1. Alkhatib A., Seijo M., Larumbe E., and Naclerio F. (2015). Acute effectiveness of a “fat-loss” product on substrate utilization, perception of hunger, mood state and rate of perceived exertion at rest and during exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12(1), 44.
2. Barac R., Gasic J., Trutic N., Sunaric S., Popovic J., Djekic P., Radenkovic G. and Mitic A. (2015). Erosive effect of different soft drinks on enamel surface in vitro: Application of stylus profilometry. Medical Principles and Practice, 24(5), 451-457.
3. Basile A., Ferrara L., Del Pezzo M., Mele G., Sorbo S., Bassi P. and Montesano D. (2005). Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract from Paullinia cupana Mart. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 102(1), 32-36.
4. Basile A., Rigano D., Conte B., Bruno M., Rosselli S., and Sorbo S. (2013). Antibacterial and antifungal activities of acetonic extract from Paullinia cupana Mart. seeds. Natural product research, 27(22), 2084-2090.
5. Baumann T.W., Schulthess B.H. and Hannı K. (1995). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) rewards seed dispersers without intoxicaticating them by caffeine. Phytochemistry, 39(5), 1063-1070.
6. Bittencourt L.S., Machado D.C., Machado M.M., Dos Santos G.F.F., Algarve T.D., Marinowic D.R., Ribeiro E.E., Soares F.A.A., Barbisan F., Athayde M.L. and Cruz I.B.M. (March 2013). The protective effects of guaraná extract (Paullinia cupana) on fibroblast NIH-3T3 cells exposed to sodium nitroprusside. Food and chemical toxicology, 53, 119-125.
7. Bittencourt L.D.S., Zeidán‐Chuliá F., Yatsu F.K.J., Schnorr C.E., Moresco K.S., Kolling E.A., Gelain D.P., Bassani V.L. and Moreira J.C.F. (2014). Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) Prevents β‐Amyloid Aggregation, Generation of Advanced Glycation‐end Products (AGEs), and Acrolein‐Induced Cytotoxicity on Human Neuronal‐Like Cells. Phytotherapy Research, 28(11), 1615-1624.
8. da Costa Krewer C., Ribeiro E.E., Ribeiro E.A.M., Moresco R.N., de Ugalde Marques da Rocha M.I., dos Santos Montagner G.F.F., Machado M.M., Viegas K., Brito E. and da Cruz I.B.M. (2011). Habitual Intake of Guaraná and Metabolic Morbidities: An Epdemiological Study of an Elderly Amazonian Population. Phytotherapy research. 25(9), 1367-1374.
9. de Aquino J.C.D., Souza C.F.C., de Jesus Santos J.R. and Joachim-Bravo I.S. (2016). Adding guarana powder to medfly diets: an alternative for improving the Sterile Insect Technique. Scientia Agricola. 73(3), 294-298.
10. de Camargo Smolarek P., Esmerino L.A., Chibinski A.C., Bortoluzzi M.C., dos Santos E.B. and Junior V.A.K. (2015). In vitro antimicrobial evaluation of toothpastes with natural compounds. European journal of dentistry, 9(4), 580-586.
11. de Carvalho Ferrari C.I. (2011). Guaraná-Soft Drinks, Acids, Pain and Teeth. Faculty of Dentistry McGill University, Montreal.
de Lima Portella R., Barcelos R.P., da Rosa E.J.F., Ribeiro E.E., da Cruz I.B.M., Suleiman L. and Soares F.A.A. (2013). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth) effects on LDL oxidation in elderly people: an in vitro and in vivo study. Lipids in health and disease, 12(12).
12. de Oliveira Campos M.P., Riechelmann R., Martins L.C., Hassan B.J., Casa F.B.A. and Del Giglio A. (2011). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Improves Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Systemic Chemotherapy. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(6), 505-512.
13. del Giglio A.B., de Iracema Gomes Cubero D., Lerner T.G., Guariento R.T., de Azevedo R.G.S., Paiva H., Goldman C., Carelli B., Cruz F.M., Schindler F., Pianowski L., de Matos L.L. and del Giglio A. (2013). Purified dry extract of Paullinia cupana (guaraná)(PC-18) for chemotherapy-related fatigue in patients with solid tumors: an early discontinuation study. Journal of dietary supplements, 10(4), 325-334.
14. Dimpfel W. (2013). Pharmacological classification of herbal extracts by means of comparison to spectral EEG signatures induced by synthetic drugs in the freely moving rat. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 149(2), 583-589.
15. dos Santos Martins S.P., Ferreira C.L. and del Giglio A. (2017). Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Randomized Study of a Dry Guarana Extract in Patients with Head and Neck Tumors Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy: Effects on Fatigue and Quality of Life. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 14(1), 32-41.
16. Edwards H.G.M., Farwell D.W., de Oliveira L.F.C., Alia J.-M., Le Hyaric M. and de Ameida M.V. (2005). FT-Raman spectroscopic studies of guarana and some extracts. Analytica chimica açta, 532(2), 177-186.
17. European Food Safety Authority. (2008). Flavouring Group Evaluation 49, (FGE.49): Xanthin alkaloids from the Priority list from chemical group 30 Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food. The EFSA Journal, 741, 1-15.
18. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2010). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to various food(s)/food constituent(s) and protection of cells from premature ageing, antioxidant properties, protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage and bioavailability of anthocyanins in black currants pursuant to Article of regulation. The EFSA Journal, 8(2), 1489.
19. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2011). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to caffeine and increased fat oxidation leading to a reduction in body fat mass, increased energy expenditure leading to a reduction in body weight, increased attention pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation. The EFSA Journal, 9(4), 2054.
20. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2012). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to a combination of Paullinia cupana Kunth (guarana) and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (green tea) extracts and reduction of body weight pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. The EFSA Journal, 8(10), 1489.
21. Hamerski L., Somner G.V. and Tamaio N. (10 August 2013). Paullinia cupana Kunth (Sapindaceae): A review of its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 7(30), 2221-2229.
22. Haskell C.F., Kennedy D.O., Wesnes K.A., Milne A.L. and Scholey A.B. (2007). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-dose evaluation of the acute behavioural effects of guaraná in humans. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21(1), 65-70.
23. Kennedy D.O., Haskell C.F., Robertson B., Reay J., Brewster-Maund C., Luedemann J., Maggini S., Ruf M., Zangara A. and Scholey A.B. (2008). Improved cognitive performance and mental fatigue following a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with added guarana (Paullinia cupana). Appetite, 50(2), 506-513.
24. Kennedy D.O., Haskel C.F., Wesnes K.A. and Scholey A.B. (2004). Improved cognitive performance in human volunteers following administration of guarana (Paullinia cupana) extract: comparison and interaction with Panax ginseng. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviour, 79(3), 401-411.
25. Kober H., Tatsch E., Torbitz V. D., Cargnin L. P., Sangoi M. B., Bochi G. V., da Silva A.R.H., Barbisan F., Ribeiro E.E., Beatrice I., da Cruz M. and Moresco R. N. (2016). Genoprotective and hepatoprotective effects of Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart. var. sorbilis) on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats. Drug and chemical toxicolog, 39(1), 48-52.
26. Lima W.P., Carnevali Jr L.C., Eder R., Fernando L., Costa Rosa B.P., Bacchi E.M. and Seelaender M.C.L. (2005). Lipid metabolism in trained rats: Effect of guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) supplementation. Clinical Nutrition, 24(6), 1019-1028.
27. Lüde S., Vecchio S., Sinno‐Tellier S., Dopter A., Mustonen H., Vucinic S., Jonsson B., Müller D., Fruchtengarten L.V.G., Hruby K., De Souza Nascimento E., Di Lorenzo C., Restani P., Kupferschmidt H. and Ceschi A. (2016). Adverse Effects of Plant Food Supplements and Plants Consumed as Food: Results from the Poisons Centres‐Based PlantLIBRA Study. Phytotherapy Research, 30, 988-996.
