IEEE Std. 1159 – 1995, “Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality”.
Rudnick, H., Dixon, J., Moran, L., “Delivering clean and pure power”, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 1: 32– 40 (2003).
Vilathgamuwa, D., Wijekoon, M., Choi, S.S., “A Novel Technique to Compensate Voltage Sags in Multiline Dynamic Voltage Restorer”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 53(5): 1603-1611 (2006).
Banaei, M.R., Hosseini, S.H., Khanmohamadi, S., Gharehpetian, G.B., “Verification of a new energy control strategy for dynamic voltage restorer by simulation”, Elsevier J. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory, 14 (2): 112–125 (2006).
Banaei, M.R., Hosseini, S.H., Gharehpetian, G.B., “Inter-line Dynamic Voltage Restorer Control Using A Novel Optimum Energy Consumption Strategy,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 14: 989–999 (2006).
Babaei, E., Hosseini, S.H., Gharehpetian, G.B., Tarafdar Haque, M., Sabahi, M., “Reduction of dc voltage sources and switches in asymmetrical multilevel converters using a novel topology”, Electric Power Systems Research, 1073–1085 (2007).
Vilathgamuwa, D. M., Wijekoon, H. M., Choi, S.S., “Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer: A Novel and Economical Approach for Multiline Power Quality Compensation”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40(6): 1678–1685 (2004).
Bernadini, A.D., Marie-Cecile, P., Garnier, J., Hissel, D., Coquery, G. , Kauffmann, J. M., “Fuel cells experimental validation of 1 kW parallel twin stack PEFC generator based on high frequency magnetic coupling dedicated to on board power unit”, Elsevier J Energy Convers Manage, 49: 2367–83 (2008).
Blaabeorg, F., Chen, Z., Kjaer, S.B., “Power electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems”, IEEE Trans Power Electron., 19(5): 1184–94 (2004).
Cheng, K. W. E., Sutanto, D., Ho, Y. L., Law, K. K., “Exploring the power conditioning system for fuel cell”, in Proc. Conference record of PESC 2001, 2197–2202 (2001).
Peng, F.Z., McKeever, J.W., Adams, D.J., “A power line conditioner using cascade multilevel inverters for distribution systems”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 34 (6): 1293–1298 (1998).
Chung, S.K., “Transient characterisctis of high- voltage discountinous conduction mode”, IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., 151(5): 628-634 (September 2004). in
Srinivasan, S., Venkataramanan, G., “Comparative evaluation of PWM AC-AC converters”, in Proc. IEEE Power Electronic Specialist Conference, PESC June 1995, 1: 529-535 (1995).
Enjeti, P.N., Choi, S., “An approach to realize higher power ac controller”, in Proc. IEEE. APEC, 323–327 (1993).
Ajami, A. and Salary, E., “Active Power Filter based on Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences And Technologies, 7(2): 313 – 318 (2011).
Zanchetta, P., Sumner, M., Marinelli, M., Cupertino, F., “Experimental modeling and control design of shunt active power filters”, Control Engineering Practice, 17: 1126 – 1135 (May 2009).
Teke, A., Saribulut, L., Emin Meral, M., Tumay, M, “Active Power Filter: Review of Converter Topologies and Control Strategies”, Gazi University Journal of Science (GU J Sci), 24(2): 283-289 (2011).
Peng, F.Z., McKeever, J.W., Adams, D.J., “A power line conditioner using cascade multilevel inverters for distribution systems”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 34 (6): 1293–1298 (1998).
Year 2013,
Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 39 - 47, 30.09.2013
IEEE Std. 1159 – 1995, “Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality”.
Rudnick, H., Dixon, J., Moran, L., “Delivering clean and pure power”, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 1: 32– 40 (2003).
Vilathgamuwa, D., Wijekoon, M., Choi, S.S., “A Novel Technique to Compensate Voltage Sags in Multiline Dynamic Voltage Restorer”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 53(5): 1603-1611 (2006).
Banaei, M.R., Hosseini, S.H., Khanmohamadi, S., Gharehpetian, G.B., “Verification of a new energy control strategy for dynamic voltage restorer by simulation”, Elsevier J. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory, 14 (2): 112–125 (2006).
Banaei, M.R., Hosseini, S.H., Gharehpetian, G.B., “Inter-line Dynamic Voltage Restorer Control Using A Novel Optimum Energy Consumption Strategy,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 14: 989–999 (2006).
Babaei, E., Hosseini, S.H., Gharehpetian, G.B., Tarafdar Haque, M., Sabahi, M., “Reduction of dc voltage sources and switches in asymmetrical multilevel converters using a novel topology”, Electric Power Systems Research, 1073–1085 (2007).
Vilathgamuwa, D. M., Wijekoon, H. M., Choi, S.S., “Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer: A Novel and Economical Approach for Multiline Power Quality Compensation”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40(6): 1678–1685 (2004).
Bernadini, A.D., Marie-Cecile, P., Garnier, J., Hissel, D., Coquery, G. , Kauffmann, J. M., “Fuel cells experimental validation of 1 kW parallel twin stack PEFC generator based on high frequency magnetic coupling dedicated to on board power unit”, Elsevier J Energy Convers Manage, 49: 2367–83 (2008).
Blaabeorg, F., Chen, Z., Kjaer, S.B., “Power electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems”, IEEE Trans Power Electron., 19(5): 1184–94 (2004).
Cheng, K. W. E., Sutanto, D., Ho, Y. L., Law, K. K., “Exploring the power conditioning system for fuel cell”, in Proc. Conference record of PESC 2001, 2197–2202 (2001).
Peng, F.Z., McKeever, J.W., Adams, D.J., “A power line conditioner using cascade multilevel inverters for distribution systems”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 34 (6): 1293–1298 (1998).
Chung, S.K., “Transient characterisctis of high- voltage discountinous conduction mode”, IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., 151(5): 628-634 (September 2004). in
Srinivasan, S., Venkataramanan, G., “Comparative evaluation of PWM AC-AC converters”, in Proc. IEEE Power Electronic Specialist Conference, PESC June 1995, 1: 529-535 (1995).
Enjeti, P.N., Choi, S., “An approach to realize higher power ac controller”, in Proc. IEEE. APEC, 323–327 (1993).
Ajami, A. and Salary, E., “Active Power Filter based on Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences And Technologies, 7(2): 313 – 318 (2011).
Zanchetta, P., Sumner, M., Marinelli, M., Cupertino, F., “Experimental modeling and control design of shunt active power filters”, Control Engineering Practice, 17: 1126 – 1135 (May 2009).
Teke, A., Saribulut, L., Emin Meral, M., Tumay, M, “Active Power Filter: Review of Converter Topologies and Control Strategies”, Gazi University Journal of Science (GU J Sci), 24(2): 283-289 (2011).
Peng, F.Z., McKeever, J.W., Adams, D.J., “A power line conditioner using cascade multilevel inverters for distribution systems”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 34 (6): 1293–1298 (1998).
Banaeı, M. R., & Salary, E. (2013). Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on High-Frequency Isolated DC-DC Converter. Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 1(3), 39-47.