Cross-Cutting Issues on The Right To Life in
The Context of Law
Year 2015,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 117 - 138, 01.12.2015
Sevinj Jabrayilova-shener
Ceninin hukuki durumu ve kadının ureme sağlığıyla ilgili kesişen konular sıkca tartışılan konulardandır. Bu hukuki tahlillere dayanan makalede ceninin hukuki durumunun oğelerinden olan doğmamış cocuğun tam ve sağ doğumuna bağlı olarak gercekleşen kişilik haklarından, Avrupa Temel İnsan Hakları Sozleşmesinde muğallak olan hayatın zaman sınırdan, tıbbi hukukun son zamanlarda gelişmeye başladığı Azerbaycan mevduatından konu edilmektedir.
- American Convention on Human Rights, Pact of San Jose, Costa Rica, 1969
- André Janssen, (2002), The New Regulation of Voluntary Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands, Int J Law Policy Family (2002) 16(2): 260-269
- Aydin Ünver, Tülay: Ceninin Hukuki Konumu, Xİİ Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2011, s. 17
- Aynur Ramazanova, (2014), Abortion Rates in Azerbaijan, social, http://crrc-caucasus.blogspot. com/2014/05/abortion-rates-in-azerbaijan.html
- Ben Saul, David Kinley and Jaqueline Lowbray, (2014), The International Covenant on Economic, Social
- and Cultural Rights: Commentary, cases and materials, Oxford University Press, London, Great Britain. p. 798
- Bernadette Rainey and et. al,(2014), Jakobs, White and Ovey, Oxford University Press, Sixth Edition, p. 166; see also at A. Plomer, A Faetal Right to Life?, The Case of Vo. v. France (2005),5 HRLR 311
- V. Božidar BANOVIC and Veljko TURANJANIN, (2014), Euthanasia: Murder or Not: A Comparative Approach, in Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2014 Oct; 43(10): 1316–1323
- Brigit Thoebes, the Right to Health, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Textbook, Asbjorn Eide, v.d. (ed.), Dodrecht/Boston/London, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (Second revised Edition), 2001,p. 170
- Campbell S. (1980), Diagnosis of fetal abnormalities by ultrasound, in Milunski A (ed) Genetic Disorders and the fetus. Plenum, New York, pp.431-467
- CESCR, Concluding Observations: Kazakhstan, E/C.12/KAZ/CO/1, (7 June 2010), para. 133 Nicaragua E/C.12/NIC/CO/4, (28 November 2008), para.26
- CESCR, Concluding Observations: Mauritius, E/C.12/MUS/CO/4, (8 June 2010), para. 25
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2000
- Dana J. Lawrence, 2007, The Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics: A Foundation for Current Bioethical Debate, Journal of Chiropractic Humanities, p. 35
- Erdem Aydın, Nermin Ersoy, Tıp Etiğı İlkeleri, T Klin Tıbbi Etik, 1995, 2-3, s. 52
- Erhan Büken, Nüket Örnek Büken, Yasal ve Etik Yönleriyle Türkiyede Tıbbi Malpraktı, Ed. Ayşegül Demirhan Erdemir ve dig. Çağdaş Tıp Etiği, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleriç İstanbul 2003, p. 163
- Factsheet of the UK Organization Birthrights: protecting human rights in childbirth on Human Rights in maternity care
- Francisco Forest, Martin Stephen and, (2006), International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: treaties, cases and analysis, Cambridge University Press, USA, First edition, p. 333
- Jonathan Herring (2014), Medical Law and Ethics, Ch.9 Dying and Death, p.519
- Henderson JT, Harper CC, Gutin S, et al. Routine bimanual pelvic examinations: practices and beliefs of US obstetrician-gynecologists. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 208:109.e1-7
- Iqbal H. Shah, Elisabeth Åhman and Nuriye Ortayli, “Access to Safe Abortion: Progress and Challenges since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)”, Background Paper No. 3, p. 13
- Jakob Pichon, Does the Unborn Child Have a Right to Life? The Insufficient Answer of the European Court of Human Rights in the Judgment Vo v. France, in German Law Journal Vol. 07, No. 04, (2006), pp. 435-436
- Kamil Sarıtaş, 2012, Kürtajın Ahlakiliği Sorunu/ Ethicality Problem of Abortion, İnternational Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 5, p.587-608, p.590
- VI. Kathy Waldman, (2014 Jan.), Does Looking at the Ultrasound Before an Abortion Change Women’s Minds? see at abortion_a_new_study_finds_that_for_a_small.html [Accessed on 21 June 2014]
- Linda M. Keller, (2001), Indivisibility of Economic and Political Rights, in Human Rights and Human Welfare, Vol.1:3, A review of Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen. New York: Knopf, 1999 (Paperback Edition: Random House, 2000). 366 pp., p. 10
