Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 56 - 68, 29.12.2023
An Erratum to this article was published on June 30, 2024.


Suriye İç Savaşı’nın neden olduğu göç dalgası başta Türkiye olmak üzere çevre ülkelere yayılmış, krize dönüşen süreç Avrupa kıtasını birçok alanda etkilemeye başlamıştır. Türkiye’nin güney kıyılarına küçük bir kız çoğunun cansız bedeni vurmasıyla sembolikleşen ve birçok insan hayatını kaybettiği bu süreç dünyanın gündemine oturmuştur. Söz konusu kriz AB içinde sorumlulukların paylaşımı sırasında yönetimsel ve toplumsal sorunlar yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Avrupa Birliği, göçmenlik sorunlarını düzenleyici faaliyet unsurları olan ve temeli 1951 Göçmen Konvansiyonu’na dayanan Amsterdam ve Lizbon Anlaşması gibi hukuki altyapılarla krize karşı adımlar atmıştır. Toplumsal anlamda ise AB ülkelerinin kendi vatandaşlarını bazı poltikaların uygulanmasına ikna edememesi, iç politikada onları zor duruma sokmuştur. Bu durumdan ise ağırlıklı olarak AB karşıtı sağ popülist partiler yararlanmış ve halkta karşılık bularak sürecin önünü tıkamışlardır. Kaynak taraması yöntemi kullanılarak ortaya çıkan çalışmada AB, hukuki altyapı olarak yeterli görünse de, AB ülkeleri arasındaki iç siyasete dayalı insiyatif alma isteksizliği sorunun yönetimini zorlaşmaktadır.


  • AG Integration: Migranten- Flüchtlinge-Zuwanderer [27.09.2023]
  • BBC: This migrant crisis is different from all others
  • Bertozzi, Stefano. (2008) European Pact on Migration and Asylum: A stepping Stone Towards Common European Migration Policies file:///C:/Users/Pc/Downloads/19_OPINIO_MIGRACIONS.pdf
  • Betts, Alexander. (2014) “The Global Governance of Crisis Migration” ,University of Oxford.
  • Boswell, Christina & Geddes, Andrew. (2011) "Migration and Mobility in the European Union, igration and Mobility in the European Union ,1-20.
  • Büyükhan, M. (2021). “Uluslararası ve Ulusal Mevzuata Göre Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Hukuki Statüsü”, R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal, Vol:4 Issue: 2; pp: 76-90.
  • Cieschinger, A., Küpper, M., Claudia, N. (2019) , Das wichtigste zum Brexit, Der Spiegel.
  • Euronews: Yunanistan’a her sen kaç göçmen gidiyor?[27.09.2023]
  • Euronews: Dünyaya örnek olarak gösterilen Türkiye’deki mülteci kampları [18.12.2023]
  • European Parlament (2018) Migration and Asylum: a challenge for Europe. Unit for Coordination of Editorial and Communication Activities.
  • Europaen Commission Report (2023) Seventh Annual Report of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey, Communication From The Commission To The Europaen Parliament And The Council.
  • Eurostat: Ageing Europe; looking at the lives of older people in the EU, 2020 [27.09.2023]
  • Geddes, Andrew. (2014) “The European Union: Supranational Governance and the Remaking of European Migration Policy and Politics.” In Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective. 3rd ed., edited by James F.
  • Hollifield, Philip L. Martin, and Pia M. Orrenius, 433– 451. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Güleç, C (2015) Avrupa Birliği’nin Göç Politikaları ve Türkiye’ye Yansımaları, Tesam Akademi Dergisi - Turkish Journal of TESAM), 81 – 100.
  • Meyer, Sarah / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2015): Just a Shadow? The Role of Radical Right Parties in the Politicization of Immigration, 1995 – 2009, in: Politics and Governance, Vol. 3, No 2 (2015), p. 1 – 17.
  • MIPEX, (2015) Integration Policy Index, Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) ,4-223. [27.09.2023]
  • Niemann, A & Blösser, J. (2021) Migration and Mediterranean: The EU’s Response to the “ Europaen Refugee Crisis”, Transnational Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean.
  • Laks, D. (2016). The drowned boy image and securitization in the European migrant crisis, Ministery of Defense, Netherlands, 1-44.
  • Larivé, M. H. A. (2015). A Crisis for the Ages the European Union and the Migration Crisis. The Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, No 15, Miami: European Union Center of Excellence
  • Lisbon Treaty: Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [27.09.2023]
  • ORSAM (2012). Küresel Göç ve Avrupa Birliği ile Türkiye’nin Göç Politikalarının Gelişimi. Rapor No:22, 2012 Österreich: Allgemein zum Asyl [27.09.2023]
  • Öztürk, T. & Boyacı, E. (2022). “Suriyeli Mülteci Krizinin Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği İlişkisine Yansıması: Dünya Sistemleri Analizi Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme”, Alanya Akademik Bakış, 6(1), Sayfa No. 1809-1823.
  • Pangerc, D. (2012) Illegal Migrations Along the Balkan Routes, SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences Special Issue on Balkans.
  • Preparatory dossier for the interview with the former Director General of DG H, Charles Elsen (1994-2004) [27.09.2023]
  • Rescue: Greece [27.09.2023]
  • Şahin, H. (2022) , Populist Foreign Policy: The Cases of Turkey, Hungary ,Venezuela, and Greece, Sabancı Üniversitesi.
  • UNHCR, (2011): A year of Crisis [27.09.2023]
  • UNHCR, (2011). The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol [27.09.2023]
  • UNHCR, (2016). Population Types [27.09.2023]
  • UNCHR, (2018): Flüchtlinge, Asylsuchende und Migranten- Was sind die unterschiede? [27.09.2023]
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights Walters, William (2006) "Border/Control" in European Journal of Social Theory 9(2), 187– 203.


Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 56 - 68, 29.12.2023
An Erratum to this article was published on June 30, 2024.


The migration wave caused by the Syrian civil war has spread to neighboring countries, especially Turkey, and the process that has turned into a crisis has started to affect the European continent in many areas. This process, which became symbolic when the lifeless body of a little girl washed up on the southern shores of Turkey and in which many people lost their lives, was on the agenda of the world. The crisis led to administrative and societal issues within the EU, particularly during the sharing of responsibilities. The European Union has taken steps against the crisis with legal infrastructures such as the Amsterdam and Lisbon Treaties, which are elements of regulatory action on immigration problems and are based on the 1951 Immigration Convention. In social terms, the EU countries' inability to convince their citizens to implement certain policies has put them in a difficult situation in domestic politics. This situation was largely exploited by anti-EU right-wing populist parties, who found support among the public and obstructed the progress of the process. In the study, which emerged through the method of literature review, it was observed that while the EU appeared to have sufficient legal infrastructure, the reluctance of EU countries to take initiative based on domestic politics hindered the management of the problem.


  • AG Integration: Migranten- Flüchtlinge-Zuwanderer [27.09.2023]
  • BBC: This migrant crisis is different from all others
  • Bertozzi, Stefano. (2008) European Pact on Migration and Asylum: A stepping Stone Towards Common European Migration Policies file:///C:/Users/Pc/Downloads/19_OPINIO_MIGRACIONS.pdf
  • Betts, Alexander. (2014) “The Global Governance of Crisis Migration” ,University of Oxford.
  • Boswell, Christina & Geddes, Andrew. (2011) "Migration and Mobility in the European Union, igration and Mobility in the European Union ,1-20.
  • Büyükhan, M. (2021). “Uluslararası ve Ulusal Mevzuata Göre Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Hukuki Statüsü”, R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal, Vol:4 Issue: 2; pp: 76-90.
  • Cieschinger, A., Küpper, M., Claudia, N. (2019) , Das wichtigste zum Brexit, Der Spiegel.
  • Euronews: Yunanistan’a her sen kaç göçmen gidiyor?[27.09.2023]
  • Euronews: Dünyaya örnek olarak gösterilen Türkiye’deki mülteci kampları [18.12.2023]
  • European Parlament (2018) Migration and Asylum: a challenge for Europe. Unit for Coordination of Editorial and Communication Activities.
  • Europaen Commission Report (2023) Seventh Annual Report of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey, Communication From The Commission To The Europaen Parliament And The Council.
  • Eurostat: Ageing Europe; looking at the lives of older people in the EU, 2020 [27.09.2023]
  • Geddes, Andrew. (2014) “The European Union: Supranational Governance and the Remaking of European Migration Policy and Politics.” In Controlling Immigration: A Global Perspective. 3rd ed., edited by James F.
  • Hollifield, Philip L. Martin, and Pia M. Orrenius, 433– 451. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Güleç, C (2015) Avrupa Birliği’nin Göç Politikaları ve Türkiye’ye Yansımaları, Tesam Akademi Dergisi - Turkish Journal of TESAM), 81 – 100.
  • Meyer, Sarah / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2015): Just a Shadow? The Role of Radical Right Parties in the Politicization of Immigration, 1995 – 2009, in: Politics and Governance, Vol. 3, No 2 (2015), p. 1 – 17.
  • MIPEX, (2015) Integration Policy Index, Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) ,4-223. [27.09.2023]
  • Niemann, A & Blösser, J. (2021) Migration and Mediterranean: The EU’s Response to the “ Europaen Refugee Crisis”, Transnational Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean.
  • Laks, D. (2016). The drowned boy image and securitization in the European migrant crisis, Ministery of Defense, Netherlands, 1-44.
  • Larivé, M. H. A. (2015). A Crisis for the Ages the European Union and the Migration Crisis. The Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series, No 15, Miami: European Union Center of Excellence
  • Lisbon Treaty: Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [27.09.2023]
  • ORSAM (2012). Küresel Göç ve Avrupa Birliği ile Türkiye’nin Göç Politikalarının Gelişimi. Rapor No:22, 2012 Österreich: Allgemein zum Asyl [27.09.2023]
  • Öztürk, T. & Boyacı, E. (2022). “Suriyeli Mülteci Krizinin Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği İlişkisine Yansıması: Dünya Sistemleri Analizi Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme”, Alanya Akademik Bakış, 6(1), Sayfa No. 1809-1823.
  • Pangerc, D. (2012) Illegal Migrations Along the Balkan Routes, SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences Special Issue on Balkans.
  • Preparatory dossier for the interview with the former Director General of DG H, Charles Elsen (1994-2004) [27.09.2023]
  • Rescue: Greece [27.09.2023]
  • Şahin, H. (2022) , Populist Foreign Policy: The Cases of Turkey, Hungary ,Venezuela, and Greece, Sabancı Üniversitesi.
  • UNHCR, (2011): A year of Crisis [27.09.2023]
  • UNHCR, (2011). The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol [27.09.2023]
  • UNHCR, (2016). Population Types [27.09.2023]
  • UNCHR, (2018): Flüchtlinge, Asylsuchende und Migranten- Was sind die unterschiede? [27.09.2023]
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights Walters, William (2006) "Border/Control" in European Journal of Social Theory 9(2), 187– 203.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Kağan Sargı 0009-0007-4548-057X

Early Pub Date December 25, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date May 20, 2023
Acceptance Date December 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Sargı, K. (2023). AN ANALYSIS: REFUGEE CRISIS IN EUROPE. Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 56-68.
  • Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences