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Investigation of Non-Host Resistance in Arabidopsis thalina (Mouse-Ear Cress) Plants To Control Early Blight Pathogen Alternaria solani

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 2, 179 - 186, 01.06.2011


This study was conducted to reveal non-host interactions between model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and early blight pathogen Alternaria solani in time-course experiments. Therefore, original Ler and Col-0 ecotypes that contain PAD4, NPR1, and EDS1 resistance genes and their mutants, Pad4-2 and Npr1-1 plants were inoculated with mycelial discs and conidial suspension. The inoculated Pad4-2 and Npr1-1 mutants have shown necrotic symptoms 5 to 10 times higher than original Ler and Col-0 ecotypes. Conidiospor inoculated Eds1-3, Pad4-2 and Npr1-1 mutant plants supported spor germinations, however, neither spor germinations nor spor pentrations were occurred on original Ler and Col-0 ecotype leaves. These results indicate that wild-type A. thaliana ecotypes carrying PAD4, EDS1 and NPR1 resistance genes govern resistance in non-host manner, the resistance mechanisms are always active to all organisms in the original A. thaliana ecotypes.


  • AGI: The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI). 2000. Analysis of the genome of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408:796-815.
  • Agrios, G. N. 1997. Plant pathology .Academic press. San Diego.
  • Anonymous, 2003. APS net education center. Plant disease lessons.
  • Bennetzen J. 2009. Maize genome structure and evolution in Handbook of maize genetics and genomics. Edited Jeff Bennetzen, Sarah Hake. Published by Springer press. 179-200.
  • Duckett and Read, 1991. The use of fluorescent dye 3- 3’dihexyloxacarbocyanin iodide for selective staining of ascomycete fungi associated with liverwort rhizoids and ericoid nycorrhizal roots. New Phytologist 118:250-272.
  • FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 2011.
  • Fooland, M. R., Zhang, L. P. Khan, A., Nino-Liu, D. and Lin, G. Y. 2002. Identification of QTLs for early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in tomato using backcross population of a Lycropersicon esculentum x L. hirsutum cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122:870-895.
  • Gardner, R.G. and D. R. Panthee. 2010. NCEBR1 and NCEBR2 : Early blight and late blight resistant fresh market tomato breeding lines. HortScience 45: 975- 976.
  • Kemmitt, G. 2003. Early blight of potato and tomato at i/ ascomycetes/Pages/PotatoTomato.aspx
  • Lawrence, C. B. Singh, N. P., Qiu, J. Gardner, R. G. , Tuzun, S. 2000. Constitutive hydrolytic enzymes are associated with polygenic resistance of tomato to Alternaria solani and may function as an elicitor release mechanisms. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 57:211-220.
  • Lenk, A. and Thordal-Christensen, H. 2009. From nonhost resistance to lesion-mimic mutants: useful for studies of defense signaling. Advances in Botanical Research 51:92-112.
  • Lipka, V., Dittgen, J., Bednarek, P., Bhat, R., Wiermer, M., Stein, M., Landtag, J., Brand, W., Rosahl,S., Scheel, D., Llorente, F., Molina, A., Parker, J., Somerville, S. And Schulze-Lefert, P. 2005. Pre- and postinvasion defenses both contribute to nonhost resistance in Arabidopsis. Science 310:1180-1183.
  • Lu, M., Tang, X. and Zhou J. M. 2001. Arabidopsis NHO1 is Pseudomonas bacteria. the Plant Cell. 13:437-444. resistance against
  • Nakao, M., Nakamura, R., Kita, K., Inukai, R., Ishikawa, A. 2011. Non-host resistance to penetration and hyphal Arabidopsis. Scietific Reports 1 171:1-9. oryzae in
  • Parker, J. 2009. Molecular aspects of plant disease resistance. Annual Plant Reviews 34:2-371.
  • TAIR: The Arabidopsis Information Resource 2011. at
  • Thordal-Christensen, H. 2003. Fresh insights into processes of nonhost resistance. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 6:351-357.
  • Zhang, L. P., Lin, G. Y., Nino-Liu, D. and Foolad, M. R. 2003. Mapping QTLs conferring early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in a Lycopersicon esculentum x L. hirsutum cross by selective genotyping. Molecular Breeding 12:3-19.
  • Zimmerli, L., Stein, M., Lipka, V., Schulze-Lefert, P. and Sommerville, S. 2004. Host and non-host pathogens elicits different jasmonate/ethylene responses in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 40:633-64.

Fare Kulağı Teresi, Arabidopsis thaliana’da Konukçu Dışı Dayanıklılığın Erken Yanıklık Hastalık Etmeni Alternaria solani'nin Kontrolü İçin Araştırılması

Year 2011, Volume: 2011 Issue: 2, 179 - 186, 01.06.2011


Bu çalışma model bitki Arabidopsis thaliana (Farekulağı teresi)'nın konukçusu olmadığı erken yanıklık hastalık etmeni Alternaria solani'ye karşı göstermiş olduğu reaksiyonları bir zaman çalışması içerisinde ortaya koymak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla orijinal genleri taşıyan Landsberg erecta (Ler) ve Columbia (Col-0) ekotip bitkileri ile PAD4, NPR1 ve EDS1 genlerinin mutasyona uğratılmış mutant A. thaliana bitkileri (Pad4-2 and Npr1-1) A. solani hastalık etmeninin misel diskleri ve konidiosporlarıyla inokule edilmiştir. Pad4-2 ve Npr1-1 mutant bitkilerinde orijinal Ler ve Col-0 ekotiplerine göre nekrotik semptom oluşumu 5 ile 10 kat fazla bulunmuştur. Spor inokulasyonlarında Eds1-3, Pad4-2 ve Npr1-1 mutant bitkilerinde sporların çimlendiği fakat spor penetrasyonun olmadığı, orijinal Ler ve Col-0 bitkilerinde spor çimlenmesi ve penetrasyonun gerçekleşmediği bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar A. thaliana orijinal bitkilerinin sahip olduğu PAD4, EDS1, ve NPR1 genleriyle dayanıklılığı konukçu dışı yapısında sağladığını, orijinal bitkilerdeki savunma mekanizmasının her zaman aktif olduğunu işaret etmektedir.


  • AGI: The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI). 2000. Analysis of the genome of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408:796-815.
  • Agrios, G. N. 1997. Plant pathology .Academic press. San Diego.
  • Anonymous, 2003. APS net education center. Plant disease lessons.
  • Bennetzen J. 2009. Maize genome structure and evolution in Handbook of maize genetics and genomics. Edited Jeff Bennetzen, Sarah Hake. Published by Springer press. 179-200.
  • Duckett and Read, 1991. The use of fluorescent dye 3- 3’dihexyloxacarbocyanin iodide for selective staining of ascomycete fungi associated with liverwort rhizoids and ericoid nycorrhizal roots. New Phytologist 118:250-272.
  • FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 2011.
  • Fooland, M. R., Zhang, L. P. Khan, A., Nino-Liu, D. and Lin, G. Y. 2002. Identification of QTLs for early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in tomato using backcross population of a Lycropersicon esculentum x L. hirsutum cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122:870-895.
  • Gardner, R.G. and D. R. Panthee. 2010. NCEBR1 and NCEBR2 : Early blight and late blight resistant fresh market tomato breeding lines. HortScience 45: 975- 976.
  • Kemmitt, G. 2003. Early blight of potato and tomato at i/ ascomycetes/Pages/PotatoTomato.aspx
  • Lawrence, C. B. Singh, N. P., Qiu, J. Gardner, R. G. , Tuzun, S. 2000. Constitutive hydrolytic enzymes are associated with polygenic resistance of tomato to Alternaria solani and may function as an elicitor release mechanisms. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 57:211-220.
  • Lenk, A. and Thordal-Christensen, H. 2009. From nonhost resistance to lesion-mimic mutants: useful for studies of defense signaling. Advances in Botanical Research 51:92-112.
  • Lipka, V., Dittgen, J., Bednarek, P., Bhat, R., Wiermer, M., Stein, M., Landtag, J., Brand, W., Rosahl,S., Scheel, D., Llorente, F., Molina, A., Parker, J., Somerville, S. And Schulze-Lefert, P. 2005. Pre- and postinvasion defenses both contribute to nonhost resistance in Arabidopsis. Science 310:1180-1183.
  • Lu, M., Tang, X. and Zhou J. M. 2001. Arabidopsis NHO1 is Pseudomonas bacteria. the Plant Cell. 13:437-444. resistance against
  • Nakao, M., Nakamura, R., Kita, K., Inukai, R., Ishikawa, A. 2011. Non-host resistance to penetration and hyphal Arabidopsis. Scietific Reports 1 171:1-9. oryzae in
  • Parker, J. 2009. Molecular aspects of plant disease resistance. Annual Plant Reviews 34:2-371.
  • TAIR: The Arabidopsis Information Resource 2011. at
  • Thordal-Christensen, H. 2003. Fresh insights into processes of nonhost resistance. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 6:351-357.
  • Zhang, L. P., Lin, G. Y., Nino-Liu, D. and Foolad, M. R. 2003. Mapping QTLs conferring early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in a Lycopersicon esculentum x L. hirsutum cross by selective genotyping. Molecular Breeding 12:3-19.
  • Zimmerli, L., Stein, M., Lipka, V., Schulze-Lefert, P. and Sommerville, S. 2004. Host and non-host pathogens elicits different jasmonate/ethylene responses in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 40:633-64.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Özer Çalış This is me

Çiğdem Yazar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2011 Issue: 2


APA Çalış, Ö., & Yazar, Ç. (2011). Fare Kulağı Teresi, Arabidopsis thaliana’da Konukçu Dışı Dayanıklılığın Erken Yanıklık Hastalık Etmeni Alternaria solani’nin Kontrolü İçin Araştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 2011(2), 179-186.