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Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It

Year 2015, Volume: 5 Issue: 1-Ek, 100 - 56, 24.08.2015


Negative pressure pulmonary edema is thought to results from patient's high negative pressure during respiratory effort in the course of laryngospasm which occurs during extubation.High negative pressure during respiratory effort which stems from the acute upper airway obstuction in any period of anestesia increases negative intrathoracic pressure and triggers pathophysiologic factors. Transient cardiac pathology is triggered by stress is also named as cardiomyopathy. It is characterized by temporal left ventricular wall motion abnormality which results in acute myocardial dysfunction. Transient cardiac pathology which develops after negative pressure pulmonary edema is a  rare occasion in medical literature.


Key worrds: Negative pressure pulmonary edema,cardiyomyopathy,PEEP


  • Oswalt CE, Gates GA, Holstrom FMG. Pulmonary edema as a complication of acute airway obstruction. JAMA 1977; 238: 1833-5
  • Schwartz DR, Maroo A, Malhotra A, et al. Negative pressure pulmonary hemorrhage. Chest 1999; 115: 1194-7.
  • Nurs Tarrac SE. Negative pressure pulmonary edema - a postanesthesia emergency. J Perianesth 2003; 18(5): 317-23.
  • Tami TA, Chu F, Wildes TO, Kaplan M. Pulmonary edema and acute upper airway obstruction. Laryngoscope 1986; 96:506-9.
  • Dolinsky S, MacGregor DA, Scuderi PE. Pulmonary hemorrage associated with negative pressure pulmonery edema. Anesthesiology 2000;93:888-90
  • Deepika K, Kenan CA, Barrocas AM, Fonseca JJ, Bikazi GB. Negative pressure pulmonary edema after acute upper airway obstruction. J Clin Anesth 1997;9:403-8
  • Ahmed Q, Chung-Park M, Tomashefski JF Jr. Cardiopulmonary pathology in patients with sleep apnea/ obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Hum Pathol 1997;28:264-9
  • Westreich R, Sampson I, Shaari CM, Lawson W. Negative pressure pulmonary edema after routine septorhinoplasty: discussion of pathophsiology, treatment, and prevention. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2006;8:8-15
  • Su Hyun Lee, Chul Ho Chang, Jeong Soo Park, Sang Beom Nam.Stress-induced cardiomyopathy after negative pressure pulmonary edema during emergence from anesthesia -A case report-.Korean J Anesthesiol 2012 January 62(1): 79-82
  • Wittstein IS. Acute stress cardiomyopathy. Curr Heart Fail Rep 2008;5: 61-8.
  • Willms D, Shure D. Pulmonary edema due to upper airway obstruction in adults. Chest 1988; 94:1090-1092
  • Goodman BT, Richardson MG. CASE: unilateral negative pressure pulmonary edema- a complication of endobronchial intubation. Can J Anaesth 2008:55:691-695.
  • Bourke AM. Unilateral pulmonary oedema following post extubation laryngospasm. Anaesthesia 1997;52:928.
  • Myers CL, Gopalka A, Glick D, Goldman MB, Dinwiddie SH. A case of negative- pressure pulmonary edema after electroconvulsive therapy.J ECT 2007;23(4):281-3
  • Lorch DG, Sahn SA.: Post-extubation pulmonary edema following anesthesia induced by upper airway obstruction: Are certain patients at increased risk? Chest 1986;90:802-805.
  • Kamal RS, Agha S. Acute pulmonary oedema. Anaesthesia 1984;39:464-467.
  • Cozanitis DA, Leijala M, Pesonen E, Zaki HA. Acute pulmonary oedema due to laryngeal spasm. Anaesthesia 1982;37:1198-1199.
  • Jackson FN, Rowland V, Corssen G. Laryngospasm-induced pulmonary edema. Chest 1980;78:819-821.
  • Melnick BM. Postlaryngospasm pulmonary edema in adults. Anesthesiology 1984;60:517-518.
  • Sofer S, Bar-Ziv J, Scharf SM. Pulmonary edema following relief of upper airway obstruction Chest 1984;86:461-3
  • Goldenberg JD, Portugal LG, Wenig BL, Weingarten RT. Negative pressure pulmonary edema in the otolaryngology patient. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1977;117 (1):62-6
  • Lang SA, Duncan PG, Shephard DA, Ha HC. Pulmonary edema associated with airway obstruction. Can J Anaesth 1990;37:210-8
  • Louis PJ, Fernandes R. Negative pressure pulmonary edema .Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2002; Volume 93, Pages 4–6.
  • Akkurt BC, Kararmaz A, Inanoglu K,Serarslan Y. Negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE) after discectomy in generalanesthesia with endotracheal intubation: case report. Case Rep Clin Pract Rev 2006; 7:209-11.
  • Perez RO, Bresciani C, Jacop CE. Negative pressure post-extubation pulmonary edema complication appendectomy in a young patient: Case report. Curr surg. 2004;6:463-5
  • Murray-Calderon P, Cannolly MA. Laringospazm and non- cardiac pulmonary edema. J Perianesth Nurs 1997; 12:89-94
  • Mehta VM, Har-El G, Goldstein NA. Postobstructive pulmonary edema after laryngospazm in the otoolarygology patient. Laryngoscope 2006;116:1693-6
  • Chuang YC, Wang CH, Lin YS. Negative pressure pulmonary edema: Report of three cases and review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2007;7:189-90
  • Sato H, Tateishi H, Uchida T, Dote K, Ishihara M. Takotsubo-type cardiomyopathy due to multivessel spasm. In: Kodama K, Haze K,Hon M, editors. Clinical aspect of myocardial injury: from ischemia to heart failure. Kagaku Hyoronsha,Tokyo, 1990:56-64.
  • Bybee KA, Kara T, Prasad A, Lerman A, BarsnessGW,Wright RS, et al. Systematic review: transient left ventricular apical ballooning: a syndrome that mimics ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Ann InternMed2004;141:858.
  • Bybee KA, Prasad A. Stress-related cardiomyopathy syndromes. Circulation 2008; 118: 397-409.
  • Wittstein IS, Thiemann DR, Lima JAC, Baughman KL, Schulman SP, Gerstenblitin G, et al. Neurohumoral features of myocardial stunning due to sudden emotional stress. N Engl J Med 2005;352:539-48.
  • Park JH, Kang SJ, Song JK, Kim HK, Lim CM, Kong DH, et al. Left ventricular apical ballooning due to severe physical stress in patients admitted to the medical ICU. Chest 2005;128:296-302.

Negatif Basınçlı Pulmoner Ödem ve Sonrasında Gelişen Geçici Kardiyak Patoloji

Year 2015, Volume: 5 Issue: 1-Ek, 100 - 56, 24.08.2015


Negatif basınçlı pulmoner ödem akut üst solunum yolu tıkanıklığı sonrası veya kronik üst hava yolu tıkanıklığının rahatlamasına ikincil olarak gelişebilen nadir fakat  oldukça iyi bilinen bir komplikasyon ve hayatı tehdit eden ölümcül bir durumdur. Anestezi uygulamalarının herhangi bir döneminde oluşan akut üst solunum yolu tıkanıklığının neden olduğu zorlu inspiryum çabası negatif intratorasik basıncı arttırır ve akciğer ödemiyle sonuçlanan fizyopatolojik olayları tetikler. Negatif basınçlı pulmoner ödem sonrası stresin tetiklediği kardiyomyopati geliştiğini gösteren olgu sunumları bildirilmiştir. Negatif basınçlı pulmoner ödem sonrası gelişen geçici kardiyak patoloji literatürde ender görülen bir tıbbi durumdur.




  • Oswalt CE, Gates GA, Holstrom FMG. Pulmonary edema as a complication of acute airway obstruction. JAMA 1977; 238: 1833-5
  • Schwartz DR, Maroo A, Malhotra A, et al. Negative pressure pulmonary hemorrhage. Chest 1999; 115: 1194-7.
  • Nurs Tarrac SE. Negative pressure pulmonary edema - a postanesthesia emergency. J Perianesth 2003; 18(5): 317-23.
  • Tami TA, Chu F, Wildes TO, Kaplan M. Pulmonary edema and acute upper airway obstruction. Laryngoscope 1986; 96:506-9.
  • Dolinsky S, MacGregor DA, Scuderi PE. Pulmonary hemorrage associated with negative pressure pulmonery edema. Anesthesiology 2000;93:888-90
  • Deepika K, Kenan CA, Barrocas AM, Fonseca JJ, Bikazi GB. Negative pressure pulmonary edema after acute upper airway obstruction. J Clin Anesth 1997;9:403-8
  • Ahmed Q, Chung-Park M, Tomashefski JF Jr. Cardiopulmonary pathology in patients with sleep apnea/ obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Hum Pathol 1997;28:264-9
  • Westreich R, Sampson I, Shaari CM, Lawson W. Negative pressure pulmonary edema after routine septorhinoplasty: discussion of pathophsiology, treatment, and prevention. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2006;8:8-15
  • Su Hyun Lee, Chul Ho Chang, Jeong Soo Park, Sang Beom Nam.Stress-induced cardiomyopathy after negative pressure pulmonary edema during emergence from anesthesia -A case report-.Korean J Anesthesiol 2012 January 62(1): 79-82
  • Wittstein IS. Acute stress cardiomyopathy. Curr Heart Fail Rep 2008;5: 61-8.
  • Willms D, Shure D. Pulmonary edema due to upper airway obstruction in adults. Chest 1988; 94:1090-1092
  • Goodman BT, Richardson MG. CASE: unilateral negative pressure pulmonary edema- a complication of endobronchial intubation. Can J Anaesth 2008:55:691-695.
  • Bourke AM. Unilateral pulmonary oedema following post extubation laryngospasm. Anaesthesia 1997;52:928.
  • Myers CL, Gopalka A, Glick D, Goldman MB, Dinwiddie SH. A case of negative- pressure pulmonary edema after electroconvulsive therapy.J ECT 2007;23(4):281-3
  • Lorch DG, Sahn SA.: Post-extubation pulmonary edema following anesthesia induced by upper airway obstruction: Are certain patients at increased risk? Chest 1986;90:802-805.
  • Kamal RS, Agha S. Acute pulmonary oedema. Anaesthesia 1984;39:464-467.
  • Cozanitis DA, Leijala M, Pesonen E, Zaki HA. Acute pulmonary oedema due to laryngeal spasm. Anaesthesia 1982;37:1198-1199.
  • Jackson FN, Rowland V, Corssen G. Laryngospasm-induced pulmonary edema. Chest 1980;78:819-821.
  • Melnick BM. Postlaryngospasm pulmonary edema in adults. Anesthesiology 1984;60:517-518.
  • Sofer S, Bar-Ziv J, Scharf SM. Pulmonary edema following relief of upper airway obstruction Chest 1984;86:461-3