- Linda J. Mad, General Principles of Human Rights Law Recognized by All Nations: Freedom From
- Arbitrary Arrest and Detention, 10 CAL. W. INT’L LJ. 272,301-02 (1980)
- Marc Groenhuijsen, (2007), Euthanasia and the Criminal Justice System, in Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 11.3, p. 21
- Mehmet Emin Özgül, (2010), Yeni Tıbbi Yöntemlerin Hukuka Uyğunluğu, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul, Türkiye, p. 95
- Michael Cholbi (2007), Self-manslaughter and the forensic classification of self-inflicted death, in J Med Ethics 2007;33:155–157
- Neil Moonie, (2005), Health and Social Care, Heinemann Educational Publishers, p. 25
- Norman St. John-Stevas, (2002). Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States, BeardBooks Washington D.C. p.264
- Quoted in Debating the Moral Status of the Embryo, (July-Aug. 2014), Harward magazine
- VII. J. Pereira, Erratum Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: the illusion of safeguards and controls, in Current Oncology—Volume 19, Number 3, June 2012; Curr Oncol 2011;18:e38–45. Published online April 4, 2011; corrected after publication May 14, 2012
- D. Petchesky R. P. (1984) “Abortion and Woman’s Choice” Northeasterm University; see also Melissa Masden (1992), Pe-Natal Testing and Selective Abortion: The Development of a Feminist Disability Rights Perspective in Women With Disabilities Australia (WWA) online journal,
- A.E. Reading and S. Campbell, (1982), The psychological effects of Ultrasound Scanning and in Pregnancy, in Advances in Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.371-373;
- Rita Joseph, (2009), Human Rights and the Unborn Child, (2009), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Chapter 13, p. 266, p.210
- Russel S. Fischer, 1951, Criminal Abortion, 42 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, p. 242
- VIII. Sanja Tomasovic and Maja Predojevic, 4D Ultrasound - Medical Devices for Recent Advances on the Etiology of Cerebral Palsy, (Online Article),
- Sharon Detrick, (1999), A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Hague, the Netherlands, p. 135
- Sultan Tahmazoglu Üzeltürk, Anayasa hükuku açısından sağlık hakkı (Ulusal ve Uluslararası boyutuyla), Legal Yayincilik San. Ve Tic. LTD.ŞTİ, İstanbul, Türkiye, (2012), p. 3, İSBN: 978-605-4354-57-3
- Saunders C. Terminal care in medical oncology. In: Begshawe KD, editor. Medical oncology. Oxford: Blackwell; 1975. pp. 563–76
- M. Sherif Bassiouni, (1994), Human Rights in the Context of Criminal Justice: identifying international procedural protections and equiavalent protections in national constitutions, in Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, Vol. (3), pp.235-297, p.248
- Sybe A. de Vries, Balancing Fundamental Rights with Economic Freedoms According to the European Court of Justice, in Utrecht Law Review, Volume 9, Issue 1 (January) 2013, pp. 169-192; p. 177
- TERRY BRANTLEY (1996), People v. Kevorkian: Michigan’s Supreme Court Leads the Way in Declaring No Fundamental Right to Assist Another in Suicide, in Mercer Law Review Vol. 47, (1996), 1191-1199, at 1192
- Turkish Civil Code, Law N. 4721, dated 7/12/2002
- UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Fact Sheet No. 31, The Right to Health, June 2008, No. 31
- UNGA Report, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, A/61/338, para. 13
- UNFPA, The Danish Institute for Human Rights and OHCHR (2014), Reproductive Rights are Human Rights: A handbook for national Human Rights Institutions: United Nations
- UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), CCPR General Comment No. 6: Article 6 (Right to Life), 30 April 1982, available at: [accessed 29 January 2016]
- Yuelian Sun,Yan Che,, Ersheng Gao, Jİrn Olsen and Weijin Zhou, (2003),Induced abortion and risk of subsequent miscarriage, in Oxford Journals,, [online article]
- Zylicz Z, Finlay IG.(1999), Euthanasia and palliative care: reflections from The Netherlands and the UK. J R Soc Med. 1999;92:370–3 Cases:
- Lanham D (1990), the Right to choose to die with dignity 14 Crim L J (16) 401-30
- R.v Adomako [1995] 1 AC 171; [1994] 3 WLR 288, [1994] 3 All ER 79, 99 Cr App R 362, HL
- R v Bateman (1925) 19 Cr App R 8, (1925)? Cox 33, [1925] All ER Rep 45, CCA
- E. Cobbs v. Grant, 8 Cal. 3d 229, 502 P.2d 1, 104 Cal. Rptr. 505 (Cal. 1972) p. 240; para. 38 F.
- Makaratzis v. Greece, (App. No. 50385/99) (2004) Judgment 20.12. 2004 [Grand Chamber], para. 29, p. 20
- Vo v France ECtHR, judgment of 8 July 2004, no. 53924/00, para.84
Cross-Cutting Issues on The Right To Life in The Context of Law
Year 2015,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 117 - 138, 01.12.2015
Sevinj Jabrayilova-shener
C ross-cutting issues in relation to the legal status of a fetus and the reproductive rights of woman are some of the most discussed issues. This paper legally analyzes the elements of the status of the fetus by focusing on the capacity of the personality of an unborn child, which depends on the complete and live birth of an infant, the time limit of the life that is vague within the European Convention on Human Rights, and the national laws of Azerbaijan, where medicine has just recently started progressing
- American Convention on Human Rights, Pact of San Jose, Costa Rica, 1969
- André Janssen, (2002), The New Regulation of Voluntary Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands, Int J Law Policy Family (2002) 16(2): 260-269
- Aydin Ünver, Tülay: Ceninin Hukuki Konumu, Xİİ Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2011, s. 17
- Aynur Ramazanova, (2014), Abortion Rates in Azerbaijan, social, http://crrc-caucasus.blogspot. com/2014/05/abortion-rates-in-azerbaijan.html
- Ben Saul, David Kinley and Jaqueline Lowbray, (2014), The International Covenant on Economic, Social
- and Cultural Rights: Commentary, cases and materials, Oxford University Press, London, Great Britain. p. 798
- Bernadette Rainey and et. al,(2014), Jakobs, White and Ovey, Oxford University Press, Sixth Edition, p. 166; see also at A. Plomer, A Faetal Right to Life?, The Case of Vo. v. France (2005),5 HRLR 311
- V. Božidar BANOVIC and Veljko TURANJANIN, (2014), Euthanasia: Murder or Not: A Comparative Approach, in Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2014 Oct; 43(10): 1316–1323
- Brigit Thoebes, the Right to Health, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Textbook, Asbjorn Eide, v.d. (ed.), Dodrecht/Boston/London, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, (Second revised Edition), 2001,p. 170
- Campbell S. (1980), Diagnosis of fetal abnormalities by ultrasound, in Milunski A (ed) Genetic Disorders and the fetus. Plenum, New York, pp.431-467
- CESCR, Concluding Observations: Kazakhstan, E/C.12/KAZ/CO/1, (7 June 2010), para. 133 Nicaragua E/C.12/NIC/CO/4, (28 November 2008), para.26
- CESCR, Concluding Observations: Mauritius, E/C.12/MUS/CO/4, (8 June 2010), para. 25
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2000
- Dana J. Lawrence, 2007, The Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics: A Foundation for Current Bioethical Debate, Journal of Chiropractic Humanities, p. 35
- Erdem Aydın, Nermin Ersoy, Tıp Etiğı İlkeleri, T Klin Tıbbi Etik, 1995, 2-3, s. 52
- Erhan Büken, Nüket Örnek Büken, Yasal ve Etik Yönleriyle Türkiyede Tıbbi Malpraktı, Ed. Ayşegül Demirhan Erdemir ve dig. Çağdaş Tıp Etiği, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleriç İstanbul 2003, p. 163
- Factsheet of the UK Organization Birthrights: protecting human rights in childbirth on Human Rights in maternity care
- Francisco Forest, Martin Stephen and, (2006), International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: treaties, cases and analysis, Cambridge University Press, USA, First edition, p. 333
- Jonathan Herring (2014), Medical Law and Ethics, Ch.9 Dying and Death, p.519
- Henderson JT, Harper CC, Gutin S, et al. Routine bimanual pelvic examinations: practices and beliefs of US obstetrician-gynecologists. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 208:109.e1-7
- Iqbal H. Shah, Elisabeth Åhman and Nuriye Ortayli, “Access to Safe Abortion: Progress and Challenges since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)”, Background Paper No. 3, p. 13
- Jakob Pichon, Does the Unborn Child Have a Right to Life? The Insufficient Answer of the European Court of Human Rights in the Judgment Vo v. France, in German Law Journal Vol. 07, No. 04, (2006), pp. 435-436
- Kamil Sarıtaş, 2012, Kürtajın Ahlakiliği Sorunu/ Ethicality Problem of Abortion, İnternational Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 5, p.587-608, p.590
- VI. Kathy Waldman, (2014 Jan.), Does Looking at the Ultrasound Before an Abortion Change Women’s Minds? see at abortion_a_new_study_finds_that_for_a_small.html [Accessed on 21 June 2014]
- Linda M. Keller, (2001), Indivisibility of Economic and Political Rights, in Human Rights and Human Welfare, Vol.1:3, A review of Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen. New York: Knopf, 1999 (Paperback Edition: Random House, 2000). 366 pp., p. 10
