Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
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Year 2024, , 161 - 171, 31.12.2024


Recently, blockchain technology has affected many areas, especially the financial system. E-commerce system is also included in these areas. The study is a bibliometric analysis of research on blockchain-based electronic commerce in the world. As a result of digitalization, the effects of blockchain technologies on electronic commerce have been examined in terms of research. Within the scope of the research, first of all, 331 studies on blockchain-based electronic commerce in the web of science database between 2015 and 2024 were obtained. Later related studies; It was examined according to parameters such as publication year, author information, research areas, publication sources, publication countries and publication languages. In addition, visual network maps of the studies were created using the "VOSviewer" program and their connections with each other were revealed. According to the findings of the research, the number of articles published in the field examined by years was found to be highest in 2022. There is no standardization in the selection of keywords in the study. Additionally, visual network maps of the studies were created and their relationships were determined by using the "VOSviewer" program. This study is different from the studies in the literature in terms of scope and time period and includes the analysis of important international publications on blockchain-based electronic commerce available in the Web of Science. In Türkiye, there is no study similar to this issue yet. In this context, it can be recommended to contribute to the literature and be a source for future studies.


  • Bella, G., Cantone; D., Longo; C., Asmundo; M. Nicolosi; S., Daniele, F. (2021), Semantic Representation as a Key Enabler for Blockchain-Based Commerce, Sprınger Internatıonal Publıshıng Ag, volume 13072 pp 191–198.
  • Lin, C., Liao T. C. (2017), “A Survey of Blockchain Security Issues and Challenges”, IJ Network Security, 19(5), 653-659.
  • Civan, M.; Bal, V. (2000), E-Ticaret ve KOBİ’lerin Geleceği, Kocaeli Üniversitesi İİBF İktisat ve İşletme Bölümü, I. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi / Bildiriler Kitabı, 10-11 Mayıs 2002 Hereke- Kocaeli.
  • Deng, SG; Cheng, GJ; Zhao, HL; Gao, HH; Yin, JW (2021) Incentive-Driven Computation Offloading in Blockchain-Enabled ECommerce, Assoc Computıng Machınery Transactions on Internet Technology 21(1).
  • Keleş, D.(2022), İç Denetim Konusundaki Uluslararası Çalışmaların Görsel Ağ Haritalaması Destekli Bibliyometrik Analizi, Uşak Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 42-58.
  • Donthu, N.; Kumar, S.; Mukherjee, D.; Pandey, N.; Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Gao, F. (2019), Data Encryptıon Algorıthm for E-Commerce Platform Based On Blockchaın Technology, Amer Institute Mathematıcal Scıences, 12(4&5): 1457-1470.
  • Jiang, Y.; Wang, C.; Wang, Y.; Gao, L. (2019), A Privacy-Preserving E-Commerce System Based on the Blockchain Technology, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE) 22(2) 1309.
  • Lahkani, MJ; Wang, SY; Urbanski, M; Egorova, M. (2020) Sustainable B2B E-Commerce and Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Finance. Sustainability, 12(10), 3968.
  • Heongu, L.; Changhak, Y. (2021), Blockchain-Based Traceability for Anti-Counterfeit in Cross-Border E-Commerce Transactions, Sustainability, 13(19), 11057.
  • Zhiyong, L; Zipei, (2019) "A Blockchain-based Information Model of Cross-Border E-Commerce". Whıceb Proceedings. 52.
  • Mathew, S. (2022). ‘’What is blockchain and how can it benefit my Business?’’. Advances in Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 46.
  • Oecd. (2001). Taxation and electronic commerce ımplementing the Ottawa taxation framework conditions, New York and Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Xiang-Dong, S.; Chen, X.; Ran, J.; Ren-Hong, W. (2020), The New Ecosystem of Cross-border E-Commerce among Korea, China and Japan Based on Blockchain, Korea Trade Research Assoc (51) 135-729.
  • Taherdoost, H.; Madanchian, M. (2023) Blockchain-Based E-Commerce: A Review on Applications and Challenges. Electronics, 12, 1889.
  • Uncıtıral. (1996). Model law on electronik comerce, general assembly resolution 51/162 of december 1996. 89450_Ebook.pdf. Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Wto. (1998). Electronik commerce and the role of the WTO, Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Xiao, Y.; Zhou, C.; Guo, X.; Song, Y.; Chen, C. (2022) A Novel Decentralized E-Commerce Transaction System Based on Blockchain. Appl. Sci., 12, 5770.
  • Xing, F.; Peng, G.; Liang, Z. (2022), Sprınger Internatıonal Publıshıng Ag,volume: 13326 pp. (99-109)
  • Yang, C.N.; Chen, Y.C.; Chen, S.Y.; Wu, S.Y. (2019), A Reliable E-commerce Business Model Using Blockchain Based Product Grading System,4th Ieee Internatıonal Conference On Bıg Data Analytıcs 15-18 (3).
  • Haohao, Y. (2023), Optimization of cross-border e-commerce of agricultural products based on blockchain technology, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 60(4).679-689.
  • Fuli, Z.; Yijie, L. (2022), Blockchain-Enabled Cross-Border E-Commerce Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric Systematic Review, Sustainability ,14(23), 15918.
  • Zhou, Z.L.; Wang, M.M.; Yang, C.N.; Fu, Z.J.; Sun, X.M.; Wu, Q.M.J. (2021). Blockchain-based decentralized reputation system in E-commerce environment, Future Generation Computer Systems 124 (155–167)


