Research Article
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Year 2020, Issue: 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I, 46 - 53, 23.10.2020


Pearls, which are known for their elegant beauty, nice luminescence, uniqueness, were are characterized as the treasure of the seas and a precious gift of nature, and have been used as jewellery for centuries. Pearls, which are the most precious jewellery that perfected in the hands of nature, were perhaps the first precious organic stones discovered by people were seeking food and drink in prehistoric times. There are archaeological data showing that pearls have been discovered in the Persian Gulf since the Neolithic Period and pearl fishing has been performed. The purpose of this study, is to try enlighten the pearl fishing and pearl trade in the Persian Gulf in the Ancient Age, on which limited research has been done, in the light of archaeological data and written sources.


  • Antik eserler Athenaesus, The Deipnosophists, (Çev, C. D. Yonge) 1927.(Loeb Classical Library). Isidorus of Charax, Historical Fragments, “Parthian Stations by Isisdore of Charax, An Account of the Overland Trade Route Between the Levant and India ın the First Century BC. (Çev. W. Schoff),1914. (Loeb Classical Library). Pliny, (the Elder). Natural History. (Çev. Rackham, H.). London.1956. (Loeb Classical Library) Theoprastus, On Stones- de Lapidibus. (çev. E. Caley, j. Richards)1956. The Periplus Maris Erythraei: Text with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary, (çev Casson, L.), New Jersey. 1989. The Epic of Gılgamesh: A New Translation”. Translated With An Introduction by A. George. 2000. Harmondsworth. The Penguin Press
  • Modern eserler Beech, M. J. , Howard Cuttler, R. T., Al Kaabi, A. K., El Faki A. A., Martin J., al Hameli N. H., Roberts, H. M. Spencer, P., Tomasi, D., Brunet O., Crassard R. (2019). “Excavations at MR11 on Marawah Island (Abu Dhabi, UAE): new insight into the architecture and planning of Arabian Neolithic settlements and early evidence for pearling”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy: Wiley, s.1-13.
  • Carter, R. (2005). “The History and Prehistory of Pearling in the Persian Gulf” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. V. 48, No: 2, s.139-209.
  • Carter, R. A. (2006). “Boat Remains and Maritime Trade in the Persian Gulf During The Sixth and Fifth Millennia BC”. Antiquity V. 80/307. s. 52-63.
  • Carter, R. A. (2010). “The Social and Environmental Context of Neolithic Seafaring in the Persian Gulf”. İçinde The Global Origins (and Development) of Seafaring I. Anderson, A. Barrett, J. H. ve Boyle, KV (eds.). McDonald Institute of Archeological Research: Cambridge. s. 191-202.
  • Carter, R. A (2018) “Globalising Interactions in the Arabian Neolithic and the ‘Ubaid”. İçinde Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, Exchange, and the 'People Without History. Boivin, N and Frachetti, M, (eds.) Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom, s. 43-79.
  • Carter, R. ve Crawford, H. (2002). “The Kuwait-British Archaeological Expedition to As Sabiyah: Report on the Fourth Season's Work”. Iraq LXIV: 1-13.
  • Charpentier, V., Philips, C. S., Mery, S. (2012). “The Pearl Fishing in the Ancient World: 7500 BP”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 23: 1-6.
  • de Beauclair, R. (2008). “La Parure Funéraire de la Nécropole Néolithique d’al-Buhais 18” (Émirats Arabes Unis). Préhistoires Méditerranéennes, s. 1-17.
  • Donkin, R.A. (1998). Beyond Price. Pearls and Pearl-Fishing: Origins to the Age of Disco veries. Philedel phia: American Philosophical Society.
  • During Casper, E. C. L. (1983). “Corals, Pearls And Prehistoric Gulf Trade”. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 13, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Seminar for Arabian Studies held at Oxford on 20th - 22nd July 1982, s. 21-29.