- Linda J. Mad, General Principles of Human Rights Law Recognized by All Nations: Freedom From
- Arbitrary Arrest and Detention, 10 CAL. W. INT’L LJ. 272,301-02 (1980)
- Marc Groenhuijsen, (2007), Euthanasia and the Criminal Justice System, in Electronic Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 11.3, p. 21
- Mehmet Emin Özgül, (2010), Yeni Tıbbi Yöntemlerin Hukuka Uyğunluğu, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul, Türkiye, p. 95
- Michael Cholbi (2007), Self-manslaughter and the forensic classification of self-inflicted death, in J Med Ethics 2007;33:155–157
- Neil Moonie, (2005), Health and Social Care, Heinemann Educational Publishers, p. 25
- Norman St. John-Stevas, (2002). Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States, BeardBooks Washington D.C. p.264
- Quoted in Debating the Moral Status of the Embryo, (July-Aug. 2014), Harward magazine
- VII. J. Pereira, Erratum Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: the illusion of safeguards and controls, in Current Oncology—Volume 19, Number 3, June 2012; Curr Oncol 2011;18:e38–45. Published online April 4, 2011; corrected after publication May 14, 2012
- D. Petchesky R. P. (1984) “Abortion and Woman’s Choice” Northeasterm University; see also Melissa Masden (1992), Pe-Natal Testing and Selective Abortion: The Development of a Feminist Disability Rights Perspective in Women With Disabilities Australia (WWA) online journal,
- A.E. Reading and S. Campbell, (1982), The psychological effects of Ultrasound Scanning and in Pregnancy, in Advances in Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.371-373;
- Rita Joseph, (2009), Human Rights and the Unborn Child, (2009), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Chapter 13, p. 266, p.210
- Russel S. Fischer, 1951, Criminal Abortion, 42 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, p. 242
- VIII. Sanja Tomasovic and Maja Predojevic, 4D Ultrasound - Medical Devices for Recent Advances on the Etiology of Cerebral Palsy, (Online Article),
- Sharon Detrick, (1999), A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Hague, the Netherlands, p. 135
- Sultan Tahmazoglu Üzeltürk, Anayasa hükuku açısından sağlık hakkı (Ulusal ve Uluslararası boyutuyla), Legal Yayincilik San. Ve Tic. LTD.ŞTİ, İstanbul, Türkiye, (2012), p. 3, İSBN: 978-605-4354-57-3
- Saunders C. Terminal care in medical oncology. In: Begshawe KD, editor. Medical oncology. Oxford: Blackwell; 1975. pp. 563–76
- M. Sherif Bassiouni, (1994), Human Rights in the Context of Criminal Justice: identifying international procedural protections and equiavalent protections in national constitutions, in Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, Vol. (3), pp.235-297, p.248
- Sybe A. de Vries, Balancing Fundamental Rights with Economic Freedoms According to the European Court of Justice, in Utrecht Law Review, Volume 9, Issue 1 (January) 2013, pp. 169-192; p. 177
- TERRY BRANTLEY (1996), People v. Kevorkian: Michigan’s Supreme Court Leads the Way in Declaring No Fundamental Right to Assist Another in Suicide, in Mercer Law Review Vol. 47, (1996), 1191-1199, at 1192
- Turkish Civil Code, Law N. 4721, dated 7/12/2002
- UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Fact Sheet No. 31, The Right to Health, June 2008, No. 31
- UNGA Report, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, A/61/338, para. 13
- UNFPA, The Danish Institute for Human Rights and OHCHR (2014), Reproductive Rights are Human Rights: A handbook for national Human Rights Institutions: United Nations
- UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), CCPR General Comment No. 6: Article 6 (Right to Life), 30 April 1982, available at: [accessed 29 January 2016]
- Yuelian Sun,Yan Che,, Ersheng Gao, Jİrn Olsen and Weijin Zhou, (2003),Induced abortion and risk of subsequent miscarriage, in Oxford Journals,, [online article]
- Zylicz Z, Finlay IG.(1999), Euthanasia and palliative care: reflections from The Netherlands and the UK. J R Soc Med. 1999;92:370–3 Cases:
- Lanham D (1990), the Right to choose to die with dignity 14 Crim L J (16) 401-30
- R.v Adomako [1995] 1 AC 171; [1994] 3 WLR 288, [1994] 3 All ER 79, 99 Cr App R 362, HL
- R v Bateman (1925) 19 Cr App R 8, (1925)? Cox 33, [1925] All ER Rep 45, CCA
- E. Cobbs v. Grant, 8 Cal. 3d 229, 502 P.2d 1, 104 Cal. Rptr. 505 (Cal. 1972) p. 240; para. 38 F.
- Makaratzis v. Greece, (App. No. 50385/99) (2004) Judgment 20.12. 2004 [Grand Chamber], para. 29, p. 20
- Vo v France ECtHR, judgment of 8 July 2004, no. 53924/00, para.84