Year 2024, , 161 - 171, 31.12.2024


Son zamanlarda blok zinciri teknolojisi, başta finans sistemi olmak üzere birçok alanı etkilemiştir. E ticaret sistemi de bu alanların içerisinde yer almaktadır. Yapılan çalışma Dünyada blok zincir tabanlı elektronik ticaret üzerine yapılan araştırmaların bibliyometrik analizidir. Dijitalleşmenin bir sonucu olarak blok zincir teknolojilerinin elektronik ticaret üzerindeki etkileri yapılan araştırmalar açısından incelenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında öncelikle 2015-2024 yılları arasında web of science veritabanında bulunan blok zincir tabanlı elektronik ticaret ile ilgili 331 adet çalışma elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra ilgili çalışmalar; yayın yılı, yazar bilgisi, araştırma alanları, yayın kaynakları, yayın yapılan ülkeler ve yayın dillerine uygun olarak parametrelere göre incelenmiştir. Ayrıca “VOSviewer” programı kullanılarak çalışmaların görsel ağ haritaları oluşturulmuş ve birbirleriyle olan bağlantıları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bulgular ise araştırma sonuçlarına göre yıllar itibarıyla incelenen alanda yayınlanan makale sayısı en fazla 2022 yılına ait görülmüştür. Çalışmada anahtar kelimelerin seçiminde bir standardizasyon yoktur. Ayrıca, “VOSviewer” programı kullanılarak çalışmaların görsel ağ haritaları ortaya çıkarılmış ve ilişkileri belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, literatürdeki çalışmalardan kapsam ve zaman dilimi açısından farklıdır ve blok zincir tabanlı elektronik ticaret konusunda Web of Science da bulunan uluslararası önemli yayınların analizini içermektedir. Türkiye de ise henüz bu konuyla benzerlik gösteren herhangi bir çalışma mevcut değildir. Bu bağlamda, literatüre katkı sağlaması ve bundan sonraki çalışmalarda kaynak olması önerilebilir.


