Research Article
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Year 2024, , 149 - 160, 31.12.2024


Ülkelerin demokratikleşme düzeyi ile iktisadi kalkınma düzeyleri arasında yakın bir ilişki mevcuttur. Bu çalışmada, 2002-2022 yılları arasında 71 ülkede demokratikleşme düzeyinin iktisadi kalkınma üzerindeki etkileri incelenmektedir. Ülkeler, tüm ülkeler grubuna ilave olarak Sahra-Altı Afrika, Orta ve Güney Amerika ile Güney ve Güneydoğu Asya alt grupları çerçevesinde de ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan demokratikleşme göstergeleri; politik haklar endeksi (dem1) ile politik haklar ve sivil özgürlükler endeks değerlerinin aritmetik ortalamasıdır (dem2). Sapması düzeltilmiş kukla değişkenli en küçük kareler yöntemi (LSDVC) çerçevesinde elde edilen tahmin sonuçları dem1 değişkeninin yalnızca tüm ülkeler grubu için negatif ve anlamlı olduğunu göstermiştir. dem2’ye ait sonuçlar ise tüm ülkeler grubuna ilave olarak Sahra-altı Afrika ülkelerinde de demokratikleşmenin iktisadi kalkınmaya olumlu katkıda bulunduğunu doğrulamaktadır. Dirençli tahmin sonuçları incelendiğinde ise tüm ülkeler grubunda ve Sahra-altı Afrika ülkelerinde hem dem1 hem de dem2’ye ait katsayılar negatif ve anlamlı bulunmuştur. Orta ve Güney Amerika ülkeleri ve Güney ve Güneydoğu Asya ülkelerinde ise politik haklar ve sivil özgürlükler temelinde ele alınan demokratikleşme düzeyi iktisadi kalkınmayı desteklememektedir.