28. Machado A.K., Cadoná F.C., Azzolin V.F., Dornelles E.B., Barbisan F., Ribeiro E.E., Mánica-Cattani M.F., Duarte M.M.M.F., Saldanha J.R.P. and da Cruz I.B.M. (2015). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) improves the proliferation and oxidative metabolism of senescent adipocyte stem cells derived from human lipoaspirates. Food Research International, 67, 426-433.
29. Majhenič L., Škerget M. and Knez Ž. (2007). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of guarana seed extracts. Food Chemistry, 104(3), 1258-1268.
30. Meurer-Grimes B., Berkov A. and Beck H. (1998). Theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine in 42 samples and products of guarana (Paullinia cupana, Sapindaceae). Economic Botany, 52(3), 293-301.
31. Moustakas D., Mezzio M., Rodriguez B.R., Constable M.A., Mulligan M.E. and Voura E.B. (April 16, 2015). Guarana provides additional stimulation over caffeine alone in the planarian model. PloS one, e.0123310.
32. Palma C.G.L., Lera A.T., Lerner T., de Oliveira M.M., de Borta T.M., Barbosa R.P., Brito G.M., Guazzelli C.A., Cruz F.J.M. and del Giglio, A. (2016). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Improves Anorexia in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 13(2), 221-231.
Pendleton M., Brown S., Thomas C., and Odle B. (2012). Potential toxicity of caffeine when used as a dietary supplement for weight loss. Journal of dietary supplements, 9(4), 293-298.
33. Pennay A., Lubman D.I and Miller P. (2011). Combining energy drinks and alcohol: A recipe for trouble? Austrilian family physican, 40(3), 104-107.
34. Pomportes L., Davranche K., Brisswalter I., Hays A., and Brisswalter J. (2014). Heart rate variability and cognitive function following a multi-vitamin and mineral supplementation with added guarana (Paullinia cupana). Nutrients, 7(1), 196-208.
35. Ruchel J.B., Braun J.B.S., Adefegha S.A., Manzoni A.G., Abdalla F.H., de Oliveira J.S., Trelles K., Signor C., Lopes S.T.A., da Silva C.B., Castilhos L.G., Rubin M.A. and Leal D.B.R. (2017). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) ameliorates memory impairment and modulates acetylcholinesterase activity in Poloxamer-407-induced hyperlipidemia in rat brain. Physiology & behavior, 168, 11-19.
36. Scholey A., Bauer I., Neale C., Savage K., Camfield D., White D., Maggini S., Pipigas A., Stough C. and Hughes M. (2013). Acute effects of different multivitamin mineral preparations with and without guaraná on mood, cognitive performance and functional brain activation. Nutrients, 5(9), 3589-3604.
37. Silvestrini G.I., Marino F. and Cosentino M. (2013). Effects of a commercial product containing guaraná on psychological well-being, anxiety and mood: a single-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine, 12(9).
38. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2012). Caffeine intake by the U.S. population. http://www.fda.gov/dowloads/aboutfda/centersoffices/officeoffoods/cfsan/cfsanfoiaelectronicreadingroom/ucm333191.pdf.
39. Woods D.J. (2012). Potion or Poison? Guarana. Journal of Primary Health Care, 4(2), 163-164.
40. Zeidán-Chuliá F., Gelain D.P., Kolling E.A., Rybarczyk-Filho J.L., Ambrosi P., Terra S.R., Pires A.S., da Rocha J.B.T., Behr G.A. and Moreira J.C.F. (2013). Major components of energy drinks (caffeine, taurine, and guarana) exert cytotoxic effects on human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells by decreasing reactive reactive oxygen species production. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity.
Guarana and Its Possible Effects on Health
Year 2020,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 36 - 45, 30.04.2020
Botanically known as Paullinia cupana (Sapindaceae), guarana is widely grown in Amazon region and naturally in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. It is used in sugar and/or carbonated soft drinks, herbal teas and energy drinks in the form of guarana extract. Guarana has antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antidepressant effects; improves cognitive performance; triggers weight loss and reduces lipid peroxidation. It has important effects on various methods and treatments from cardiovascular to neurological diseases, from memory and liveliness to cancer. It is also known that guarana enhances biological activities and psychological effects on the body. This compilation has been conducted to evaluate the chemical and physical properties of guarana, its metabolites, the mechanism of its effect on psychological activities and health.