  • Bella, G., Cantone; D., Longo; C., Asmundo; M. Nicolosi; S., Daniele, F. (2021), Semantic Representation as a Key Enabler for Blockchain-Based Commerce, Sprınger Internatıonal Publıshıng Ag, volume 13072 pp 191–198.
  • Lin, C., Liao T. C. (2017), “A Survey of Blockchain Security Issues and Challenges”, IJ Network Security, 19(5), 653-659.
  • Civan, M.; Bal, V. (2000), E-Ticaret ve KOBİ’lerin Geleceği, Kocaeli Üniversitesi İİBF İktisat ve İşletme Bölümü, I. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi / Bildiriler Kitabı, 10-11 Mayıs 2002 Hereke- Kocaeli.
  • Deng, SG; Cheng, GJ; Zhao, HL; Gao, HH; Yin, JW (2021) Incentive-Driven Computation Offloading in Blockchain-Enabled ECommerce, Assoc Computıng Machınery Transactions on Internet Technology 21(1).
  • Keleş, D.(2022), İç Denetim Konusundaki Uluslararası Çalışmaların Görsel Ağ Haritalaması Destekli Bibliyometrik Analizi, Uşak Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 42-58.
  • Donthu, N.; Kumar, S.; Mukherjee, D.; Pandey, N.; Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Gao, F. (2019), Data Encryptıon Algorıthm for E-Commerce Platform Based On Blockchaın Technology, Amer Institute Mathematıcal Scıences, 12(4&5): 1457-1470.
  • Jiang, Y.; Wang, C.; Wang, Y.; Gao, L. (2019), A Privacy-Preserving E-Commerce System Based on the Blockchain Technology, 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE) 22(2) 1309.
  • Lahkani, MJ; Wang, SY; Urbanski, M; Egorova, M. (2020) Sustainable B2B E-Commerce and Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Finance. Sustainability, 12(10), 3968.
  • Heongu, L.; Changhak, Y. (2021), Blockchain-Based Traceability for Anti-Counterfeit in Cross-Border E-Commerce Transactions, Sustainability, 13(19), 11057.
  • Zhiyong, L; Zipei, (2019) "A Blockchain-based Information Model of Cross-Border E-Commerce". Whıceb Proceedings. 52.
  • Mathew, S. (2022). ‘’What is blockchain and how can it benefit my Business?’’. Advances in Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 46.
  • Oecd. (2001). Taxation and electronic commerce ımplementing the Ottawa taxation framework conditions, New York and Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Xiang-Dong, S.; Chen, X.; Ran, J.; Ren-Hong, W. (2020), The New Ecosystem of Cross-border E-Commerce among Korea, China and Japan Based on Blockchain, Korea Trade Research Assoc (51) 135-729.
  • Taherdoost, H.; Madanchian, M. (2023) Blockchain-Based E-Commerce: A Review on Applications and Challenges. Electronics, 12, 1889.
  • Uncıtıral. (1996). Model law on electronik comerce, general assembly resolution 51/162 of december 1996. 89450_Ebook.pdf. Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Wto. (1998). Electronik commerce and the role of the WTO, Erişim: 28.03.2024
  • Xiao, Y.; Zhou, C.; Guo, X.; Song, Y.; Chen, C. (2022) A Novel Decentralized E-Commerce Transaction System Based on Blockchain. Appl. Sci., 12, 5770.
  • Xing, F.; Peng, G.; Liang, Z. (2022), Sprınger Internatıonal Publıshıng Ag,volume: 13326 pp. (99-109)
  • Yang, C.N.; Chen, Y.C.; Chen, S.Y.; Wu, S.Y. (2019), A Reliable E-commerce Business Model Using Blockchain Based Product Grading System,4th Ieee Internatıonal Conference On Bıg Data Analytıcs 15-18 (3).
  • Haohao, Y. (2023), Optimization of cross-border e-commerce of agricultural products based on blockchain technology, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 60(4).679-689.
  • Fuli, Z.; Yijie, L. (2022), Blockchain-Enabled Cross-Border E-Commerce Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric Systematic Review, Sustainability ,14(23), 15918.
  • Zhou, Z.L.; Wang, M.M.; Yang, C.N.; Fu, Z.J.; Sun, X.M.; Wu, Q.M.J. (2021). Blockchain-based decentralized reputation system in E-commerce environment, Future Generation Computer Systems 124 (155–167)
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Financial Economy
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Oğuz 0000-0001-5291-2819

Seval Çetinoğlu 0000-0002-4597-1033

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date July 31, 2024
Acceptance Date November 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Oğuz, A., & Çetinoğlu, S. (2024). BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19(2), 161-171.
AMA Oğuz A, Çetinoğlu S. BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. SBAD. December 2024;19(2):161-171. doi:10.48145/gopsbad.1525529
Chicago Oğuz, Ahmet, and Seval Çetinoğlu. “BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19, no. 2 (December 2024): 161-71.
EndNote Oğuz A, Çetinoğlu S (December 1, 2024) BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19 2 161–171.
IEEE A. Oğuz and S. Çetinoğlu, “BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE”, SBAD, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 161–171, 2024, doi: 10.48145/gopsbad.1525529.
ISNAD Oğuz, Ahmet - Çetinoğlu, Seval. “BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 19/2 (December 2024), 161-171.
MLA Oğuz, Ahmet and Seval Çetinoğlu. “BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STUDIES RELATED TO BLOCKCHAIN-BASED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, 2024, pp. 161-7, doi:10.48145/gopsbad.1525529.

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