Research Article
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Designing The Place via Text: Imaginary Places in Design Studio

Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 13 - 26, 15.12.2017


The aim of this article to discuss the relationship
between text and representation in the context of literature and architecture.
In this direction, the article exemplifies that narrative and representation of
narrative subjects over studio products. “The Dictionary of Imaginary Places”
is used as a tool in interdisciplinary knowlege production. Scenarios which are
produced over the places that takes place in the book are an example of a
fiction in design studio both as conceptual and as formal. The studio which is
performed with third-grade architecture students, carries out with 2 coordinators
and 17 students, for this article it includes 6 student projects to exemplify


Nowadays, designing with the text has a crucial potential
to be a representation tool in creating place and space. Tool and method
togetherness of a narrative in design studio, make the role of student
important in architectural education as a unique approach. With this aspect,
the article is a creative example of architectural representation of narratives
concerning place.


Human, language, concept, place/space -the common topics
of literature and architecture- are effective in reproducing the relationship
between text and representation as architectural knowledge. In conclusion,
textual representation of architecture with its rich meaning possibilities has
a claim to provide a new perspective that enables an interdisciplinary method
model in design education.


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  • [24] Balık, D., Allmer, A., “This is not a mountain!: simulation, imitation and representation in the Mountain Dwellings Project, Copenhagen”, Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol 19:1, 30-40, (2015). S. 37.
  • [25] Sönmez, E., “Temsil Üzerinden Mimarlığa Bakış”, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümü, İstanbul, (2007).
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  • [28] Gürer, E., “Katmanlı Mekân Kavrayışı”, Mimarist, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, Yıl 16, Sayı 56, 34, (2016).
  • [29] Allmer, A., “Orhan Pamuk’s ‘Museum of Innocence’: on architecture, narrative and the art of collecting”, Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol 13:2, 163-172, (2009).
  • [30] Tuğluk, A., “Servet-i Fünûn Romanında Mekân”, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, Malatya, (2012).
Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 13 - 26, 15.12.2017



  • [1] Gür, Ş.Ö., “Yeri Okumak”, Kent Merkezlerinde Yaya İzleri Sempozyum ve Atölye Çalışması, Çağrılı Konuşmacı, 11-14 Mart 2015, Trabzon, 12, (2015).
  • [2] Manguel, A., Guadalupi, G., Hayali Yerler Sözlüğü (Özgün Adı: (Saint-Yves d ’Alveyrdre, Mission de l ’lnde en Europe, Paris, 1885), Cilt I-II, 3. Baskı, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, (2013).
  • [3] Milford, A.M., Önsöz, Hayali Yerler Sözlüğü, Cilt I-II, 3. Baskı, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 9-11, (1980).
  • [4] Dutton, T., “The Hidden Curriculum and the Design Studio: Toward a Critical Studio Pedagogy”, Voices in Architectural Education-Cultural Politics and Pedagogy, Bergin & Carvey, (1991).
  • [5] Jones, C.J., Design Methods 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, (1992).
  • [6] Oxman, R., “Theory and Design in the First Digital Age”, Design Studies, Vol 27:3, 229-265, (2006).
  • [7] Turan, B.O., “21. Yüzyıl Tasarım Ortamında Süreç, Biçim ve Temsil İlişkisi”, Megaron Dergisi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Cilt 6, Sayı 3, 162-170, (2011).
  • [8] Hisarlıgil, B.B., “Franz Kafka in the Design Studio: A Hermeneutic‐Phenomenological Approach to Architectural Design Education”, International Journal of Art & Design Education, Vol 31:3, 256-264, (2012).
  • [9] McKellar, J., Stein, D., “Interdisciplinary Education for the Architect”, Journal of Architectural Education, Vol 29:3, 34-35, (1976).
  • [10] Norris, C., Benjamin, A., “Deconstruction, Post-Modenism and the Visual Arts”, What is Deconstruction?, Academy Editions, London, 7-31, (1998).
  • [11] Gadamer, H.G., Philosophical Hermeneutics, University of California Press, California, (2008).
  • [12] Derrida, J., Margins of Philosophy, (trans. Alan Bass), Harvester, Brighton, 16, (1988).
  • [13] Jefferson, A., Robey, D., Modern Literary Theory, Batsfod Ltd, (1996).
  • [14] Durmuş, S., “The Book Between The Text & Architecture: Usûl-i Mi’mârî-i Osmanî”, Theory of Architecture Symposium/ARCHTHEO 2014 Proceedings, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 6-8 November 2014, İstanbul, 265-270, (2014).
  • [15] Allmer, A., “In-between Stage Life and Everyday Life: Curtains and Their Pictoral Representations”, Textile, Vol 6:1, 18-31, (2008).
  • [16] Çağlar, N., Ultav, Z.T., “Emile Zola Yazınından Mimari/Kentsel Mekâna Dair Okumalar ve Düşünceler”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Ankara, Cilt 21, Sayı 2, 43-60, (2004).
  • [17] Somer, P.M., Erdem, A., “Mimari Temsilde Ekfrasis: Danteum ve Masumiyet Müzesi Üzerine”, Megaron Dergisi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Cilt 10, Sayı 2, 179-194, (2015).
  • [18] Lefebvre, H., The Production of Space, Rethinking Architecture: a reader in cultural theory, Routledge, London, 138-146, (2002).
  • [19] Harvey, D., The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change, Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, 242-246, (19.92)
  • [20] Calvino, I., Görünmez Kentler, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, (2004).
  • [21] Pérez-Gómez, A., Polyphilo or The Dark Forest Revisited: An Erotic Epiphany of Architecture, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, (1994).
  • [22] Derrida, J., “Architecture Where The Desire May Live (Interview)”, Ed.: N. Leach, Rethinking Architecture, Routledge, London, 319-323, (1998).
  • [23] Foucault, M., This is Not a Pipe, Ed.: J. Harkness, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 19-23, 47-48, (1982).
  • [24] Balık, D., Allmer, A., “This is not a mountain!: simulation, imitation and representation in the Mountain Dwellings Project, Copenhagen”, Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol 19:1, 30-40, (2015). S. 37.
  • [25] Sönmez, E., “Temsil Üzerinden Mimarlığa Bakış”, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümü, İstanbul, (2007).
  • [26] Lawson, B., How Designer Think 4th Edition, Architectural Press, Oxford, (2006).
  • [27] Fischer, G., Mimarlık ve Dil, (çev. F. Erkman Akerson), Daimon Yayınları, İstanbul, (2015).
  • [28] Gürer, E., “Katmanlı Mekân Kavrayışı”, Mimarist, Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, İstanbul, Yıl 16, Sayı 56, 34, (2016).
  • [29] Allmer, A., “Orhan Pamuk’s ‘Museum of Innocence’: on architecture, narrative and the art of collecting”, Architectural Research Quarterly, Vol 13:2, 163-172, (2009).
  • [30] Tuğluk, A., “Servet-i Fünûn Romanında Mekân”, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnönü Üniversitesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, Malatya, (2012).
There are 30 citations in total.


Journal Section Architecture

SERAP Durmuş Öztürk

NİLGÜN Kuloğlu

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Submission Date June 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 4


APA Durmuş Öztürk, S., & Kuloğlu, N. (2017). Designing The Place via Text: Imaginary Places in Design Studio. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 5(4), 13-26.