1. Alkhatib A., Seijo M., Larumbe E., and Naclerio F. (2015). Acute effectiveness of a “fat-loss” product on substrate utilization, perception of hunger, mood state and rate of perceived exertion at rest and during exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 12(1), 44.
2. Barac R., Gasic J., Trutic N., Sunaric S., Popovic J., Djekic P., Radenkovic G. and Mitic A. (2015). Erosive effect of different soft drinks on enamel surface in vitro: Application of stylus profilometry. Medical Principles and Practice, 24(5), 451-457.
3. Basile A., Ferrara L., Del Pezzo M., Mele G., Sorbo S., Bassi P. and Montesano D. (2005). Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of ethanol extract from Paullinia cupana Mart. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 102(1), 32-36.
4. Basile A., Rigano D., Conte B., Bruno M., Rosselli S., and Sorbo S. (2013). Antibacterial and antifungal activities of acetonic extract from Paullinia cupana Mart. seeds. Natural product research, 27(22), 2084-2090.
5. Baumann T.W., Schulthess B.H. and Hannı K. (1995). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) rewards seed dispersers without intoxicaticating them by caffeine. Phytochemistry, 39(5), 1063-1070.
6. Bittencourt L.S., Machado D.C., Machado M.M., Dos Santos G.F.F., Algarve T.D., Marinowic D.R., Ribeiro E.E., Soares F.A.A., Barbisan F., Athayde M.L. and Cruz I.B.M. (March 2013). The protective effects of guaraná extract (Paullinia cupana) on fibroblast NIH-3T3 cells exposed to sodium nitroprusside. Food and chemical toxicology, 53, 119-125.
7. Bittencourt L.D.S., Zeidán‐Chuliá F., Yatsu F.K.J., Schnorr C.E., Moresco K.S., Kolling E.A., Gelain D.P., Bassani V.L. and Moreira J.C.F. (2014). Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) Prevents β‐Amyloid Aggregation, Generation of Advanced Glycation‐end Products (AGEs), and Acrolein‐Induced Cytotoxicity on Human Neuronal‐Like Cells. Phytotherapy Research, 28(11), 1615-1624.
8. da Costa Krewer C., Ribeiro E.E., Ribeiro E.A.M., Moresco R.N., de Ugalde Marques da Rocha M.I., dos Santos Montagner G.F.F., Machado M.M., Viegas K., Brito E. and da Cruz I.B.M. (2011). Habitual Intake of Guaraná and Metabolic Morbidities: An Epdemiological Study of an Elderly Amazonian Population. Phytotherapy research. 25(9), 1367-1374.
9. de Aquino J.C.D., Souza C.F.C., de Jesus Santos J.R. and Joachim-Bravo I.S. (2016). Adding guarana powder to medfly diets: an alternative for improving the Sterile Insect Technique. Scientia Agricola. 73(3), 294-298.
10. de Camargo Smolarek P., Esmerino L.A., Chibinski A.C., Bortoluzzi M.C., dos Santos E.B. and Junior V.A.K. (2015). In vitro antimicrobial evaluation of toothpastes with natural compounds. European journal of dentistry, 9(4), 580-586.
11. de Carvalho Ferrari C.I. (2011). Guaraná-Soft Drinks, Acids, Pain and Teeth. Faculty of Dentistry McGill University, Montreal.
de Lima Portella R., Barcelos R.P., da Rosa E.J.F., Ribeiro E.E., da Cruz I.B.M., Suleiman L. and Soares F.A.A. (2013). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth) effects on LDL oxidation in elderly people: an in vitro and in vivo study. Lipids in health and disease, 12(12).
12. de Oliveira Campos M.P., Riechelmann R., Martins L.C., Hassan B.J., Casa F.B.A. and Del Giglio A. (2011). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Improves Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Systemic Chemotherapy. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(6), 505-512.
