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Job Search And Occupational Gender Segregation In The Informal Labour Market: The Case Of Beypazari, Turkey

Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 31 - 47, 02.04.2013


In the 1980s, especially in the developed economies, tourism became a viable strategy to be competitive. The tourism-led local economy of Beypazarı (Turkey) is an important case, which has faced a booming of the traditional food production sector, that in turn led to the gender based segregation of the female within the sector. This study is designed to explain how social contacts influence the matching of jobs to female workers with respect to gender structure and spatial and social relationships. The in-depth interviews show that job search processes, especially community based social contacts, together with active role of municipality have further segregated older, less educated, less skilled and cheaper female labour.

Key words: Beypazari, informal female labour, job segregation, social networks, traditional food production, Turkey


  • Abadan-Unat, N. Women, “In The Developing World: Evidence From Turkey”, University Of Denver Press, Denver (1986).
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Year 2013, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 31 - 47, 02.04.2013



  • Abadan-Unat, N. Women, “In The Developing World: Evidence From Turkey”, University Of Denver Press, Denver (1986).
  • Agarwal, S., “Global-Local Interactions In English Coastal Tourism Geographies, 7.4: 351–72 (2005). Perspectives”,
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  • Kasnakoğlu, Z, Dayioğlu, M., “Female Labour Force Participation And Earnings Differentials Between Genders In Turkey. In: H. M. Rives And M. Yousefi (Eds.)”, Economic Dimensions Of Gender Inequality: A Global Perspective, Praeger, Westport, Ct, 95– 117 (1997).
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  • Mattingly, D. J., “Job Search, Social Networks, And Local Labour Market Dynamics: The Case Of Paid Household Work In San Diego, California”, Urban Geography, 20.1: 46–74 (1999).
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  • Olfert, M. R., Moebis, D. M., “The Spatial Gender Economy Segregation”, The Review Of Regional Studies, 36.1: 44–62 (2006). Based Occupational
  • Özmen, C. A., “Efforts And Effects Of Local Economic Development: The Case Of Beypazari”, Unpublished Technical University, Çankaya Ankara, Turkey Middle East
  • Pahl, R. E., “Some Remarks On Informal Work, Social Polarization And The Social Structure”, International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, 12.2:247–67 (1988).
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Primary Language English
Journal Section City and Regional Planning

Fatma Erdoganaras This is me

Nilgun Gorertamer

Ulku Duman Yuksel This is me

Publication Date April 2, 2013
Submission Date April 2, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Erdoganaras, F., Gorertamer, N., & Duman Yuksel, U. (2013). Job Search And Occupational Gender Segregation In The Informal Labour Market: The Case Of Beypazari, Turkey. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 1(2), 31-47.