Research Article
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Estimation of Factors Affecting Demand and Supply of Cow Milk

Year 2018, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 94 - 102, 29.08.2018


The aim of the present study was to estimate factors affecting demand and supply of cow milk and to assert suggestions to overcome issues regarding supply and demand of cow milk in dairy cattle farms. The data were obtained from 243 dairy cattle farms in central district of Çanakkale province between June 2016 and March 2017. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to evaluate data of study. According to analysis results, it was determined that the number of cows milked, livestock diseases and price of milk had important effect on quantity of milk supplied, and age of farmers, average monthly household income and price of milk had also important effect on quantity of milk consumed. As a result, factors affecting positive of supply and demand of cow milk is also expected to enhancing to the quantity of milk supplied and consumed.


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  • Aksoy A, Külekçi M and Yavuz F (2011). Analysis of the factors affecting the adoption of innovations in dairy farms in Erzurum Province, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6: 2966-2970.
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  • Bor Ö (2014). Economics of dairy farmer in Turkey. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 4:49-62.
  • Celik Y, Bilgic A, Karli B and Celik S (2006). Factors affecting milk consumption pattern in southern Anatolian region: an application of a two-stage econometric model. Die Bodenkultur, 57:57-64.
  • Curtis CR, Erb HN, Sniffen CJ, Smith RD and Kronfeld DS (1985). Path analysis of dry period nutrition, postpartum metabolic and reproductive disorders, and mastitis in Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 68: 2347-2360.
  • Davis CG, Dong D, Blayney D, Yen ST and Stillman R (2012). U.S. fluid milk demand: a disaggregated approach. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 15:25-50.
  • De Alwis AEN, Edirisinghe JC and Athauda AMTP (2009). Analysis of factors affecting fresh milk consumption among the mid-country consumers. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 12:103-109.
  • Doğan N and Kızıloğlu S (2015). Analysis of factors that affect dairy farms’ success: case of Gumushane province. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 3:49-56.
  • FAO (2015). Statistical database. (Accessed to web: 12.02.2017).
  • Fuller F, Behgin J and Rozella S (2007). Consumption of dairy products in urban China: results from Beijing, Shangai and Guangzhou. The Australian Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics, 51:459-474.
  • Gujarati DN (1995). Basic econometrics. McGraw-Hill International Editions Publishers, New York.
  • Güler O, Aydın R, Yanar M, Diler A, Koçyiğit R and Avcı M (2016). Socio-economic structures of cattle enterprises in Hınıs district of Erzurum province. Alınteri Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30:27-37.
  • Hussain M, Ghafoor A and Saboor A (2010). Factors affecting milk production in buffaloes: acase study. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30:115-117.
  • Hsu JL and Kao JS (2001). Factors affecting consumers' fluid milk purchasing patterns in Taiwan: product comparisons and marketing implications. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 7:41-51.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Dewhurst RJ and Friggens NC (2003). On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production disease in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livestock Production Science, 83:277-308.
  • Jabir A (2007). Livestock sector development and implications for rural poverty alleviation in India. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 19:1-13.
  • Karkacıer O and Goktolga ZG (2011). A case study investigating farmers’ view regarding soil analysis: estimates using a logit model. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 13:467-476.
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  • Maitah M and Smutka L (2012). Economic analysis of milk production and consumption in the Middle East and North Africa. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 26:245-254.
  • Mckenzie CC and Nieuwoundt WL (1985). Estimation of demand and supply functions for fresh and industrial milk in South Africa. Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, 24:27-33.
  • Mulligan FJ and Doherty ML (2008). Production diseases of the transition cow. The Veterinary Journal, 176:3-9.
  • Phuong NV, Cuong TH, Mergenthaler M (2015). Effects of household characteristics on expenditure for dairy products in Vietnam. International journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences, 1:1-13.
  • Pryce JE, Nielsen BL, Veerkamp RF and Simm G (1999). Genotype and feeding system effects and interactions for health and fertility traits in dairy cattle. Livestock Production Science, 57:193-201.
  • Rodolfo M, Nayga J, Siebert JW (1999). Analysis of athome consumption of dairy products in the United States. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 5(3): 65-78.
  • Singh KM, Singh RKP, Jha AK and Meena MS (2010). Dynamics of livestock sector in Bihar: a temporal analysis. Agricultural Situation in India, 66:687-702.
  • SPSS (1998). SPSS Base 8.0 for Windows User's Guide.
  • SPSS Inc., Chicago IL. Terin M, Bilgiç A, Güler Oİ and Yavuz F (2015). Analyzing factors affecting household milk products’ expenditures in Turkey: a multivariate heckman sample selection system approach. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21:500-515.
  • Thornton PK (2010). Livestock production: recent trends, future prospects.Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences,1554:2853-2867.
  • Tillé Y (2006). Sampling Algorithms. Springer-Verlag Publishers, New York.
  • Topcu Y (2008). Analysis of success factors in dairy farms: case study of Erzurum province. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 23:17-24.
  • TURKSTAT (2016). Statistical database. (Accessed to web:13.02.2017).
  • Trung TQ, Giam DQ, Hai VT, Thao LP, Hang NTT, Son LTK and Linh BTM (2014). Factors influencing milk consumption of rural households in Northern Vietnam. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4:31-40.
  • Urak F, Dağdemir V and Bilgiç A (2017). Econometric Analysis of factors affecting household spending on some animal products in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23:45-53.
  • Schaik GV, Perry BD, Muhkebi AW, Gitau GK and Dijkhuizen AA (1996). An economic study of smallholder dairy farms in Muranga district, Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 29:21-36.
  • William JB and Alan SB (2007). Economics: principles and policy. Courier Kendallville, Inc, USA.
Year 2018, Volume: 35 Issue: 2, 94 - 102, 29.08.2018