  • Drechsler, P. (2011). “Places of contact, spheres of interaction. The ‘Ubaid phenomenon in the central Gulf area as seen from a first season of reinvestigations at Dosariyah (Dawsãriyyah), Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 41, s. 69-82.
  • Heinrich, E.(1936). Klienfunde aus den Archaishcen Tempelschichten in Uruk, in Ausgra bungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, I. Leipzig.
  • Howard-Carter, T. (1986). “Eyestones and Pearls”. İçinde Bahrain Through the Ages: the Archaeology, Shaikha H.A. Al-Khalifa and M. Rice (eds), s. 305-310. London.
  • Kiesewetter, H., Uerpmann, H. P., Jasim, S. A. (2000). “Neolithic Jewellery From Jebel al-Buhais”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 30: 137-146. Kunz, G. F. ve Stevenson, C. H. (2001). The Book of the Pearl: Its History, Art, Science and Industry. New York.
  • Lawler, A. 2012. “The Pearl Trade”, Archaeology, Vol. 65, No. 2, 46-51.
  • Matlins, A. (2008). The Pearl Book: The Definitive Buying Guide-How to Select, Buy, Care for &Enjoy Pearls, 4. Baskı. Woodstock.
  • Mery, S., Charpentier V.,Beech M. (2008). “First Evidence of Shell Fish-Hook Technology in the Gulf”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 19: 15-21.
  • Mery, S. Ve Charpentier, V. (2013). “Neolithic Material Cultures of Oman and the Gulf Seashores from 5500-4500 BCE”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 24: 73-78.
  • Moorey, P.R. S. (1999). Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaologiacal. Eisenbrauns.
  • Oates, J., Davidson T.E., Kamilli D. ve . McKerrel H. (1977). “Seafaring Merchants of Ur?”, Antiquity 51, s. 221-234.
  • Oppenheim, L. (1954). “The Seafaring Merchants of Ur”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 s. 6-17.
  • Paterson, A. (2018) “Historical Archaeology of Pearling in the Indian Ocean Through the Lens of North West Australia”. İçinde Connecting continents: Archaeology and History in the Indian Ocean World. Seetah K. (Ed.), s.171-204. Ohio
  • Phillips, C.S. (2002). “Prehistoric Middens and a Cemetery from the Southern Arabian Gulf”. İçinde Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula (Rome, Serie orientale 93) , Cleuziou, S., Tosi, M. & Zarins J. (eds.), s.169–186.
  • Reeler, C.N. ve al-Shaikh N. Y. 2011. “Human Use of Coastal and Marine Resources”. İçinde Marine Atlas of The Western Arabian Gulf. R. Loughland, K. A. Al-Abdulkader (ed). Publisher: Saudi Aramco. s. 42-77
  • Salvatori, S. (2007). “The Prehistoric Graveyard of Ra’s al-Hamra 5, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman”. JOS 14: 5–202.
  • Stiles, K. A, Stiles, N. R., Stiles, N. R. (1943). “The Pearl, a Biological Gem”. Bıos, V. 14, N. 2, 69-80. Uerpman, M. Ve Uerpman H.P. (1996). “Ubaid Pottery in the Eastern Gulf. New Evidence from Umm al-Qaiwain (U.A.E.)”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 7, s.125-139.
  • erişim: 23.01. 020: 11.30 erişim: 23.01.2020:12:00, October, 20.2019: erişim 27.01.2020, 21 October 2019,: erişim: 27.01.2020


Year 2020, Issue: 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I, 46 - 53, 23.10.2020


Zarif güzelliği, latif parlaklığı ve eşsizliğiyle bilinen inciler, denizlerin hazinesi ve tabiatın kıymetli bir hediyesi olarak vasıflandırılmış, asırlar boyunca mücevher olarak kullanılmıştır. Doğanın elinde mükemmelleşen ve en kıymetli mücevherler arasında yer alan inciler, belki de tarih öncesi dönemlerde yiyecek ve içecek arayan insanların keşfettiği ilk değerli organik taşlardı. Neolitik Dönem’den itibaren Basra Körfezi’nde incinin keşfedildiğine ve inci avının yapıldığına dair arkeolojik veriler mevcuttur. Bu dönemde başlayan inci avı, Basra Körfezi’ndeki başlıca ekonomik aktivitelerden biri olarak 20. yüzyıla kadar önemini korumuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı üzerinde sınırlı araştırma yapılmış olan Eskiçağ’da Basra Körfezi’nde inci avı ve ticaretini arkeolojik veriler ve yazılı kaynaklar ışığında ele alarak aydınlatmaya çalışmaktır.


  • Antik eserler Athenaesus, The Deipnosophists, (Çev, C. D. Yonge) 1927.(Loeb Classical Library). Isidorus of Charax, Historical Fragments, “Parthian Stations by Isisdore of Charax, An Account of the Overland Trade Route Between the Levant and India ın the First Century BC. (Çev. W. Schoff),1914. (Loeb Classical Library). Pliny, (the Elder). Natural History. (Çev. Rackham, H.). London.1956. (Loeb Classical Library) Theoprastus, On Stones- de Lapidibus. (çev. E. Caley, j. Richards)1956. The Periplus Maris Erythraei: Text with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary, (çev Casson, L.), New Jersey. 1989. The Epic of Gılgamesh: A New Translation”. Translated With An Introduction by A. George. 2000. Harmondsworth. The Penguin Press
  • Modern eserler Beech, M. J. , Howard Cuttler, R. T., Al Kaabi, A. K., El Faki A. A., Martin J., al Hameli N. H., Roberts, H. M. Spencer, P., Tomasi, D., Brunet O., Crassard R. (2019). “Excavations at MR11 on Marawah Island (Abu Dhabi, UAE): new insight into the architecture and planning of Arabian Neolithic settlements and early evidence for pearling”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy: Wiley, s.1-13.
  • Carter, R. (2005). “The History and Prehistory of Pearling in the Persian Gulf” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. V. 48, No: 2, s.139-209.
  • Carter, R. A. (2006). “Boat Remains and Maritime Trade in the Persian Gulf During The Sixth and Fifth Millennia BC”. Antiquity V. 80/307. s. 52-63.
  • Carter, R. A. (2010). “The Social and Environmental Context of Neolithic Seafaring in the Persian Gulf”. İçinde The Global Origins (and Development) of Seafaring I. Anderson, A. Barrett, J. H. ve Boyle, KV (eds.). McDonald Institute of Archeological Research: Cambridge. s. 191-202.
  • Carter, R. A (2018) “Globalising Interactions in the Arabian Neolithic and the ‘Ubaid”. İçinde Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, Exchange, and the 'People Without History. Boivin, N and Frachetti, M, (eds.) Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom, s. 43-79.
  • Carter, R. ve Crawford, H. (2002). “The Kuwait-British Archaeological Expedition to As Sabiyah: Report on the Fourth Season's Work”. Iraq LXIV: 1-13.
  • Charpentier, V., Philips, C. S., Mery, S. (2012). “The Pearl Fishing in the Ancient World: 7500 BP”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 23: 1-6.
  • de Beauclair, R. (2008). “La Parure Funéraire de la Nécropole Néolithique d’al-Buhais 18” (Émirats Arabes Unis). Préhistoires Méditerranéennes, s. 1-17.
  • Donkin, R.A. (1998). Beyond Price. Pearls and Pearl-Fishing: Origins to the Age of Disco veries. Philedel phia: American Philosophical Society.
  • During Casper, E. C. L. (1983). “Corals, Pearls And Prehistoric Gulf Trade”. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 13, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Seminar for Arabian Studies held at Oxford on 20th - 22nd July 1982, s. 21-29.
  • Drechsler, P. (2011). “Places of contact, spheres of interaction. The ‘Ubaid phenomenon in the central Gulf area as seen from a first season of reinvestigations at Dosariyah (Dawsãriyyah), Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Vol. 41, s. 69-82.
  • Heinrich, E.(1936). Klienfunde aus den Archaishcen Tempelschichten in Uruk, in Ausgra bungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, I. Leipzig.
  • Howard-Carter, T. (1986). “Eyestones and Pearls”. İçinde Bahrain Through the Ages: the Archaeology, Shaikha H.A. Al-Khalifa and M. Rice (eds), s. 305-310. London.
  • Kiesewetter, H., Uerpmann, H. P., Jasim, S. A. (2000). “Neolithic Jewellery From Jebel al-Buhais”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 30: 137-146. Kunz, G. F. ve Stevenson, C. H. (2001). The Book of the Pearl: Its History, Art, Science and Industry. New York.
  • Lawler, A. 2012. “The Pearl Trade”, Archaeology, Vol. 65, No. 2, 46-51.
  • Matlins, A. (2008). The Pearl Book: The Definitive Buying Guide-How to Select, Buy, Care for &Enjoy Pearls, 4. Baskı. Woodstock.
  • Mery, S., Charpentier V.,Beech M. (2008). “First Evidence of Shell Fish-Hook Technology in the Gulf”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 19: 15-21.
  • Mery, S. Ve Charpentier, V. (2013). “Neolithic Material Cultures of Oman and the Gulf Seashores from 5500-4500 BCE”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, s. 24: 73-78.
  • Moorey, P.R. S. (1999). Ancient Mesopotamian Materials and Industries: The Archaologiacal. Eisenbrauns.
  • Oates, J., Davidson T.E., Kamilli D. ve . McKerrel H. (1977). “Seafaring Merchants of Ur?”, Antiquity 51, s. 221-234.
  • Oppenheim, L. (1954). “The Seafaring Merchants of Ur”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 s. 6-17.
  • Paterson, A. (2018) “Historical Archaeology of Pearling in the Indian Ocean Through the Lens of North West Australia”. İçinde Connecting continents: Archaeology and History in the Indian Ocean World. Seetah K. (Ed.), s.171-204. Ohio
  • Phillips, C.S. (2002). “Prehistoric Middens and a Cemetery from the Southern Arabian Gulf”. İçinde Essays on the Late Prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula (Rome, Serie orientale 93) , Cleuziou, S., Tosi, M. & Zarins J. (eds.), s.169–186.
  • Reeler, C.N. ve al-Shaikh N. Y. 2011. “Human Use of Coastal and Marine Resources”. İçinde Marine Atlas of The Western Arabian Gulf. R. Loughland, K. A. Al-Abdulkader (ed). Publisher: Saudi Aramco. s. 42-77
  • Salvatori, S. (2007). “The Prehistoric Graveyard of Ra’s al-Hamra 5, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman”. JOS 14: 5–202.
  • Stiles, K. A, Stiles, N. R., Stiles, N. R. (1943). “The Pearl, a Biological Gem”. Bıos, V. 14, N. 2, 69-80. Uerpman, M. Ve Uerpman H.P. (1996). “Ubaid Pottery in the Eastern Gulf. New Evidence from Umm al-Qaiwain (U.A.E.)”. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 7, s.125-139.
  • erişim: 23.01. 020: 11.30 erişim: 23.01.2020:12:00, October, 20.2019: erişim 27.01.2020, 21 October 2019,: erişim: 27.01.2020
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Uyanık 0000-0001-5921-0860

Publication Date October 23, 2020
Submission Date January 30, 2020
Acceptance Date May 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I


APA Uyanık, H. (2020). ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi(2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I), 46-53.
Chicago Uyanık, Hatice. “ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I (October 2020): 46-53.
EndNote Uyanık H (October 1, 2020) ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I 46–53.
IEEE H. Uyanık, “ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”, JSSR, no. 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I, pp. 46–53, October 2020.
ISNAD Uyanık, Hatice. “ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I (October 2020), 46-53.
MLA Uyanık, Hatice. “ESKİÇAĞ’DA BASRA KÖRFEZİ’NDE İNCİ, İNCİ AVI VE TİCARETİ ÜZERİNE GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 2020 Sonbahar Özel Sayı I/I, 2020, pp. 46-53.

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