  • Goldenberg JD, Portugal LG, Wenig BL, Weingarten RT. Negative pressure pulmonary edema in the otolaryngology patient. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1977;117 (1):62-6
  • Lang SA, Duncan PG, Shephard DA, Ha HC. Pulmonary edema associated with airway obstruction. Can J Anaesth 1990;37:210-8
  • Louis PJ, Fernandes R. Negative pressure pulmonary edema .Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology 2002; Volume 93, Pages 4–6.
  • Akkurt BC, Kararmaz A, Inanoglu K,Serarslan Y. Negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE) after discectomy in generalanesthesia with endotracheal intubation: case report. Case Rep Clin Pract Rev 2006; 7:209-11.
  • Perez RO, Bresciani C, Jacop CE. Negative pressure post-extubation pulmonary edema complication appendectomy in a young patient: Case report. Curr surg. 2004;6:463-5
  • Murray-Calderon P, Cannolly MA. Laringospazm and non- cardiac pulmonary edema. J Perianesth Nurs 1997; 12:89-94
  • Mehta VM, Har-El G, Goldstein NA. Postobstructive pulmonary edema after laryngospazm in the otoolarygology patient. Laryngoscope 2006;116:1693-6
  • Chuang YC, Wang CH, Lin YS. Negative pressure pulmonary edema: Report of three cases and review of the literature. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2007;7:189-90
  • Sato H, Tateishi H, Uchida T, Dote K, Ishihara M. Takotsubo-type cardiomyopathy due to multivessel spasm. In: Kodama K, Haze K,Hon M, editors. Clinical aspect of myocardial injury: from ischemia to heart failure. Kagaku Hyoronsha,Tokyo, 1990:56-64.
  • Bybee KA, Kara T, Prasad A, Lerman A, BarsnessGW,Wright RS, et al. Systematic review: transient left ventricular apical ballooning: a syndrome that mimics ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Ann InternMed2004;141:858.
  • Bybee KA, Prasad A. Stress-related cardiomyopathy syndromes. Circulation 2008; 118: 397-409.
  • Wittstein IS, Thiemann DR, Lima JAC, Baughman KL, Schulman SP, Gerstenblitin G, et al. Neurohumoral features of myocardial stunning due to sudden emotional stress. N Engl J Med 2005;352:539-48.
  • Park JH, Kang SJ, Song JK, Kim HK, Lim CM, Kong DH, et al. Left ventricular apical ballooning due to severe physical stress in patients admitted to the medical ICU. Chest 2005;128:296-302.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Case Report

Mustafa Çakır This is me

Publication Date August 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 5 Issue: 1-Ek


APA Çakır, M. (2015). Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, 5(1-Ek), 100-56.
AMA Çakır M. Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It. J Contemp Med. August 2015;5(1-Ek):100-56. doi:10.16899/ctd.25736
Chicago Çakır, Mustafa. “Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 5, no. 1-Ek (August 2015): 100-56.
EndNote Çakır M (August 1, 2015) Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 5 1-Ek 100–56.
IEEE M. Çakır, “Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It”, J Contemp Med, vol. 5, no. 1-Ek, pp. 100–56, 2015, doi: 10.16899/ctd.25736.
ISNAD Çakır, Mustafa. “Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi 5/1-Ek (August 2015), 100-56.
JAMA Çakır M. Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It. J Contemp Med. 2015;5:100–56.
MLA Çakır, Mustafa. “Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It”. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1-Ek, 2015, pp. 100-56, doi:10.16899/ctd.25736.
Vancouver Çakır M. Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema And Transient Cardiac Pathology Was Became After It. J Contemp Med. 2015;5(1-Ek):100-56.