13. del Giglio A.B., de Iracema Gomes Cubero D., Lerner T.G., Guariento R.T., de Azevedo R.G.S., Paiva H., Goldman C., Carelli B., Cruz F.M., Schindler F., Pianowski L., de Matos L.L. and del Giglio A. (2013). Purified dry extract of Paullinia cupana (guaraná)(PC-18) for chemotherapy-related fatigue in patients with solid tumors: an early discontinuation study. Journal of dietary supplements, 10(4), 325-334.
14. Dimpfel W. (2013). Pharmacological classification of herbal extracts by means of comparison to spectral EEG signatures induced by synthetic drugs in the freely moving rat. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 149(2), 583-589.
15. dos Santos Martins S.P., Ferreira C.L. and del Giglio A. (2017). Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Randomized Study of a Dry Guarana Extract in Patients with Head and Neck Tumors Undergoing Chemoradiotherapy: Effects on Fatigue and Quality of Life. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 14(1), 32-41.
16. Edwards H.G.M., Farwell D.W., de Oliveira L.F.C., Alia J.-M., Le Hyaric M. and de Ameida M.V. (2005). FT-Raman spectroscopic studies of guarana and some extracts. Analytica chimica açta, 532(2), 177-186.
17. European Food Safety Authority. (2008). Flavouring Group Evaluation 49, (FGE.49): Xanthin alkaloids from the Priority list from chemical group 30 Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food. The EFSA Journal, 741, 1-15.
18. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2010). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to various food(s)/food constituent(s) and protection of cells from premature ageing, antioxidant properties, protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage and bioavailability of anthocyanins in black currants pursuant to Article of regulation. The EFSA Journal, 8(2), 1489.
19. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2011). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to caffeine and increased fat oxidation leading to a reduction in body fat mass, increased energy expenditure leading to a reduction in body weight, increased attention pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation. The EFSA Journal, 9(4), 2054.
20. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (2012). Scientific opinion on the substation of health claims related to a combination of Paullinia cupana Kunth (guarana) and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (green tea) extracts and reduction of body weight pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. The EFSA Journal, 8(10), 1489.
21. Hamerski L., Somner G.V. and Tamaio N. (10 August 2013). Paullinia cupana Kunth (Sapindaceae): A review of its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 7(30), 2221-2229.
22. Haskell C.F., Kennedy D.O., Wesnes K.A., Milne A.L. and Scholey A.B. (2007). A double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-dose evaluation of the acute behavioural effects of guaraná in humans. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21(1), 65-70.
23. Kennedy D.O., Haskell C.F., Robertson B., Reay J., Brewster-Maund C., Luedemann J., Maggini S., Ruf M., Zangara A. and Scholey A.B. (2008). Improved cognitive performance and mental fatigue following a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement with added guarana (Paullinia cupana). Appetite, 50(2), 506-513.
24. Kennedy D.O., Haskel C.F., Wesnes K.A. and Scholey A.B. (2004). Improved cognitive performance in human volunteers following administration of guarana (Paullinia cupana) extract: comparison and interaction with Panax ginseng. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviour, 79(3), 401-411.
25. Kober H., Tatsch E., Torbitz V. D., Cargnin L. P., Sangoi M. B., Bochi G. V., da Silva A.R.H., Barbisan F., Ribeiro E.E., Beatrice I., da Cruz M. and Moresco R. N. (2016). Genoprotective and hepatoprotective effects of Guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart. var. sorbilis) on CCl4-induced liver damage in rats. Drug and chemical toxicolog, 39(1), 48-52.
26. Lima W.P., Carnevali Jr L.C., Eder R., Fernando L., Costa Rosa B.P., Bacchi E.M. and Seelaender M.C.L. (2005). Lipid metabolism in trained rats: Effect of guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) supplementation. Clinical Nutrition, 24(6), 1019-1028.
