Year 2020,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 681 - 691, 28.12.2020
Serkan Güneş
Abdullah Togay
- Baudel, F. (1995). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean world in the age of Philip II (S. Reynolds Trans.). California: University of California Press (Original work published 1949)
- Berg, M. (1994). The age of manufactures, 1700-1820: Industry, innovation and work in Britain (2nd ed.), London: Routledge.
- Bhaskar, R. (1978). A realist theory of science (2nd ed.), Hassocks: Harvester Press.
- Bonsiepe, G. (2006). Design and democracy. Design Issues, 22(2), 27-34.
- Buchanan, R. (2001). Human dignity and human rights: Thoughts on the principles of human-centered design. Design Issues, 17(3), 35-39.
- Cross, N. (1972). Design participation. London: Academy Editions.
- Davenport, T. H. (2005). The coming commoditization of processes. Harvard Business Review, 83(6), 100-108.
- De Spinoza, B. (2015). Ethics: Demonstrated in geometrical order (R. H. M. Elwes Trans.) North Charleston: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform (Original work published 1677)
- Dewey, J. (1981). The later works V. 1. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
- DiSalvo, C. (2010). Design, democracy and agonistic pluralism. In D. Durling (Eds). Design and Complexity. Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference, (pp. 366-371), Montréal: Design Research Society.
- Ford,H., Crowther, S. (1922). My life and work. New York: Doubleday.
- Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere (T. Burger & F. Lawrence Trans.). Massachusetts: MIT Press. (Original work published 1962)
- Heidegger, M. (1996). Being and time (J. Stambaugh, Trans.). Albany: State University of New York Press. (Original work published 1927)
- Howe, J. (2008). Crowdsourcing: Why the power of the crowd is driving the future of business. New York: Crown Publishing.
- Kemp, T. (1971). Economic forces in French history. London: Dobson Books.
- Kirchheimer, O. (1966). The transformation of the Western European party systems. In LaPalombara, J. & Weiner (Eds.), Political parties and political development. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Locke, J. (1988). Two treatises of government (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Original work published 1689)
- Mancart,O. (1997). Post-Foundational political thought: Political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Manzini, E. (2015). Design, when everyone designs. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Margolin, V. & Margolin, S. (2002). A “Social Model” of design: Issues of practice and research, Design Issues, 18 (4), 24- 30.
- Martin, R. (1997). The system of rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Marx, K. (1992). Capital: Volume I (B. Fowkes Trans.). London: Penguin Classics (Original work published 1867)
- Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
- Mauborgne,R., Kim, W.C. (2005). Blue ocean strategy, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
- Mooers, C. (1991). The making of bourgeois Europe. London: Verso.
- Nicholson, G. (1996). The ontological difference. American Philosophical Quarterly, 33(4), 357-374
- Nozick, R. (2013). Anarchy, state, and utopia. New York: Basic Books.
- Papanek, V. (1972). Design for the real world. New York: Pantheon Books.
- Schumpeter, J.A., (2008). Capitalism, socialism and democracy (3rd ed.). New York: Harper Perennial (Original work published 1942).
- Solomon, R. (1972). From Rationalism to existentialism: The existentialists and their nineteenth-century backgrounds. New York: Harper & Row.
- Surowiecki, J. (2005). Wisdom of crowds. New York: Anchor Books.
- Wallerstein, I. (1997). The capitalist world economy (11th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Weber, M. (2003). General economic history (F. Knight, Trans.). New York: Dover Publications (Original work published 1927)
- Weber, M. (2013). The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. New York: Routledge (Original work published 1930)
Year 2020,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 681 - 691, 28.12.2020
Serkan Güneş
Abdullah Togay
In this paper, we propose an approach to establish a relationship between creativity in design and institutionalized democracy types according to individual ontology and the quality of representation. To conceptualize this approach, this paper addresses the question of how design can be a natural right and how can the capitalist system dull this right. This paper also examines the role of the quality of representation of consumers and introduces the importance of participatory design practices to satisfy real human needs based on the proposed concept of “right to design” and governance.
- Baudel, F. (1995). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean world in the age of Philip II (S. Reynolds Trans.). California: University of California Press (Original work published 1949)
- Berg, M. (1994). The age of manufactures, 1700-1820: Industry, innovation and work in Britain (2nd ed.), London: Routledge.
- Bhaskar, R. (1978). A realist theory of science (2nd ed.), Hassocks: Harvester Press.
- Bonsiepe, G. (2006). Design and democracy. Design Issues, 22(2), 27-34.
- Buchanan, R. (2001). Human dignity and human rights: Thoughts on the principles of human-centered design. Design Issues, 17(3), 35-39.
- Cross, N. (1972). Design participation. London: Academy Editions.
- Davenport, T. H. (2005). The coming commoditization of processes. Harvard Business Review, 83(6), 100-108.
- De Spinoza, B. (2015). Ethics: Demonstrated in geometrical order (R. H. M. Elwes Trans.) North Charleston: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform (Original work published 1677)
- Dewey, J. (1981). The later works V. 1. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
- DiSalvo, C. (2010). Design, democracy and agonistic pluralism. In D. Durling (Eds). Design and Complexity. Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference, (pp. 366-371), Montréal: Design Research Society.
- Ford,H., Crowther, S. (1922). My life and work. New York: Doubleday.
- Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere (T. Burger & F. Lawrence Trans.). Massachusetts: MIT Press. (Original work published 1962)
- Heidegger, M. (1996). Being and time (J. Stambaugh, Trans.). Albany: State University of New York Press. (Original work published 1927)
- Howe, J. (2008). Crowdsourcing: Why the power of the crowd is driving the future of business. New York: Crown Publishing.
- Kemp, T. (1971). Economic forces in French history. London: Dobson Books.
- Kirchheimer, O. (1966). The transformation of the Western European party systems. In LaPalombara, J. & Weiner (Eds.), Political parties and political development. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Locke, J. (1988). Two treatises of government (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Original work published 1689)
- Mancart,O. (1997). Post-Foundational political thought: Political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Manzini, E. (2015). Design, when everyone designs. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Margolin, V. & Margolin, S. (2002). A “Social Model” of design: Issues of practice and research, Design Issues, 18 (4), 24- 30.
- Martin, R. (1997). The system of rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Marx, K. (1992). Capital: Volume I (B. Fowkes Trans.). London: Penguin Classics (Original work published 1867)
- Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
- Mauborgne,R., Kim, W.C. (2005). Blue ocean strategy, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
- Mooers, C. (1991). The making of bourgeois Europe. London: Verso.
- Nicholson, G. (1996). The ontological difference. American Philosophical Quarterly, 33(4), 357-374
- Nozick, R. (2013). Anarchy, state, and utopia. New York: Basic Books.
- Papanek, V. (1972). Design for the real world. New York: Pantheon Books.
- Schumpeter, J.A., (2008). Capitalism, socialism and democracy (3rd ed.). New York: Harper Perennial (Original work published 1942).
- Solomon, R. (1972). From Rationalism to existentialism: The existentialists and their nineteenth-century backgrounds. New York: Harper & Row.
- Surowiecki, J. (2005). Wisdom of crowds. New York: Anchor Books.
- Wallerstein, I. (1997). The capitalist world economy (11th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Weber, M. (2003). General economic history (F. Knight, Trans.). New York: Dover Publications (Original work published 1927)
- Weber, M. (2013). The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. New York: Routledge (Original work published 1930)