Research Article
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Determination of Yield and Quality Parameters in Some Paddy Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) by Correlation Analysis

Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 129 - 134, 31.08.2019


In this study, it was aimed to determine the correlation between yield and quality parameters of some paddy genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) by correlation analysis. The research; Erbaa, Niksar, Pazar locations in 2016 and 2017 vegetation period was carried out using 15 paddy genotypes. The experiments were established with four replications according to the Randomized Blocks Experimental Design. Genotypes were examined according to Spearman correlation test. Paddy yield (PY) and panicle heading time (PHT, r = 0.163 *), maturation time (MT, r = 0.252 *), the number of grains per panicle (NGP, r = 0.325**), thousand grain weight (TGW, r = 0.159 *), the number of productive tillers per square meter (TNPM, r = 0.282**), single panicle yield (SPY, r = 0.188 *), broken rice yield (BRY, r = 0.721 **), unbroken rice yield (UBRY, r = 0.502 *), harvest index (HI, r = 0.651 **) was a significant positive correlation between them. In terms of quality, there was significant positive correlation between broken (BRY) or unbroken (UBRY) rice yield and the number of grains per panicle (NGP, r = 0.768 **), the number of productive tillers per square meter (TNPM, r = 0.629 **), harvest index (HI, r = 0.729 **, r = 0.503 *, respectively). The data obtained from the investigated properties will help breeders in breeding superior paddy genotypes in yield and quality.


