloul R. Antibiotic treatment can delay ejaculation in patients with premature ejaculation and chronic bacterial prostatitis. J Sex Med. 2007 Mar;4(2):491-6.
  • ) Schaeffer AJ, Knauss JS, Landis JR, Propert KJ, Alexander RB, Litwin MS. Leukocyte and bacterial counts do not correlate with severity of symptoms in men with chronic prostatitis: the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Cohort Study. J Urol. 2002 Sep;168(3):1048-53.

Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 16 - 20, 01.03.2011


Cinsel aktif erkeklerin %30-40’ını etkilediği için erken ejakülasyon erkeklerde en
sık görülen cinsel işlev bozukluğudur. Çeşitli çalışmalar prostat inflamasyonu ve kronik
bakteriyel prosttait ile erken ejakülasyon arasında ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir ki bu durum
etkilene olguların %50’sinden fazla bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmalar ayrıca prostatta
inflamasyonu olan olguların %85’inden fazlasının erken ejakülasyon grubunda kronik
prostatite bağlı bu bozukluğa yol açtığını göstermişlerdir. Bu ilişki belirgin olmasına rağmen
kronik prosttaitli olgularda antibiyotik tedavisinin erken ejakülasyona olan etkileri yakın
zamanlarda araştırılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada sekonder erken ejakülasyon tanısı alan
36 erkek olgu değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların hiçbirinin erektil işlev bozukluğu yoktu. Bütün
olgularda intravajinal ejakülatuvar latens zamanı 2 dakikanın altındaydı. Prostatik
inflamasyon için her büyük büyütmede 10’un üzerinde lökosit olması anlamlı olarak kabul
edildi. Toplam 36 olgunun 22’sinde prosttaik sekresyonda 10 ve üzerinde lökosit saptandı.
Geri kalan 14 olgu kontrol grubu olarak kabul edildi. Bir aylık antibiyotik tedavisinin
sonunda çalışma grubundaki olguların %78’inde son üç ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi ile
intravajinal ejakülatuvar latens zamanının 2 dk ve üzerinde olduğu saptanırken diğer grupta
benzer düzelme olmadığı görüldü. Hastaların hiçbirinde antibiyotik kullanımına bağlı yan
etki bildirilmedi. Çalışmamız erken ejakülasyonu olup aylık uzun dönem antibiyotik
tedavisinden fayda gören olguların prostatik inflamasyon için mikroskop altında
değerlendirilmeleri gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • ) El-Nashaar A, Shamloul R. Antibiotic treatment can delay ejaculation in patients with premature ejaculation and chronic bacterial prostatitis. : J Sex Med. 2007 Mar;4(2):491-6
  • ) Gurkan L, Oommen M, Hellstrom WJ. Premature ejaculation: current and future treatments. Asian J Androl. 2008 Jan;10(1):102-9.
  • ) Colpi G, Weidner W, Jungwirth A, Pomerol J, Papp G, Hargreave T, Dohle G; EAU Working Party on Male Infertility. ejaculatory dysfunction. Eur Urol. 2004 Nov;46(5):555-8.
  • ) Rowland D, Burek M. Trends in research on premature ejaculation over the past 25 years. J Sex Med. 2007 Sep;4(5):1454-61. Epub 2007 Jul 21.
  • ) Smith KB, Tripp D, Pukall C, Nickel JC. relationship functioning in couples with Pelvic Pain Syndrome. J Sex Med. 2007 May;4(3):734-44.
  • ) Nickel JC, True LD, Krieger JN, Berger RE, Boag AH, Young ID. Consensus histopathological classification system for chronic prostatic inflammation. BJU Int. 2001 Jun;87(9):797-805 a 7) Pontari MA, Ruggieri MR. Mechanisms in prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. J Urol. 2004 Sep;172(3):839-45.
  • ) Schultheiss D. Urogenital infections and male sexuality: effects on ejaculation and erection. Andrologia. 2008 Apr;40(2):125-9.
  • ) Ilie CP, Mischianu DL, Pemberton RJ. Painful ejaculation. BJU Int. 2007 Jun;99(6):1335-9.
  • ) Liang CZ, Zhang XJ, Hao ZY, Shi HQ, Wang KX. Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in Chinese men with chronic prostatitis. BJU Int. 2004 Mar;93(4):568-70.
  • ) Sadeghi-Nejad H, Seftel A. Sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. Curr Urol Rep. 2006 Nov;7(6):479-84.
  • ) Müller A, Mulhall JP. Sexual dysfunction in the patient with prostatitis. Curr Urol Rep. 2006 Jul;7(4):307-12.
  • ) Meares EM, Stamey TA. Bacteriologic localization patterns in bacterial prostatitis and urethritis. Invest Urol. 1968 Mar;5(5):492-518.
  • ) McMahon CG, Althof S, Waldinger MD, Porst H, Dean J, Sharlip I. An evidence-based definition of lifelong premature ejaculation: report of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation. BJU Int. 2008 Aug;102(3):338-50.
  • ) Collins MM, Stafford RS, O'Leary MP, Barry MJ. How common is prostatitis? A national survey of physician visits. J Urol. 1998 Apr;159(4):1224-8.
  • ) Stamey TA. Prostatitis. J R Soc Med. 1981 Jan;74(1):22-40.
  • ) Screponi E, Carosa E, Di Stasi SM, Pepe M, Carruba G, Jannini EA. Prevalence of chronic prostatitis in men with premature ejaculation. Urology. 2001 Aug;58(2):198-202.
  • ) Shamloul R, el-Nashaar A. Chronic prostatitis in premature ejaculation: a cohort study in 153 men. J Sex Med. 2006 Jan;3(1):150-4.
  • ) Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJ. The pharmacological premature ejaculation. BJU Int. 2008 Sep;102(6):668-75. of
  • ) Morales A, Barada J, Wyllie MG. A review of the current status of topical treatments for premature ejaculation. BJU Int. 2007 Sep;100(3):493-501.
  • ) El-Nashaar A, Shamloul R. Antibiotic treatment can delay ejaculation in patients with premature ejaculation and chronic bacterial prostatitis. J Sex Med. 2007 Mar;4(2):491-6.
  • ) Schaeffer AJ, Knauss JS, Landis JR, Propert KJ, Alexander RB, Litwin MS. Leukocyte and bacterial counts do not correlate with severity of symptoms in men with chronic prostatitis: the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Cohort Study. J Urol. 2002 Sep;168(3):1048-53.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research

Teoman Cem Kadioglu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Kadioglu, T. C. (2011). Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, 1(1), 16-20.
AMA Kadioglu TC. Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği. J Contemp Med. March 2011;1(1):16-20.
Chicago Kadioglu, Teoman Cem. “Antibiyotik Tedavisinin Tip 3 Kronik Prostatitli Hastalarda Erken ejakülasyon üzerine Olan etkinliği”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 1, no. 1 (March 2011): 16-20.
EndNote Kadioglu TC (March 1, 2011) Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 1 1 16–20.
IEEE T. C. Kadioglu, “Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği”, J Contemp Med, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 16–20, 2011.
ISNAD Kadioglu, Teoman Cem. “Antibiyotik Tedavisinin Tip 3 Kronik Prostatitli Hastalarda Erken ejakülasyon üzerine Olan etkinliği”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 1/1 (March 2011), 16-20.
JAMA Kadioglu TC. Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği. J Contemp Med. 2011;1:16–20.
MLA Kadioglu, Teoman Cem. “Antibiyotik Tedavisinin Tip 3 Kronik Prostatitli Hastalarda Erken ejakülasyon üzerine Olan etkinliği”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 16-20.
Vancouver Kadioglu TC. Antibiyotik tedavisinin tip 3 kronik prostatitli hastalarda erken ejakülasyon üzerine olan etkinliği. J Contemp Med. 2011;1(1):16-20.