In our country, cadastral studies are performed by TKGM and changes that have been occurring after completion of cadastre are updated by Cadastre Directorate in line to request of related parties. However, changes which have been already carried out on the ground have not been reflected to cadastre sheets while there are not any requests. So that, cadastre sheets using currently are technically insufficient against the development of technologies, inapplicable and are starting to no longer reflect the ground. In the future respective of cadastre, making suitable cadastre sheets to recent conditions and current technologies, in other words necessity of renovation, keeping up to date of cadastre sheets have been arise out. With this respect in the study, the Cadastre sheets which had been lost actuality and insufficient had been examined in detail of TKGM’s usage in the renovation studies and, the cadastre sheets which are produced in our country had been evaluated on technical and legal perspectives. The renovation studies for cadastre sheets in Eskişehir province had been handled as of the pilot implementation area. 57,000,000 parcels have been produced by TKGM up today. In the result of review and evaluations which have been done by, at the first stage 8,100,000 parcels had been decided to renovate urgently
In our country, cadastral studies are performed by TKGM and changes that have been occurring after completion of cadastre are updated by Cadastre Directorate in line to request of related parties. However, changes which have been already carried out on the ground have not been reflected to cadastre sheets while there are not any requests. So that, cadastre sheets using currently are technically insufficient against the development of technologies, inapplicable and are starting to no longer reflect the ground. In the future respective of cadastre, making suitable cadastre sheets to recent conditions and current technologies, in other words necessity of renovation, keeping up to date of cadastre sheets have been arise out. With this respect in the study, the Cadastre sheets which had been lost actuality and insufficient had been examined in detail of TKGM’s usage in the renovation studies and, the cadastre sheets which are produced in our country had been evaluated on technical and legal perspectives. The renovation studies for cadastre sheets in Eskişehir province had been handled as of the pilot implementation area. 57,000,000 parcels have been produced by TKGM up today. In the result of review and evaluations which have been done by, at the first stage 8,100,000 parcels had been decided to renovate urgently.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 28, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2015 |