  • Agbola FW (2003). Estimation of food demand patterns in South Africa based on a survey of households. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 35:663-670.
  • Agha SR and Alnahhal MJ (2012). Neural network and multiple linear regression to predict schoolchildren dimensions for ergonomic school furniture design. Applied Ergonomics, 43:979-984.
  • Aksoy A, Külekçi M and Yavuz F (2011). Analysis of the factors affecting the adoption of innovations in dairy farms in Erzurum Province, Turkey. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6: 2966-2970.
  • Altarawneh M (2015). Estimating supply and demand functions for dairy cows milk production. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, 7:1-5.
  • Bilgiç A and Yen ST (2013). Household food demand in Turkey: A two-step demand system approach. Food Policy, 43:267-277.
  • Bor Ö (2014). Economics of dairy farmer in Turkey. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 4:49-62.
  • Celik Y, Bilgic A, Karli B and Celik S (2006). Factors affecting milk consumption pattern in southern Anatolian region: an application of a two-stage econometric model. Die Bodenkultur, 57:57-64.
  • Curtis CR, Erb HN, Sniffen CJ, Smith RD and Kronfeld DS (1985). Path analysis of dry period nutrition, postpartum metabolic and reproductive disorders, and mastitis in Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 68: 2347-2360.
  • Davis CG, Dong D, Blayney D, Yen ST and Stillman R (2012). U.S. fluid milk demand: a disaggregated approach. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 15:25-50.
  • De Alwis AEN, Edirisinghe JC and Athauda AMTP (2009). Analysis of factors affecting fresh milk consumption among the mid-country consumers. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, 12:103-109.
  • Doğan N and Kızıloğlu S (2015). Analysis of factors that affect dairy farms’ success: case of Gumushane province. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 3:49-56.
  • FAO (2015). Statistical database. (Accessed to web: 12.02.2017).
  • Fuller F, Behgin J and Rozella S (2007). Consumption of dairy products in urban China: results from Beijing, Shangai and Guangzhou. The Australian Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics, 51:459-474.
  • Gujarati DN (1995). Basic econometrics. McGraw-Hill International Editions Publishers, New York.
  • Güler O, Aydın R, Yanar M, Diler A, Koçyiğit R and Avcı M (2016). Socio-economic structures of cattle enterprises in Hınıs district of Erzurum province. Alınteri Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30:27-37.
  • Hussain M, Ghafoor A and Saboor A (2010). Factors affecting milk production in buffaloes: acase study. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30:115-117.
  • Hsu JL and Kao JS (2001). Factors affecting consumers' fluid milk purchasing patterns in Taiwan: product comparisons and marketing implications. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 7:41-51.
  • Ingvartsen KL, Dewhurst RJ and Friggens NC (2003). On the relationship between lactational performance and health: is it yield or metabolic imbalance that cause production disease in dairy cattle? A position paper. Livestock Production Science, 83:277-308.
  • Jabir A (2007). Livestock sector development and implications for rural poverty alleviation in India. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 19:1-13.