  • Aguilar M, Grau D (2006). Effect of applied before seeding nitrogen fertilization on rice yield components. Chaiers Options Mediterraneennes. Vol. 15, Spain.
  • Amirthadevarathinam A (1983). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of yield components in upland rice. Madras Agricultural Journal. 70(12): 781-785.
  • Anonymous (2017).
  • Anonymous (2018). Turkish Statistical Institute
  • Babar M, Khan AA, Arif A, Zafar Y, Arif MD (2007). Path analysis of some leaf and panicle traits affecting grain yield in doubled haploid lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Agric. Res. 45(4): 245-252.
  • Babu VR, Shreya K, Dangi KS, Usharani G, Shankar AS (2012). Correlation and path analysis studies in popular rice hybrids of India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 3.
  • Bhatti MK, Ljaz M, Akhter M, Rafiq M, Mushtaq Ch (2005). Correlation coefficient analysis of yield and yield components in fine rice lines/varieties. Intl. Seminar on Rice Crop at Rice Res. Inst. Kala Shah Kaku, Pakistan, pp: 2-3.
  • Dewey DR, Lu KH (1959). A correlation and path co-efficient analysis of components of crested wheat grass and seed production. Agron. J. 51: 515-518.
  • Duff B (1991). Trends and patterns in Asian rice consumption. in: marketing and quality Issues, 1–22. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
  • Elçi Ş, Geçit H, Kolsarıcı Ö (1994). Tarla bitkileri ders kitabı, Ankara Üniversitesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Hairmansis A, Kustianto B, Supartopo dS (2008). Pemuliaan padi rawa pasang surut dan lebak. hlm. 319-328. Dalam AK, Makarim B, Suprihatno Z, Zaini A, Widjono IN, Widiarta H, Kasim dH (Ed.). Inovasi Teknologi Tanaman Pangan, Buku 2. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Padi. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • Iftikharuddaula KM, Akhter K, Hassan MS, Fatima K, Badshah (2002). Genetic divergence: Character association and selection criteria in irrigated rice. J. Biol. Sci., 2: 243-246.
  • Janardhanam V, Nadarajan N, Jebaraj S (2001). Correlation and path analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L). Madras Agricultural Journal, 88: 719-720.
  • Jennings PR, Coffman WR, Kaufman HE (1979). Rice Improvement. IRRI, Los Banos, the Philippines. 186 pp.
  • Khedikar VP, Bharose AA, Sharma D, Khedikar YP, Killare AS (2004). Path coefficient analysis of yield components of scented rice. Journal of Soils and Crops, 14 (1): 198-201
  • Kün (1996). Tahıllar-I (Serin İklim Tahılları). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No:1451, Ankara.
  • Madhavilatha L, (2002). Studies on genetic divergence and isozyme analysis on rice (Oryza sativa L). M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad.
  • Meenakshi T, Amirthadevarathinam A, Backiyarani S (1999). Correlation and path analysis of yield and some physiological characters in rainfed rice. Oryza, 36 (2): 154-156.
  • Milligan SB, Gravois KA, Bischoff KP, Martin FA (1990). Crop effects on genetic relationships among sugarcane traits. Crop Sci. 30: 927-931.
  • Nayak AR, Chaudhary D, Reddy JN (2001). Correlation and path analysis in scented rice (Oryza sativa L). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (3) : 186-189.
  • Oad FC, Samo MA, Hassan ZU, Cruz PS, Oad NL (2002). Correlation and path analysis of quantitative characters of rice ratoon cultivars and advance lines. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 4(2): 204-207.
  • Prasad B, Patwary AK, Biswas PS (2001). Genetic variability and selection criteria in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 1188-1190.
  • Rasheed MS, Sadaqat HA, Babar M (2002). Interrelationship among grain quality traits of rice (Oryza saliva L.) Asian J. Plant Sci., I: 245-247.
  • Reddy NYA, Prasad TG, Udaya Kumar M (1995). Genetic variation in yield, yield attributes and yield of rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 82 (4) : 310-313.
  • Reddy JN, De RN, Suriya Rao AV (1997). Correlation and path analysis in low land rice under intermediate (0-50 cm) water depth. Oryza, 34 (3) : 187-190.
  • Riaz M, Akhter M, Khan RAR (2014). Genetic criterion for selection of highly productive medium grain rice (Oryza sativa) lines. Journal of Agricultural Research., 52 (2).
  • Roy A, Panwar DVS, Sarma RN (1995). Genetic variability and causal relationships in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 82 (4): 251-255.
  • Satish Y, Seetha Ramaiah KV, Srinivasulu R, Reddi SRN (2003). Correlation and path analysis of certain quantitative and physiological characters in rice (Oryza sativa L). The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 50 (3&4): 231-234.
  • Sezer İ, Köycü C (1997). Çeltikte tane verimi ile bazı verim komponentleri arasındaki ilişkilerin korelasyon ve path analizi ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye 2. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 22-25 Eylül, Samsun, Bildiriler Kitabı, ss:167-171.
  • Sezer İ, Akay H, Öner F, Şahin M (2012). Çeltik üretim sistemleri. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 5 (2), 06-11.
  • Singh RK, Chaudhary BD (1995). Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis. Kalyani Publishers New Delhi, pp. 215-218.
  • Sreewongchai T, Somchit P, Sripichitt P, Matthayatthaworn W, Uckarach S, Keawsaard Y, Worede F (2017). Genetic relationships of rice yield components in RILs population derived from a cross between KDML105 and CH1 rice varieties. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 14(12): 997-1004.
  • Sürek H (2002). Çeltik tarımı. Hasad Yayıncılık, 1-240.
  • Sürek H, Beşer N (2003). Correlation and path coefficient analysis for some yield-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under thrace conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. TÜBİTAK, 27, 77-83. Ankara.
  • Şahin M (2011). Kızılırmak havzası koşullarında çeltik çeşitlerinin genotip x çevre interaksiyonları ve stabilitelerinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. OMÜ. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun.
  • Tripathi PM, Sthapit BR, Subedi LP, Sah SK, Gyawali S (2013). Agro-morphological variation in ‘’Jhinuwa’’ rice landraces (Oryza sativa L.) of Nepal. Genetic Resource Crop Evolution 60:2261-2271.
  • Wright S (1921). Correlation and causation. Journal of Agricultural Research, 20:557-85.
  • Yogameenakshi P, Nadarajan N, Anbumalarmathi J (2004). Correlation and path analysis on yield and drought tolerant attributes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under drought stress. Oryza, 41 (3&4): 68-70.
  • Yolanda JL, Das LDV (1995). Correlation and path analysis in rice (Orza sativa L). Madras. Agric. J., 82: 576-578.
  • Zahid MA, Akhter M, Sabar M, Manzoor Z, Awan T (2006). Correlation and path analysis studies of yield and economic traits in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.). Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 5 (4): 643-64.
Year 2019, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 129 - 134, 31.08.2019