Ethical Statement

Etik kurul izni gerekli olmayan çalışmalar arasındadır

Supporting Institution

Balıkesir Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi

Project Number



  • Acemoglu, D.; Johnson, S.; Robinson, J. A.; Yared, P. (2008), “Income and democracy”, American Economic Review, 98:3, 808-842.
  • Acemoglu, D.; Naidu, S.; Restrepo, P.; Robinson, J. A. (2019), “Democracy does cause growth”, Journal Of Political Economy, 127:1, 47-100.
  • Alesina, A.; Perotti, R. (1992), “The political economy of growth: a critical survey of the recent literature and some new result”, The World Bank Economic Review, 8:3, 351-371.
  • Anderson, T. W.; Hsiao, C. (1982), “Formulation and estimation of dynamic models using panel data”, Journal of Econometrics, 18:1, 47-82.
  • Arellano, M.; Bond, S. (1991). “Some Test of Spesification For Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and An Application to Employment Equations”. The Review of Economic Studies, 277-279.
  • Arellano, M.;Bover, O. (1995). “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 29-51.
  • Barro, R. J. (1994), “Democracy and growth”. NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 4909, 1-46.
  • Başar, S.; Yıldız, Ş. (2012), “İktisadi büyümenin demokratikleşmeye etkisi üzerine bir araştırma”, KAÜ-İİBF Dergisi, 3:3, 9-38. Bhagwati, Jagdish N. (2002), “Democracy and Development: Cruel Dilemma or Symbiotic Relationship?”, Review of Development Economics, 6:2, 151-162.
  • Blundell, R.; Bond, S. (1998). “Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 115-143.
  • Bruno, G. S. (2005), “Approximating the bias of the LSDV estimator for dynamic unbalanced panel data models”, Economics Letters, 87:3, 361-366.
  • Bun, M. J.; Kiviet, J. F. (2003), “On the diminishing returns of higher-order terms in asymptotic expansions of bias”, Economics Letters, 79:2, 145-152.
  • Chang, H. J. (2009), Merdiveni Tekmelemek: Tarihi Bir Perspektif İçinde "İyi Politikalar" ve "İyi Kurumlar". F. Şenses (Editör), Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma, 89-122, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Chatterjee, A. (2022), “Corruption, Democracy and Growth: Evidence from Emerging Market Economies”, In Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender: Contemporary Issues of Developing Economies, 137-149, Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Çağlayan Akay, E. (2015), Dinamik Panel Veri Modelleri, Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri içinde, (Editör: Selahattin Güriş), 81-104, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Freedom House (2024), Freedom in the World 2013-2024 Raw Data,, Erişim: 20.02.2024.
  • Hardi, I.; Ringga, E. S.; Fijay, A. H.; Maulana, A. R. R.; Hadiyani, R.; Idroes, G. M. (2023). “Decomposed Impact of Democracy on Indonesia’s Economic Growth”. Ekonomikalia Journal of Economics, 1:2, 51-60.
  • Helliwell, J. F. (1994), “Empirical Linkages Between Democracy and Economic Growth”, British Journal of Political Science, 24:2, 225-248.
  • Jackman, R. W. (1973), “On the Relation of Economic Development to Democratic Performance”, American Journal of Political Science,17:3, 611-621.
  • Jacob, J. A.; Osang, T. (2020), “Democracy and growth: A dynamic panel data study”, The Singapore Economic Review, 65:01, 41-80.
  • Kabaş, T. (2021), “Kurumlar, Demokrasi ve Kalkınma”, Pearson Journal, 6:15, 209-217.
  • Kiviet J. F. (1999), Expectation of Expansions for Estimators in a Dynamic Panel Data Model; Some Results for Weakly Exogenous Regressors, In Hsiao C., Lahiri K., Lee L. F., Pesaran M. H. (Eds.). Analysis of Panel Data and Limited Dependent Variables. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Landman, T. (1999), “Economic development and democracy: the view from Latin America”, Political Studies, 47:4, 607-626.
  • Lipset, S. M. (1959), “Some social requisites of democracy: Economic development and political legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, 53:1, 69-105.
  • Neubauer, D. E. (1967), “Some conditions of democracy”, American Political Science Review, 61:4, 1002-1009.
  • Nickell, S. (1981), “Biases in dynamic models with fixed effects”, Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1417-1426.
  • Olson, M. (1993), “Dictatorship, democracy, and development”, American Political Science Review, 87:3, 567-576.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2014), Türkiye’nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi, Türkiye İş Bankası kültür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Ross, M. (2006), “Is democracy good for the poor?”, American Journal Of Political Science, 50:4, 860-874.
  • Saatcioğlu, C.; Karaca, O. (2015), “İktisadi Kalkınmanın Demokrasi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi”, Ataturk University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 29:4, 775-796.
  • Saran, J. C. (2021), “Democracy and growth: evidences from a dynamic panel analysis”, Insper Instituto de Educação e Pesquisa Mestrado Profissional em Economia.
  • The World Bank (2024a), World Development Indicators, GDP per capita (current US$),, Erişim:13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024b), World Development Indicators, Consumer price index (2010 = 100),, Erişim:13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024c), World Development Indicators, Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) ve Import of goods and services (%of GDP),, Erişim: 13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024d), World Development Indicators, Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows (% of GDP),, Erişim: 13.02.2024
  • Uslu, H. (2022), Democracy and Economic Growth, İksad Publishing House, Ankara.
  • Wang, X.; Hou, N.; Chen, B. (2023). “Democracy, military expenditure and economic growth: A heterogeneous perspective”. Defence and Peace Economics, 34:8, 1039-1070.
  • Yay, G. G. (2002), “İktisadi Gelişme ve Demokrasi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Sınama”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 52:1, 27-54.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2012), İleri Panel Veri Analizi: Stata Uygulamalı, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.


