Increasing energy demand brings in technical, environmental and economic problems as the production processes evolve. In this parallel, many countries are trying to satisfy the increasing energy demand using renewable energy sources. The scope of this study is to develope a mathematical model and data monitoring-evaluation software for wind and solar renewable energy sources, which can dynamically evaluate meteorological data measurements and make more precise energy harvest estimation with the data obtained. It is aimed to create a web based “Dynamic Wind-Sun Map of Turkey”. Through the developed software; instant data can be analyzed and instantaneous electrical energy values produced from wind and solar energy sources can be calculated. Thus, it can help create a system that allows regional management in energy production and is compatible. Within the scope of the study, a mathematical model expressing the problem was created by using some mathematical optimization methods. The created model was converted into a web-based software. PHP software development platform and MySQL database language were used during the software creation. The software developed within the scope of the study has analogues in the world literature. However, no study has been found in this context in Turkey. Especially since it can use real-time data and includes wind-photovoltaic calculations together, this software distinguishes it from its peers.