  • Aguilar M, Grau D (2006). Effect of applied before seeding nitrogen fertilization on rice yield components. Chaiers Options Mediterraneennes. Vol. 15, Spain.
  • Amirthadevarathinam A (1983). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of yield components in upland rice. Madras Agricultural Journal. 70(12): 781-785.
  • Anonymous (2017).
  • Anonymous (2018). Turkish Statistical Institute
  • Babar M, Khan AA, Arif A, Zafar Y, Arif MD (2007). Path analysis of some leaf and panicle traits affecting grain yield in doubled haploid lines of rice (Oryza sativa L.). J. Agric. Res. 45(4): 245-252.
  • Babu VR, Shreya K, Dangi KS, Usharani G, Shankar AS (2012). Correlation and path analysis studies in popular rice hybrids of India. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 3.
  • Bhatti MK, Ljaz M, Akhter M, Rafiq M, Mushtaq Ch (2005). Correlation coefficient analysis of yield and yield components in fine rice lines/varieties. Intl. Seminar on Rice Crop at Rice Res. Inst. Kala Shah Kaku, Pakistan, pp: 2-3.
  • Dewey DR, Lu KH (1959). A correlation and path co-efficient analysis of components of crested wheat grass and seed production. Agron. J. 51: 515-518.
  • Duff B (1991). Trends and patterns in Asian rice consumption. in: marketing and quality Issues, 1–22. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines.
  • Elçi Ş, Geçit H, Kolsarıcı Ö (1994). Tarla bitkileri ders kitabı, Ankara Üniversitesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Ankara.
  • Hairmansis A, Kustianto B, Supartopo dS (2008). Pemuliaan padi rawa pasang surut dan lebak. hlm. 319-328. Dalam AK, Makarim B, Suprihatno Z, Zaini A, Widjono IN, Widiarta H, Kasim dH (Ed.). Inovasi Teknologi Tanaman Pangan, Buku 2. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Padi. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan, Bogor, Indonesia.
  • Iftikharuddaula KM, Akhter K, Hassan MS, Fatima K, Badshah (2002). Genetic divergence: Character association and selection criteria in irrigated rice. J. Biol. Sci., 2: 243-246.
  • Janardhanam V, Nadarajan N, Jebaraj S (2001). Correlation and path analysis in rice (Oryza sativa L). Madras Agricultural Journal, 88: 719-720.
  • Jennings PR, Coffman WR, Kaufman HE (1979). Rice Improvement. IRRI, Los Banos, the Philippines. 186 pp.
  • Khedikar VP, Bharose AA, Sharma D, Khedikar YP, Killare AS (2004). Path coefficient analysis of yield components of scented rice. Journal of Soils and Crops, 14 (1): 198-201
  • Kün (1996). Tahıllar-I (Serin İklim Tahılları). Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No:1451, Ankara.
  • Madhavilatha L, (2002). Studies on genetic divergence and isozyme analysis on rice (Oryza sativa L). M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad.
  • Meenakshi T, Amirthadevarathinam A, Backiyarani S (1999). Correlation and path analysis of yield and some physiological characters in rainfed rice. Oryza, 36 (2): 154-156.
  • Milligan SB, Gravois KA, Bischoff KP, Martin FA (1990). Crop effects on genetic relationships among sugarcane traits. Crop Sci. 30: 927-931.
  • Nayak AR, Chaudhary D, Reddy JN (2001). Correlation and path analysis in scented rice (Oryza sativa L). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 35 (3) : 186-189.
  • Oad FC, Samo MA, Hassan ZU, Cruz PS, Oad NL (2002). Correlation and path analysis of quantitative characters of rice ratoon cultivars and advance lines. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 4(2): 204-207.
  • Prasad B, Patwary AK, Biswas PS (2001). Genetic variability and selection criteria in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 4: 1188-1190.
  • Rasheed MS, Sadaqat HA, Babar M (2002). Interrelationship among grain quality traits of rice (Oryza saliva L.) Asian J. Plant Sci., I: 245-247.
  • Reddy NYA, Prasad TG, Udaya Kumar M (1995). Genetic variation in yield, yield attributes and yield of rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 82 (4) : 310-313.
  • Reddy JN, De RN, Suriya Rao AV (1997). Correlation and path analysis in low land rice under intermediate (0-50 cm) water depth. Oryza, 34 (3) : 187-190.
  • Riaz M, Akhter M, Khan RAR (2014). Genetic criterion for selection of highly productive medium grain rice (Oryza sativa) lines. Journal of Agricultural Research., 52 (2).
  • Roy A, Panwar DVS, Sarma RN (1995). Genetic variability and causal relationships in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal, 82 (4): 251-255.
  • Satish Y, Seetha Ramaiah KV, Srinivasulu R, Reddi SRN (2003). Correlation and path analysis of certain quantitative and physiological characters in rice (Oryza sativa L). The Andhra Agricultural Journal, 50 (3&4): 231-234.
  • Sezer İ, Köycü C (1997). Çeltikte tane verimi ile bazı verim komponentleri arasındaki ilişkilerin korelasyon ve path analizi ile belirlenmesi. Türkiye 2. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 22-25 Eylül, Samsun, Bildiriler Kitabı, ss:167-171.
  • Sezer İ, Akay H, Öner F, Şahin M (2012). Çeltik üretim sistemleri. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 5 (2), 06-11.
  • Singh RK, Chaudhary BD (1995). Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis. Kalyani Publishers New Delhi, pp. 215-218.
  • Sreewongchai T, Somchit P, Sripichitt P, Matthayatthaworn W, Uckarach S, Keawsaard Y, Worede F (2017). Genetic relationships of rice yield components in RILs population derived from a cross between KDML105 and CH1 rice varieties. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 14(12): 997-1004.
  • Sürek H (2002). Çeltik tarımı. Hasad Yayıncılık, 1-240.
  • Sürek H, Beşer N (2003). Correlation and path coefficient analysis for some yield-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under thrace conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. TÜBİTAK, 27, 77-83. Ankara.
  • Şahin M (2011). Kızılırmak havzası koşullarında çeltik çeşitlerinin genotip x çevre interaksiyonları ve stabilitelerinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. OMÜ. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Samsun.
  • Tripathi PM, Sthapit BR, Subedi LP, Sah SK, Gyawali S (2013). Agro-morphological variation in ‘’Jhinuwa’’ rice landraces (Oryza sativa L.) of Nepal. Genetic Resource Crop Evolution 60:2261-2271.
  • Wright S (1921). Correlation and causation. Journal of Agricultural Research, 20:557-85.
  • Yogameenakshi P, Nadarajan N, Anbumalarmathi J (2004). Correlation and path analysis on yield and drought tolerant attributes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under drought stress. Oryza, 41 (3&4): 68-70.
  • Yolanda JL, Das LDV (1995). Correlation and path analysis in rice (Orza sativa L). Madras. Agric. J., 82: 576-578.
  • Zahid MA, Akhter M, Sabar M, Manzoor Z, Awan T (2006). Correlation and path analysis studies of yield and economic traits in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.). Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 5 (4): 643-64.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

İsmail Naneli This is me

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 36 Issue: 2


APA Naneli, İ. (2019). Determination of Yield and Quality Parameters in Some Paddy Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) by Correlation Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 36(2), 129-134.