27. Lüde S., Vecchio S., Sinno‐Tellier S., Dopter A., Mustonen H., Vucinic S., Jonsson B., Müller D., Fruchtengarten L.V.G., Hruby K., De Souza Nascimento E., Di Lorenzo C., Restani P., Kupferschmidt H. and Ceschi A. (2016). Adverse Effects of Plant Food Supplements and Plants Consumed as Food: Results from the Poisons Centres‐Based PlantLIBRA Study. Phytotherapy Research, 30, 988-996.
28. Machado A.K., Cadoná F.C., Azzolin V.F., Dornelles E.B., Barbisan F., Ribeiro E.E., Mánica-Cattani M.F., Duarte M.M.M.F., Saldanha J.R.P. and da Cruz I.B.M. (2015). Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) improves the proliferation and oxidative metabolism of senescent adipocyte stem cells derived from human lipoaspirates. Food Research International, 67, 426-433.
29. Majhenič L., Škerget M. and Knez Ž. (2007). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of guarana seed extracts. Food Chemistry, 104(3), 1258-1268.
30. Meurer-Grimes B., Berkov A. and Beck H. (1998). Theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine in 42 samples and products of guarana (Paullinia cupana, Sapindaceae). Economic Botany, 52(3), 293-301.
31. Moustakas D., Mezzio M., Rodriguez B.R., Constable M.A., Mulligan M.E. and Voura E.B. (April 16, 2015). Guarana provides additional stimulation over caffeine alone in the planarian model. PloS one, e.0123310.
32. Palma C.G.L., Lera A.T., Lerner T., de Oliveira M.M., de Borta T.M., Barbosa R.P., Brito G.M., Guazzelli C.A., Cruz F.J.M. and del Giglio, A. (2016). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Improves Anorexia in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 13(2), 221-231.
Pendleton M., Brown S., Thomas C., and Odle B. (2012). Potential toxicity of caffeine when used as a dietary supplement for weight loss. Journal of dietary supplements, 9(4), 293-298.
33. Pennay A., Lubman D.I and Miller P. (2011). Combining energy drinks and alcohol: A recipe for trouble? Austrilian family physican, 40(3), 104-107.
34. Pomportes L., Davranche K., Brisswalter I., Hays A., and Brisswalter J. (2014). Heart rate variability and cognitive function following a multi-vitamin and mineral supplementation with added guarana (Paullinia cupana). Nutrients, 7(1), 196-208.
35. Ruchel J.B., Braun J.B.S., Adefegha S.A., Manzoni A.G., Abdalla F.H., de Oliveira J.S., Trelles K., Signor C., Lopes S.T.A., da Silva C.B., Castilhos L.G., Rubin M.A. and Leal D.B.R. (2017). Guarana (Paullinia cupana) ameliorates memory impairment and modulates acetylcholinesterase activity in Poloxamer-407-induced hyperlipidemia in rat brain. Physiology & behavior, 168, 11-19.
36. Scholey A., Bauer I., Neale C., Savage K., Camfield D., White D., Maggini S., Pipigas A., Stough C. and Hughes M. (2013). Acute effects of different multivitamin mineral preparations with and without guaraná on mood, cognitive performance and functional brain activation. Nutrients, 5(9), 3589-3604.
37. Silvestrini G.I., Marino F. and Cosentino M. (2013). Effects of a commercial product containing guaraná on psychological well-being, anxiety and mood: a single-blind, placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects. Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine, 12(9).
38. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2012). Caffeine intake by the U.S. population. http://www.fda.gov/dowloads/aboutfda/centersoffices/officeoffoods/cfsan/cfsanfoiaelectronicreadingroom/ucm333191.pdf.
39. Woods D.J. (2012). Potion or Poison? Guarana. Journal of Primary Health Care, 4(2), 163-164.
40. Zeidán-Chuliá F., Gelain D.P., Kolling E.A., Rybarczyk-Filho J.L., Ambrosi P., Terra S.R., Pires A.S., da Rocha J.B.T., Behr G.A. and Moreira J.C.F. (2013). Major components of energy drinks (caffeine, taurine, and guarana) exert cytotoxic effects on human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells by decreasing reactive reactive oxygen species production. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity.