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Old Home x Farmingdale 333 Armut Anacının in Vitro Köklenmesi Üzerine Oksin ve Polivinil Alkol Uygulamalarının Etkileri

Year 2018, Volume: 35 Issue: Ek Sayı, 47 - 53, 01.10.2018


Bu çalışmada, Old Home x Farmingdale 333 (OHxF 333) (Pyruscommunis L.) armut anacında mikro çeliklerin in vitro köklenmesi üzerine PVA’nın (polivinil alkol), IBA (indolbütirik asit) ve IAA (indolasetikasit)’nın etkileri araştırılmıştır. PVA denemesinde (1. deneme), aseptik koşullarda, hızlı daldırma yöntemiyle 200 ppm IBA uygulanmış mikro çelikler, 0, 1, 2 ve 3 gl-1 PVA ilave edilmiş, büyümeyi düzenleyici madde içermeyen, makro element düzeyi ½ olan MS (Murashige ve Skoog) temel besin ortamı üzerinde kültüre alınmıştır. Oksin denemesinde (2. deneme) ise IBA ve IAA’nın 0, 12, 24, 48, 120 ve 240 ppm dozlarının aseptik koşullarda yavaş daldırma yöntemiyle (1 saat) uygulandığı mikro çelikler, PVA içermeyen aynı temel besin ortamına dikilmiştir. Kültürler bir hafta karanlık, beş hafta 16 saat aydınlık koşullarda tutulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda, hızlı daldırma yöntemiyle 200 ppm IBA uygulanmış mikro çeliklerde PVA (1, 2 ve 3 g l-1)’nın invitro köklenme oranlarını önemli düzeyde artırdığı (%75-100) belirlenmiştir. Köklenme düzeyi (ortalama 2.51), ortalama kök sayısı (ortalama 3.54 adet) ve kök uzunluğu (ortalama 17.0 mm) bakımından uygulamalar arasında istatistiksel anlamda önemli bir farklılık ortaya çıkmamıştır. Oksin denemesinde ise en yüksek köklenme oranları IAA’nın 48, 120, 240 ppm ve IBA’nın 12, 24, 120 ppm uygulamalarında %50.0 ile %83.3 arasında kaydedilmiştir.


  • Al-Maarri K, Arnaud Y and Miginiac E (1994). Micropropagation of Pyruscommunis cultivar 'Passe Crassane' seedlings and cultivar 'Williams': factors affecting root formation in vitro and ex vitro. Scientia Horticulturae, 58: 207-214.
  • Aygun A and Dumanoglu H (2015). In vitro shoot proliferation and in vitro and ex vitro root formation of Pyruselaeagrifolia Pallas. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 1-8.
  • Bahri-Sahloul R, Ammar S, Msallem A andMtar R (2005). Micropropagation of three Pyrus rootstocks. Advances in Horticultural Science, 19: 21-28.
  • Baraldi R, Bertazza G, Predieri S, Bregoli AM and Cohen JD (1993). Uptake and metabolism of indole-3-butyric acid during the in vitro rooting phase in pear cultivars (Pyruscommunis). Acta Horticulturae, 329: 289-291.
  • Berardi G, Neri D, Maiorino AandAdversi R (1992). Invitrorooting of Pyruscalleryana. Acta Horticulturae, 300: 181-188.
  • De Klerk GJ (2002). Rooting of microcuttings: Theoryandpractice. InVitro Cell. Dev. Biol-Plant 38: 415-422.
  • De Klerk GJ and Massoumi M (2011). Understanding leads to significant improvements in microcuttings. Theroots of rooting. Prophyta, Annual: 30-33.
  • Erturk U (2013). The in vitro rooting performance of pear rootstock ‘OHxF 333’ in different rooting procedures. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11: 1424-1427.
  • Hag Z and Kaloo ZA (2010). In vitro micro propagation of ‘sand pear’ Pyruspyrifolia (Burm. F.) Nakai. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 4: 358-361.
  • Hartmann HT, Kester DE, Davies FT and Geneve RL (2011). Plant propagation: principle and practices. Prentice-Hall, 915 p., London.
  • Hassanen SA and Gabr MF (2012). In vitro propagation of pear Pyrusbetulaefolia rootstock. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci, 12: 484-489.
  • Iglesias I, Vilardell P, Bonany J, Claveria E and Dolcet-Sanjuan R (2004). Micropropagation and field evaluation of the pear (Pyruscommunis L.) 'IGE 2002', a new selection of the cultivar Dr. Jules Guyot. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 129: 389-393.
  • Leite GB, Finardi N and Fortes GRL (2000). Effects of sucrose concentration in culture medium and light intensity on “in vitro” rooting of OHxF97 pear rootstock. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 24: 353-357.
  • Lombard PB and Westwood MN (1987). Pear Rootstocks. In: Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. Edited RC Rom, RF Carlson. Publ. by a Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 145-183, New York.
  • Lucyszyn N, Quoirin M, Ribas LL and Sierakowski R (2006). Effect of agar, galaktomannan and indole-butyric-acid on in vitro rooting of the pear cultivar ‘Durondeau’ and apple rootstock cultivar. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81: 310-314.
  • Moretti C, Scozzoli A, Pasini D and Paganelli F (1992). In vitro propagation of pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae, 300: 115-118.
  • Murashige T and Skoog F (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant., 15: 473-497.
  • Previati A, Da Re F, Bassi D, Tagliavini M and Marangoni B (2002). Development of protocols for in vitro rooting of advanced selections of Pyruscommunis rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, 596: 485-486.
  • Quiterio PVB, Traquina DMO, Alves MHL, Pereira MJ and Silva DJM (2008). In vitro establishment and multiplication of pear rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, 800: 695-700.
  • Quoirin M and Lepoivre P (1977). Improved media for in vitro culture of Prunus sp. Acta Hort., 78: 437-442.
  • Reed BM (1995). Screening Pyrus germplasm for in vitro rooting response. Hort Science, 30: 1292-1294.
  • Rehman HU, Gill MIS, Sidhu GS and Dhaliwal HS (2014a). Micropropagation of Kainth (Pyruspashia)-an important rootstock of pear in Northern Subtropical Region of India. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 2: 188-196.
  • Rehman HU, Gill MIS, Sidhu GS, Dhillon WS and Bedi S (2014b). Micropropagation of Patharnakh (Pyruspyrifolia (Burm F.) Nakai) pear using explants obtained from forced cuttings. Int. J. Agric.Sci&Vet.Med., 2: 54-65.
  • Saadat YA, Jokar L andJahromi LS (2012). In vitro rooting of PyrusglabraBoiss. Microshoots. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources Research, 1: 46-51.
  • Shibli RA, Ajlouni MM, Jaradat A, Aljanabi S and Shatnawi M (1997). Micropropagation in wild pear (Pyrussyrica). Scientia Horticulturae, 68: 237-242.
  • Sun H, Bell RL and Xin L (2009). Effect of polyvinyl alcohol on in vitro rooting capacity of shoots in pear clones (Pyruscommunis L.) of different ploidy. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Culture, 99: 299-304.
  • Thakur A and Kanwar J S (2008). Micropropagation of 'wild pear' Pyruspyrifolia (Burm F.) Nakai. II. Induction of rooting. Notulae Botanicae, Horti Agrobotanici, Cluj-Napoca, 36: 104-111.
  • Yang Y, Wang D, Wang C, Wang X, Li JandWang R (2017). Construction of high efficiency regeneration and transformation systems of Pyrusussuriensis Maxim. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 131:139-150.
Year 2018, Volume: 35 Issue: Ek Sayı, 47 - 53, 01.10.2018