  • Karkacıer O and Goktolga ZG (2011). A case study investigating farmers’ view regarding soil analysis: estimates using a logit model. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 13:467-476.
  • Kim JO and Kohout FJ (1975). Multiple regression analysis: subprogram regression. In: NH Nie, CH Hall, JG Jenkins, K Steinbrenner and D Bent (Eds). Statistical Packagefor the Social Sciences, McGraw-Hill, NewYork.
  • Maitah M and Smutka L (2012). Economic analysis of milk production and consumption in the Middle East and North Africa. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 26:245-254.
  • Mckenzie CC and Nieuwoundt WL (1985). Estimation of demand and supply functions for fresh and industrial milk in South Africa. Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, 24:27-33.
  • Mulligan FJ and Doherty ML (2008). Production diseases of the transition cow. The Veterinary Journal, 176:3-9.
  • Phuong NV, Cuong TH, Mergenthaler M (2015). Effects of household characteristics on expenditure for dairy products in Vietnam. International journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences, 1:1-13.
  • Pryce JE, Nielsen BL, Veerkamp RF and Simm G (1999). Genotype and feeding system effects and interactions for health and fertility traits in dairy cattle. Livestock Production Science, 57:193-201.
  • Rodolfo M, Nayga J, Siebert JW (1999). Analysis of athome consumption of dairy products in the United States. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 5(3): 65-78.
  • Singh KM, Singh RKP, Jha AK and Meena MS (2010). Dynamics of livestock sector in Bihar: a temporal analysis. Agricultural Situation in India, 66:687-702.
  • SPSS (1998). SPSS Base 8.0 for Windows User's Guide.
  • SPSS Inc., Chicago IL. Terin M, Bilgiç A, Güler Oİ and Yavuz F (2015). Analyzing factors affecting household milk products’ expenditures in Turkey: a multivariate heckman sample selection system approach. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21:500-515.
  • Thornton PK (2010). Livestock production: recent trends, future prospects.Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences,1554:2853-2867.
  • Tillé Y (2006). Sampling Algorithms. Springer-Verlag Publishers, New York.
  • Topcu Y (2008). Analysis of success factors in dairy farms: case study of Erzurum province. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 23:17-24.
  • TURKSTAT (2016). Statistical database. (Accessed to web:13.02.2017).
  • Trung TQ, Giam DQ, Hai VT, Thao LP, Hang NTT, Son LTK and Linh BTM (2014). Factors influencing milk consumption of rural households in Northern Vietnam. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 4:31-40.
  • Urak F, Dağdemir V and Bilgiç A (2017). Econometric Analysis of factors affecting household spending on some animal products in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23:45-53.
  • Schaik GV, Perry BD, Muhkebi AW, Gitau GK and Dijkhuizen AA (1996). An economic study of smallholder dairy farms in Muranga district, Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 29:21-36.
  • William JB and Alan SB (2007). Economics: principles and policy. Courier Kendallville, Inc, USA.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Damla Özsayın This is me

Publication Date August 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 35 Issue: 2


APA Özsayın, D. (2018). Estimation of Factors Affecting Demand and Supply of Cow Milk. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 35(2), 94-102.