Year 2024, , 149 - 160, 31.12.2024


Countries' levels of economic development and democracy are closely related. This study investigates the relationship between economic development and the democratization level in 71 countries from 2002 to 2022. Apart from the overall group, countries are also deliberated under the subgroups of Central and South America, South and Southeast Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The study used two democratic indicators: the political rights index (dem1) and the arithmetic average of the civil liberties and political rights index values (dem2). Only the overall group's dem1 variable was found to be negatively significant based on the estimate findings produced within the context of the Least Squares Dummy Variable Corrected (LSDVC) method. According to dem2 data, democracy boosts economic development not only in the overall group but also in Sub-Saharan Africa. The robust estimate findings showed that in Sub-Saharan African countries as well as the overall group, the coefficients of both dem1 and dem2 were significant and negative. Economic development is not supported by the democratization level based on civil liberties and political rights in countries in South and Southeast Asia, Central America, and Asia.

Project Number



  • Acemoglu, D.; Johnson, S.; Robinson, J. A.; Yared, P. (2008), “Income and democracy”, American Economic Review, 98:3, 808-842.
  • Acemoglu, D.; Naidu, S.; Restrepo, P.; Robinson, J. A. (2019), “Democracy does cause growth”, Journal Of Political Economy, 127:1, 47-100.
  • Alesina, A.; Perotti, R. (1992), “The political economy of growth: a critical survey of the recent literature and some new result”, The World Bank Economic Review, 8:3, 351-371.
  • Anderson, T. W.; Hsiao, C. (1982), “Formulation and estimation of dynamic models using panel data”, Journal of Econometrics, 18:1, 47-82.
  • Arellano, M.; Bond, S. (1991). “Some Test of Spesification For Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and An Application to Employment Equations”. The Review of Economic Studies, 277-279.
  • Arellano, M.;Bover, O. (1995). “Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 29-51.
  • Barro, R. J. (1994), “Democracy and growth”. NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 4909, 1-46.
  • Başar, S.; Yıldız, Ş. (2012), “İktisadi büyümenin demokratikleşmeye etkisi üzerine bir araştırma”, KAÜ-İİBF Dergisi, 3:3, 9-38. Bhagwati, Jagdish N. (2002), “Democracy and Development: Cruel Dilemma or Symbiotic Relationship?”, Review of Development Economics, 6:2, 151-162.
  • Blundell, R.; Bond, S. (1998). “Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models”. Journal of Econometrics, 115-143.
  • Bruno, G. S. (2005), “Approximating the bias of the LSDV estimator for dynamic unbalanced panel data models”, Economics Letters, 87:3, 361-366.
  • Bun, M. J.; Kiviet, J. F. (2003), “On the diminishing returns of higher-order terms in asymptotic expansions of bias”, Economics Letters, 79:2, 145-152.
  • Chang, H. J. (2009), Merdiveni Tekmelemek: Tarihi Bir Perspektif İçinde "İyi Politikalar" ve "İyi Kurumlar". F. Şenses (Editör), Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma, 89-122, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Chatterjee, A. (2022), “Corruption, Democracy and Growth: Evidence from Emerging Market Economies”, In Environmental Sustainability, Growth Trajectory and Gender: Contemporary Issues of Developing Economies, 137-149, Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Çağlayan Akay, E. (2015), Dinamik Panel Veri Modelleri, Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri içinde, (Editör: Selahattin Güriş), 81-104, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Freedom House (2024), Freedom in the World 2013-2024 Raw Data,, Erişim: 20.02.2024.
  • Hardi, I.; Ringga, E. S.; Fijay, A. H.; Maulana, A. R. R.; Hadiyani, R.; Idroes, G. M. (2023). “Decomposed Impact of Democracy on Indonesia’s Economic Growth”. Ekonomikalia Journal of Economics, 1:2, 51-60.
  • Helliwell, J. F. (1994), “Empirical Linkages Between Democracy and Economic Growth”, British Journal of Political Science, 24:2, 225-248.
  • Jackman, R. W. (1973), “On the Relation of Economic Development to Democratic Performance”, American Journal of Political Science,17:3, 611-621.
  • Jacob, J. A.; Osang, T. (2020), “Democracy and growth: A dynamic panel data study”, The Singapore Economic Review, 65:01, 41-80.
  • Kabaş, T. (2021), “Kurumlar, Demokrasi ve Kalkınma”, Pearson Journal, 6:15, 209-217.
  • Kiviet J. F. (1999), Expectation of Expansions for Estimators in a Dynamic Panel Data Model; Some Results for Weakly Exogenous Regressors, In Hsiao C., Lahiri K., Lee L. F., Pesaran M. H. (Eds.). Analysis of Panel Data and Limited Dependent Variables. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Landman, T. (1999), “Economic development and democracy: the view from Latin America”, Political Studies, 47:4, 607-626.
  • Lipset, S. M. (1959), “Some social requisites of democracy: Economic development and political legitimacy”, American Political Science Review, 53:1, 69-105.
  • Neubauer, D. E. (1967), “Some conditions of democracy”, American Political Science Review, 61:4, 1002-1009.
  • Nickell, S. (1981), “Biases in dynamic models with fixed effects”, Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1417-1426.
  • Olson, M. (1993), “Dictatorship, democracy, and development”, American Political Science Review, 87:3, 567-576.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2014), Türkiye’nin 200 Yıllık İktisadi Tarihi, Türkiye İş Bankası kültür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Ross, M. (2006), “Is democracy good for the poor?”, American Journal Of Political Science, 50:4, 860-874.
  • Saatcioğlu, C.; Karaca, O. (2015), “İktisadi Kalkınmanın Demokrasi Üzerindeki Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi”, Ataturk University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 29:4, 775-796.
  • Saran, J. C. (2021), “Democracy and growth: evidences from a dynamic panel analysis”, Insper Instituto de Educação e Pesquisa Mestrado Profissional em Economia.
  • The World Bank (2024a), World Development Indicators, GDP per capita (current US$),, Erişim:13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024b), World Development Indicators, Consumer price index (2010 = 100),, Erişim:13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024c), World Development Indicators, Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) ve Import of goods and services (%of GDP),, Erişim: 13.02.2024
  • The World Bank (2024d), World Development Indicators, Foreign Direct Investment, Net Inflows (% of GDP),, Erişim: 13.02.2024
  • Uslu, H. (2022), Democracy and Economic Growth, İksad Publishing House, Ankara.
  • Wang, X.; Hou, N.; Chen, B. (2023). “Democracy, military expenditure and economic growth: A heterogeneous perspective”. Defence and Peace Economics, 34:8, 1039-1070.
  • Yay, G. G. (2002), “İktisadi Gelişme ve Demokrasi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Sınama”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 52:1, 27-54.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2012), İleri Panel Veri Analizi: Stata Uygulamalı, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Development Economics - Macro
Journal Section Articles

Ömer Faruk Biçen 0000-0003-1021-5198

Project Number 2023/077
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date July 22, 2024
Acceptance Date September 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Biçen, Ö. F. (2024). DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19(2), 149-160.
AMA Biçen ÖF. DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ. SBAD. December 2024;19(2):149-160. doi:10.48145/gopsbad.1520188
Chicago Biçen, Ömer Faruk. “DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19, no. 2 (December 2024): 149-60.
EndNote Biçen ÖF (December 1, 2024) DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19 2 149–160.
IEEE Ö. F. Biçen, “DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ”, SBAD, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 149–160, 2024, doi: 10.48145/gopsbad.1520188.
ISNAD Biçen, Ömer Faruk. “DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19/2 (December 2024), 149-160.
MLA Biçen, Ömer Faruk. “DEMOKRATİKLEŞME DÜZEYİNİN İKTİSADİ KALKINMAYA ETKİLERİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, 2024, pp. 149-60, doi:10.48145/gopsbad.1520188.

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