  • Al-Maarri K, Arnaud Y and Miginiac E (1994). Micropropagation of Pyruscommunis cultivar 'Passe Crassane' seedlings and cultivar 'Williams': factors affecting root formation in vitro and ex vitro. Scientia Horticulturae, 58: 207-214.
  • Aygun A and Dumanoglu H (2015). In vitro shoot proliferation and in vitro and ex vitro root formation of Pyruselaeagrifolia Pallas. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 1-8.
  • Bahri-Sahloul R, Ammar S, Msallem A andMtar R (2005). Micropropagation of three Pyrus rootstocks. Advances in Horticultural Science, 19: 21-28.
  • Baraldi R, Bertazza G, Predieri S, Bregoli AM and Cohen JD (1993). Uptake and metabolism of indole-3-butyric acid during the in vitro rooting phase in pear cultivars (Pyruscommunis). Acta Horticulturae, 329: 289-291.
  • Berardi G, Neri D, Maiorino AandAdversi R (1992). Invitrorooting of Pyruscalleryana. Acta Horticulturae, 300: 181-188.
  • De Klerk GJ (2002). Rooting of microcuttings: Theoryandpractice. InVitro Cell. Dev. Biol-Plant 38: 415-422.
  • De Klerk GJ and Massoumi M (2011). Understanding leads to significant improvements in microcuttings. Theroots of rooting. Prophyta, Annual: 30-33.
  • Erturk U (2013). The in vitro rooting performance of pear rootstock ‘OHxF 333’ in different rooting procedures. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11: 1424-1427.
  • Hag Z and Kaloo ZA (2010). In vitro micro propagation of ‘sand pear’ Pyruspyrifolia (Burm. F.) Nakai. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 4: 358-361.
  • Hartmann HT, Kester DE, Davies FT and Geneve RL (2011). Plant propagation: principle and practices. Prentice-Hall, 915 p., London.
  • Hassanen SA and Gabr MF (2012). In vitro propagation of pear Pyrusbetulaefolia rootstock. American-Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci, 12: 484-489.
  • Iglesias I, Vilardell P, Bonany J, Claveria E and Dolcet-Sanjuan R (2004). Micropropagation and field evaluation of the pear (Pyruscommunis L.) 'IGE 2002', a new selection of the cultivar Dr. Jules Guyot. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 129: 389-393.
  • Leite GB, Finardi N and Fortes GRL (2000). Effects of sucrose concentration in culture medium and light intensity on “in vitro” rooting of OHxF97 pear rootstock. Ciencia e Agrotecnologia, 24: 353-357.
  • Lombard PB and Westwood MN (1987). Pear Rootstocks. In: Rootstocks for Fruit Crops. Edited RC Rom, RF Carlson. Publ. by a Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 145-183, New York.
  • Lucyszyn N, Quoirin M, Ribas LL and Sierakowski R (2006). Effect of agar, galaktomannan and indole-butyric-acid on in vitro rooting of the pear cultivar ‘Durondeau’ and apple rootstock cultivar. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 81: 310-314.
  • Moretti C, Scozzoli A, Pasini D and Paganelli F (1992). In vitro propagation of pear cultivars. Acta Horticulturae, 300: 115-118.
  • Murashige T and Skoog F (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant., 15: 473-497.
  • Previati A, Da Re F, Bassi D, Tagliavini M and Marangoni B (2002). Development of protocols for in vitro rooting of advanced selections of Pyruscommunis rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, 596: 485-486.
  • Quiterio PVB, Traquina DMO, Alves MHL, Pereira MJ and Silva DJM (2008). In vitro establishment and multiplication of pear rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae, 800: 695-700.
  • Quoirin M and Lepoivre P (1977). Improved media for in vitro culture of Prunus sp. Acta Hort., 78: 437-442.
  • Reed BM (1995). Screening Pyrus germplasm for in vitro rooting response. Hort Science, 30: 1292-1294.
  • Rehman HU, Gill MIS, Sidhu GS and Dhaliwal HS (2014a). Micropropagation of Kainth (Pyruspashia)-an important rootstock of pear in Northern Subtropical Region of India. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 2: 188-196.
  • Rehman HU, Gill MIS, Sidhu GS, Dhillon WS and Bedi S (2014b). Micropropagation of Patharnakh (Pyruspyrifolia (Burm F.) Nakai) pear using explants obtained from forced cuttings. Int. J. Agric.Sci&Vet.Med., 2: 54-65.
  • Saadat YA, Jokar L andJahromi LS (2012). In vitro rooting of PyrusglabraBoiss. Microshoots. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources Research, 1: 46-51.
  • Shibli RA, Ajlouni MM, Jaradat A, Aljanabi S and Shatnawi M (1997). Micropropagation in wild pear (Pyrussyrica). Scientia Horticulturae, 68: 237-242.
  • Sun H, Bell RL and Xin L (2009). Effect of polyvinyl alcohol on in vitro rooting capacity of shoots in pear clones (Pyruscommunis L.) of different ploidy. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Culture, 99: 299-304.
  • Thakur A and Kanwar J S (2008). Micropropagation of 'wild pear' Pyruspyrifolia (Burm F.) Nakai. II. Induction of rooting. Notulae Botanicae, Horti Agrobotanici, Cluj-Napoca, 36: 104-111.
  • Yang Y, Wang D, Wang C, Wang X, Li JandWang R (2017). Construction of high efficiency regeneration and transformation systems of Pyrusussuriensis Maxim. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 131:139-150.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Shabnam Alizadeh This is me

Gülüstan Polat This is me

Hatice Dumanoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 35 Issue: Ek Sayı


APA Alizadeh, S., Polat, G., & Dumanoğlu, H. (2018). Old Home x Farmingdale 333 Armut Anacının in Vitro Köklenmesi Üzerine Oksin ve Polivinil Alkol Uygulamalarının Etkileri. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 35(Ek Sayı), 47-53.